Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil Club
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posted by yoyo98
That evening, Kick was sent to the hospital, with a broken arm. The volgende morning, Gunther came over to visit.
"Hi, Kick. I saw the way Osckar reacted yesterday, and it didn't seem normal for him..." Kick didn't reply.
"You better watch out Kick. I think u made Oskar really upset this time, like he's had enough of you."
"Gunther, Osckar always gets mad!"
"I guess he does........."Gunther mumbled.
"Do u want to go to the BattleSnax?" Gunther asked.
"Cool. I'll meet u over there, then. Buy Kick!"Gunther ran out the door.
Kick thought in his mind"What if Gunther's right? What IF Osckar is meer upset than usual? What will happen if I run into him again? Uuuhhh!.....Why do care! Nothing bad's going to happen anyway!"
Then all of a sudden, when Kick went out the door, right before he closed it, Oskar darted in the house. That night Kick's family zei they were going to a movie, but he could stay home pagina if he wanted. But if anything happened to the house that night, Kick would be in soooo much trouble. When he got to BattleSnax, Gunther was already sitting in a booth, eating today's special.
"Kick! What took u so long!? I got a chocolate shake for you....but somebody ate all of it..."
"I have to-"
"You want to try that stunt again, don't you? u have a broken arm, Kick! Are u trying to kill yourself?!"
", of course not, dummy..." Kick mumbled.
Gunther and Kick were walking to Kick's house. When they opened the door, they were both shocked.
"HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN??!!!" Kick screamed.
posted by StarsGoBlue
Little Moments 7
Chapter 7: "Dante"
The group was gathered in the dining room, save for Jessica, who was god knows where. Jackie rested her head on Gunther's rigid shoulder, eyes shut. "so.." Kendal offered "So?" Kick grunted. "What do we do now?" Kick stood up from the tafel, tabel and walked down the hall, continuing to talk. "We should..." his voice carried off in the distance. Meanwhile Jessica was waking up from her  10:30 snooze, waddling down the grand  staircase, she caught Kick off guard. Their chests slammed together, he felt her breath hitch in her throat, making her breathing shallow....
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posted by StarsGoBlue
Chapter 6 : Monster jam Menace
The roar was overwhelming, the smell, overpowering, just hearing the trucks gave her the chills. She smoothed her hand up her gans bumped arms. She looked down to find Kendal, kicked back in her chair, reading.  She shrugged and threw her arms in the air with a bellow. Kick nudged her ribcage " T-shirt cannon!" she turned back to the crowd, hands waving. "kick!" he looked down at her evil face. " put me on your shoulders!" he hoisted her up, surprisingly light. "I want that shirt!!!!" she wailed and went overboard, she pulled up her overhemd, shirt to reveal her bare chest. Kick was oblivious, that is, until he looked at the monitor. 

Jessica marched in the parking lot, happy with her free tee, and autographs above each breast. "You're too much fun." Gunther rubbed the back of his head. 
posted by StarsGoBlue
Chapter 5: Sexy Sugestions
"Kendall?keeendal?" She shook her shoulder. She wiped the crust from her blue sleepy eyes. "Yeah? " she still reeked of liquor and  over-doused perfume. Jessica was tempted to slap her and ask what the hell she was doing with her life, but refrained. Instead she rubbed her shoulder. "rough night?" she slowly sat up, bed creaking. "Uh huh."she felt her hair, matted to the back of her head." she stared at her through squinted eyes. "what time is it?" Jessica checked her phone. "9:35." Kendal sighed "damn." rubbing her eyes. 
The group met in the kitchen, everyone in...
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posted by yoyo98
"Welcome home, Gunther." Suprisingly, he slowly got out of the car. His parents were waiting for him.
"Why are u so sad?"Helga and Magnuson asked in unison.
"Kick....... Kick... Died." They looked at him in horror. Helga passed out.
Denise ran out of the house crying, and Harold came out with a depressed look on his face.
Morgana started crying a little too.
While carrying Kick, she zei "I can see u heard about the sad news. I found Kick and Gunther in a tent on the side of a road. Kick was knocked out. Not even Gunther knows how of why this happened."
This made Denise cry even harder.
"I can't believe that........." She was so upset and shocked she couldn't even finish a whole sentence.
"We're gonna have a funeral. This Sunday. u better not be late of I'll be late to your funeral." Denise zei with a serious voice, still crying. Gunther was still crying after 30 minutes. He was that upset about losing his best friend.
posted by StarsGoBlue
Chapter 15: Suspicion
"Kick!" Vicky called from a few feet back. Kick was busy making his way  back to the court house lawn. "hey! Don't u ignore me Buttowski!"  Kick stopped and waited for her to catch up. " I.... Filed... A missing" she heaved heavily to catch her breath, hands on hips.  "what would I do without 'cha?" he ruffled her hair. "gee, thanks" she blew a strand of hair out of her face.  "they want to interview each one of us today." "this won't be the first time I was affiliated with the law." kick put his hand under his chin, looking ever so smug. "let's get...
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posted by yoyo98
A few hours later, Morgana had to stop for gas at a gas station.
"Finally, we got somewhere we can stop. I wanna see if there's anything wrong with Kick before we verplaats on." Gunther was still sleeping, so he wouldn't be terrified about anything if something happened. She took off Kick's helm tosee if there was an injury hiding under his brown hair. There was a big and deep gash on the side of his head.
Morgana thought in her mind "The only way this could've happened is door him doing something that involved taking his helm off. But why would he do that?...."
Kick was riding around...
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posted by StarsGoBlue
Chapter 1: Telluride
Kick closed his the door on his silver Ford truck. He called his dog, Zeus, to his side. "Ya coming?" he wagged his tail in response. He made a swooping motion with his arm and opened the door. "Get in then!" he laughed at his over excited dog and hopped in the front seat.  He was headed to Telluride, Colorado. For a high school reunion. At the time, he was 30, single, and lived on his own. He thought lowly of himself, how lame he was, living in the country on his own. He was still pursuing his dreams to become the worlds greatest daredevil. Kick had moved to Denver after...
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posted by yoyo98
Later that night at two in the morning, Kick finally woke up from an extremely deep sleep. He didn't wake up once in the middle of the dag of night. Walking slowly to the fridge, Kick felt like he forgot something.
"What was I going to do....... Where's Gunther?......... Gunther!"
Kick poured himself a glass of milk, got dressed, grabbed Ol' Blue and actually dived out of the hotel window. Landing on Ol' Blue, he quickly bolted to the jail. When Gunther was arrested, Kick saw which way the car went. He remembered seeing a jail on the way to Florida. There wasn't a high uithangbord of anything that...
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posted by yoyo98
Later that night at two in the morning, Kick finally woke up from an extremely deep sleep. He didn't wake up once in the middle of the dag of night. Walking slowly to the fridge, Kick felt like he forgot something.
"What was I going to do....... Where's Gunther?......... Gunther!"
Kick poured himself a glass of milk, got dressed, grabbed Ol' Blue and actually dived out of the hotel window. Landing on Ol' Blue, he quickly bolted to the jail. When Gunther was arrested, Kick saw which way the car went. He remembered seeing a jail on the way to Florida. There wasn't a high uithangbord of anything that...
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posted by StarsGoBlue
Chapter 13: "Clarence Francis Buttowski." Kick turned in his bed, intertwining himself in his sheets. His bed creaked with every flop. The light in the bathroom clicked on, illuminating his room. He opened one tired eye and watched Brad walk out. "Restless much dillweed?! i can't sleep, so quit turning over!" He jabbed a finger at Kick. He flew out of bed, marching his way to meet Brad the the door. Kick looked up and snarled, "Look, i'm NOT in the mood for your attitude!" Brad continued to glare, trying to work the answer out of Kick. "Jessica is in pain and i cant sleep because of her! OKAY?!"...
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posted by yoyo98
Kick was extremely mad. He keeps getting waked up door Gunther, which means he might be slightly cranky, and already he is totally out of it. As much as he wanted to save Gunther that night, he couldn't. It was for both his and Gunther's sake. If he gets caught trying to break Gunther out of jail, he might not have the energy to get away. Nobody can break them out of jail if he gets cuaght. He knew it would be best if he stayed at the hotel and got a lot of sleep that all night and day. Kick planned to break Gunther out of jail at night. Usually it's easier then. Right when his head hit the pillow,...
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posted by yoyo98
"WOOHOO! We're in Florida!" Gunther screamed, getting out of the car. Brad stared at him, then gave him a wedgey.
"I hate him...." Gunther mumbled.
"Here, have some nuts." Brad said.
"Yay!" Gunther yelled. Out came springs, which made Gunther scream.
"It's okay, Gunther. I'm sure you'll find an actual can of nuts somewhere." Kick said.
"Enough fighting, kids. Let's go rent a hotel room." Denise said.
"I want a donut........." Gunther mumbled. Kick saw a poster that said: BIG HOTEL PARTY TONIGHT AT 10:00-WHENEVER EVERYONE LEAVES! ALSO, BILLY STUMPS WILL BE THERE! COME WITH AN EMPTY STOMACH AND...
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posted by yoyo98
"WOOHOO!" I'm going on vacation! Gunther yelled. He packed his things and literally fell down the stairs.
"Ouch....." After whipping the door open and running out the door, Kick was riding around on Ol' Blue outside. Both of them crashed into each other.
"Gunther, are u okay?"
"Yeah,......... Ooh,'chicken wings!" Gunther saw a garbage can filled with moldy, uneaten chicken wings and ate them.
"Gunther, what are u doing?"
"Eating chicken wings someone's trash. They're actually very tasty.....
......zzz..........zzz" It was 5:00am at the time.
Waking up Gunther and pulling him door the wrist,...
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posted by yoyo98
"Come on, Gunther............. Gunther? Well, he usually gets tired a few hours after he wakes up......."
"zzz.....zzz..." Gunther fell asleep.
Kick was having a very hard time dragging Gunther. When he got to Food'n'Fix, he dropped Gunther onto the ground.
"What's up, danger dude? What happened to the wing man?"
"He's taking a nap.... Listen, I know who robbed you."
"Gunther..." Wade started laughing.
"I expected that from him...." Kick had confused look on his face.
"We got meer Cheetah Chug....... Where did it all go?" Gunther burped loudly, with a bunch of opened cans of Cheetah Chug volgende to him.
"Gunther...." Kick scolded.
posted by StarsGoBlue
Chapter 12: Goings On
Dear Kick,
I apologize, u would have to find out sooner of later. I am sorry that u had to know too early. I was gonna leave him, but he found me. I'd hate to do this to u now, but I have to verplaats back home. That's where the jobs are right now, and my mother has to support herself and I, after my father left her, it was devastating . I can understand how u could hate me now, but the feeling isn't mutual, I could never hate you. This may be the last time we talk, 
                                       Love, Jess.

His eyes scanned the paper again,...
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posted by yoyo98
Kick ran in front of Gunther to stop him from limping away. Gunther couldn't stand standing up any longer, and fell onto the hard cement.
"Gunther, I need to know. Are u the crook of Food'n'Fix?" Kick gave Gunther that steely gaze.
"Oh my gosh! Look! Wacky Jackie's coming!" Gunther yelled, lying. Suprisingly, Kick fell for it that time and Gunther continued to limp to his house. That didn't keep Kick from chasing after him for long. Gunther tripped over a rock in the way with his twisted ankle. His twisted ankle was now a broken ankle.
"Okay! Okay! I did do it. I didn't...
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posted by yoyo98
Kick ran in front of Gunther to stop him from limping away. Gunther couldn't stand standing up any longer, and fell onto the hard cement.
"Gunther, I need to know. Are u the crook of Food'n'Fix?" Kick gave Gunther that steely gaze.
"Oh my gosh! Look! Wacky Jackie's coming!" Gunther yelled, lying. Suprisingly, Kick fell for it that time and Gunther continued to limp to his house. That didn't keep Kick from chasing after him for long. Gunther tripped over a rock in the way with his twisted ankle. His twisted ankle was now a broken ankle.
"Okay! Okay! I did do it. I didn't...
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posted by yoyo98
Kick ran in front of Gunther to stop him from limping away. Gunther couldn't stand standing up any longer, and fell onto the hard cement.
"Gunther, I need to know. Are u the crook of Food'n'Fix?" Kick gave Gunther that steely gaze.
"Oh my gosh! Look! Wacky Jackie's coming!" Gunther yelled, lying. Suprisingly, Kick fell for it that time and Gunther continued to limp to his house. That didn't keep Kick from chasing after him for long. Gunther tripped over a rock in the way with his twisted ankle. His twisted ankle was now a broken ankle.
"Okay! Okay! I did do it. I didn't...
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posted by yoyo98
Kick whipped his blankets off the bed in the morning, waiting to get to Food'n'Fix to find the crook. He called Gunther and told him to meat him there. Kick got dressed, grabbed Ol' Blue, and met Gunther and Wade at Food'n'Fix.
"So, Wade, did anything happen last night?" Kick asked.
"See for yourself, danger dude." Kick
looked and saw a weird-looking guy putting all the Cheetah Chug in a big bag.
"No way.........." Kick couldn't believe it. Gunther tried to look innocent.
"That guy there..... He just looks so familiar..."Kick said. Gunther started to get very sweaty, with a worried look on his...
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posted by yoyo98
Gunther didn't know that what he was doing was wrong at the time. He got suited up for operation Cheetah Chug. So nobody recognized him, he didn't bring any crutches. He went inside of Food'n'Fix, literally being as quiet as a mouse. He had a gigantic bag with him. He took ALL of the Cheetah Chug, and put it in to a bag. Gunther wanted to yell woohoo, but thought if he did, Wade would recognize Gunther's voice. He picked up the bag and darted out of Food'n'Fix.
When Gunther knew he was far from Food'n'Fix, he yelled "WOOHOO!"