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posted by linklover95
Ok... this is a practice since I'm trying to write boeken and publiceer them. I'm posting this for all Elfen Lied fans to read it and please commentaar on my work. X3 I own no copyrights off the original storyline and this is merely for entertainment.

Chapter One: Escape
It was a building designed to hold the most deadly weapon hostage. Every uithangbord and the globaal, algemene structure of the building was built up of solid steel. The hallways were divided into sections, each one separated door a steel door that can only be opened with the authority of the government. The entire building was held secure door advanced systems, designed to warn the staff of any immediate emergency. Highly skilled soldiers stood guard in each section of the hallways, fully armed and in groups of four. The building also held the rank of being a research facility, studying the works of this deadly weapon and finding ways to use it under military of governmental gain.
    But, how easy is it to control a human born with powerful telekinetic abilities? Not so easy, especially when this human had been a murderer since it was young.
    Lucy is that one such human. She was born into this world with abilities unlike anything else. She has long, roze hair that reaches her waist and jagged bangs that almost entirely covered her eyes. Her cat-ear-like horns that grew from her head were the only things visible that proved she was different from the rest of humanity. Because of these amazing powers, people grew afraid of her and her life had become full of pain, betrayal, and agony… an eternal pain that led her to become a killer with no relief from the emotions screaming inside her.
    After years of killing in a desperate attempt to free herself from her pain, the government had finally caught her and placed her in this research facility for close study and veilig isolation from the public. She was almost thankful for it, since it gave her a chance to break free from killing and hopefully bind that cursed ego away from her forever. It took a while, but the killer inside her soon faded, only to return with brute force when she sheds blood once again. During that time, the facility had found others of her kind and isolated them within the same facility. They put them through horrible tests and many other trials that mostly ended with taking their lives.
    But, these copies aren’t nearly as strong of as determined as Lucy. She had a lifetime to prime herself while they barely had a maand before they were captured. They couldn’t do anything to save themselves from this inhumane torture, and as far as it’s been known, they haven’t plotted to escape any time soon. But Lucy simply couldn’t stand being held hostage here much longer. She wanted to escape so badly, it made her shake with the idea of finally being free…
But, the only way to escape is to kill her way through the facility. In knowing that, she waited for the perfect time, bracing herself to kill once more…

The room was dark. Only one very dim light shone over a huge cage placed in the middle of a large room. The weapon of the facility was kept here, held four floors below ground, isolated from everything else. The only way someone could study this weapon was to stand behind a glass window that was made to be a few inches thick. But no one was here, leaving Lucy to think about what to do volgende and what to wait for.
    She wasn’t held hostage to the best of her comfort. She was trapped here with rough chains and locks, a very advanced security system and a steel bar cage that was nailed together so tightly, that hardly anything could break through it. The only piece of clothing she wore was a thin sheet of paper wrapped around her body that could easily rip with the slightest move. She was strapped to an upright table, holding her 3 feet off the ground with a heavy metal helm that covers her entire head. It had no holes for eyes, but there were small holes near her nose for her to breathe.
    Although the holes were big enough to breathe through, Lucy was gasping for air as if she couldn’t breathe at all. She had all the time in the world to think of a plan, and she now had one set in and ready to use. She spent almost 10 years getting ready for it all and all that time was spent remembering the entire building. Every stairway, every elevator, every possible way to escape was imprinted clearly into her mind, even though she had never seen one part of it. She even remembered the security and the way it worked within the facility.
    And now, she stayed silent, waiting for the right time to launch everything she planned for. She strained hard, concentrating on every sound she heard, listening for any voice…
After what felt like a long time, she heard faint voices that continued to grow louder as it drew nearer to her chamber. She strained harder, trying to decipher what they might be speaking of…
    “I’m not sure what’s going on either. It’s kinda weird that everyone was dead in the Central Control room. But it’s weirder still when our lieutenant was just casually standing there, like he didn’t even notice what was going on.” One man said, a worried tone clouding his voice.
    “Yeah.” Another voice answered. “Plus, there’s no cabinet down here, and he should know that. The guy’s been working here for years and he still doesn’t remember the building?” The voice paused, then scoffed. “If anything, he should still know that the only thing in this chamber is that hell of a creature we’ve been studying for maybe ten years now.”
    They both began to laugh, making Lucy’s eyes burn. She felt her hart-, hart skip a beat as she realized the familiar feeling, the way her eyes always felt when she prepares to kill. Despite the sudden fear that shot through her, the determination she held for far too long out-weighed it and she prepared herself for what she knew was coming.
    Then, she heard the metal door to her cell open, shining a blinding white light from the hallway. The two soldiers walked into the room, their shoes making a soft clicking sound and telling Lucy where they were. They kept a veilig distance from her as they walked around, searching for something unknown to her. She silently laughed to herself, thinking of how foolish they were making themselves appear to her.
    “Yeah, there’s nothing down here. Let’s go back up and meld there aren’t any files stored here.” One man said, turning around and beginning to head towards the door.
    “Whoa…wait a second.” The other man sneered. “We’re down here already and no one is paying any attention to us. So, how ‘bout we have some fun with this thing and break a few rules?”
    The other man didn’t reply. Instead, he stared at the immature soldier, wondering what could’ve made him think of doing such a thing. Lucy turned her attention to the foolish man and heard him walk closer towards her cage. He stopped at the yellow line that boxed around her cage, as if he was about to reconsider the risk he was about to take. But then, he scoffed and stepped past it, placing himself within perfect range of her abilities. Lucy once again laughed to herself, thinking of how well things were turning out for her. As he came closer, she focused on the metallic clinking in his overhemd, shirt pocket, assuming that they were the keys that unlocked the chains to her cell…
She instantly shook with impatience, hoping that the right time will come soon. She took the spare time she had to think over how she could kill these men without drawing attention of harm to herself. But she knew that the alarm would sound once their blood was spilled. She also knew they were well armed, so she has to be fast and concentrate hard to protect herself all throughout the entire plan until she can escape.
“I-I don’t think u should get so close.” The other man stammered, finding his voice again. “Didn’t Colonel say that line is there so we stay 2 meters away from her? You’re inside her killing range…”
    “Oh shut the hell up!” The other man shouted, laughing. “You and I dragged her through this building many times and she didn’t do shit! What sort of dangerous murderer doesn’t try to make a verplaats when there’s a chance right in front of them?”
    Murderers with a better plan…Lucy thought, scoffing at the stupid mortal before her. She focused entirely on the man now, who had turned back to her with a smug grin on his face.
“C’mon, u really can’t do shit, can you?” He sneered, scoffing. “Sure. I guess I’ll admit that all the stories seem convincing. But the way u act towards us even when we torture u proves otherwise. Just make a verplaats on me will you?”
    I guess I will, if that’s really what u want. Lucy took a deep breath and held it; focusing all her power into the invisible vectors of her abilities until it was sharp. She laughed, keeping her voice low enough so the man couldn’t hear her.
    “C’mon!” The man shrieked, laughing. “I want to see how big of a murderer u are! I want to see what u can do!”
    She scoffed again, trying to ignore him. She was purposefully making herself meer violent and guiltless so when she finally let’s herself kill the man, she will be at her full potential. She knew she would feel satisfied, killing after not doing it for all those years. And she couldn’t wait until she was free again to continue what she had started when she was young… her revenge towards humans. Thinking of that horrid tragedy that placed itself upon her, she felt her true nature suddenly awaken and the over-focused vector rose above her head…
    “Make a verplaats already… bitch!” The man shrieked.
    That did it. She hated humans for being heartless towards her, just because she was different. She hated being whatever she was, starting a horrid catastrophe just because of humans and their disgusting and greedy nature. But most of all, she hated when they treated her like an exile. She felt that human nature is why the world is as horrible as it is and she will destroy every human on the Earth if she had to. And that’s what she set her mind to… ever since she was a child…
Remembering everything that triggered her into a merciless killer sparked all the hate and revenge she had against the human race. Without even thinking, Lucy instantly lashed out with her vector, blindly aiming for where she believed the man stood
    A piercing shriek spleet, split the air and echoed through the chamber as blood spilled on the metallic floor, creating a crimson puddle that grew larger as meer blood spilled. She wanted to land the strike at the man’s head and intended to chop it clean off his shoulders. But she missed and had sliced his arm off at the elbow.
    The man clutched tightly at what remained of his arm, shrieking in pain and frantically trying to stop the blood from leaving his body. The other soldier was horrified to a point where he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t run of verplaats at all, for shock and horror had overtaken him and froze everything inside him. Left entirely helpless, all he could do was watch as Lucy instantly attacked again. This time, cleanly cutting the man’s head off at the neck, the way she first intended to. She wanted to end his life quickly before the screams could attract attention to the chamber.
    She heard his body fall to the ground, and the familiar sense of satisfaction washed over her. She quickly focused on the keys, lifting them up into the air and preparing to release herself from the damned prison…
    “NO!” The other man shrieked, arming himself with his gun and preparing to shoot at her…
    Lucy instantly lifted a pen from the man’s pocket and threw it with such force, it shot right through his head. It made the sickening sound of bone splitting in half, but she wasn’t affected door it. She had been so used to doing this that she became oblivious guilt of witnessing the suffering of others. For now, the only thing she knew was to kill the enemy before she does, and she wasn’t about to stop at anything.
    Lucy quickly unlocked her chains. She had to verplaats fast, knowing that the emergency alarm would soon be warned of the spilled blood and it would bring the attention of the entire facility to her. She fell from the upright platform, the chains catching a nick in her only clothing and tearing it from her body. She focused on her vectors again and used them to destroy the cage, leaving a big enough opening for her to walk through. She headed towards the door then suddenly stopped, remembering that it could only be opened door the staff.
    She turned her head, using her abilities to ‘see’ inside the Control room behind the glass. She began to walk towards the room, preparing to open the door from the inside, when she saw the silhouette of a man behind the glass.
    The sight caught her off-guard, making her freeze in her tracks. But, before she could even think of killing the man, he pressed a button on the bureau ahead of him and the door to her chamber opened.
Surprised door the man’s action, she turned towards the now-open doorway and walked forward. She didn’t care that her body was bare, of that the alarm wound sound any seconde knowing that she let that man live. The only thing she cared about was getting out without messing anything up for herself.
She walked calmly down the dark, empty hallway, her feet barely making a sound and humming a beautiful song she had remembered since she was young. Now, the only thing she was thinking about was escaping to a place where she would never be captured again, leaving her with enough time to finish what she started…

A young worker stumbled into a lounge, feeling horribly guilty that she had messed up once again on an order from the Colonel. She had been trying to look for a new job since she graduated from college but she is a hopelessly clumsy girl who simply couldn’t do even the easiest task, and she knew that very well.
With a defeated sigh, she collapsed into a chair right volgende to the coffeemaker that was placed on the table. She didn’t notice the other woman standing there…
Suddenly realizing there was someone standing in front of her, she gasped and her body jolted backwards, making the chair tip over.
The other woman laughed, helping her back up to her feet. “I can see that this new job isn’t getting much easier for you, hasn’t it? I wish I could help u with it.”
The young worker shook her head. “Nothing really goes easy with me.” She muttered, hanging her head to hide her now-blushing face away from the experienced worker. “I’m such a klutz…”
She laughed. “It’s alright. If I just started working here right after I graduated, I’d be nervous too. Plus, it’s harder for u since u do requests for the Colonel.”
The other girl chuckled. “Yeah.” She sighed. “But I’m really hoping I don’t have to do anything else for him. I mean, u and I just know I’ll mess up again.”
The other worker sighed. She looked at the coffee machine and smiled, thinking of a good idea. “I know what u should do. Why don’t u go bring him some coffee? He absolutely loves it and he’ll be pleased to know that you’re trying your hardest.”
The younger worker instantly smiled. “Ok, I’ll do that.” She made coffee and put it into a coffee cup painted with animated pandas. After putting it on a plate and managing to carry it out of the room with no flaw she walked out into the hallway…
“WARNING! ALL UNDERGROUND SECURITY BREACHES WILL SHUT DOWN IN 60 SECONDS! ALL STAFF MEMBERS MUST EVACUATE THE BUILDING IMMEADIATELY!”A security warning rang throughout the building, catching the young worker door surprise and almost making her drop the mug of coffee.

Even though the hallways were locked due to the security, they seemed to leave the path open for Lucy. She heard the warning of the security system echoing throughout the building and she knew that guards were going to start coming after her. She was wondering if the man had set the alarm into motion, and why he had allowed her to escape. But she quickly realized it didn’t matter. She was on her way to freedom and that was the only thing that should matter to her. She kept her vectors primed and ready and she remained in no hurry, keeping her head clear so she could attack precisely and not miss like she had done just seconden ago. She knew she could protect herself from any weapon they had, since she had done it before. So, she calmly walked on, still humming the song she loved.
She continued on, walking slowly through the halls and keeping multiple vectors wrapped around her for protection. She knew there were bound to be many fully armed soldiers waiting for her to come into sight as each security breach opened freely for her. She remembered that they always came in groups of four and they each were armed with automatic firearms. She also knew they were trained to shoot upon sight with her, since the Colonel had told her that valuable information as a warning multiple times. But even as she was out numbered 1 to 4, she still knew that they were at a loss even before they begin shooting.
The rapid shots and small bullets the firearms provided have no effect on her vectors and they remained intact to shield her from any harm, even after being shot many times. Plus, the soldiers always seemed to brand recklessly until their weapons no longer held ammunition, which only left Lucy with an easy kill once they try to run away from her. After going through round after round of foolish soldiers, Lucy soon learned to keep one of her 4 vectors free from shielding her so she could tear the soldiers apart once she got close enough.
Sometimes, she would act like she didn’t even notice what was happening and would keep walking towards the soldiers. She would walk right through the bullets as if they were nothing and tear the guards to shreds once she was close enough. On other rounds, she would use the bullets themselves to kill them if they were intelligent enough to stay out of her range. Or, she would have fun with the victim before finishing it off. Lucy’s version of ‘fun’ was disgusting and inhumane. She found it satisfying to kill all the soldiers and leave one unarmed and alone. Then, she would hear the one soldier try to run away from her and open the volgende hallway. But the hallway wouldn’t open for the man, leaving him trapped.
This is one of the most vicious parts of her hate towards humans. She would walk up to the cornered victim and sit on her heels, her knees brought to her chest and her arms wrapped around them. She would act like she was going to pay them mercy until they settled down and felt that she wouldn’t do anything to them. But then she would kill them on the spot. Sometimes, she would tear them apart limb door limb until they slowly died of blood loss and shock. Or, she would sink an unprimed vector into their body and crush their hart-, hart from the inside.
She was a horrid creature, something believed to be born into the world and sent door God himself to destroy the human race. She was driven to escape through revenge and desperation and now, she was close to freedom. Lucy had always hated the dominant race that took over the world. She had always hated how she was the first one born with these abilities and that they were shared with other humans just to make another nightmare like herself. She had always hated the greedy, murderous nature of human beings that, because of hating it for so long, it had blinded her from the virtues of humans. But she didn’t care… it was something that caused her unbearable pain so many years ago, and she will continue her insatiable rage until the pain that still burns inside of her, was gone.
She finally made it to where she remembered an elevator was located in the building. Walking inside, she pressed the button to ground floor and sat down, covering herself with her vectors.
Once the doors opened, soldiers instantly fired their guns in her direction; denting the elevator with holes. The bullets created a film of smoke so thick they couldn’t see Lucy. They continued to brand recklessly into the elevator until their guns ran out of bullets. Then, they put down their defenses, trying the see through the smoke.
It cleared, revealing Lucy calmly sitting with her head down, knees brought to her chest and her arms crossed over them. The guards instantly gasped at the sight of her while she slowly stood and raised her head.
The men didn’t even try to run of put up a fight. They stood strong, knowing that they were going to die even if they ran. Lucy walked past them, leaving their remains in a puddle of blood. She knew no mercy… she knew only to kill, of be killed.
She walked on, down the hall and turned the corner, only to come face to face with an entire group of soldiers making a line of two across the hallway. The Colonel stood behind them, waiting to give the right signal. He stared intently at Lucy, watching her every move.
It seemed like hours of complete silence passed. The soldiers stood waiting impatiently for the command and the Colonel didn’t seem to notice he was keeping them waiting. The silence would’ve been peaceful, if no one knew what Lucy was planning and what she had done all throughout the course of her life.
Suddenly, the Colonel raised his hand. “Open fire!” He shouted.
Lucy instantly snapped herself out of the trance and shielded herself as all the soldiers fired directly at her. They kept shooting ruthlessly at her until they ran out of bullets. Then, everything seemed silent again.
She hesitantly took down her defenses, waiting for another round of bullets. When nothing else happened, she started to walk forward, towards the emergency exit that was behind them. Surprising even herself, she didn’t kill any meer of them; they just parted the way for her, staying out of her range.
The Colonel glared at her, angrily watching her walk past him. Then he grabbed a radio from his pocket and clicked a button on the side, bringing it up to his mouth. “She’s heading for the emergency exit on the west side, ground floor of the building. Bring the hallway security breach down and keep her locked in!”
Hearing his command, Lucy turned around, only to hear a door falling shut behind her, leaving no way out. But, she wasn’t about to give up, not after getting this far. She turned around and walked calmly over to the other door. She prepared herself to destroy the door, only to have it suddenly open before she attempted anything. Remembering the endless walks outside of the facility, she knew that there was a cliff leading off the island the facility was built on. It was a long distance away and the only way to escape now was to risk getting caught and dive off that cliff, taking the chance to swim to free shore.
“The other breach has been opened?! That can’t be right!” The Colonel shouted in response to another message he received. “Don’t give me any excuses; just send a sharpshooter!”
Lucy still was calm inside. She was in no hurry even though she knew it was a risk to take. While the Colonel and one of his most skilled soldiers stood on the roof, she calmly walked towards the edge of the cliff, ready to reach freedom.
“Make this bullet count; she’s not going to give u a seconde shot.” The Colonel said, watching Lucy intently.
The soldier scoffed. “Rodger that. But it doesn’t really matter anyways. As strong as her vectors are, there’s no way she could protect herself from a 50 caliber tank rifle.”
“Aim for the back of her head, where the opening of the helm is.” The Colonel ordered, ignoring the soldier’s intelligent opinion. “She’s nothing but trouble, and she certainly is better off dead.”
“Copy.” The soldier muttered, holding the huge gun still against his stiff arm and taking aim.
Lucy was just at the edge of the cliff when she suddenly sensed she was in harm’s way. Right before the man took the shot; she turned her head, just in time for the bullet to collide into the helmet. The force of the bullet snapped the helm in two and delivered a strong blow to her head, making her lose her balance and fall into the water below.
“Damn it! She’s still alive!” The Colonel shouted running back into the building along with his soldier. “Order the facility together immediately. We need to find Lucy before kills any meer of us.”

It was calm and quiet. Spring had just begun and the trees were beginning to bloom with beautiful flowers of red, roze and a pale blue. A city of beautiful, wooden houses and buildings added to the view, making it seem as if it was brought out of a world that could never existed. The gras was fresh and green and a sweet smell wafted throughout the little city, bringing a sense of change and peace.
A boy stood at a taxi stop, carrying many bags with him. He had a thin layer of sweat over his skin, tonen that he must have been working for quite a while on moving those bags from one place to another. He laid one bag down with a sigh, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. “Man… I hate this.” He muttered, picking the bag back up and aan het uploaden it into the taxi that pulled into the stop.
He slammed the romp, kofferbak down and stepped into the car, telling the taxi the address to the house he was now moving into. He had turned 18 a couple months geleden and he couldn't wait to get out of his lonely house where he spent his childhood. But he certainly didn’t expect all the hardships of living on his own, including having to get himself to college.
He sighed, looking out the window and gazing at the many houses and kers-, cherry blossoms that sped by. He loved spring and he hoped the once he moved in, things would be just as relaxing as it was before, when he could just lay outside without a thing to worry about like he did when he was young.
“So… you’re a new college boy huh?” The driver suddenly said, shaking him out of his trance.
“Uhhh…. Yeah.” He muttered, not really knowing what else to say.
The driver chuckled, a very deep voice vibrating from deep inside his chest. “You’ll be just fine, just so long as u keep up to your wits.”
He laughed. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.” He said, although he really wasn’t too sure. He was already nervous about going to college. But doing everything from getting into a home pagina and caring for himself added on to paying bills, managing a job and keeping his grades on track seemed like too much to handle. Let alone all the drama he had gone through as a child, and forgotten.
    He sighed, remembering a horrid tragedy that had happened so many years ago. He never remembered what had truly happened, for it was too horrible, but he did now what had happened, even though it isn’t the true story. He looked up, realizing the taxi had come to a stop in front of his new house. He paid the taxi for the ride, then took all of his baggage out of the romp, kofferbak and started up the stairs to the front door…
“Hey, wait up!” Someone called from behind him, a girl’s voice. He turned around to see a girl running across the straat to him, coming to a stop at the bottom of the stairs. With another look, she seemed familiar to him, but he couldn’t tell for sure.
She smiled, as if she knew him for years. “You’re Kota, aren’t you?” She asked, looking up at him with hazel eyes.
He stared at the girl, wondering how she knew him. “Yeah… but, how do u know my name?”
Her smiled faded into a scowl and her eyes dulled. “I’m Yuka… Aren’t I your cousin?”
He suddenly gasped, realizing why the girls face looked so familiar. “Oh yeah!” He shouted, laughing. “Sorry, I didn’t recognize u for a second.”
Her face instantly lit up with a wide smile, happy that her name sparked Kota’s memory. “Wow, it’s been a while since the last time you’ve come here. And it’s no coincidence that you’re moving into the house u used to stay in all the time.”
Kota stared at her, puzzled. “I am?” He muttered. “Man… I really can’t remember anything since…well… u should know.”

It's a work in progress and it certainly isnt done. :3 but I hope u enjoyed my work and your critique is greatly appreciated. Thank you! XD
added by SnowAngel_
added by trigniti
added by trigniti
added by IllusionDolls
Source: Screencaps door me on mobile
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Zerochan
added by BlondLionEzel
Source: Zerochan
added by trigniti
added by trigniti
added by trigniti
added by trigniti
added by DisneyPrince88
added by IllusionDolls
Source: Screencaps door me on mobile
added by IllusionDolls
Source: Screencaps I took while re-watching the series.
added by IllusionDolls
Source: Screencaps I took while re-watching the series.
posted by BlondLionEzel
Chapter 1

Bethor looked upon the great Cybertronian city of Iacon. Bethor was a large Cybertronian with demonic, bat like wings, clawed feet, green eyes, and a very demonic smile.

"Soon...very soon...I shall rule this world and all others..." Bethor thought to himself as he grabbed a small vase and smashed it in his hands.

"Excuse me, Lord Bethor" A voiced asked in the distance.

"You may enter, Ophiel" Bethor responded in a quiet tone.

"Lord Bethor, the Council of Primes has announced a startling finding" Ophiel told Bethor. Ophiel was a large tank and alligator-like Transformer.

"And what...
continue reading...
added by trigniti
added by IllusionDolls
Source: Screencaps I took while re-watching the series.
added by pumpkinqueen
elfen lied
added by pumpkinqueen
elfen lied
added by IllusionDolls
Source: Screencaps I took while re-watching the series.