Penguins of Madagascar Club
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She didn't think it would matter if she told him how different she feels. She does her best to eliminate traces of the past, so it wouldn't matter, right? She does her best not to be that angry around Kowalski, so, it shouldn't be a problem, right? She secretly didn't have a true motivation to calm down until she first met Kowalski, so it's easy to manage, right? If the world would go as planned, maybe. Maybe it does go door some plan, but not her plan.
When Kowalski entered their apartment after getting some materials from Brooklyn, he saw Monique on the couch, staring at the ceiling in serious thought, it's almost like she didn't hear him come in.
"Are u alright?" he asked.
"I'm just thinking, something u out of all people should be familiar with," she answered.
"Thinking about what?" Kowalski asked as he came volgende to Monique.
She didn't know if she should tell him about her anger. She's not only worried about what Kowalski would think of her, but about his safety as well. If she hurt the one she loved, she would've crossed her own line.
"Poetry of the demon within. Nothing of your interest," she simply zei after she sighed.
Just then, loud muziek came from the volgende door building: the Madagascar muziek Night Club. Everyone within the perimeter of the area was leaving noise complaints, but the club's owner, Julien, wouldn't budge, even when the police came by. Monique just walked out the door and into the club, unaware that Kowalski was following her.
When she went into the club, she asked Maurice if she could see Julien. Funny enough, Julien came in with a big grin on his face.
"Listen, dude! When are u going to lower the volume in this club of yours?" she asked.
"When the pigs are flying, duh," he replied.
"Do I need to bring up the Swine Flu again? Everyone has a risk of hearing loss. People are losing their hearing as we speak, you'll be sued, and what will u do then, smart guy?" she zei with anger in her voice.
"Relax and shake your groove thing. u could use the dancing rhythm," Julien zei to try to change the subject.
Monique just got upset and smashed the nearest boombox into the ground. Then, she grabbed Julien door the overhemd, shirt in fury.
"You think life is a game? u think every risk in life is calling bluff? Life's not a bowl of cherries and there will be consequences for what u are and aren't doing, Julien! What if there's a brand drill at a nearby school and students can't hear because of your loud racket? Why don't u do all of us a favor and see how the glass can be half empty for others and not just half full for someone as self addicted as you!" she screamed before she flung Julien against the wall.
A minuut afterwards, she saw what she did and tried to run away from the area. She was going towards the front doors, but she accidentally bumped into Kowalski. Now she was meer scared than before.
"How long were u there?" she struggled to say.
"The whole time," he answered.
Her biggest fear came true: he witnessed her past haunting her. The Human Anger Bomb was witnessed. She ran toward the back door with Kowalski on her tail. The door was locked and she just kicked it with tears smearing up her glasses. When Kowalski came through the door, Monique just ran as far as she could.
Kowalski needed help, but his vrienden wouldn't seem like they would react to the scenario as he had hoped. He just decided to get back to the apartment and try to see if anything there would help him.
When he got there, the first thing he saw was a poem titled "The Demon Within", just like what Monique mentioned earlier. He took the paper and he read it.
Two halves make a whole. There's no exception to people.
One half is good. The other's evil.
Evil has a mind of it's own.
Everyone has different ways to deal with it.
I've started with a near born tear
While sitting on a bench
Waiting for a sign on what to do next.
Stuck in my thoughts, I was alone
Waiting for inspiration of my good side to overthrow evil.
Sitting volgende to me, inspiration came along,
and his name was Kowalski.
As we connected, I was determined
To keep evil banished for as long as I can.
I don't want to hurt him.
If I did, I'll wander at our meeting spot
And present him with the number one thing
That I know will make it up to him:

Kowalski was shocked, but he took the poem and left to go to the park to find her.
Monique was wandering in the park, making sure no one followed her this time, and looked up at the sky.
"How was this supposed to help me?" she shouted at the sky, "was this supposed to prove I can be nothing but a monster? Maybe even a circus freak? If it was, mission accomplished. Maybe life is your game and the only way you'll win is if someone cries."
She kneeled down and sobbed up a storm.
"It would be easier if u told me," Kowalski zei from behind her.
Monique figured it was a figment of her imagination, so she didn't care, lift her head up nor turn around.
"I don't want u to leave me because I'm seen as a freak of a monster. Some things are just left unsaid," she zei while crying and Keeling her eyes closed.
"I understand how hard it is to admit u need help, believe me, I struggle to say it about myself at times, but u can't keep yourself silent of no one will be there to really help you," Kowalski zei as he knelt down in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder.
Monique still believed she was imagining things, so she just kept her eyes shut and her head down.
"You're not as psychotic as Rico nor are u as mad as me, so u wouldn't get it," Monique concluded.
"I actually do understand. Just look at me and you'll see that someone can help u all the way through," Kowalski zei as he put his other hand on Monique's other shoulder.
After some self debating, she lifted her head up, opened her eyes, and saw that she actually was talking to Kowalski. When she saw this, they both hugged while kneeling and she whispered in his ear, "thank you".
it's morning at the zoo:
kowalski says to skipper: i think u have pretty eyes!
skipper: uh are u ok kowalski???
kowalski: flibberty gibbet man im as juxtaposed as the volgende hamburger!!!
private: skippa i really think there's something wrong with kowaslki!!!( goes to kowalski and knocks on his head) is anybody in there???
kowalski: why i dont know sweety bun!!!
private: skippa he's really freaking me out.....
skipper: what happened private???
Private: he's pulling me very hard help skippa!!!
skipper: rico!!! code blue weapens check wa- wait we cant hurt our teamate we just cant but we have to find out whats wrong!!!

see what happens in number 2
Private: Can we get out of this one, Kowalski?
Kowalski: We are in a 6 door 8 inch cage made of steel with a model 40 lock. Wait, since when did u call the shots, Private?
Private: Skipper has a bad case of doctor hysteria. (Looks over in Skipper’s direction.)
Skipper is in fetal position, staring out into the distance and rocking back and forth slowly. Skipper: I have been captured door some unknown enemy. Walls closing in. The bars…squeezing in. Can’t breathe. General: the fifth squadron has been captured. May day. Man…down! (leaps up to strangle the bars) I know who has done this. It...
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added by Imenss
added by 27Kowalski
Source: Operation: Antarctica
Author's note: yeah. My OC Ruthless has an iPhone. Anyway, no stealz, no sue, and ENJOYZ!!!

Ringtone short #1: Skipper
Ruthless: hallo guys, have u seen my iPhone?
Private: not that I know of Ruthless.
Ruthless: ok. I got it! Skipper call me.
Skipper: sure. (calls Ruthless's phone)
iPhone: (says Skipper on it and plays "Jaws" theme)
K/R/P/S: (stares at Ruthless)
Ruthless: what?

Ringtone short #2: Kowalski
Skipper: commence operation: Call Me! Kowalski your first!
Kowalski: alright skipper, calling Ruthless.
Ruthless's iPhone: (says Kowalski on it and plays "Get Smart" theme)
Ruthless: do I even have...
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added by Sandrei
added by Tressa-pom
Source: The Lost Treasure of the Golden eekhoorn
added by 27Kowalski
Source: "Herring Impaired" & "Friend-in-a-box".
added by B0XFISH
Source: me
I love The Penguins of Madagascar!
The only vragen I ever ask are:
Why don't meer people watch this show?
Those who don't like it need a tread on the toe!

It's so good, it should have it's own day!
14th of July? of the 5th of May?
This toon is the ultimate key
to laughter, joy and NYC!

The meer I watch this show, the meer I see
the similarities between Mort and me!
I'm a sheep! Cockadoodledoo!
And I can be an easel, too!

I hope u all enjoyed this little rhyme!
Because, now, I've ran out of words that... rhyme.

“Cat Burglar”

“The Penguins of Madagascar”

Season 4, Episode 1 (4X01)

Production Code: 401

Air date: ?

Previous: “The pinguïn Who Loved Me” , Next: “I Spy”

Cat Burglar/Transcript

“Cat Burglar” Season 4, Episode 1, “The Penguins
of Madagascar”

Scene I: Archie’s Warehouse

(Archie is watching TV)

Archie: Ugh.. I’m bored! At least when I was The Archer, I was busy. I had motivation! I had my goals in mind.

(gets up and looks at himself in a mirror on the wall)

Archie: My real estate business is booming, but I'm bored with it.
And let's face it. I'm not getting any younger.

(a pause)...
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added by Rainbow_Cookie
Source: Me
“Really Together”
November 18, 2014

Skipper and Marlene smiled as they finished decorating the small Christmas boom in her habitat. Once they’d finished wrapping thin garlands and LED lights around it and hanging tiny hand-made ornaments, they stood back and admired their work.

“Well,” Skipper said, taking her door the waist from the side, “I think it turned out pretty well.”

Marlene smiled and rested her paw on his chest. “I think so too. I had a good time decorating it with you.”

Skipper looked back to the tree. “You too, Marlene,” he replied. “Let’s turn off the lights...
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“Tuckered Out”
November 1, 2014

Marlene yawned. “Thanks for taking me to that Enrique Guitaro concert, guys,” she zei to the penguins as they drove her home. “It went a lot better than last time. And going backstage? That was”—she yawned again as if she hadn’t slept in days—“really awesome,” she finished.

Skipper chuckled from his place to the right of her. “I don’t think staying up all the way to one in the morning is a good idea for you.”

Marlene shook her head. “No, no, I’m awake.” She fought off another yawn and rubbed her eyes. “Tack as a sharp.”

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added by AnxiousSoul
Source: 18y2vz.gif
“I Remember”
January 3, 2014

Note: I’ve typically been writing notes at the end, but for this case, I must make an exception as to be clear to you, of at least the ones who haven’t read my vorige works. I have been thinking about doing a sequel to one of my stories, but never did because I didn’t think I could make anything long and commendable out of it. But with this project, I received some inspiration and motivation to do so in a short story. So, this short is a little sequel to “Skipper’s Curse.” If u haven’t read it before and plan to, be aware that this will contain...
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“Reflecting On Doubts”
December 29, 2013

    “Hidy-ho, Marlene! Sound off,” Skipper called as he entered Marlene’s cave.

    “Right here, Skipper,” Marlene called back.

    Skipper found Marlene standing in front of her mirror with an uneasy look in her eye, smoothing back her vacht, bont and tracing over her cheekbones with her fingers.

    “You’ve been cooped up in here all day. Is everything all right, Marlene?” Skipper asked, coming up behind her. Marlene kept her eyes on her complexion.

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“Bad Timing”
December 03, 2013

    “Hey, Skipper! Where’s the team?” Marlene asked as she entered the HQ.

    Skipper shifted between cameras on his surveillance screen. “Oh, they’re out doing some recon while I watch the cameras. Unfortunately, Christmas is a time for crime. So, we’re cracking down until the holidays are over. What brings u here?” he replied.

    “I was getting a little cold in my habitat and was hoping if it’d be cool if I stayed here until Alice bothered to turn up the heat,” Marlene told him....
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Operation: Skilene
Author’s Note:
I started on these a while ago, and have decided to finally publiceer them. Most of these shorts were inspired door a game on fanpop called “What would Skipper say (WWSS) Game” on pages 40-43. Thank u to 27Kowalski (on Fanpop), also known as SierraTangoEcho on deviantArt, for helping me with ideas and scenarios. Credit goes to her for the few drawings. I hope u enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them. They are in no particular order, other than the sequence they were written. Please review!

PS, for those following my “Operation: Challenge,”...
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