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I found this reblogged post on Tumblr and i just think it's brilliant. Her Tumblr url is xDriftAway90x and her name is Kat. I just think she is so insightful and intelligent and deep. Here's her post. It was so amazing, I have to feature it in an article:

it honestly makes me sad because u can really see how much bonnie loves stefan. when stefan ran in the tomb after elena in season 1, bonnie did everything in her power to get him out even though it took a toll on her and her grams. when stefan was going crazy on human blood, it was bonnie who helped him to come back to himself. why didn’t she hold it against stefan like she does for damon? when stefan ran into the burning building to save damon, bonnie ran after him and told him not to go in because the brand would take him out. when stefan went anyways, bonnie lowered the brand and i am certain that is a decision bonnie would have made whether of not elena showed up at that instant. because the moment that stefan went in, that was when the situation changed for bonnie. it’s because she trusts stefan and she cares about him meer than she let’s on. in fact, stefan remains one of the people who bonnie has consistently trusted and put her faith into. when stefan asked bonnie to make the ring for caroline, she didnt want to do it but she did. why? because stefan told her if she couldn’t trust caroline, to trust him instead. and that was it. she made the ring. when damon wanted bonnie to help with mason, bonnie zei she wouldn’t help him and damon zei “so typical. that’s why i brought him” and he turned to stefan. it’s because even damon can see it. he knows that bonnie will do anything for stefan. in the beginning, bonnie just used to tolerate stefan because of elena but that changed the dag that stefan saved her when she fell volgende to the tomb. after that, stefan became a friend to her rather than “elena’s boyfriend.” it’s sad that bonnie gives so much of her love to people and i never feel like that love is ever fully reciprocated. she loves harder than any of them and covers it up as a defense mechanism. she tries to pretend she doesn’t need anyone. when her grams died, she tried to distance herself with elena and stefan. when caroline got turned she tried to distance herself with caroline. it is her reaction to grief. instead of admitting that she needs these people in her life, she pretends that she can live without them. but the truth is, she cant. to bonnie, her vrienden are meer than that. her vrienden are all she has. it’s why she is wary of trusting people. because once she does trust u and love you, she will put u before anything else. bonnie’s love is not the type of thing to take for granted and i feel like these characters do :(

i also want to mention that this is one of the reasons why i have always thought that damon and bonnie were compatible with each other. they are very similar in their reactions to grief. when damon is upset, he tries to pretend like it doesn’t bother him. he tries to pretend like he doesn’t NEED anyone. when he found out that katherine was never in the tomb and not looking for him, he got drunk with some college girls and acted as if he didn’t give a flying fuck about her. and when she returned, he tried to pretend as if he was unfazed door it and as if he could ignore her. but when he was in the salvatore house sucking on her face he zei “I just need the truth.” He needed to know that someone needed him back. because for the majority of damon’s life, he has spent it loving someone who didn’t give a damn about him. i feel this way frequently with bonnie and her interactions with the people that she cares about. when katherine didn’t give damon the answer he wanted, he went to elena looking for the right answer. when she told him the same thing that katherine did, he reacted rashly and killed jeremy. in the very volgende episode, bonnie is grief-stricken over caroline and what does she do? she tries to kill damon. both of them have the same imperfections in this sense. also, damon has always felt seconde in his life. everyone loves stefan meer than they love him. everyone tries to help and protect stefan. stefan is everyone’s first choice. i find this to be a very similar situation with bonnie. everyone in town is running around trying to save elena. everyone falls in love with elena and does everything for her. bonnie’s life is also at risk and, at this point, is meer at risk than elena’s, yet she does not get the attention that elena does. for me, both bonnie and damon are broken in this way and neither of them ever vocalize this. not only do bonnie and damon have similar reactions to grief, but they both are the two characters on the toon who love harder than anyone else. similarly to bonnie, damon doesn’t have many people who he is attached to. but those people who he decides he does care about, he loves hard. he gives meer of himself to people than people give to him. for the past 165 years, he has loved one person and he never stopped waiting for her. he never moved on with his life. he just continued to live from dag to dag until she would return to him. but it’s damon. damon who is the most gorgeous man on the face of the planet. damon who could get any girl he wanted. but that’s the thing. when he loves you, he really loves you. and yes he will fuck up many times, but i don’t think that makes his love any less real. u can also tell this about damon through his reactions to stefan. early on in season 1, damon seemed like he hated stefan. but there was never any doubt in my mind that he loves his brother. in episode 3, stefan asked damon why he hasn’t killed him yet. damon laughed and zei that it was tempting but stefan told him that he wouldn’t do it. he’s had all those years of hatred between them to get rid of stefan, yet he never did. then as the season progressed, it was very clear just how much damon loves stefan. he was even willing to let go of his dream of being with elena for stefan. i know a lot of DE shippers think he did this for elena’s benefit, but using the sequence clues of the episode, it is clear what motivated damon to do this. it was right after stefan told damon he was sorry for turning him all those years geleden and that he just needed his brother. the volgende scene of damon is when he is in elena’s room. is it any coincidence why? damon’s love for stefan is rooted very deeply just as bonnie’s love for elena is rooted very deeply. even when bonnie tried to part ways with elena, she could never fully do it. it’s the same with damon and how he feels about stefan. if u are somehow one of the people damon decides to care about, they should never take it for granted. it doesn’t happen too often. same with bonnie. it’s one of the many reasons why i ship bamon. because they need each other. they are both two broken halves that could complete one another. nothing showed this meer to me than the closing montage of episode 14. bonnie’s grams dies in the same episode that damon is heartbroken over katherine never being in the tomb. the two scenes were played back to back, bonnie breaking down with elena holding her, and damon sitting in front of the brand with stefan as silent support. my hart-, hart broke for both of them. i think that was the moment that i started shipping bamon.

yeah……………… so this started with a bonnie/stefan friendship rant and ended with a bonnie/damon rant…. x) my bad.
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