Beauty and the Beast TV toon Your first time......

KitKat71483 posted on Aug 26, 2012 at 03:38PM
The first time you watched the Beauty and the Beast series. Share with the rest of us. How old were you? What did you think? Did you not like it at first? Loved it from the beginning? Did you crush on Vincent? Devin? Did you go to look up the poetry that they read? The books that they read? Songs and music that they share? How did your first introduction to Beauty and the Beast go?
 The first time u watched the Beauty and the Beast series. Share with the rest of us. How old were

Beauty and the Beast TV toon 3 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden CrazyCatLady said…
I was in my twentys,and i Loved the show from the very first episode! i also Loved Vincent from the very first episode! and i thought then as i do now that Vincent is Beautiful! (Yes i had a very Big crush on Vincent!) i did read the poetry and the books they read,and i listened to the songs and music they did.i also bought a poster of vincent,2 journels with Vincent and Catherine on them and several book markers, and that lovely casset tape of poetry read by Ron Perlman.all of which i still have!
een jaar geleden KitKat71483 said…
I was 15 years old when it first came on in '87. And I promptly took over the tv set as it became my must watch show. I had fantasies about Vincent, all G rated back then. I loved and obsessed about this show. Bought poet shirts because thans to the World Below's dress code, they became cool with shawls and long coats.
I had a teeny tiny (read HUGE) crush on Vincent. Had recorded all the shows on VHS tapes, bought posters, cut pictures out of magazines for my own journal, bought the books that had been written from the episodes, bought the cassette tape, and took all of it with me to College. (Geek was I!)
Now, saving up to get the complete DVD set.

But, for the longest time I crushed on Vincent. Still do now that I discovered fanfic about 2 years ago.....well, guess I should say re-crushing on Vincent thanks to fanfic and youtube.
een jaar geleden FlightofFantasy said…
It was in 2009, I think, that I first watched BatB (I was 18 at the time). I had heard of it before, but had never seen it. I thought it was interesting when I first watched it, but didn't fall immediately in love with it. I watched the first few episodes before losing interest. A few months later, I watched the rest of season one and fell in love. I couldn't find seasons two or three anywhere online, so I bought the Complete Series on DVD and watched the whole show in a matter of weeks. I absolutely adore it now.
And yes, I had a crush on Vincent from the very first. Who didn't?