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 The concept art of the stars
The concept art of the stars
This is the fourth win door my con-runner KataraLover, and his seconde win for his story "From Paws To Thumb", which also won for best character development. So with without further ado lets get on with his interview.

How does it feel to win your fourth round?

It feels absolutely AMAZING! I wasn’t sure if I’d win another round after winning best character development because AaronHaley4ever has been dominating this contest since the very beginning, so it’s hard to think you’d win any meer rounds when such a brilliant story has been winning a lot of rounds.

Are u at all surprised that u won this round?

Ummm…. Yes and no. At first, I thought that all three of my stories would get nominated for best concept art because I used the actual characters to make my concept art look at realistic as possible. So I figured that I might have a good chance of winning. However, pretty much everyone was voting for Broken Shards of A Frozen hart-, hart and Awake Snow White, which were the only entries that were completely drawn door hand. I started to think that it made sense because the creators did have to work a lot harder on their concept art than I did and could make the characters look exactly how they wanted, which is something I couldn’t do completely.

Which piece of concept art is your personal favorite? (and why?)

I think that my favoriete concept art would be of Angel when her hair is loose. First of all, I love it when heroines have their hair loose because they usually look the most beautiful when they are like that. I just really love the way Angel looks there and think her hair looks gorgeous. I just love the Anastasia lips and eyes she has because they look incredible. Her hair is messy, which suits her tomboy and fun-loving personality. I knew that her main look had to be her with a ponytail because most tomboys wear their hair like that. But I wanted to make sure that she looked like a tomboy but was also a feminine tomboy because she’s not like Toph from Avatar: The Last Airbender of Kayley from Quest For Camelot, who are hardcore tomboys that hate anything feminine and like to get down in the dirt, especially Toph. So I had her outfit be pink, although another reason for that was because at the end of Scamp’s Adventure, she was wearing a roze boy, so it made sense to have her wear pink. In a lot of Disney pictures she’s wearing a yellow kraag but I don’t think that looks very good with her blonde hair. I’m someone who thinks redheads look good in pink, but I also don’t think blondes look very good in yellow. But I actually didn’t create the image on my own. I had help from a user called Ribon09, who isn’t here anymore, who helped me with giving Angel the bangs, eyes, and lips of Anastasia and helping to make it easier to make Melody’s hair blonde like Angel’s. But I did create her dress and the coloring, plus I am responsible for the way her loose hair looks in this concept art.

Which piece of concept art is your personal least favorite? (and why?)

My least favoriete is the one of Lucky, Penny, Rolly, and Freckles. These characters could have been designed better but there wasn’t much I could do. There weren’t a lot of fat characters for me to use for Rolly and I couldn’t do much with Cubby from Peter Pan to make him look like a different character. Penny’s design was just a recolored Jenny from Oliver and Company with longer hair. Jenny is probably the best choice for Penny but she just doesn’t look as good as the others. Freckles, I kind of regret making because people kind of debate about whether of not Freckles is a boy of a girl. He/She has a red kraag like the other boy pups, but has a girly voice, unlike the other boy pups. But I also think that a lot of little boys have girly voices, so it might not have been a good choice to make Freckles a girl. I probably should have either made Freckles a boy of replaced Freckles with Cadpig from the animated TV show, even though that toon sucks and has no continuity AT ALL. But then again, I don’t know too many animated little boys with freckles, but I guess I could have added them. And finally we have Lucky, I’ve always disliked him but I knew I had to make sure he was a handsome little boy, but also make sure he wasn’t as good looking as Patch and Scamp. He’s pretty much just preteen Derek from The zwaan-, zwaan Princess with short hair and recolored. His design is kind of just generic and not as fun as the others. I don’t think any of them were bad but they weren’t as good as the other designs.

Which image was the hardest to do? (and why?)

The hardest one to figure out who to design was Tramp. Ever since I started the story years ago, I had absolutely NO IDEA who to use for his design. First I had John Smith, but it didn’t feel right; then I had Phillip, but it still didn’t feel right; and finally I decided on Flynn Rider. But before I decided on Flynn, I asked some big fans of Tramp to see what character they think would suit Tramp the most and they suggested Phoebus, John Smith, and Aladdin, but none of them felt right. This picture I actually didn’t make because it’s a hand-drawn version of Flynn Rider. I don’t know where it came from and I don’t think it zei who made it because I think someone geplaatst it without giving credit, so I couldn’t give credit. But to make sure he looked different enough, I got rid of the facial hair, changed the colors, and changed his bangs a little bit. He was definitely the hardest character to figure out the design but it was worthwhile.

 The concept art of the parents
The concept art of the parents

Which image was the easiest to do? (and why?)

I think the easiest image to do was Scamp. I’ve always known what I wanted him to look like since the beginning. I knew I wanted him to look like Taran from The Black Cauldron because I could see so much of him in Taran. When I would watch The Black Cauldron, I noticed a lot of expressions that Taran made were similar to the ones that Scamp would make. Of course I wanted him to be handsome and look like a little boy that’s not a teenager yet but is close enough to where he will experience teenage of preteen angst. The most difficult thing about him was his hair. When I first wrote my fanfic and was doing the designs of the characters, I asked one of my vrienden what they thought of it and they thought that Scamp’s hair needed to be a lighter shade of brown. His hair started out as just normal brown but I kept trying to make it as light as it could be without looking weird. When I finally learned how to make really good edits, I decided to try to give him a different hair style but I wasn’t sure what it should be. At first I thought I’d try using Aladdin’s hair but it just didn’t look right. Then I started thinking about Jack from Titanic, who was rebellious and headstrong, just like Scamp, so I decided to use Dimitri’s hair and it just looked wonderful. The color of his clothes was always an easy choice for me, just like the other characters. I matched it with the colors of their collars. Scamp’s was a greenish-blue, and it really suited his human self.

The picture of your character is the only one that was drawn door hand. Why didn’t u do that with the other characters?

That’s because I actually didn’t make that picture. u see, years geleden there was a contest on the Disney Princess fan club where I think we would vote for who would be the main Disney Princess fan club members of line-up of something. I don’t remember what it was about that much but one of the runners of the contest was going to draw us as Disney characters in a line-up for an article. Unfortunately, that never happened and I was so disappointed that it didn’t. However, I did get to see the drawing of myself and I assume everyone else did. So one dag for fun I just went on a website called Picnik, which was a website that unfortunately got removed, and I added the colors to the picture. If I had those kind of drawing skills, I would’ve been able to draw the characters a lot meer like I wanted them to be, but I’m happy with the way they are.

Did u have any help with your pictures of did u do them on your own?
Well, u already know about the picture of my character but there were other pictures I had help with. The picture of Tramp I didn’t do, as I mentioned above, and I don’t know who did it. It was originally a 2-D version of Flynn and I just made edits to it. I also had a lot of help with Lady, Scamp’s Sisters, and some with Angel door an old user called Ribon09. Back then I didn’t know how to make edits like that, so I asked for help. I asked her to take a picture of Wendy and her mother and give them Vanessa’s hair but still have the same hair color that Wendy and her mother had. I just added some color edits to those pictures to make them look meer like the animal characters they were portraying. Angel went through a lot of phases; first she was Melody with loose blonde hair and wore pink, then she was Melody with a ponytail and a meer original roze dress, and finally she became what she is now. I asked if Ribon09 could take a picture of Melody with Anastasia’s eyes, lips, and bangs and give her blonde hair. But she made her hair meer dirty blonde and it wasn’t very appealing to look at, so I made it meer like the blonde Angel’s vacht, bont was. Ribon09 Also made the dress look meer like it had a material to it, even though I didn’t ask for it, but it still looked incredible.

 The concept art of the siblings
The concept art of the siblings

If From Paws To Thumbs was made into a movie, what type of animatie would u use? (and why)

Both movie franchises have their own different styles of animation. Both of the 101 Dalmatians films have a very simple, sketchy, and okay looking animation. The original Lady and The Tramp had a very traditional classic Walt Disney style, while the sequel had a meer modern but still timeless look. Scamp’s Adventure’s animatie is absolutely gorgeous and definitely better than the original movie’s animation. All of these films have different styles of animation, so if I was doing the animatie for this story I would make it different from all the others. I would try to make it like the animatie in the 1997 film Anastasia. The animatie has some bright colors but it’s not too bright of too dark, it’s just perfect. The characters look realistic and a lot of great details like Anastasia/Anya’s complexion. The eyes aren’t too big, which would fit both of the styles of the franchises, where the humans look very realistic. The backgrounds, effects, movements, lighting, shadows, and magic all have a love of amazing detail to it. It’s just absolutely gorgeous and that’s the kind of style I would wanna use.

If u could draw the characters yourself of had your own personal animator, would u make any changes? (and why)

Well, for one, I’d probably try to give them their own outfits. Angel is the only one who has her own unique outfit and the others are just stuck with the outfits their characters have and my character is stuck with Prince Eric’s outfit. I would probably also make their faces look a little different from what they already look like. I definitely would’ve changed the designs of Patch’s siblings that turn human because they’re just not very satisfying and I couldn’t do much with them. I’m not sure how I would make them look but I would try to change their looks at least a little bit.

Were there any evolutions of the designs of the three main characters?

Well, I’ve already told u about the evolutions of Angel and Scamp, so I guess I’ll just tell u about Patch’s evolution. I’ve always known what characters I would model Scamp and Angel after, but I wasn’t so sure about Patch. I wanted him to be handsome but also have that cute look to him. I wasn’t sure what to do with him. But then I saw the trailer for the new Winnie The Pooh movie and that Christopher Robin was FINALLY getting normal eyes like he should have in the first place, and I thought that would be a good idea. At first, I just colored his hair black and made his clothes red and it was very boring. I also made his bangs really long, which covered up one of his eyes, to take the place of his patch on his eye. But then I took a screencap of Christopher Robin and made changes. I made his overhemd, shirt look a lot like Eric’s shirt, except red, and gave him green eyes instead of plain black; I added eye colors with all of the 101 Dalmatians characters. But something I started noticing when I began this contest was that Patch’s human image looked younger than Scamp and Angel’s did. They’re all supposed to be the same age, twelve years old. Scamp and Angel definitely looked like they were twelve years old but Patch looked like he was ten at the most and kind of looked like he was eight of nine, maybe even younger. One of the things that created such a strong bond between the three was the fact that they were the same age and could understand all the problems and insecurities that each other were going through. So I decided that I would just change the face door using a screencap of Taran that was handsome but still looked different from Scamp. He was probably the most difficult of the three main characters but it was worth it.

Were there any evolutions of the designs of the parents?

OH YEAH! DEFINITELY! Perdita and Pongo didn’t go through too much change since the original designs I did for them. All that changed for them was their hair. I just gave Pongo the bangs of the Prince from Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs and gave Perdita the loose hair of Belle from Beauty and The Beast, but didn’t give her Belle’s bangs. I’ve already talked about the difficulty that came with Tramp’s design, so let’s focus on Lady. At first, she was just Belle with loose hair with different coloring and I just hate it! She didn’t look like her own unique character and was just a copy of Belle. It didn’t even really suit her at all! When I decided to remake my fanfic, I knew I wanted to make everything perfect and that included the designs. door that time, I knew I wanted Scamp’s Sisters to look like Wendy from Peter Pan, so I thought I should just use Wendy’s mother as Lady. And u all already know how I got her final design figured out, so no need to explain it a seconde time.

Were there any evolutions of the designs of the villains?

With Cruella there wasn’t any at all because she didn’t need a new design. As for Buster and The Siamese Cats, I definitely had to go through some evolutions, but not much. I knew I would use jasmijn in her red slave outfit for The Siamese Cats because of those amandel eyes. At first it was just jasmijn with purple eye shadow, one of them in magenta, and the other in dark blue. However, I would eventually change their designs to make them look meer villain-like, even if they were just minor villains. I made their skin lighter, their faces smaller (but kept the eyes big), made their bodies fuller, got rid of the golden crowns, and made their outfits purple and black (matching outfits). As for Buster, at first he was in Naveen’s ball outfit, except black. But I thought that, that outfit didn’t suit him, so I used his outfit when Naveen and Tiana get Tiana’s restaurant and just made it black. The final touch was just to change his hair a little bit. I just used certain parts of Aladdin’s hair and made it look like its own thing.

Were there any evolutions of the designs of the siblings?

Well, no so much with Patch’s siblings, except that for Lucky I bounced between using young Prince Derek from The zwaan-, zwaan Princess and Hogarth from The Iron Giant. Scamp’s Sisters definitely went through a change. At first, Annett was just Wendy in dark blue and brown eyes, Collette was Alice in red and with brown hair and eyes, and Danielle was just Jane from Return To Neverland in white and longer brown hair and brown eyes. Eventually I decided I would just have them look exactly alike but with different colors and that’s how they came to be the way they are.

Which picture, of the animals in human form, do u think does the best job portraying the animal character?

That would have to be a tie between Scamp and Lady. With Scamp, I can really just see everything about his human self in his animal self. Those eyes, that smile, those expressions, and everything. Same with Lady, I can really see that classy and sophisticated beauty in her human self that her animal self possesses. They’re just absolutely perfect!

You've made several changes to your pictures, are there any changes u would still like to make? (and why?)

I don’t know of any changes I would make. I do wish I could have done meer with Patch’s siblings but there wasn’t much that I could do with them. I don’t know how to make them look better. I’m pretty satisfied with the others.

Are there any changes u wish u hadn't made? (and why?)

Not really. I’m really satisfied with the changes I made. Although I might have made Freckles a boy of just not include him at all. I don’t know.

Are there any afbeeldingen u don't like and wish u hadn't used? (and why?)

I don’t like the way Patch’s siblings look but I kind of had to use them. So no, there aren’t any that I wish I hadn’t used. There is just a certain concept art that I wish I knew how to make better.

Jock and Trusty are the only animal characters in the story that don’t turn into humans. Did u ever consider having them turn into humans in the story?

I actually did consider making them human but it didn’t work out. I thought it would be ridiculous and pointless to make them human. Plus, we wouldn’t have that funny scene where Trusty says he found Scamp, Jock says that he hasn’t and instead found a human boy, Jock starts to criticize Trusty, Scamp tells him to go easy on Trusty, Jack says he won’t, and then realizes that the human boy is Scamp. I just LOVE that moment! It’s pretty funny, if I do say so myself. If I had used human versions of them I probably would have had Trusty as Tiana’s father and I’m not sure who I’d use as Jock. I chose not to turn them into humans and I’m happy with that decision.

What do think Walt Disney would think of your concept art ideas?

Well, he always liked animated humans to look realistic, so I think he’s probably like them.

If Walt Disney loved your concept art ideas, how would u react?

I would absolutely be speechless! It would be such an honor to know that one of my all-time favoriete beroemdheden and the man who created my favoriete film company EVER actually loved my ideas. I would hope that he would also love the story.

Your a judge in this contest, if u were allowed u vote for yourself, would you? (be honest)

That’s kind of complicated. At first, yeah, I would have voted for myself. But the meer I thought about it, the meer I realized that people who actually drew their concept art actually worked harder than I did. So, yes and no.

And Finally, do u think u deserved to win this round? (be honest)

Yes, I do, but there were others who deserved to win too.
 The concept art of the villains
The concept art of the villains