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 made door mickei
made by mickei
ok so this is the prologue to mine and mickei's (Broody_4_Cheery) new story 'thats when it all changed'.

beschrijving about the story: 'That's when it all changed' is a One boom heuvel fanfiction and focus' on the lives and relationship of Brooke Davis and Lucas Scott, though in this version there will be a lot of differences, it is essentially very AU. Lucas is the bad boy who isn't all that bad, Brooke is the good girl who hasn't always been so good, and though their lives have always been entangled it's not until a series of chance meetings, perhaps destiny, brings them together that their worlds come clashing together with forever changing consequences. Can they find a way to be together, and if they do can they find a way to stay together?


Prologue: Two Sides of Every Story

u can choose to blame your circumstances on fate of bad luck of bad choices. of u can fight back. Things aren't always going to be fair in the real world, that's just the way it is. But for the most part, u get what u give. The rest of your life is being shaped right now, with the dreams u chase....the choices u make....and the person u decide to be. The rest of your life is a long time, and the rest of your life starts right now…
~one boom heuvel


The very air was thick with sex, drugs, and alcohol, so thick with it my body felt like it was drenched in oil. Too much bier coursed through my system and the world looked blurry but I had a sudden urge to get away, to suck in fresh air and wash my body. Fumbling my way through the crowd, knocking party goers as I go, I force my way through until I finally step outside where the muziek is just as loud and the crowd just as packed.

Through the haze of my vision I look up to the night sky twinkling with stars but something else draws me, I’m not sure what so I follow some instinct that tells me to go down the deck onto the beach. I stumble down the steps straight into the arms of a gorgeous blonde. Her curves push against me and hell I am a guy, so I smirk down at her and quickly slur my usual line. I’m not sure it comes out the right way; however, the blonde doesn’t seem to mind. She leans in a little closer and giggles something.

In the back of my mind I feel someone staring daggers at me, the hairs on my neck stand up to attention. I turn my head slightly and see Peyton leaning against the other side of the deck right volgende to the stereo. Her blonde curls glow in the light of the bonfire but her eyes are cold as they watch me. Ignoring her jealousy I look down at the blonde in my arms and lower my mouth close to her ear, “wanna get out of here?”

She freezes, as if trying to decide what to do and then she grabs my hand. It’s all too easy. I send Peyton a quick look and a satisfied smile, and then watch as my former girlfriend clenches her jaw before abandoning her drink to storm inside.

The blonde leading me back to the party gives me a coy smile and suddenly I’m no longer interested, it’s all too easy. What ever happened to a challenge? Changing my mind once we’re inside I tell her I’ll grab us a drink and for her to wait here. With my conscience clear I escape outside again following the throbbing in my veins, following that instinct from before but this time I’m not interrupted.

My shoes hit the strand and I kick my shoes off and feel the cold grains of soft sand under my feet and between my toes, hands in my khaki, kaki pants I walk away from the dancing and the music, towards the beach.

I few people are running around and we share polite smiles, Rachel sends me a wink before going back to her latest conquest. I shake my head at my redheaded friend and remember to ask her if she even bothered to get this ones name.

The further I walk the stronger my hart-, hart beats and the faster I move. The muziek in the background becomes nothing but a faraway buzzing and soon I’m so far away everything is almost black.

The ebony sky is broken door twinkling stars and a full moon affording me a little light, enough to see the crashing of the waves as they hit the shore. A sigh escapes me and my hands bury deeper in my pockets, it fees like I should stop so I do.

For a moment I think I see a flash of movement but I shake my head and it’s just an endless strip of sand and ocean stretched out in front of me again.

I can’t explain it but something feels different as if while I stand here my world is shifting under my feet, and then I see her.

That flash of movement again but I know I’m not imagining it. She sits alone, her pale feet waiting for the very ends of the waves to tickle them as they make there way slowly to her. Dark hair whips around her face in the breeze but she doesn’t seem to notice; she doesn’t seem to notice anything and I tilt my head and observe her longer.

Like a siren form the sea calling to me tempting me into her underwater world, a humming in my blood and heart. Which is foolish. If I told Nathan I thought such rubbish he would hand me another drink before telling me I need to get laid. Maybe I should blame my mood on the alcohol and just drink myself sober.

But what is she doing out here in the middle of nowhere? She isn’t from the party if her attire is to tell me anything and I would have noticed her no matter how many people were around.

My siren was a goddess, even with blurred vision and the blanket of night I could still make her out enough to know that especially as I adjusted to the darkness and she came into meer focus.

I wonder if her pale skin would be cool of would it burn me to touch.

The muziek from the party gets louder and suddenly she turns, her eyes snap to me. Can she see me as clearly as I see her? She doesn’t seem to but her mouth parts slightly and I can almost imagine her sighing my name and a picture enters my mind. Her legs wrapped around me, that plump mouth gasping my name as her neck arches back exposing her smooth pale throat. I wish I could see her eyes clearly, know what colour they are, and know if they are dilating if she sees me standing here. Then the image is gone and I’m left standing on the strand feeling like I’ve trespassed on forbidden territory.

Feeling uncomfortable and awkward is not an emotion I am use to. Not knowing what to do I turn away slightly and look out at the ocean and away from the girl.

I would like to think it’s my imagination when I feel her attention verplaats away and for a moment I look back towards the party in the distance and when I turn back around she is no longer there.

Regret? Curiosity? Boredom? I am not sure what this feeling is but it’s time has passed. I return to the strand house and back to the drinking and dancing until my body has nothing left to give.

With a few farewells I leave, jumping into the driver’s zitplaats, stoel of the converteerbaar, cabriolet my dad gave me as either another guilt present of an attempt to buy my loyalty, I’m not sure which one it was this time. Throwing that thought away I drive off not caring if I go a little too fast.

The deserted road is long and quiet, so I switch on my IPod and let the muziek pound the silence away note door note. When the sirens started, I think it was the flashing red and blue lights that caught my attention.

Swearing I pull over, already cursing the asshole as he stepped out of his car.

“Do u know how fast u were going?” he asks before he even looks at me and then recognition hits “well, well, Lucas Scott.”

“Hi Officer-” I should probably remember his name but I don’t so I stop and just grin.

His beady eyes take me in then he flashes his torch into the car, “step out of the car” he instructs and gritting my teeth I do so, slamming the door behind me.


I open my wallet and he looks at it to me and I already know he’s locked onto my birth date, “have u had anything to drink?”

Busted, “don’t want to get dehydrated, officer” I smirk.

“Still a smartass.”

“Still love the donuts?” I shoot back, “how bout we make a deal, u let me go and-”

“How about u take a breathalyzer and then I decide whether to handcuff u of not.”

I’ll tell myself later that I should have kept my mouth shut; I should have stopped there but then again I was never really good at seeing a line and not crossing it.


Sitting at the strand in the middle of the night is a ritual for me. I know what your thinking, but before u say anything its my backyard. Who has the strand as a backyard u ask? Well u usually do if u live in a strand house. That’s all besides the point anyways; where was I? Oh yes…the beach, ritual, got it.

It’s my getaway. Being able to have the feel of grainy sand between my toes as the water slowly glides up and washes it away; smelling the sweet moist air of the ocean; feeling the snel, swift breeze as I watch the waves crash into the shore; it’s a dream, there‘s nothing like it.
On most nights I come out here to get away from everything, to try and clear my mind of thoughts that I don’t want to be thinking about. Most of the time it works but on the rare occasions that it doesn’t I have to go to that place that I don’t want to, the place that takes me days to get out of.

I quickly shake those thoughts away and stare back out into the ocean.

There’s no need for those thoughts right now; especially after my life took a turn for the best. I should be the happiest person in the world right now; I should be jumping up and down, screaming at the top, boven of my lungs for my good fortune; but I’m not. Why is that? I can’t even answer that question.

Anyways, on other nights like tonight, I come out here to experience the beach. To be able to watch my surroundings in peace.

That is until the sound of muziek reaches me, and I can’t help but wince at the memory that it brings on.

A party. Can college kids be meer predictable?

The thing that most people don’t get is that all parties are the same, the outrageously loud muziek that makes it so u can’t here yourself think; the numerous bodies grinding on random people just because; the random fights to prove yourself; the drunken one night stands; the only thing that actually changes from party to party are the locations.

I start to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

Who wants to wake up volgende to some random face the volgende morning because u were so wasted that u can‘t remember anything from the night before? Who wants to be throwing up with a throbbing headache because u drank to much? Who wants to be door people that just say shit behind your back the seconde u turn around? The irony of it is is that I use to be one of those people; that is until I had an epiphany a few years back and realized how stupid it all was.

The muziek gets louder and I have the sudden urge to turn around. I feel as though someone’s watching me but I don’t see anyone. That is until I see Haley standing on the porch with her arms across her chest. My mouth gapes open in shock at the realization of what time it must be. I know that I should get my ezel in the house but I can’t move. It’s like I’m under someone’s hold and its so strong that I’m stuck in place. As quickly as that moment came, it went just as fast.

I quickly get up and dart towards the house, preparing myself for the famous Haley lecture.
I walk into the strand house, with Haley step for step behind me, “Brooke what are u doing?” she asks in exasperation.

I turn around in annoyance “If its that hard for u to grasp, I‘ll spell it out for you. I’m going to bed.”

“Don’t be a teef Brooke. What were u doing outside? I thought I asked u not…”

“Incase u haven’t realized Haley your not mom, you’re my cousin. u have no right to tell me what I can and can’t be doing!” I bite out.

Haley’s face falls in pain for a spleet, split seconde until she masks it with anger. “I’m sorry that I’m worried about you! I didn’t know that it wasn’t allowed!” she shouts, storming past me up the stairs.

I trail right behind her, cursing my self for being such a bitch, “Haley…”

“Save it Brooke, I don‘t want to hear it” she says, slamming the door in my face.

I guess I’ll just have to make it up to her tomorrow.



The holding cell has always reminded me of an asylum of how I imagine one to look, with its white walls and bars and cold exterior with nothing loose of any chance to hurt your self. It’s bare, well except for me.

Want to know what is worse than a hangover? Try a hangover in jail.

For the first few hours I paced, then I managed to catch some sleep, and now I sit in the silence waiting for my escape. I could have been out last night if I called my mom but the last time I called my mom from this place she sent me to live with my uncle. It’s been nearly four years since then and I like to think I’ve learnt my lesson.

I stiffen my back as officer friendly walks over, he looks at me disapprovingly but I just smirk as he unlocks the cell and pulls open the gate, “your brother’s here.”

“Aw, I’m going to miss this place” not.

My younger brother, Nathan, waits for me and I can’t help but shake my head when I see him leaning one side against the uithangbord as he chats up the only decent looking cop in boom Hill. Walking door him I mumble, “come on, Romeo” and start to button up my white shirt. Nathan steps in behind me and the minuut I’m outside the morning sun burns my eyes, wincing I slide down my sunglasses and lift my face to the sky.

Being sent away from boom heuvel had been a nightmare, and I had resented it for years with memories of my vrienden and the life I left behind haunting me. The thing is, now that I am back I miss the simplicity of my life with Uncle Keith, most of all I miss the constant sunshine and waking to the strand everyday.

“Dude, your Mom is so gonna kill you” Nathan thumps my back and I’m knocked out of my thoughts. Looking back down I follow him to his car and jump in, chuckling as I respond “not if she doesn’t find out.”

At 20 u would think it wouldn’t matter what my mother thought. Not only can she seriously be scary when the mood takes her but despite it all of how I behave I do genuinely care about what she thinks of me. I love the woman and respect her in my own way.

I just haven’t mastered the ability to toon my emotions, I keep them buried under the brooding exterior I have perfected as my mask. It’s been like this for so long I’m not sure how to change who I am, one dag though I hope… I don’t know, I guess I just hope to be different. To become something other than a Scott. Which is near impossible in this town and sometimes its just easier being and doing what others expect of me instead of breaking the mould.

Soon we’re parking outside my mother’s café and Nathan is leading the way inside, the moment I walk through the door the aroma of fresh coffee, bacon, and eggs fill my nose. It reminds me of my childhood and the weekends spent here as my mother worked before life distracted me and I chose the river court, my half brother and the populair gang over the lone, quiet existence I’d previously had.

And there they are – my people. I’d missed so much at the end of high school that door the time I returned they were practically strangers, the easy rapport we once had harder to bring to the surface.

Staring intensely at me are the pale green eyes of Peyton Sawyer, my first crush and serious girlfriend. She was many of my firsts but far from my lasts. Unfortunately where I had moved on after leaving boom Hill, she’d clung to our past relationship of so she lets on. It’s hard to picture Peyton staying loyal to me while I was away and it certainly seems she has a line of exes mooning after her. I’ve tried to get across that, all I’m interested in is friendship yet she remains fixed on our past. Frustrated with the lost look she is sending me, one edged with jealousy and anger, I flit my eyes off her. Almost as soon they land on her, reserving my smile for the feisty red head who sits volgende to Peyton. Her flaxen locks fall over her face as she looks down at the tafel, tabel but I try to ignore Peyton’s behaviour, after all Rachel is all together meer fun.

If there was one word to describe her hot would be it. She’s not gorgeous in the movie ster way, there is nothing classical of elegant about her beauty, nor cute. Rachel is steaming, eye sex, don’t take her home pagina to your mother hot! She’s the type of girl who smiles at u in a sinful way that makes u think of the dirtiest things your imagination can come up with. It gets some taking use to especially when u have no sexual interest in her, which I don’t. Rachel is a friend, I am not going to muddy the waters door giving into natural temptation. No matter how deliciously tempting.

“Hi gorgeous, hope u didn’t drop the soap” she wiggles her eyebrows and her lip curls up, sliding in across from her I pretend to glare at her but she just smiles and I fight the comeback that instantly comes to mind. Get into a verbal battle with Rachel and it could last for hours and though usually I love the challenge, right now my head is in too much pain.

“Dude, I get it, ha, don’t drop the soap, jail, ha” Tim says too loudly and I mentally groan, the girls aren’t as quiet. I’m not sure why Nathan lets Tim follow him around like a lost puppy but for as long as I’ve known Nathan his idiotic sidekick is not far behind. When we don’t respond he gets out between laughs, “I bet Luke dropped it on purpose”

“Shut up Tim!” Nathan says curtly and after a little chuckle Tim obediently becomes quiet, still completely unaware how stupid every word that comes out of his mouth sounds. Even if he was to say the exact same thing as one of us it wouldn’t come out the same, his stupidity is meer in the way he talks and not the actual things he says. For instance he once mistook police officers for strippers and quickly found himself being arrested, not his best night but he smiled the whole time and it conveniently distracted the cops from the underage teenagers aan het uploaden the vaatje, vat into the car.

“Gawd” Rachel drones out, sighing loudly. “the service sucks in here” and through the corner of her eyes she gives a pointed look towards the waitress two tables away. Hallee of Hannah of whatever her name is, blushes but continues serving the tafel, tabel she’s at. I sort of feel sorry for her as Rachel starts criticizing her appearance, from the bland hairstyle to the comfortable but unattractive shoes.

Peyton manages to kom bij in, her sharp sarcasm causing an even deeper blush to appear on the waitress and when Nathan makes a commentaar about tapping that if he could turn the lights off; a lone tear falls down her cheek. I finally put a stop to it, “guys, cut it out, I think she got the picture.”

Were we always this bad in high school? If I’d been around til the end would I still be catty to the people we deemed not good enough?

The thing is if this was somewhere else I probably would have joined in but my mothers café is my turf, no matter how long we had to wait of mishaps that happen here, this place is my moms and I can’t help but feel slightly protective of her staff even if I don’t know them personally.

Peyton glares at me, “new girlfriend Luke?” but then she shakes her head and looks back down at the sketch book in her hand.

The waitress, Haley I learn from her nametag as she gets closer, quickly comes to our tafel, tabel when she’s available. “Finally” Nathan mumbles and Haley’s eyes stay down the whole time she takes our orders and then hurries away.

“Don’t trip, Pippy” Rachel yells after her and starts to mock the Haley’s hairstyle. I have to admit her imitation is pretty spot on that I chuckle.

It all happens so fast none of us saw it coming, where the brunette came from I don’t know but suddenly a aardbei milkshake was landing down Rachel’s chest and a red faced girl zei in apology “sorry, I must have tripped.”

Rachel was fuming but the other girl coolly got up and walked away with such grace that caught my attention. The subtle sway of her jean clad behind had me locked until she took a zitplaats, stoel in one of the far booths, flicking her dark shoulder length hair behind her she sat down and started sipping from a glass already waiting at the table.

Nathan and Peyton continue to laugh at Rachel’s outrage but I study the other girl, she looks around our age, her skin almost too pale but her cheeks perfectly rosy. There was something about her, she had that elusive beauty and elegance that Rachel’s playboy appearance lacked, yet she had an oomph to her that Peyton’s slender, blonde good looks couldn’t produce.
She looks angry, all her emotions tightly held together but brimming at the surface and my mind flashes back to the hard glint in her dark mossy eyes as she’s stood up after she’d tripped, then the way she apologized so sharply with a tone that suggested she was anything but sorry, and then I remembered that graceful walk away, the walk of somebody without a clumsy bone in her body.

Still studying her I’m barely aware that at some point her eyes have shot up and locked onto me, her brow creasing in thought when she notices I am staring at her, but then our eyes meet in an uninterrupted stare.

Something drops inside me, a need I can’t explain. I am so focused on this pull that I’m unable to make a sound of verplaats against my vrienden who have turned their attention to the girl who has me entranced. Their rude commentaren roll over me, I barely hear the words and then Rachel stands and all I hear is, “I’ll toon that whore”

Before I know I’ve straightened up and stopped Rachel, then without a word my feet are moving and I’m going towards the girl.

Her eyes quickly go to the tafel, tabel behind me with Rachel, Nate, Tim, and Peyton, and then she glances at me again before determinedly shifting her back slightly towards my approach and opening the notebook in front of her. The pen in her hand writing in quick decisive movements as her jaw clenches forcing indents to frame her mouth and suddenly I have a compulsion to make her smile so I could see them form dimples.

“Hey” I smile when I finally reach her. In the past all I have to do is say ‘hey’ in that tone and a girls attention is locked onto me, hanging onto my every word but this one ignores me and continues to write. When I try to peak over her shoulder she slams the notebook shut and looks up, her eyes pierce me with a cold glare and then she flicks it to the hand I rest on the back of her seat, “are u lost?” she bites out and when she looks back up at me she adds on, “the men’s bathroom is five metres to your right”

Even as cold as she’s pretending to be she’s undeniably pretty, and right there and then with no name to match the face I dub her Pretty Girl. It’s not highly original however it rolls off the tongue while looking at her.

“I know exactly where I am” I reply and she takes it as a chance to continue to ignore me and look back down but her hand stays protectively above the book and she doesn’t move. I verplaats slightly closer “Hi, I’m Lu-”

“Lucas Scott” she cuts in, my name comes out in a husky drawl marked with indifference; “I know” she scoffs.

“We know each other?” I ask confused.

When she looks at me this time there is the slightest bit of humour dancing in her eyes and the hint of a smile, “We only just went to the same school for…oh…ten of so years.”

I let out a breath and then chuckle, “well u know big school. I’m sorry our paths never crossed, I wouldn’t forget a smile like yours” I’m guessing I wouldn’t seeing I haven’t seen her smile and its no real surprise she knows who I am if we went to the same school at one point, everyone had known my name.

She kinks her brow, “I sat in front of u the entire sixth grade.”

“Oh” I try to think back but my mind draws a blank, so I settle with a, “that was so long ago.”

Her brow kinks higher, “two months, sophomore year, English project, ring any bells? No, because Lucas Scott u and your no good group never bother to notice anyone but yourselves, you’re heads are so far up your asses I’m surprised u know left from right but let me help u out – your tafel, tabel is thatta way where Dim is fornicating with the salt and pepper shakers” with one last cold stare she turns back to her book.

With limited options I turn around and head back to the tafel, tabel where Rachel and Nathan are laughing their heads off, “oh yeah u so showed her” Rachel murmurs as I sit back down. Tim is nodding his head and looking at me “rejected” he laughs and I just shoot at him, “shut up Dim.”

“Smooth Lucas but word to the wise, Brooke Davis doesn’t give us a seconde look these days” Peyton whispers but doesn’t look up, then she rips the page from her sketch book and hands it to me. A black and white 2D image of my Pretty Girl stares up at me, her eyes an endless tunnel of loss but a wide beautiful grin hides the darker look and the dimples drawn are just as I imagined them.

Brooke Davis. The name is so familiar and then it hits me, Book. Puny Brooke Davis of Book Davis as we use to call her, she always had her head in a book, her and that cousin of hers.

The waitress from before walks over to Brooke’s tafel, tabel and the two start whispering to each other, then Haley sends a worried look over to us before continuing the heated conversation. As I watch them together meer memories of high school pop into my mind, the cousin’s name had been Haley and the two of them were always together at the bottom of the high school food chain. I’m starting to figure out why she remembers me so well.

Hell, I’ve never pretended to be a saint.


‘Somebody told me that this is the place where everything’s better and everything’s safe.’

That’s the first thing I always look at whenever I enter Karen’s café. It’s another ritual of mine that I just can’t seem to break, one that I don’t want to break either. I say the words as I read them on the wall, and I can’t help but let a smile form on my lips.

It’s the place where me and Haley started to talk again; the place where I found a piece of hope; the place where I got a piece of my mom back.

Karen’s the owner of the café, I met her 2 years back. It was around the time when me and Haley started to rebuild our friendship. Whenever I was able to I’d go over to the café during Haley’s shift, and distract her. Even though she acted like she was pissed whenever I did it, we had a lot of fun. A little while later I started to talk to Karen.

She wasn’t like other owners that always ignored the teenage kids that came into their restaurants of the ones that constantly yelled at them. I’d go in and sit at the counter of one of the booths, usually depending on my mood of whether the place was packed of not; and she’d always come up to me and strike up a conversation.

It brought back a lot of memories that I was trying to forget at the time, because she reminded me so much of my mom. After a while though I realized that it wasn’t a bad thing to remember; it was a good thing.

I scan the café to try and find Haley; I don’t see her anywhere so I walk over to the farthest booth and sit down. Knowing it will probably be a while before I get to speak to her I take out my notebook and start writing.

Its nothing fascinating, its just me documenting things that happen in my everyday life. I started to do it a few years back when I was instructed to do so. I was suppose to write down how my dag went, how I was feeling, what I ate for the day…normal stuff like that, boring stuff really. At the time I found it ridiculous, what did that stuff really matter? I knew why, I just didn’t want to admit it at the time. I kept on telling myself it was better to live a life that I’d remember, even if I didn’t write it down. But after writing a few entries, I found myself writing meer and meer about things that had nothing to do with what I was suppose to write, and ever since I’ve kept a notebook to write down that other stuff.

I look up and see a piece of appel, apple pie with a glass of water in front of me. Its not hard to guess who did it. I look over and see Karen wiping down the counter, she smiles at me while I mouth a thank u to her. I smile a tiny smile as I close my notebook and take a bite of the pie. I close my eyes from pure bliss. Amazing is the only word I can come up with to describe it.
I see Haley making her way over to me, so I set the fork down on the plate and quickly wipe my mouth with the napkin, “I’m sorry” I blurt out as she takes a zitplaats, stoel across from me.
She takes my fork and digs into the pie, “its ok” she says before she shoves the bite into her mouth.

I laugh as Haley makes the same face I made moments ago, “so good” she mumbles as she covers her mouth.

It really isn’t though. Ok the pie is really really good but me snapping at Haley because she’s worried about me isn’t. “But it isn’t” she looks at me in confusion, “me snapping at u Haley, its not right.”

She looks at me sympathetically, “Brooke, its really…”

I cut her off, “no its not! You’ve been there for me through everything” tears well up in my eyes, “you were there for me when my parents died, even though I did everything I could to push u away. u even forgave me when I stopped hanging out with them, considering all the stuff I pulled during that time. u were there for me when I found out, and you’re still here for me!”
Tears fall down Haley’s face door the time I finish my little speech. “That’s because I love u tiger” she wipes at her tears, “no matter what happens, I will always be here for you, there’s nothing u can do to change that.”

Haley is the best person I know. She’s forgiving; and no matter how much shit a person might pull, she’ll look past it and will always find the good in that person. That’s just who she is.

“You shouldn’t forgive me” I add, to give her one last chance to be mad at me.

Being typical Haley, she chuckles as she moves the pie over to her, “I know…I guess me taking this pie makes us even then.”

She did not just take my appel, apple pie!

I kink my eyebrow at her, “shouldn’t u get back to work?”

“Nope. When Karen saw u come in she zei I can have a 10 minuut break…so here I am eating this delicious pie” Haley teases with a full mouth.

I look at her in mock disgust, “didn’t anyone ever tell u that it was impolite to talk with your mouth full?”

Haley starts to laugh, “says the person that always does it.” I take this moment as my chance to get the pie back but her hand slaps my hand away before I can reach it.

“Owww” I say rubbing my hand.

“Get your own pie” she shields the pie from me.

“That was my pie.”

Haley eagerly puts the last bite in her mouth “not no more” she replies, taking the plate to the back.

I stare after her in shock. Haley’s never done that before but then again it shouldn’t be surprising considering it is Karen’s famous appel, apple pie.

When I go to take a drink of water I see Peyton and Rachel enter the café with Tim following in their tracks. I can’t help but be happy that Haley’s in the back at the moment, that is until they sit in Haley’s section, and I curse them for being such bitches. I know they sat there to give Haley shit, and it really pisses me off.

Ever since I can remember they have always gegeven Haley and I a hard time, when I joined their group junior jaar though I made sure that she stayed off their radar, she was not to be messed with of they had to deal with me (even though they still have to now); but as soon as I left the group, they’ve made Haley’s life a living hell. Always criticizing the way she walks, what she wears, how she does her hair, how she talks, just anything and everything about her.

Which is actually really funny considering Haley has better style then them anyways and if u add in the fact that she’s an all around better person then they are of will ever be, then it’s a no brainer when u realize who should be criticized.

I suddenly don’t feel so good so I grab my portemonnee as I make my way to the bathroom. I don’t understand I thought this was all suppose to go away…apparently not. I walk out of the stall and go over to the sink and take out a tooth brush and tooth paste; luckily I’m so used to this door now, I carry them in my portemonnee now as a safety hazard. After I finish I put my hands under the running water and splash it onto my face. It makes me feel a little less disgusted with myself after the deed I just did.

I look into the mirror and try to fix my appearance…if Haley saw anything out of whack with me, there would surely be a lot of her over protectiveness that I’m not in the mood for, and there’s also the fact that I don’t want her to get worried either; especially when there’s nothing to worry about.

The sight I see when I walk out of the bathroom makes my blood boil. Rachel’s hassling Haley, and before I know what I’m doing I’ve grabbed a aardbei milkshake off a tray, and I’ve made my way over to Rachel. I lean over the tafel, tabel and spill it as slowly as I possibly can down her dolce and gabbana silk blouse. Her face turns different shades of red, “sorry, I must have tripped” I say sharply as I stare daggers at her.

It takes every fiber in my body to not continue door punching her in the face but I know Haley and Karen would be disappointed in me, so I get up, make my way back over to my booth, sit down, push my hair out of my face, and start sipping from my water…in hopes it will help settle my nerves.

I look up to see if Rachel is going to retaliate, but instead I catch something completely different…Lucas Scott staring at me. I furry my brow in thought, why is he looking at me like that? Its not the usual I want to get in your pants stare that I usually get; its one that says he wants to get to know me.

I get butterflies in my stomach, and my skin starts to tingle. I‘ve always held feelings towards Lucas, even though I like to deny it.

Haley’s always known about these feelings. In the beginning she made fun of me for it, and now she tries to help me as best she can to get past them.

Haley’s always been able to tell when I’m lying, so when I try to tell her that those feelings went away towards him in 9th grade when he told the school that if they came within 10 feet of us they would get lice, is no exception. Trust me everything he did to us made me hate him, it made me despise him…in the end I ended up hating myself more. Cause no matter what he did no matter how angry he made me, my feelings for him never seem to go away.

He starts to verplaats towards me. What the hell is he doing?!

I look back towards Rachel, Peyton, Nathan, and Tim to get the explanation for why he is walking towards me. I see Rachel with a wicked smirk; Peyton glares at me; Nathan winks at me…and Tim’s playing dolls with the salt and pepper shakers? They were no help.

I can’t be nice to him he doesn’t deserve my kindness, so doing the only thing I can think of to make myself angry I open up my notebook and start writing about what Rachel did to Haley. Writing down what happened helps bring back the anger full force.

“Hey” I try to ignore the way my hart-, hart beats faster when he speaks. I act as if he is not there until I sense him trying to read what I am writing. I slam my notebook shut, and glare at him. When I notice that his hand is on the back of my zitplaats, stoel I turn my head to look “are u lost?” I bite out and snap my eyes back towards him “the men’s bathroom is five meters to your right” I add on.

The longer he stands there, the harder it is to keep up this wall.

“I know exactly where I am” he says smoothly. He thinks all he has to do is say one word to me and I’ll be putty in his hands like most girls, if only he knew how wrong and right he was.
u would think that the fact of my ignoring him would make him realize that I wanted him to get lost, he doesn’t seem to get the picture though.

I wonder if he can hear how my hart-, hart beats even faster as he moves closer to me? “Hi I’m Lu-”
“Lucas Scott” I cut in, trying to sound as if I don’t care. “I know” I scoff. If only he knew how much I didn’t want to know.

He squints his eyes in thought, “we know each other?” he asks.

I guess I got my answer for why he’s over here talking to me…he doesn’t remember me of else he wouldn‘t be here. I want to laugh, instead I just settle with a tiny smile “We only just went to the same school for…oh…ten of so years.”

Lucas chuckles, “well u know big school, I’m sorry our paths never crossed I wouldn’t forget a smile like yours.”

If only he remembered how well we really did know each other. I kink my eyebrow “ I sat in front of u the entire sixth grade.”

“Oh” it takes him about fifteen seconden to come up with something to say, “that was so long ago.”

Apparently he thinks I’m stupid of else he wouldn’t be spinning this crap. I kink my eyebrow higher, “two months, sophomore year, English project, ring any bells? No, because Lucas Scott u and your no good group never bother to notice anyone but yourselves, you’re heads are so far up your asses I’m surprised u know left from right but let me help u out – your tafel, tabel is thatta way where Dim is fornicating with the salt and pepper shakers” I look back down at my notebook.

Lucas finally takes the hint and starts to make his way back over to his group; I try to ignore the pain I feel in my chest.

I look up and see Haley looking at me with concern in her eyes, “Brooke, are u ok?”

I want to say yes, I want to lie to her, but she’ll see right through my lies, so I settle with the truth “no…no I’m not” I drop my head into my hands.

As much as I would I love for him to hold feelings toward me; as much as I want to let my feelings be known…it won’t and can’t happen.
added by alex_sandra
added by alex_sandra
added by tareva1451
added by kuhriissten
Source: lightredemption
added by kuhriissten
Source: lightredemption
added by Nevermind5555
added by sophialover
added by livelovelaugh
added by mcewen_girl
added by superstar_kk
added by mcewen_girl
added by stephy_rules
Source: made door me
 Merry Christmas, Hannah! <3
Merry Christmas, Hannah! <3
It's our HANNAH!!! :)


My earliest memory of Hannah is that she was the first one to ask my name at the BFG forum, despite the fact that I've been talking to others already. LOL. The first word that comes to my mind when Hannah is mentioned is that she's crazy. She's a lot like Brooke, she's always full of life. You'll NEVER find her quiet of dull of boring. She's always hyper, and I don't know where she gets her energy from! LMFAO. But that's why I love her, she makes u forget about your failed exam of your crappy boring life when she's around. She's so random, I mean, who thinks about...
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 With all the hype surrounding this concept, it's sad that its pay-off flopped
With all the hype surrounding this concept, it's sad that its pay-off flopped
Brucas would have been a better end-game, really. Still, there’s no need to complain about what-could-have-been. I can still remain steadfast to BL because what they had that kept their relationship intact (even when it seems like Schwann wanted to pretend amnesia when it comes to their love) are elements of perfect timing, effort and honesty; qualities that Leyton fell short on many occasions. LP was gegeven plenty of chances to redeem itself to me, but they were all gegeven away to mediocrity and stereotype. And they still are tacky till the very end.

Taking out the emotional intensity of the...
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posted by Broody_4_Cheery

The girl sitting across from me waits for an answer, one I purposely hold off on giving. She wants to sue her parents, what teenager doesn’t, but she wants to sue for the rights to her own body. The type of case I avoid like the black plague – too much effort and too much babysitting. To get away from her expressive hazel eyes I study my desk, glancing over all the notes Kerri has left for me my eyes freeze on one, and I almost sigh out loud. My father, great just great, just what I needed today. I quickly verplaats my eyes from his name and number and find myself once again under the...
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 Brulian of Brucas?
Brulian or Brucas?
Ok guys this is the seconde part! This is all the Brulian stuff!

Now on to the Brulian scenes of the Brucas reunion foreshadowing. I have to tell u my inner Brucas fan girl squeed with joy when I watched their scenes. I mean don't get me wrong I love Julian and I was heartbroken for him when Brooke didn't say I love u back, but Brucas will always be #1 in my hart-, hart and some sweet
confession from a boy who is clearly in love with Brooke Davis is not going to change that.

2)The Brulian scene

"So then the last time u were in I get it."
"Look I'm sorry if it's weird for you"
"Do you...
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posted by RealLuvAlwaysBL
So, along with that beautiful story I have a couple things that help to string me along in my Brucas delirium…I hope they can be of some help to all of you...feel free to add to the lijst in the comments...

1. Why would they make a point to emphasize, "a kiss ALWAYS means something" and then have Brucas kiss in NYC?
2. Why would they make a point to emphasize "You (Lucas's flavor of the are who I want standing volgende to me when all my dreams come true" when Peyton has NOT ONCE been there door Luke's side when they did come true, but Brooke has been there, yes, BOTH times (i.e. state championship,...
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My scene for BL to finally be together is season 5.

Brooke looked at the small roze gemmed envelope reading the invitation. Her eyes where burning with the tears she held back. What had she done?? Her whole life seemed an uncertainty as she starred wildly at the paper that invited her to watch the boy she loved marry somebody else.

“Alright. u remember when I started Clothes over Bros? It was right after we broke up and I was trying to mend my broken hart-, hart door focusing on my work and u need to do the same right now. u need to go out there and become the best person and the best writer...
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one boom heuvel
added by mcewen_girl
one boom heuvel