Clone wars Anakin skywalker Club
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posted by anakinsgirl60
hallo don't kill me!! I was planning to make u wait extra long for the final chapter but not this long! I ve been so busy with.....well u know life XD!!!!! So heres the story just please comment(all of you!)!!!!

Mayanas POV:
So much for a good first front line mission, because right now,she wasn't sure if she felt like a failure of in the way. She started towards the ship when she saw Anakin,he was just standing there watching he clones prepare to go back to Coruscant. She walked over to him ' Anakin I apologize..' she said. He looked at her questionly.....jeez would he ever make this easy for her? 'Well I didn't always do as told,I argued with u and I got in the way of u and Padme...' she trailed off. It was kind of stupid to say her name after what they both just saw. 'Well, I'm sorry for not trusting you,not watching for flying weapons and not believing u about Padme.' 'If Padme cheated on u then trust me shes not good enough for you.' Mayana replied ' u saw that?'He asked, she knew she had to save this conversation from going awkward 'Yes accident, hasn't she done this before?' She almost wanted to add that this she saw it coming. So Anakin told her about the time he first had a run-in with that Clovis person. On top, boven of that she yelled at him for 'not spending enough time with her', couldn't that...stupid senator see we were in a war?!? She nodded' Wow can't believe u put up with her so long! They laughed a little, then the unexpected happened;he kissed her. Oh no,oh no what was she supposed to do now? First it was now forbidden for her to have emotional attachments besides she knew nothing of dating, she should have paid attention to all the lectures her older sister always gave her!!She probably zei something intelligent like ummm,finally the awkward moment was replaced with silence....wait was it really that awkward? Nope for once, Mayana Decyane felt like she found where she belonged. Little did they know they were being watched..

Ahsokas POV:

Why must she always see of know things she shouldn't know? Because right now she saw her master with that Mayana....well at least they were getting along.'Um...I wish I didn't see that' she zei as she made herself visible. 'Ahsoka we were just....discussing transport.' Mayana said.'Why do u always lie to me?' Ahsoka demanded' Its not like I would tell.' The 2 knights looked guilty. 'Okay since we're telling the truth I'm not who u think I am' Mayana said' she pulled out a diamond shaped object, she pressed the object and it became some sort of tiara. 'I am part of the royal family of Raynesece, after this war is over I will go back and take on my parents duties as princess...just so u know I'm not a helpless one like someone we know.' she said. They all laughed a little ' So thats how u were so successful undercover because of your royal name!'Ahsoka said. Mayana smiled 'come on,I think Obi-wans getting impatient lets go.' So they walked together towards the ship, Ahsoka knew that Mayana was still heeping things but she knew Mayna would still trust them fully and she knew that Mayana would become the seconde most trusted adult to her.

DADADA!!!!!!!!!!! Cut! Thats a inpakken, wrap people hope u all enjoyed this episode lol!! Okay so do u guys think Mayana is a Mary Sue? Should I make meer stories with the new 'Mayakin' pairing? And I need ideas for meer episodes! Do u want to know meer about Mayana? Why am I asking u all these vragen because I need feedback!!! So seriously I need u guys to answer all the questions...thnx!!!!