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posted by amymeymy
Angela walked up to Hodgins, who was staring at something through his microscope, but he wasn‘t really paying attention.
“Ok, spill the beans.” she said.
“What?” Hodgins jumped.
“You’ve been looking confused all day. And you’ve been keeping to yourself. First thing that comes to mind is psychosis… but u already had that.” Hodgins frowned.
“Did u come here to insult me? Because that‘s what it feels like.”
Angela put her hand on her hip. “No, I came here to ask u what was wrong.”
“If I tell u what’s wrong you’ll go ballistic. And it should not come from me, unless I want to die.”
Angela‘s eyes widened. “Are u involved with the mob of something Jack?”
“No, of course not!” Hodgins looked even meer confused. She calmed down. “But I am not telling u anything either way.”
“But that makes me want to know even more.”
“Too bad, because I’m not telling you.” He turned back to his microscope. Angela sighed. How the hell would he tell her that he had seen Booth and Brennan get into his car, Booth kiss Brennan on the cheek, Brennan smile and kiss him on the mouth… Uh-huh, no thanks, he did not want a bullet in the chest. It had been an accident; they hadn’t seen him, it was night, thank god. Blagh. He shuddered. Why him?
“What is it with everyone and secrets?” Angela said.
“What secrets?” Sweets was walking by.
Hodgins jumped again. “Don’t u have a job?”
“Yes… I’m dropping door murder profiles. Have u seen Booth?”
“Gaaaaa! No. I. Have. Not. Aaaghh…” Angela looked at Hodgins.
“Sheeesh, I haven’t!” he turned back to his microscope.
Angela and Sweets left. “What’s wrong with him?” Sweets asked.
“I have no idea.” Angela looked over her shoulder at Hodgins, who was wiping his brow. “He says that he can’t tell me.” she waited.
“What? I’m a psychologist, not a mind reader.”
“Ok, no need to get huffy about it.”
“I’d say that u were the huffy one, miss Montenegro.”
“Oh, me. I’m the huffy one?”
“I just zei that u were…”
“I know, I know. It just hasn’t been a good past weeks.”
“Yeah… Wait, you’re not going to make me hide behind another plant, are you?” Sweets sounded worried.
“No, I‘m not.” Angela laughed.
“Hey, you’re following me.”
“I thought we were going to find Booth.”
“You are. Not me. I have a job.”
“Hey, me too. I’m helping.”
“Dr. Sweets! Don’t u have a job?” Cam asked. Sweets sighed.
“I’m dropping these off… and they told me to go home pagina because I still looked sick.” he hung his head.
Angela chuckled.
“Ok then.” Cam nodded. “What are they?”
“Potential murderer profiles - they’re for Booth. Have u seen him?”
“No… Hodgins has been avoiding him, which is weird. If it’s from him, tell him to do it himself.” Cam zei as she left.
Angela and Sweets exchanged confused glances.
“Ooh, is that him? Booth!” Sweets shouted. Booth and Brennan had just come through the main entrance, laughing. Angela’s eyes widened as she thought that they were holding hands. Sweets ran over to them, Angela behind him, and they immediately separated.
“Sweets, don’t u have a job?” Booth exclaimed.
“I came to deliver these… how is the decision making going?”
Booth looked over the files. “You could of e-mailed me these.”
“What decision making?” Angela implored. Sweets frowned at Brennan.
“Why are u so anxious to know? I have a lot of work to do.” she left but Angela followed her, asking “What decision, Bren?” Sweets stayed with Booth.
“You can leave now. We don’t have a consult until tomorrow.”
“I was just checking door on u and Dr. Brennan - hello?”
Booth was looking over Sweets shoulder, and he spotted Hodgins come towards them, see Booth and turn the opposite direction.
“What’s with Hodgins?” he tried his best to ignore Sweets vorige statements.
“Dr. Hodgins?”
“It’s just me…” Brennan frowned. “I need u to analyze these samples… what is wrong?” Hodgins was pulling faces.
“He’s been like that all day.” Angela piped in.
“Are u ill?”
Hodgins tried to put on a straight face. “No, I’m fine. Whatever. Samples. Can do.” he took them from Brennan. She looked at Angela. Angela looked back and suddenly zei “What decision?”
Brennan sighed and left for her office. “It’s nothing, Ange.”
“It’s the baby, isn’t it? Are u using Booth? Will it be a direct deposit?”
“I’m not sure yet.” Brennan opened the door to her office and Angela followed through.
“About the direct deposit?”
“About the baby.” She was sure about everything else.
“It’s so going to be Booth… and it’ll be so cute!”
“Ok you’ll have a baby? Were u two holding hands before?” Angela lent her hands on Brennan’s desk.
Brennan knew that it would be pointless to argue. “Friends do that.”
“We don’t.”
“Do u want to?”
“No. It would look gay.”
“You are gay.”
“Bisexual, Sweetie. And I am not in love with you. Booth is.” she added with a sly grin. Brennan shifted.
“Could u please stop telling me that?”
“Hey, u told me.”
“I was drunk.”
“So was I.”
“I’m missing the point.”
“Leave it, Sweets!” Booth came into Brennan’s office, Sweets behind him.
“Would u let her use your semen?”
“Don’t go there.”
“Yeah, Sweets. Don’t be gross.” Angela smirked.
“Could u please make him leave?”
“Oh, I get it. u need a private talk. Sure. Come on, Sweets.” Angela put her arm through his and closed the door behind her. Sweets left, but she stood at a distance, her arms folded, as if waiting for something.
“Will someone make her leave?” Booth zei to Brennan.
“She can’t hear us, Booth.”
“But she can see us and she’s creeping me out.”
Angela waved. Hodgins appeared once more, and once meer he turned back. Booth frowned.
“Does she think I’m going to propose of something?”
“Are you?”
“No, of course not.” he paused. “Why, would u say yes?”
“I don’t know, it’s too soon. I would have to consider it very carefully.” she lied.
“True. But u would consider it?” but Booth knew that he wouldn’t doubt it.
“Sure… why, would u propose?”
“I don’t know… why are we talking about this now?”
“It’s Angela… her stares are very powerful.”
“Ok, Angela’s got superpowers. Whoopee.”
“You didn’t sound enthusiastic.”
“I wasn’t trying.” he looked at Angela again. She was looking impatient.
“What is that doing here?” Brennan frowned, looking at a small beer she had found on her desk. “Bears are vicious, why is this one cute?”
“You think it’s cute?” asked Booth, picking it up.
“Did u put it there?”
“No… and I would go meer for gross.” he looked at it’s big smile and yellow ears. “Whoa, what the hell-?” he found a false bottom.
“A microphone…” Brennan said.
“But who-?” Booth looked at where Angela was standing and saw that she was gone. “This is illegal.” he zei into the bear.
“Are u sure?”
“Well, it’s illegal now.”
“Oh, Ok. Should we give Angela her beer back?”
“No, of course not.” Booth took out the microphone. “We’ll just break this and-”
“No, don’t! I borrowed it!” Angela came in and grabbed it off of Booth.
“Who’d u borrow it from, James Bond?”
“I wish James Bond had such a cute sense of humour.” Angela fingered the small bear, smiling.
“Ok, that is not cute! It looks evil.” Booth made clear. “Please stop spying Angela.”
“Sorry, my social life is crumbling and I wanted to give this a try.”
“Did it work?”
“No.” she sulked.
“Ok, u can leave now, for good.”
“Ok.” Angela agreed. “Wait… why is Hodgins avoiding u two?”
“He’s avoiding us?” Brennan asked.
“No duh. What did u do, threaten to shoot him?”
“Many times… but not recently.”
“Well then, that makes no sense.”
“You’re telling me.” Booth looked over at where Hodgins worked. He seemed to be hiding behind his computer.
In Hodgins' brain there was an eternal struggle. What would happen if he told anyone? Did he tell them that he knew? No, he would get shot. He was not a coward though; but this had nothing to do with him, even though he considered himself their friend. He saw that they were looking at him and he cringed and hid behind the screen again. Who was he kidding, he was being a coward, even though he wasn't one. And it wouldn’t be him that broke their secret. He would have to stop acting weird… he wondered how long he could go in their presence without making a funny noise. He took a deep breath and lifted his head above the computer screen and waved.
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