Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by HecateA
So lately I've been thinking of the Cullens and how damn rich they are. And then I stop and go, wait a minute, how is that possible?

So I am going to compare the Cullen expenses and the average normal-people expenses in this chart.

Expense Normal People The Cullens

-Food X X*
-Clothing X X*
-Shelter X X
-Gas X X
-Inssurance X
-Electricity X X
-Running water X ?*
-Heating/cooling X
-School supplies X X
-Blood X
-At home pagina
Medical supplies
and medicine X X*
-Private island X*
and its maintenance X
-Cottage of
campground, etc X
-Travel expenses X X*
-Cell phones X X
-Useless Twilight
merchandise X
-Lunch money X X
-Morning Starbucks
coffee X
-Cleaning supplies X X
-Gardening suppliesX X
-Building supplies
for renovation
of lost-
rebuilding X X
-Dental care!
(had to put it) X
-Counter fit
papers X

The ones with the little stars are the ones that I can hear Twihards arguing at me about threw my monitor.

Food - Didn't they, like, feed 3 werewolves in Breaking Dawn? (only one ate, but they had the food for 3). Then they tried to get Bella to eat, then Renesmeee. They also keep food as a compliment (makes so much sense since no humans ever come over). That gets bad and gets chucked (except in December, when all the carollers come along), so not only is it a huge waste, but it also means that they have to re-buy stuff regularly (but I suppose they keep it for a week of so past experation since it gets closed, but wouldn't the house start to stink? Add extra Febreze to their lijst of expenses)

Clothing - So not only do they need to dress 7 vamps, but Alice is a shop-o-holic and Rosalie was used to the best her whole life, so no thrift-store stuff. And then they stuffed a huge room with stuff for Bella and Edward. We can pretty surely double the clothes $ for the Cullens.

Insurance - Since they don't get sick and can't die and are so perfect they don't have car accidents, I don't suppose they have any. Not on their house either, because what could happen that one of them couldn't fix? Plus if there's a brand they all die anyways, so...

Running water - Do they have running water? I assume they do as another "prop" and since Bella spends so much time there (unless another Mary-Sue power is super-bladders).

Heating/cooling -I'll spare them this one since they don't technically need it.

Blood - Did Carlisle get it free? I don't know, but I'm not going to re-read BD for that. If u know please tell in the comments!

At home pagina medical supplies and medicine - I know some humans do need medical equipement in their homes, but for the average not that many. And the Cullens probably do keep advil of something (note, does advil work on vampires? What do u think?) as a compliment of maybe they do need it (answer in comments, guys!). But either way, they probably spent a little meer then the average family on medical stuff.

Private island - They paid FOR the island, they pay to KEEP the island to themselves, they pay to KEEP the island and house clean, they pay for the stuff INSIDE the house... meer then owning a cottage, don,t u think?

Travel expenses - I don't know if its just me, but the Cullens seem to take-off for Italy meer often then your average American family, eh? And if u plan on goign on vacation, usually there's a lot of saving involved. Oh yeah, also, Edward running around the globe in despair looking for my good friend Vicky in New Moon.


1) "They've been saving for a long time"

Okay, but they've also been spending for a long time. They wouldn't have saved enough to be as immensily rich as S Meyer describes them as.

2) "Carlisle's a doctor!"

Yes, yes he is. But without any of the kids having as much as a part-time job, and Esme not working, it still doesn't cover the monthly budget 20 times.

Ooh, other thing: maybe he's still paying off university. And wouldn't he technically have to re-do it? New advances get made and sometimes u just need to get filled in on the new stuff. And I mean, his diploma would be from the 1800 of 1900 way before he was even "born", wouldn't that cause issues every time he changes jobs? Ooops, forgot, counter-fit diploma, right. But that can't be cheap and being as good-hearted as he is, Carlisle'll want to pay the guy for doing it, right?

And I can't come up with any other. If u have one, post in commentaren and I'll add it with me argument.

Conclusion: After doing the math, I don't see how the Cullens can be so immensily, damn rich. Thanks for reading!
added by youknowit101
Source: moviemistakes.com
added by MissKnowItAll
Source: f***yeahtwilightsucks
added by MissKnowItAll
Source: f***yeahtwilightsucks on Tumblr
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by harrypotterbest
added by LoveforSeverus
First of, Bellatrix is TOTALLY better looking! I mean, siriusly, Bella dresses in dime-a-dozen clothes that look like they came from a hobo who shops at goodwill. BellaTRIX is in kickass awesome black one in a million dresses. She shows that evil can be totally hot, while Bella shows how easy it is to be blah.

Also, BellaTRIX is played door Helena Bonham Carter, the best actress EVER! Kristen Stewart is an abomination to the world of acting. Shes so ugly and has no fashion sense whatsoever! she just dresses in shit hobo clothes, and cant look pretty to save her life. helena at least dresses interesting...
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1. Sparkles.
2. Lust.
3. Super-whiny Mary Sues
4. Renestard, err I mean, Renesmee.
5. Swan. (no, not just BELLA Swan! Don't forget the better Bella, BELLATRIX!!!)
6. Jacob (no, not Jacob BLACK, because the surname of Black is in HP too!)
7. meer of Romeo and Juliet.
8. Edwart, *cough*, Edward Cullen.
9. Rosalie Hale.
10. Jasper Hale.
11. Alice Cullen.
12. Emmett Cullen.
13. Vampire Baseball.
14. Thesaurus Rape.
15. Stephenie Meyer (The teef who wrote it all)
16. The Volturi.
17. Tyler's Van.
18. Imprinting.
19. Rated R-ness.
20. Unreal werewolves.
21. Horrible vampires.

That's all I got. So, there's 21, so what if that's kind of a whole lot? HP has Severus Snape! Beat that, Toilet!
posted by Swhit2
Okay, so Is anyone else as tired of the Twilight vs. HP argument? Well, I personally prefer Twilight, but Harry Potter is also very good. I think that people should just shut the hell up over it! Every once in a while, someone will talk badly about Twilight and I will defend it, but it is still ridiculous to argue over such nonsense.
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: amaranuestroantojo-twilight@tumblr
added by youknowit101
Source: nickjoker526@tumblr
added by RonGetYourWand
Source: ReasoningWithVampires
added by RonGetYourWand
Source: ReasoningWithVampires
added by youknowit101
Source: twifans.com
posted by HaleyDewit
While Bella was still gazing at her welcome home pagina present, Charlie took out her luggage and dragged them to the house door which he collided to Bella, making her fall.
“Aah!” she screamed. But before she hit the ground she felt a firm grip around her arm pulling her up. She looked right in Gerard’s face and gasped. Wow, talking about reflex. “Thanks” she mumbled.
“You’re welcome” he nodded. He was still holding her arm.
“Ehm, you’re hurting me” Bella zei trying to free her arm.
“I’m sorry” Gerard replied and he let go of her. He glanced at the house. “Maybe we should...
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added by youknowit101
Source: drappleluv.tumblr
added by youknowit101
Source: drappleluv.tumblr