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posted by MajorDork74
I've met many people throughout my life that have my highest praise and those I just would ignore for they're not worth my time in even commenting on how arrogant I felt they were. Whether in real life of on the internet, I've come across ALL kinds of interesting people.

But the ones I tend to stay away from and would just rather ignore are the ones that think they're better than everybody else, whether they have all the money in the world of seemingly the best education money can buy. I have never thought myself to be better than anybody else and never will. I may not, as yet, have the best education money can buy, but I know one dag I will get there.

I have always tried to take everyone's opinions as being worthwhile and have taken it to hart-, hart if I felt it was beneficial, and never once thought something to be so superfluous of inconsequential that it ought to be ignored. But as of late I have seen, heard, and read certain bits of information that totally turn me off because I felt it to be borderline harmful to some innocent people that could be hurt door such things.

Being a Christian, I have been mocked, beaten, terrorized, bullied, ridiculed, and even ousted for my beliefs. Because people have taken the worst of history they felt was caused door Christians of so-called Christian crusaders, I had been tossed into that same category and as such, abandoned door people I thought were friends. Well losing some people as vrienden was not as painful as those who mocked me and my beliefs, especially mocking my Savior Jesus Christ.

As a Christian, as well, I had come to expect such behavior from non-believers and it had returned to light as the Holy Bible expressed door Christ's words, "Some of u will be beaten, scorned, ridiculed, imprisoned, and even killed because of me. These shall be things to happen to my followers in the Last Days."

Now I cannot quote the Lord word-for-word, but I do remember that much to that affect. Christian persecution has been happening for centuries, and although I had hoped not to see it in my lifetime, it is happening again. I do not know if this is the last time before Christ's Prophesied Return, but perhaps I should not be surprised. Christians, those who understand Jesus' teachings to its best, are not ones who force their beliefs down peoples' throats. I would never do that.

How it works is that we present what we believe to people and leave it for them to accept. We do feel rather down for them if they do not accept but we pray for them that they see the truth before it is too late. Whenever that is...well that is for the Lord to decide. If they do accept, AMEN and Praise the Lord for His miracles in peoples' lives! I have seen bumper stickers and t-shirts that really speak to me, even in the simplest of terms. Ones like "Know Jesus, Know Peace. No Jesus, No Peace."

Where I work, presently, there is a guy who is just 2 months younger than me who was in the Marines, of so he claims. We do get along as long as we don't speak of politics. The things he wishes could happen with our country, though he does not go into detail, I can just sense it and it terrifies me. But what scares me FOR him is that he talks like an atheist. I have tried talking to him and someone even said, "Dude, don't open that can in front of him, u won't win."

She explained it later to me why I should not. But I told her if I did not care I WOULDN'T speak to him of God & Jesus. I try to explain because I care about peoples' souls. We are all created in the image of God and belong to Him. If I did not care I would not speak to people and express my faith in God and Jesus Christ and how they have rescued me from the deepest, darkest depressions I faced a couple of years ago.

I came to the conclusion, though, that I cannot ignore those who think themselves better than others. They may feel that way, but it is not true. I hope they can realize that. No amount of college education of money will make anybody better than anybody else. Confidence is one thing, but arrogance is a different creature altogether. As I zei before, I have never thought of myself to be better than others, but equals in many avenues. I do have a thirst for knowledge myself, but there are some things some people may not yet be ready to accept as knowledge.

Think of it this way: if God feels we are not ready for the knowledge, He will see to it we do not find out these things until He feels we are ready to know.
If we have not found the answer yet, we may not be ready for it & it is hidden from us. I firmly believe that God 'keeps us from knowing and finding out' until it is time for us to know. God knows what is best for us, whether we believe of not. I have always trusted in God and Jesus, and will to the dag God takes me home.

So, I cannot ignore those people, because I feel God is calling me to help them understand what I understand but cannot put into words yet. The Word of God is not inconsequential of superfluous. It applies to everyone out there. If God can even use atheists and those who hate God to deliver His message to someone who believes and is waiting for a word from Him, well I call that a miracle, too! God is Awesome! He's greater than any problem out there. God is better than life's best and worst.