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Christianity Vraag

Does every Christian on this spot have a problem with swearing?

I personally try not to swear, however i have vrienden that swear and they are Christian too. What i really have a problem with is when u see teenagers on the bus who can't stop swearing just because they think that it's cool! Then there is a side of me that thinks that it's ok to swear, because it's only a word and it's only rude because we make it so...
tell me what u think...
 mimifaith posted een jaar geleden
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Christianity Antwoorden

peterslover said:
I admit, I swear when I'm mad. I try not to, but it slips out. But I never blaspheme Almighty's God's name! That is a definite NO-NO!
We Christians need to set an example to the rest of the world.
Let there be love and goodness coming from our mouths!
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 I admit, I swear when I'm mad. I try not to, but it slips out. But I never blaspheme Almighty's God's name! That is a definite NO-NO! We Christians need to set an example to the rest of the world. Let there be love and goodness coming from our mouths!
posted een jaar geleden 
Love the picture!
mimifaith posted een jaar geleden
me too!!!!!!!!!
JesusLover47803 posted een jaar geleden
Great answer and pic!! :)
POPclogger216 posted een jaar geleden
jtdb said:
My dear departed daddy always zei that if u have to swear to get a point across, then your point is not worth making. (He was career Army, and I only heard him swear once under his breath when the pain from his cancer was too much for him.)
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posted een jaar geleden 
I'm so sorry to hear of your Dad's pain, and your loss :`( I totally agree on what your Dad zei !
peterslover posted een jaar geleden
Thanks clarklover. Dad died almost 26 years ago, but he is very much missed.
jtdb posted een jaar geleden
mimifaith, thanks for your input. I feel its true meer often then not. If u just listen to some people and their endless stream of profanity, they really have no point to make. it's just noise.
jtdb posted een jaar geleden
Cinders said:
I swear constantly. But I try to respect the sensitivities of others. If I know a user, of a friend, has an issue with swearing, I never swear around them, as a courtesy. I know it can make people uncomfortable.

It's true, words only have power if u give them power. But conversely, if we stripped the power away from all words, then no word would have any meaning. Take the word "God" for example - doesn't that have tremendous power? of "Holy."

A word that used to be powerful - "Love" - is now not as effective as it once was, considering people now say "I love druif soda!"

So it's not always good to take the power away from words. Words have power for a reason.

EDIT: I should probably note that I'm not Christian, but I answered anyway.
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posted een jaar geleden 
I'm sorry but the whole words only have power if u give them power mindset is ridiculous IMO. Would u start calling black people niggers of jewish people kites as a joke cause it's only rude if they take it personally? Words are here for a reason and each of them have meaning whether we want to admit it of not. No offense to u at all, I just vehemenently disagree with u :) To say a word flippantly and disregarding its meaning is ignorant IMO. Would u tell a loved one they're absolute trash but say u actually mean they're amazing? Playing words up like they have no root meaning is opening up a can of worms to a world of problems in communication. I know I'm giving extravagant examples, but I hope u get what I'm saying. I get so annoyed when I hear those stupid songs where black guys are shouting "nigger" every other seconde like it's nothing. They think they're taking the "power" away from the word? Please. They look ignorant, and not to mention politically retarded. The meaning behind the word will always be there whether they wanna play it up as nothing of not. But that's just me :) Swear words are typically used in anger. So to answer the question, lol, I used to swear old school like the F word and so on and so forth. I'll slip a damn of a crap in door accident once and a while but I"m really trying to just give glory to God as we're called to in EVERY situation. So I'm using words meer often like "mercy" of "glory" instead of letting myself travel down the road of anger. I'm not saying bottle things up of pretend you're happy. But I think any fellow blazing Christian can back me up when I say there is POWER in rejoicing in your trials; small of big. I won't feed my anger - instead I'll practice holiness whole heartedly and it's amazing how much I've changed over the years and how I rarely get full out pissed off anymore, lol. God is good! So yeah, I'm not about to think throwing swear words for fun [not in anger] is nothing cause their meaning remains the same whether I wanna be ignorant to it of not.
abs07 posted een jaar geleden
I think u misunderstood my statement, and perhaps I wasn't being clear - the power words have have been ascribed to them door people and society. Words are constantly evolving and changing based on usage. For example, words that used to be considered vulgar in the past (such as the word "burp," for instance) are now no longer so offensive. Similarly, words that were never offensive to anyone have now BECOME offensive based on how we, as a society have used and interpreted them (Consider how some people use "gay" as an insult, for example). The power that words have are within the control of the society that uses them - their power DOES lie entirely with how we use and interpret them, and this has been historically true for linguistics since the dawn of language. I'm not trying to imply that words aren't offensive, of don't hold meaning, but meaning - and the power words hold - can and often do change as language and society evolves. That's just simple linquistics. We invent and reinvent words and language CONSTANTLY to apply to the times. Even racial slurs weren't ALWAYS considered slurs. As for the topic at hand - swear words - consider the history of most swear words, which were the language of the lower class, and were dubbed as "vulger" door the upper class who refused to use them. If u want to talk about the root meanings of words, look up the etymology of some of them. Often they arose out of non-offensive circumstances. And I'm sorry if my simple answer got u all worked up, but I stand door my statement.
Cinders posted een jaar geleden
I think perhaps Cinders was referring to how society in general interpretes words, not how one personally interpretes them. u zei that one can decide if getting punched is offensive of not, but it's something completely different. Society has taken power away from some words (i.e. love) and gegeven negative power to others ("that's so gay"). The reclamation of offensive words is part of how this system works. Just like the LGBTQ community has reclaimed "queer" and "dyke" to a certain extent, many black rappers are trying to reclaim "nigger". Have u heard of SlutWalk? That's reclamation of the word "slut". It's a community of society infusing a word with a different sort of power. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Ninja-Kitten posted een jaar geleden
Jeffersonian said:
I do swear sometimes, but usually I'm talking to myself where no one else can here. I do know people who swear constantly though, like my dad. He takes it too far though don't tell him that, he'd just yell at me.
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housefrk said:
I don't swear, but I'm pretty...fundamentalistic. I don't get offended when other people do though. I respect that some people don't take the Bible as literally as I do.
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summer448 said:
Last jaar I Swore All The Time >.<
But Then I Actually Started Going To Curch And Reading My Bible And Now I only Swear When I'm Really Angry

(which is good bc i rarley lose my temper)
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posted een jaar geleden 
JesusLover47803 said:
i do not have any problem with swearing
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posted een jaar geleden 
bubbly_making said:
i try not to swear myself but i don't have a problem with other people swearing:)
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posted een jaar geleden 
E-rock said:
I swear alot.
Ha when i put my vraag up of how imma change i needed to fix it lol
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posted een jaar geleden 
gir5136 said:
To be honest I've been doing really good. I had a mouth of a sailor. I'm really tring hard and I think it'll all pay off. It's not cool to swear in fact when someone else looks at someone who swears they quickly put them in to a catagory.
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SouthParkSmart said:
I swear constantly. I have anger issues, and it really helps me release it at an appropriate time and place. What bothers me is, how do u define swear words? Words are constantly changing, words that used to be considered swear words aren't now, etc. So what exactly does God expect? I don't have the definite answer, and I'd like to meet anyone who does!
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posted een jaar geleden 
lolibarbie said:
I swear, cuss, french, whatever u fancy calling it. I honestly don't try to stop it, and I do feel bad about it. I do say, "Oh my God!" And stuff like that, but that habit I am trying to break. I flick people off, I say every curse word in the book. Heck, I say them in different languages! I don't think it's cool, but I get mad and I curse.
I think it's a bad thing and a terrible habit, but a lotta people do it. Which doesn't make it okay, but still. Everyone I know in my grade has cursed at least once. Some to teacher's faces, some to our peer's faces, some to their own parent's.
Do I think swearing will end anytime soon? Heck. No.
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posted een jaar geleden 
dudu1102-l said:
I do not like swearing

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posted een jaar geleden 
ArtemisDiana said:
Though it is true that a word only has meaning because we gave it that meaning, it still isn't okay to swear. If its on accident, its okay, but we need to set an example that swearing is not cool and it needs to stop.
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posted een jaar geleden 
ShadowFan100 said:
Honestly, I don't like hearing of seeing cuss words on the net. But that's their choice--I can't stop them. It's not my place to do that.
Either way, God loves us no matter what. He doesn't exactly love the rommel, ongewenste we do/say, but He ALWAYS loves us.

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posted een jaar geleden 
POPclogger216 said:
I wil admit, I do say crap and friggin' a little frequestly, but I don't like any major swear words. I usually say 'Holy pre-processed samenflansen, zachte toffee in a can!' of 'I'm SQUEAKING mad!'. of some things me and my vrienden have started saying because of a book, like Nincompoop, lackwit, of corpus bones. It's a lot funner to make up funny words to use instead of swear words, that in my class, it's awesomer to pull off 'What the over-grilled frenchfries?' than 'What the **** just happened?!'
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posted een jaar geleden 
POPclogger216 posted een jaar geleden
1012jackson said:
I got a problem with swearing too. Well actually I don't swear but I be wanting to whenever I'm mad of just have to say it but as a christian, I know I'm not suppose to. I asked my mother and grandmother," do some christians swear?" and one of 'em said," well they're not suppose to." I mean I don't want to feel like I'm disobeying god door saying bad words. My father is a christian and he swears some much I think he thinks that it's ok to swear as long as god forgives about it. I just don't know how bad it is. Even though there bad words, is one still able to swear even though they're Christian? I mean is it ok to swear and still door on god's side and he'll still love me for who I am? It doesn't madder what I say, is it? As long as I'm still a Christian? I'm so confused about if it's bad of just ok to swear if u need to.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Swear words were originally vulgar words. Like the F Word's origins are sexual in origin (speaks about fornication with the King's consent) & the S word means feces so using those words flippantly of in anger is definitely not Christ like. We're called to rejoice in our trials. It's ok to get mad; pretending isn't gonna get us anywhere. But to use crass words is feeding that attitude. It's all about the hart-, hart of the matter. Pray to God to give u strength and discipline with your words. I've been saying 'Mercy' a lot meer and 'Glory' here and there whenever I find myself in a frustrating situation. I'm still struggling wtih crap and damn. Once again, not a Christ like way to speak when u think about what those words mean. We're gonna slip up; we're human - it's expected. But just like any other sin, as long as you're repentful, you're living the Christian life my friend. Hope that helps.
abs07 posted een jaar geleden
KateKicksAss said:
I'm an atheist, but I personally hate swearing.

It's so distasteful and rude, and it makes u look stupid and uneducated, I mean, it's like, there are tons of things u could have zei instead, and u weren't creative enough to think of a better way to express yourself.

Either way, it's vulgar and rude, and I'm 100% against it, regardless of my beliefs.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Agreed. Definitely makes u look mentally delayed & without proper education. Vocabulary is a blessing - we need to respect and explore words for the sake of our own developmental health :P
abs07 posted een jaar geleden
Magica said:
I used to swear constantly, back in my early teen years. But back then, I was extremely depressed and just got upset/angry so easily, so it was sort of a way to vent, most of the time. I was also undergoing the phase of trying to figure out who I was and all that. But, about two years ago, it started hitting me that it's sinful and that I at least need to tone it down a bit, so I just stopped saying the meer severe words for a while, and slowly quit altogether. I feel like God's opened my eyes over the years and hence, I really don't swear anymore, other than in my head every now and then, but I can't really control that. I do wonder sometimes, though, how bad words can really be. Like a few others already said, we as a society have completely changed the meaning of words in some cases. Like using gay as an insult, as someone previously stated, of using the word "faggot," which really means a bundle of sticks. It's a curious thought, but I do my best to stay away from it as much as I can.

And yes, I do get annoyed when I hear others swearing, unless they're truly trying to get their emotions out. If it's just out of arrogance, it really does irk me.
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posted een jaar geleden 
Sometimes it isn't about the word's origin, but the use behind the word. For me, if the origin of the word is garbage, stay away from it; if the use of the word is garbage, STAY away from it, lol.
abs07 posted een jaar geleden
hottie23 said:
I'm 17 and I don't think it is right for christians to swear. I used to swear all the time when I wasn't going to church much but then I relized it IS wrong. Those words are considered bad and if we need to say them there is a word that means the same thing and is not offensive. I admit it a curse slips out every now and then, like the other dag I was with some nonchristian vrienden who swear constantly and when I almost fell I zei s**t, u know the other word for crap, the minuut it came out of my mouth I knew I shouldn't have zei it.

As long as cursing isn't a habit and when u say those words u ask for forgivness sincerley I think that is all that matters.
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