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    This time our story takes place in the country side of England on a farm where the Ratcliff’s are preparing to pack, since Cruella knows where they’re located and can come after the Dalmatians if she ever beats out of the asylum. This time they’re moving to a plantation in America where Cruella won’t be able to find them. They were able to acquire green cards because Rodger was able to get a job involving muziek in America. Anita is excited that she’ll be able to see her older sister, Darling, who left England when she fell in love with a visiting America named Jim. The 101 Dalmatians were all gegeven new licenses door Nanny, the house cook and maid. They managed to get a private boot so all the puppies would be able to come and they wouldn’t have to make an extra trips.

    However our story begins the dag before they actually moved. Our story begins with one very special Dalmatian puppy named Patch. He was very unique, he didn’t like always being on the schuur and always sneaked off into the woods and swamps to find an adventure. He always went off on his own because none of the other puppies were brave enough and those who were brave enough were mean to Patch. Well, that’s not entirely true, Lucky went off on adventures with his siblings; Rolly, Penny, and Freckles. The four of them are brave but also cowardly at the same time, not as brave as Patch of course. Lucky went on adventures but was very cowardly, lazy, and usually picked TV over adventure, as opposed to Patch who loved both but would pick adventure any day. Both were very similar; both were adventurous, mischief makers, fun-loving, brave, and smart. However Lucky is meer naïve, ignorant, selfish, confident, and arrogant as opposed to Patch who is insecure, humble, and thinks with both his head and his heart.

    Lucky liked to make fun of Patch because he was jealous of him because he was smarter and better looking; he was considered the best looking of all the boy puppies door many. Patch proved his intelligence when he saved his brothers and sisters from Cruella in London. Lucky would take every opportunity to make fun of him while Penny, Rolly, and Freckles would just stand there in silence. “Hey there Patch!” zei Lucky with a certain look of mockery on his face.

    Patch was reluctant to respond to him because he knew he’d have something mean to say as always. However his parents always told him that it was always a good thing to be polite to others, even those who we don’t care very much for. “Hello Lucky!” he zei with fake pleasantry.

    “It looks like u lost something, well I mean besides your brain. Oh wait! u can’t lose something u never had” zei Lucky with cruelty.

    Patch frowned at Lucky “What do u want?” he asked with distain.

    “Well I thought I’d let u know that u lost your license on your collar, probably from going on one of your little adventures” zei Lucky.

    “Oh no, if mom and dad find out than I’m in big trouble!” cried out Patch.

    “That’s what u get for going on adventures and not just staying home pagina and watching TV” criticized Lucky.

    Patch scowled at his brother saying “Some of us would actually like to do meer with their dag than just sit around watching TV”

    “Well u better go find it before mom and dad find out” advised Lucky.

    Patch knew there was no time to argue about it so he went off to find his license in the woods. He went because he loved to have the thrill of adventure, chasing the wind, climbing the mountains, and standing as tall as a tree. He searched all over but couldn’t find his kraag so he went to zoek for it in the swamp, but he had to hurry because the sun was going down and he knew he had to be getting home pagina soon. He loved the mystery of the swamp so much because u never know what might happen, he loved the excitement of it. He finally found his license lying volgende to a boom so he got it back on his kraag and ran back home pagina as fast as he could.

    By the time he got home pagina it was the time where Pongo and Perdita usually do roll call for the puppies in the barn. As they called Rolly’s name he was saying how hungry he is and how he wished they had gave him so much food and he continued as they went on with calling roll. Lucky was also bothering them with how much he wanted to watch TV and why they had to pack up the TV. It irritated the two parents so much they had to finally tell them to please be quite while they call roll. When they called for Patch there was no answer, they called his name again and still no answer, but when they called his name for a third time Patch managed to sneak into the schuur and say “here”. They were a little suspicious but continued with roll call, after which they zei goodnight to their children but Pongo wasn’t finished yet. “Patch, I want to talk to u about something” zei Pongo in a firm voice.

    Patch make a face like, I almost got away with it, then zei “Okay, I’m coming dad”.

        They both went outside of the schuur where Pongo looked at Patch with a serious look. “Where were today?” asked Pongo with a firm voice.

    Patch froze for a moment and then started to speak with an awkward voice “I was… just… out in the woods and the swamp trying to find my license.”

    “And how did u lose your license in there?” Pongo asked firmly.

    “Because I was out on an adventure and I guess I might have sort of lost it without noticing” zei Patch with a crooked smile and a slightly awkward laugh.

    “You know you’re not supposed to be in the woods, let alone the swamp. It’s far too dangerous; the swamp has a lot of dangerous animals in there and the woods have traps set door hunters. Plus u never know if Cruella, Jasper, and Horace might try to capture you” zei Pongo.

    “Dad Jasper and Horace own a store selling women’s clothing and Cruella is locked up in a crazy house, I don’t think I need to worry about them. Plus even if Cruella did come back I think I can handle her, I did before and I can do it again. Besides even if that crazy old bat did break out she wouldn’t be able to find us, we’re moving to a different continent for crying out loud” stated Patch.

    “You never know with Cruella, she’s a very ambitious person. Besides even without Cruella u shouldn’t be wondering off its dangerous” zei Pongo.

    “I was just trying to have a little fun, there’s not much to do around except chase schuur animals, watch TV, and be crowded around ninety-eight other puppies” zei Patch. He then turned to look at the mountains “There’s a big, bright, beautiful world out there. It’s calling me through the wind asking me to follow it. The world is mine for the taking to do whatever my hart-, hart desires and it desires for adventure” stated Patch.

    “Patch, I’m very sorry to tell u this but that’s not the kind of life us dogs can have. Once when we lived among the wolves we did whatever our hearts desired as u stated. But one dag when we were shown the kindness of humans we decided to live among them and have them as are pets, to be loyal and obey them. Unfortunately son the life u wish to have isn’t to be” zei Pongo with a little bit of disappointment in his voice for crushing his son’s hopes and dreams.

    “But why can’t I? Why is it decided that all dogs have to act this way? Why can’t we decide our own fate?” questioned Patch.

    “Patch, the world out there isn’t a place for a dog, u need to forget about. I’m sorry to tell u this but there’s nothing out there for u but things u can never have” zei Pongo in disappointment.

    Patch began to become very angry. “ Who says I can’t have it? Why can’t I?” asked Patch.

    “Son this is the way life is. We may own the humans but the humans own the world, u can’t change that. Until u can find a way that allows u to do what the humans do your place is here with us” zei Pongo.

    “Well it’s not like I can change my species so basically I have no choice! That’s not fair! It’s my life! Why do I have to have it decided for me?” cried out Patch in anger.

    “Don’t u take that voice with me! I’m sorry but this is how it is so I suggest u make your peace with it. When we’re at our new home pagina I expect u to behave a lot better than u have been” zei Pongo as he walked off.

    “You wouldn’t treat Lucky this way! u let him do whatever he wants!” shouted Patch to Pongo who paid no attention to it and continued to walk off. There was a cruel laugh of mockery from behind Patch, he turned and saw it was Lucky.

    “Your right, they do let me do whatever I want. Do u know why?” mocked Lucky.

    “Because you’ll act like a new born if they don’t” commentaar gegeven Patch.

    “No, because they love me more, I’m the favoriete of the pups. Think about it, why is it when I go out on adventures I never get in trouble but when u do it u do? Because they love me the most, besides I heard they're planning to get rid of u because u cause so much trouble and that’s something u don’t want, especially when u have ninety-eight other children” he zei with a smile of cruel satisfaction. “Well goodnight Patch, try not to get left behind again” mocked Lucky as he walked off.

    Patch scowled at Lucky as he walked off, he was tempted to bite him but didn’t because he knew he’d get into even meer trouble than he already was. Then he looked away in sadness because he actually believed it was true that his parents loved Lucky meer than him and that they actually were considering getting rid of him. He once heard them say that maybe ninety-nine is too many. Oh the sadness of feeling rejected this poor little puppy felt. He remembered the last time they moved and he got left behind. He caused so much trouble just door one little mistake. He knows he also did great good but he caused the trouble he had to fix. He was once offered a chance to be Thunderbolt’s new sidekick but turned it down because he wanted an exciting life of adventure that was real. But now he feels maybe he should’ve accepted the offer, Thunderbolt was the only friend he ever had and he for once was actually noticed and wasn’t just one of 101.

    He then looked up into the sky and saw the evening star, the brightest ster in the entire sky, so bright even a blind man could see it. Patch then closed his eyes and wished with all his hart-, hart that all his hopes, wishes, and dreams would come true. However he didn’t have much faith because he knew wishing on stars never works. Maybe stars can't really grant wishes but faith does have something special in stored for him.
added by Lena_t
Source: Lena_t
added by Jessikaroo
added by EmberLee
Source: deckdarcie
added by EmberLee
Source: deckdarcie
posted by StarWarsFan7
 Kida's beautiful japon, jurk
Kida's beautiful gown
"There. u are done." Chel says as she puts her finishing touches on Kida's face with makeup. Kida stands up and looks into the mirror. She gasps. Her beautiful blue dress complimented her personality. Kida had never looked meer beautiful in her life.

Proteus looks around the ballroom but doesn't sight Kida anywhere. "Proteus!" The prince turns around only to see his fiancee, Marina. "M-Marina! I've been looking for u everywhere!" he lies to her. "I was dancing with my brother." jachthaven, marina says as she raises her eyebrow. "May I speak with u privately please?" Proteus asks his soon-to-be-wife....
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added by Winxclubgirl202
Source: Me
Now this is someone i can ship Pocahontas with!
-Go to the actual youtube video to read description-
added by GypsyMarionette
u may not like the pairing, but u have to admit the video is pretty neat. Video door brokensmolder of youtube.
added by auroraxaurelia
Source: auroraxaurelia
added by Ribon95
Source: Ribon95
added by chesire
Source: chesire
***Note*** Originally I had planned to make a Rapunzel and Eric crossover but that really wasn't working out for me so instead I've decided to do John Smith and Ariel. This is the rough copy, I'll probably do a bunch of editing later on. But for now enjoy :)

Land ho! The cry was taken up on board, and everyone rushed round the ship, getting ready to dock in the strange new land. To Captain John Smith, it was just another worthless land with nothing to offer, just trees and cliffs and not a living soul in sight.

His mind drifted slightly, to the land he had once visited, where he had met a beautiful...
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added by LightningRed
Source: LightningRed
added by Sugar-N-Spice
added by GypsyMarionette
Source: GypsyMarionette
added by MegaraRider
Source: MegaraRider