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Hot Property....
Episode 5: Natural born lovers

GG: hallo Upper East Siders, Yes we're back, Our trip is over. It's sad to leave, Rome had it's scandals but There's no place like home pagina for scandals and I'll choose Manhattan everytime...

(On the plane journey home)

Chuck and Blair and laughing, joking, chatting and just having fun on the plane.
They are playing a game with playing cards.
Blair has just won the game.

B: Yes! I win...again!
C: No. u cheated
B: No, I'm just better than you
C: Oh really? (Chuck reaches over to Blair and begins to tickle her, Blair laughs histerically)
B: Stop, Chuck...Stop...Your killing me
C: (Stops and holds her, then they both kiss)

Serena is looking back at them and smiles.

S: Oh, they're such a cute couple
D: Yeah Chuck bas, bass and Blair Waldorf now that truly is a match made in heaven...or hell
S: hallo that's my best friend your talking about
D: Okay, I'm sorry...But Chuck and Blair...
S: (Gives him evil stares) I thought u were working on your judgemental issues...
D: I am, I'm doing my very best
S: Good, Cos these are my friends, I kind of want u to get on with them
D: Serena u can't put us together, we're not compatibe, as I remember Chuck bas, bass refered to me as (does quotation marks) "Brooklyn Trash" (closes quotation marks)
S: Okay, If I tell them to try, will you?
D: Sure, u know I'm willing to make the effort...I'll give it 80%, that's the best I can do
S: Thank u (Serena kisses Dan)
D: Okay, I'll give it a 110%
S: (Smiles and kisses him again)

(At the Airport, Backage Pick Up)

Blair is stuggling trying to pick her bag up. Chuck runs to help her.

C: Hey, let me help you...
B: Oh thanks sweetie (Chuck takes the case and puts it on the trolley, Blair and Chuck start making out)
S: Oh get a room...
D: And door room we mean at home pagina and nowhere around this airport
B: (Chuck and Blair stop kissing) Oh I don't know, there has been odder places...
D: Oh suddenly to much information, Gag reflexes mulitplying
B: Ohh don't worry Humphrey I've got pleanty meer where they came from
D: Ohh, I'm so leaving (Dan walks off, Blair and Chuck laugh)

(Blair and Serena walk off, Nate kom bij Chuck)

N: So u and Blair, Back on?
C: Yeah, and that's it this time, We're done now
N: Well I'm happy for u man
C: u are? I thought you'd be pissed
N: Why? Me and Blair, That's acient history, u two make meer sense than me and her ever did
C: Thanks man, So what up with u and punky brewster?
N: Vanessa. Her names Vanessa and God knows, She hasn't replied to any of my calls
C: Take my advice, Stick to what u know, and that's Upper East, Lets face it worked for me

(Blair looks back and smiles and Chuck, Chuck smiles back)

B: Ohh S, I'm so happy
S: It's just great to see u happy, But what happened to Lucas?
B: Oh I don't know, After we had that fight, I guess he got the jet back home, But I don't think we'll be seeing eachother again...But I don't care...I have what I want
S: And u always get what u want in the end don't u B
B: It's true (both giggle)
S: So do u want a ride back of are u going with Chuck?
B: I think I'll go with Chuck, u don't mind do u S?
S: No, not at all, u two need some time together
B: Oh we wont today, Mom called earlier she's got some "big news"
S: Really?
B: Oh don't worry, She's probably just had another eye lift of botox
S: (grins)

(Later at the Waldorf Appartment)
Chuck's limo is pulling up outside.
(Inside the Limo, Chuck and Blair are kissing)

B: Chuck, I've got to go
C: I know (He continues to kiss her)
B: My Mom's waiting...
C:Do u have too?
B: Yes..I'll call u later (Blair gets out of the limo) Bye
C: (smiles)

Blair walks towards the appartment building with her cases.
Chuck steps out of the limo.
Eleanor is looking out the window.

C: Blair...
B: (Blair cloes her eyes and looks realved that Chuck has called her back, then turns around) Yes...
C: (Walks towards her and kisses her, Eleanor looks shocked and angry) Bye (Goes back into the limo)
B: Bye (smiles broadly, then enters the appartment)

GG: Spotted. Blair and Chuck making out outside the Waldorf Appartment. They certainly didn't waste anytime... Looks like Chuck really can change but for how long...

(In the Appartment)

Dorota is waiting to welcome Blair.
B: Dorota!
D: Miss Blair

Dorota goes to hug Blair but Blair rushes into the Appartment.

B: Mom... Mom...
E: (Comes out of the kitchen) Blair sweetie... (Eleanor hugs Blair) How was your trip?
B: Wonderful...It was just perfect...But what's this news?

(A Man walks in half naked from bedroom- His name is Ross Young, Blair looks shocked)

R: Honey...Where's that....? Oh hello...
B: (smiles nervously)
E: Blair this is is Ross Young
B: He's that alright, (mumbles) Who is he?
E: Blair this is my new friend...
B: (Ross puts on a shirt) Hi...What happened to Cyrus?
E: (avoiding the question) Ross is an actor u know...
B: No I didn't know...So Ross how old are you?
E: Blair!!
R: No it's okay, I'm 36
B: Wow, Here that mother...36!
E: Yes, I know Blair
B: So what happened to Cyrus?
R: I think u should tell her Eleanor...
E: We had a fight, In Milan...It's just over okay?
B: (speechless)
E: Anyway Ross...He has a daughter
B: Really...
R: Yes, She's not much older than u Blair, She's 18
B: Yeah great...So was this your news mother? That a week after u supposably break up with Cyrus u get yourself a toyboy
E: Stop being so unfair Blair
B: Ughh...
R: Well pompoen will be here later...
B: Pumpkin...
E: pompoen is his nickname for his daughter...Maybe u two could become friends
B: If u say so mother...Well this has been a very eventful week for me, So Dorota is going to unpack and I'm going out later
E: (Blair goes upstairs) u are not. For once u will stay here we're having a nice family meal.
B: Then why is Ross staying?
E: Get out of my sight
B: It's only been 7 days Mom, And you've already got someone new, they have word for that...

Blair goes up the stairs.

E: Oh and Blair, Hows Lucas?
B: I don't know, and don't care...
E: Yes he told me your story in Rome
R: Should I leave u two
B: Yes!
E: No u stay Ross,
B: Lucas spoke to you...
E: Yes poor boy was distraught, He told me everything, At least it was 7 days with me Blair, What was it with u seven minutes? Your a disgrace to this family...
B: Well the appel, apple doesn't fall very far from the boom then does it... Like mother like daughter. Ughh. (Blair goes to her room)

(In Blair's room)
Blair's eyes well-up with tears, she rubs them away quickly. She then sees she has a message on her phone from Chuck.

"Can't wait to see you, I'll pick u up at 7. Love u x

Blair smiles and giggles to herself, that she is happy.

E: (from downstairs) Blair! Ross's daughter is here, Come down here...
B: (looks annoyd and rolls her eyes) Fine!

Blair comes down the stairs.

E: Clean your face Blair, your a mess
B: (Clears her eyes)

Ross is in the elevator and pulls the arm of his daughter out of the elevator.

B: Oh My 'effin God!! (Shocked expression)
R: This is my daugher......Vanessa
V: Blair!?
B: Vanessa? (Looks shocked)

GG: OH...MY...GOD...B's Mom is dating V's Dad, This really is a clash of worlds, Just think B, She could be your new sister. Do I hear high pitched screams of a Queen B? Don't worry B you've still got Chuck, For now...You know u love me. xoxo Gossip Girl

 Happy Families..??
Happy Families..??
added by Mouraki
 'So the volgende time u forget, you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck bas, bass and i love you.'
'So the next time you forget, you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck Bass and i love you.'
Chuck and Blair are perfection. Though I know and want Chuck and Blair to be endgame, the series needed something to please and surprise all the viewers. They chose to give us some Blair and Dan action. I am going to write my thoughts on Dan and Blair, the new baby daddy revealed, and why Chuck and Blair are the ultimate end couple.

The shows viewers all need what they want. This might make u think “Yes, Chair has the most fans’. That is completely true, but the producers did want something to spice up the toon with something we thought would never happen; Dan & Blair. Pleasing everyone...
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