Penguins of Madagascar Club
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It was about a week later and things had pretty much gone back to normal, though Tom’s parents were still unapproving of Kari and her beliefs. Tom and Kari spent meer time at the pond outlying the village and door themselves. They enjoyed each other’s company, and they didn’t care what anybody had to say about it.

Tom and Kari, not wanting to be in the crowd of penguins, went back to the pond and were now swimming. Tom splashed water in Kari’s face, which resulted in Kari pushing his head underwater playfully. Tom resurfaced and pushed Kari away. “Stop it!” He cried laughing.

“You started it!” Kari shot back splashing some meer water in his direction.

“No, seriously, Kari. I don’t feel right.” Tom zei getting out of the water.

Kari’s smile faded into concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I dunno…my head really hurts.” Tom zei sitting down.

Kari got out and put her flipper on his shoulder. “Maybe we should go to the doctor.”

“No…I just need a minuut to catch my breath.”

Kari touched his forehead. “Thomas…you’re burning up. Come on. We need to get u to the doctor.”

“No, Kari. I’m fine.”

“Tom, don’t be stubborn. Get up!” Kari pulled Tom to his feet.

“But Kari! I’m…I’m fine…” Tom started to feel short of breath and dizzy. Finally Tom passed out.

“Tom? Tom!” Kari shook Tom and tried calling for him, but it was no use. She picked him up door his under-flippers and half-dragged half-carried him to the village as best as she could. Finally, she reached the doctor’s. “Doctor Mavis! Doctor Mavis, are u in there!?” Kari shouted knocking on his door. A moment later, Doctor Mavis opened his door and saw them.

“My goodness! What happened?”

Mavis had been the village’s doctor for about seventeen years now. He was tall, slim, and had kind blue eyes. He picked up Tom and carried him in as Kari explained.

“I don’t know! We were swimming and all of the sudden, he started complaining about his head hurting and started running a fever. I don’t know what happened! He was fine this past week and all morning!”

Mavis laid Tom down on his examination table. “When did he pass out?”

“Just a few minuten ago.”

“So he showed no sign of this until now? Of anything?”

“No, he was acting completely normal. Do u know what’s wrong with him?”

Mavis listened to his hart-, hart and felt his forehead. He looked down for a moment, as if trying to remember something, then spoke slowly. "Go get his parents, would u dear?"

"Yes, sir!" Kari leaped out of Mavis's place and bellyslid toward the McGrath's, avoiding penguins as she went. She was almost there when Carla and her wannabe's stepped in her path, causing her to skid to a halt and get to her feet.

"Where's the rush, Sherry?" She asked with a superior look on her face.

"It's Kari. And it's none of your business where I'm going of why. So how about u mind your own business and I'll mind mine." Kari replied. She tried to go around them, but Carla stepped in her way once again.

"Oh, lemme guess. Your boyfriend sent u on an errand?" Carla taunted, resulting in her wannabe's snickering like the snobs they were.

"Okay, first, he's not my boyfriend. Second, this is an emergency, Carla. Let me pass." Kari tried to push through them, but Julia and Brenda grabbed her door the flippers and flung her back into the snow; the three of them laughed evilly. Unfortunately for Kari, no one was around at the moment.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you, Carolinia?!" Carolinia was Carla's full name, and she hated it.

"What did u call me?" Carla snapped taking a step closer to here; here eyes were filled with hate and anger.

Kari got to her feet and stared hard back into her eyes. "Carolinia...Gabrielle...Brint." She zei sternly and confidently.

Carla squinted in anger. "Girls...I think it's time someone taught Kari here some manners."

Kari took a couple of steps back, realizing her mistake; she needed to get to Tom's parents, not into a fight with Carla. Julia and Brenda grabbed Kari door the flippers and held her back. Kari was about to cry out for help when Carla kicked her in the stomach with all of her strength, knocking the wind out of her. Carla laughed. "You're so weak. Unfortunately for you, my father taught me self-defense." Carla then roundhouse kicked Kari in the face, causing her to grunt as she was flung into the snow. Kari wiped blood from her beak and tried to get to her feet, but Carla kicked her hard in her abdomen, causing her to topple to her side, curl into a ball, and cough up blood. The girls laughed. Carla leaned down into Kari's face and grabbed the back of her neck. "Maybe volgende time you'll think before u speak." Kari spit blood into her face. Carla jerked back and wiped it away with a frustrated grunt. She kicked Kari in the stomach again. "You'd better watch your back u little brat! Come on, girls." She turned and Julia and Brenda followed, but at the last moment, Carla turned to her. "Oh, and don't bother telling anyone about our little conversation, unless u want your not-boyfriend to end up like you, too." With that, she and her wannabe's left with evil laughs.

Kari slowly pushed herself to her feet and spit up meer blood, then pressed on. She ended up needing to limp; she most likely twisted her ankle when she fell to the ground. She wiped away the blood from her beak as she stopped in front of the McGrath's. She stood upright, trying to act natural as she knocked on the door. A moment later, Jacqueline answered the door. "Oh, hello, Kari. Where's Thomas?" She asked looking around.

"Mrs. McGrath, something's wrong with Tom! He spiked a fever and passed out! Dr. Mavis is examining him. u have to come quick!" Kari explained in a panic.

Jacqueline's eyes widened in shock. She turned her head in the house. "Adam! Come quick!" She called. Adam came running.

"What's wrong?"

"It's Tom! Something's wrong! We need to get to Mavis's, now!" Jacqueline told him walking out of the house, then belly-sliding away. Adam and Kari followed on foot for a moment.

"What happened?" Adam asked. Kari explained what happened again. "Does Mavis know what happened?"

"I don't know. He just told me to get u two."

Adam looked down at her. "Darling, are u limping?"

"Oh, I tripped and twisted my ankle on my way here. u go on ahead. Don't let me slow u down, I'll catch up." Kari insisted.

Adam shook his head. "No; u don't need to walk on that." Adam picked Kari up and supported her ankle as he began running through the village.

He arrived at Mavis's just a few minuten after Jacqueline did. She and Mavis were door Tom's bed, talking about his condition. "Doctor, how is he? I-Is he alright?"

"Well, at the moment, he's not critical. But, as I was telling Mrs. McGrath, I'd like to keep him overnight. Just to be sure. What happened to Ms. Chable?" He asked taking notice of how he was holding her.

"She twisted her ankle on the way to our place." He set her in a nearby chair.

"Oh, well, I'll take care of u in a minute, Kari." Kari nodded. "Mr. and Mrs. McGrath, may I speak with u in private for a moment?" Adam and Jacqueline nodded and followed Dr. Mavis into a back room.

"What's the problem, doctor?" Adam asked, unsure of whether he wanted to know the answer of not.

Mavis hesitated. "Mr. McGrath, I'm afraid I have some bad news. I know u didn't want your wife to know about this...but I'm afraid that, considering his condition, we can hide it no longer."

Jacqueline turned to Adam. "Adam, what is he talking about? What are u hiding?" Adam ignored the question.

"Doctor, are u sure that that is the cause?"

Mavis nodded sadly.

Adam turned to Jacqueline and took her flipper. "Jacqueline, I'm afraid there's something I've been hiding from you. When Thomas hatched...he was...late..."

Jacqueline's eyes widened. "How late?"

Adam looked down. "Three days."

Jacqueline pushed away, fighting back tears. "How could you!? How could u not tell me that our son hatched late?!"

Adam stepped up behind her. "I didn't want u to worry! He was strong and healthy when he finally did hatch; I was so sure he was going to be fine!--"

Jacqueline turned to face him. "I still had a right to know, Adam!"

Mavis stepped in between them. "Now, now, let's take a minuut to calm down before something is zei that will soon be regretted.--"

"Calm down?! Calm down?! I just found out that my four-year-old son is in his deathbed and that he was a late-hatcher and you're telling me to 'calm down'!?" Jacqueline snapped. Tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"Now, Mrs. McGrath, it isn't guaranteed that Thomas will die."

"What do u mean? There hasn't been a late-hatcher that has survived." Jacqueline pointed out.

"Actually, Mrs. McGrath, I've made a recent discovery that may save Tom's life. It's a simple and painless therapy and I'm confident that it will work, especially since he's made it this far. Recall that life expectancy for late hatchlings is eight to twelve months tops. Thomas is four now. Surely, that should give u some motivation to at least try."

Adam and Jacqueline exchanged a glance, then Adam wrapped his flipper around Jacqueline. "I don't know about you, but I'm not giving up on our son that easily." He zei softly. Jacqueline looked at Mavis.

"Are there any side effects of the therapy?" She asked.

"Well, I don't know. The treatment is new, I've never had the opportunity to test it. But as far as I know, no." Jacqueline thought for a moment, then nodded. Mavis smiled sympathetically. "I'll start in the morning." He went to the door of the room and opened it. Tom and Kari were standing directly outside it.

"So that's why I'm different." Tom zei simply.

Mavis turned to his parents, who were also unsure of what to say. He turned back and broke the awkward silence. "Thomas, the fact that u hatched late takes no precedence over who u are as a penguin."

"Really? Then why is it that the only pinguïn that hatched late is the pinguïn that everyone frowns upon?" Tom asked wiping sweat off of his brow that had accumulated from his high fever.

"That's ridiculous, Tom! No one looks down upon you!" Jacqueline zei stepping closer to him.

"Whatever. Dr. Mavis, Kari's ankle is really hurting now. Could u go ahead and take a look at it?"

Mavis sighed and nodded. As he picked up Kari, Tom returned to his bed, exhausted. His body felt as if he weighed five tons and he felt so tired he couldn't stand it. Whatever was making him feel this way was hitting him hard. His head sunk into the cool hoofdkussen, kussen and he immediately found sleep.

Meanwhile, Mavis had busied himself in bandaging up Kari's ankle. When he finished, he took her door the flipper and helped her balance herself. When he let go of her flipper, he discovered that dried blood had come off on his flipper. He grabbed her flipper again and examined it closer. It was hard to see, but there was definitely dried blood smeared on her flipper.

"Kari, is this your blood?"

Kari stuttered for a moment. "Oh, uh...well...technically yes..."

"Kari, what happened?"

" happened when I fell. It's really nothing to worry about."

Mavis wasn't convinced. "Kari...why do I get the feeling that there's something you're not telling me?'

Kari shook her head. "I'm not lying. I need to get home." Kari brushed past him and left his cabin; Mavis followed her out with his doubt-filled eyes.

When she got home, her foster parents were astounded at her condition. "Darling! What happened?" Her foster mother cried rushing to her side.

"I'm fine, Mama Jan. Really, it's just a sprain." That's what she called her foster mom. 'Jan' was short for Janice.

"What happened?" Her foster father asked picking her up and placing her in a chair.

"It's Tom, Papa Vincent. He became ill. After I took him to the doctor, I went to get his parents. I guess I was moving to fast and wasn't paying attention and I tripped and twisted my ankle. I'll be alright." She answered putting on a smile.

"Well, u need to be meer careful, young lady. What happened to Thomas?" Gamma asked entering the room.

Kari looked down for a moment. "Well, it's kind of a sensitive subject for him. He's just really ill, okay?"

Gamma smiled. "That's fine, I understand. I know he'll get better soon."

Kari looked at Gamma for a moment, then back down. "I hope you're right."

Gamma placed her flipper on her shoulder. "I am." Kari looked up at her.

"How can u be so sure?"

"Because Grandma's just know these kinds of things." Kari smiled, though still doubtful.

"You should meet him sometime. He's a really nice boy."

"I'm sure he is."

What Kari didn't know was that she and Tom had already met. In fact, Tom still thought about the last thing she'd told him: 'When u understand yourself, a new dawn will brighten on your horizon.'
Thank god,that I played softball at school friday XD

-----Burt's Habitat-----
After Brandon got his San Fransisco Giants pet, glb on,the penguins got the equipment.After they set everything up,they had to pick their teams.

"Hmmmm...Me and Lilly will be team captains.",stated Colonel.

Here are the teams:
Lilly's team:Lilly(XD),Richie,Marlene,Marice,and Secret.

Colonel's team:Colonel(XD),Katie,Brandon,Mort,James.

But Julien notice something and says,"Uh,silly penguins,nones of yous picked me,but it's ok,I'll just go into Lilly Penguin...
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posted by LtKowalski

    If there is one creature that could truly break my control and infuriate me, that's Fred the Squirrel. Do I need to explain why? As Skipper said, "As dumb as a sack of hammers." But he is very vital to my plan now. He's easier to fool and convince because of his own stubborn judgement. And he could just jump from boom to tree, unlike Skipper who'll be waddling.
    I stood on the zoo walls that faced central park. I scanned the area for Skipper. He just entered the park himself, and he is not in ahurry. He is muttering to himself,...
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toffee, butterscotch Lolly Trees door KukipyeXP and EppogirlXD

“The toffee, butterscotch lolly trees are just over there,” Becky slung an arm over Private’s shoulder and pointed in one direction with her other paw.

“Yay!!” Private clapped his flippers together.

Stacy came alongside them. “Just through that little forest,” She told him.

“Really?” Private raced off on the bright green gras and disappeared into a grove of trees of Central Park, in hopes that he would find the ‘butterscotch lolly trees.’

Becky and Stacy stood where they were, wondering if they should follow Private.

“Do you...
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posted by krazy4kowalski
Standing Tall

Whoa, sorry for the late updating. I’m not so good at this fan fiction stuff; I’ll try to do better volgende time. Anyway, this is the final chapter. Not as action packed as the last one, but this is meer of a sad, conversation-like chapter. There’s also a lot of medical stuff, but I’m not a doctor nor am I as smart as Kowalski, so there might be some faulty information. Well, it’s probably meer realistic than most of the stuff in the show! Enjoy, and thank u for reading There is a Reason. I had a lot of fun with it.

The volgende few minuten were a blur for Skipper. He remembered...
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 Skipper says: “‘One Hundred Days of Drabbles: Double Time!’ is a 100-day-long wtiting project door GrandOldPenguin on”
Skipper says: “‘One Hundred Days of Drabbles: Double Time!’ is a 100-day-long wtiting project by GrandOldPenguin on”
Note: The following “article” contains the first 10 pieces in a 100-day-long writing project I am currently involved in on In the project, I am writing one 200-word “double-drabble” story related to “The Penguins of Madagascar” each and every dag from February 1 until May 11, 2010. Every 10 days, I publiceer a new batch of 10 of these little stories on Below are the first 10 (written from February 1-10, 2010). If u enjoy these stories and would like to read meer of them, please follow this link link. u can also read the full lijst of rules that I...
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posted by penguinsfan2
-Marlenes Habitat,night,5 hours before the murder-

me:I still dont know whats makeing all the noise near your habitat.
Marlene:Its ok.
me:Marlene why dont u ask the guys for help?
Marlene:Because I dont want skipper acting like im a just a helpless victim again!
me:ok!no need to yell.Well I'll see u later.
---Penguin Habitat,night,4hrs before the murder---
me:hey everone.
skipper:where were u the whole time? where...
skipper:uh u where no where the whole time?
me:pretty much.
skipper:*eyes suspitiously*
ash:Well just to change the...
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This was based of a dream I had inside a dream with the penguins of madagascar mixed with an old western movie I hope u like it:)
The pinguïn West door pinguïn Girl
It was a usual dag for the penguins. Skipper and the rest of the penguins were at a confrence with the lemurs, chimps, and Marlean at the gift shop.
It was all going well until......boom!!!!!
"What in the world was that?!" yelled Marlean looking at the penguins in shock.
"I don't have the faintst says Skipper looking toward Kowalski in curiosity.
"I must have left my latest invention on at the HQ it probly over loaded its system." Then...
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posted by KowalskiTheLich
The morning after the small funeral, everyone was particularly tense. Trying to prevent themselves from crying about Kowalski anymore, they resorted to beating the stuffing out of one of their punching bags (literally) and doing a bunch of grueling exercises without a break. Skipper was convinced that the extra work would keep their minds off of Kowalski but it actually did the opposite: everyone was thinking of Kowalski to keep their minds off of the constant soreness and pain they were feeling from doing all of the work. Eventually, Skipper acknowledged that fact that his idea was not working...
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posted by rico911910
..YOU stern TO THE volgende PAGE.......................
Yet the room was still drowned in silence. Untill
priviate begian to ask
"what just happend?" as they sat volgende to Skipper, Kowalski still holding his flipper as he wipes away tears with his other flipper. The answer was very clear to them that they had not a clue what happend. Then Kowalski felt his flipper holding Skipper's flipper tightning. They than looked at Skipper hows eyes were slowly opening. As his eye's opening meer and meer as he slowly looks around the room. With his eye site a littile bit blery then every theng coming into veiw...
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added by PripperNKicoFan
Source: The Hoboken Surprise
added by peacebaby7
Source: Operation: Break-Speare
posted by midnightangel88
rarity: well darling whats your name (levitates a cup of tea)
private: my names private i'm british from the london zoo
applejack: well nice to meet u private my name's appeldrank, applejack
twilight: my names princess twilight sparkle
rarity: i am rarity (sips tea)
rainbow dash: i'm regenboog dash (fly's fast towards him)
private: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
rainbow: (stops) oh sorry i guess u don't like scary things
private: (nods) what about the yellow pony over there
fluttershy: i am fluttershy
private: (sighs) i miss skippah
rainbow: i am pretty sure they will find u
private: thanks for...
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posted by midnightangel88
private: oh ya skippah this is my mom
melody: hello my names melody nice to meet u skippah
skippah: nice to meet u too
melody: hallo private wanna go get something special u deserve it come
private: okay mom
skipper: kowalski analysis
kowalski: i have no idea
private: mom can i have 2 boxes of pinda boter winkies please
melody: sure here
both: (eats pinda boter winkies)
private: ohlookoverthereiseeabirdheheheyay
melody: private high on sugar rush
private: okwaitheymomdidn'tseeyoutherehuhyoudidn'teitherhuh
private: (wakes up) mom what happened
melody: sugar rush private
to be continued
“Nothing to be Afraid of”
November 1, 2014

“Come on, Skipper!” Marlene urged, pulling him toward the Halloween Haunted House in Central Park. “It’ll be awesome!”

“It’ll be pointless! Haunted Houses are so overrated!” Skipper zei as he tried to resist Marlene pulling on his flipper.

Marlene stopped and turned toward him. “What, are u afraid?” she challenged.

“No, I just don’t want to waste my time wandering through a supposedly ‘scary’ house,” Skipper answered.

“Come on, I’ve been anticipating this ever since they started advertising it. I’ve never been in...
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added by AnxiousSoul
Source: 18y4gy.gif
“Good Game”
July 30, 2014

    “I believe that’s checkmate, Marlene,” Skipper announced, moving his piece to trap her king.

    Marlene pursed her lips and threw a bishop at him. “Come on, that was the third time in a row,” she protested.

    Skipper laughed. “Hey, don’t hate the player, here!”

    Marlene laughed and threw a knight at him. “I don’t hate you, it just makes me feel better,” she corrected.

    “Well,” Skipper replied with a smile, “two can play at that...
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Are u Challenging Me? 02.15.16

Note: This shot is dedicated to link and his little brother, who requested it from me. I hope u like it and that I didn’t disappoint you.

— § —


That was the only way to describe the atmosphere in the HQ. They’d recently returned from a mission to thwart Hans’ latest scheme, which hadn’t gone as planned.

“Skipper,” Kowalski called as Skipper violently prepared his bed for the night. Kowalski rolled his eyes. “You’re being ridiculous.”

“Ridiculous?” Skipper snapped, turning to face him. “I’m not the one being ridiculous. I had...
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added by Skipperpingu
 Blowhole disliked taking the eyepatch off...
Blowhole disliked taking the eyepatch off...
Okay, here come the antagonists! Please review! :)

That very same day, at that very same time, there where four penguins and a dolfijn who had just swum away from the explosion.

The location. The location was hard to name. It was a top, boven secret aan het uploaden dock, and from what I can tell you, it's in New Jersey. As you, the reader, is familiar with it, it is that place in 'The pinguïn Who Loved Me'. And, it was also a few seconde before it had ended.

"Skipper, do u suppose we've finally seen the last of Doctor Blowhole?" Private asked, as the penguins slowly waddled away from the dock.

"What a delightfully...
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