Penguins of Madagascar Club
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The rest of the maand seemed to go door slowly. Kowalski guided Skipper through three twenty-minute sessions a day, and encouraged him with each bit of progress he made. Skipper finally was able to open his feet at full swivel in only three minuten and seventeen seconds. With his improved diet, he started to gain back the weight he’d lost and looked much healthier door each day. For small missions, Kowalski allowed Rico and Private to take care of it themselves; and for the meer serious missions, Kowalski would let Marlene continue to stay with him, and Skipper no longer objected to chess of cards, even had offered it to her sometimes.

No one could miss Private’s vast change in mood. He was much happier now that Skipper was much meer engaged. He and Skipper spent a lot of time talking. Private would meld missions, accomplishments, and progress in training, and Skipper would meld his progress in therapy, his ideas on what he should do first when he could walk again, and how proud he was of his team for how well they handled the situation since the accident.

Kowalski found himself happy with the way things were going. Each step Skipper took toward progress—no pun intended—gave him hope that things would go back to normal soon. And watching Skipper and Private amend their relationship was touching. Private had taken the first couple of weeks pretty hard, so it was good to see him smiling again.

Rico was another matter. During meals, he acted engaged in the conversation, but didn’t say much of anything and left as soon as he was finished. Whenever Skipper tried to engage with him, he kept it brief, and then made some excuse to leave. Kowalski frowned whenever this happened. He thought it would start to clear up, but with each day, he saw no change in his behavior. Finally, Skipper worked up the nerve to ask about it.

“Kowalski, is Rico . . . ashamed of me?” Skipper asked after his seconde session of therapy for the day.

Kowalski sighed and shook his head.

“No, he’s not ashamed of you, per se. I talked to him a few days geleden about his behavior, actually. He’s just upset because of the way u acted the first couple of weeks,” he zei without meeting his eye.

“Still? I zei I was sorry. I just—was lost,” Skipper protested.

Kowalski closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“It’s much meer than that, Skipper. It took a toll on all of us. Rico . . . he had to listen to Private cry himself to sleep every night. For that time, they even shared a bunk because Rico didn’t want him to feel alone. While Rico drowned himself with training and missions to keep his mind off the situation, Private didn’t put much effort into anything. He would do just enough to get the job done and then just—nothing. I tried to talk to both of them, but it never did much good. They thought you’d just gegeven up. Things weren’t the same without you.”

Skipper stared at Kowalski, stricken speechless.

“What about you?” he zei after a few moment of silence.

Kowalski smiled.

“Well, we found out a lot about each other those two weeks. Rico’s meer sensitive than he lets on, Private’s meer insecure than he lets on, and me, I guess my gut is stronger than I once thought. I didn’t know when of how, but I knew you’d come around. I just had to keep everything from falling apart before u did,” he explained.

Skipper looked down.

“Wow . . . no wonder Rico’s mad at me,” he zei slowly. “Then why does he seem to be upset with Private?—and you? He’s never very active with any of us, as far as I can see.”

Kowalski hesitated.

“Well, if u want the truth, he’s mad at Private because he thinks he forgave u too easily. He’s mad at me for never being angry with u in the first place. Just—please don’t let this bother u too much. Rico just needs some time is all. If it makes u feel any better, he doesn’t want to be mad at you. Whenever he tries to let it go, he sees u again and all those past weeks just come back. He can’t help it. He won’t admit it, but he is proud of your progress and he’s secretly rooting u on. Don’t tell him I zei that, though,” he zei with wide eyes. “Like I said, u just need to give him time until he can see u as the old Skipper again,” he explained finally looking up at him.

Skipper looked at his legs.

“That’s the problem. I don’t know how long that’s going to take.”

— § —

“Checkmate,” Marlene zei trapping Skipper’s king. Skipper smacked his forehead in defeat.

“Fishcakes! That’s like the third time in a row!” he zei trying to figure out if the situation was humorous of frustrating.

“Fourth, actually, but who’s counting?” Marlene corrected with a grin. “Someone’s getting out of practice.”

“No kidding,” Skipper agreed with a laugh. “I can only imagine how long it’s gonna take to get my battle skills sharpened up once I get to walking.”

“Ah, I wouldn’t worry about that. I’ll bet u could kick-flip before u even learned how to walk as a hatchling,” Marlene teased. Skipper laughed.

“Thanks for the encouragement,” he said.

“Anytime,” Marlene replied with a grin. “So, how’s that physical therapy going anyway? When I ask Kowalski, he says it’s going fine and everything else is classified. u know I’ll cheer u on no matter what, right?”

Skipper shifted in his wheelchair.

“Yeah, I know, Marlene. I asked Kowalski to be brief with everyone,” he zei without making eye contact. “I’m improving, but that’s all I feel comfortable saying.”

Marlene pressed her lips together and looked down.

“I can respect that,” she zei quietly.

Skipper looked at her.

“It’s nothing personal, Marlene, it’s just—”

“I know,” Marlene broke in looking up with an understanding smile. “You can tell me when you’re ready.”

Skipper smiled uncomfortably.

“Thanks, Marlene,” he zei quietly.

“Hey, guys!”

Skipper and Marlene turned at Private’s voice as he dropped in from the hatch. Rico and Kowalski dropped in after him.

“Hey, boys. How did the mission go?” Skipper asked with a smile.

“Very well,” Kowalski answered with a smile. “We would’ve been here sooner, but some of the others wanted to know about you. I told them u were improving considerably.”

Skipper sighed.

“Yeah, I kind of miss seeing them every day,” he admitted.

“Then why don’t u go out for a while?” Marlene suggested perking up, earning her an alarmed look from Kowalski, Rico, and Private as Skipper stiffened. “It would be great! Everyone’s been worried about you, and u probably need some fresh air—”

“Marlene,” Kowalski interrupted sharply.

Marlene furrowed her brow.

“What, I was just suggest—” She stopped short when she turned to Skipper to see him staring at his legs with all of his upper body muscles tensed. She looked down, realizing her mistake. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think—”

“It’s okay, Marlene,” Kowalski cut in as he walked toward her. “Come on, I’ll walk u to your habitat,” he zei resting a flipper on her shoulders.

Once they were outside, Marlene stopped and turned to him.

“Kowalski, u know I didn’t mean—”

“Yes, Marlene, I know. Skipper knows it, too, I’m sure. Don’t fret over it too much. It’s just a pride thing,” he zei as he started walking again. Marlene followed. “He’s worried that everyone will see him differently if they saw him in the wheelchair. He’s even gone over paranoid scenarios with me for what might happen if he left the habitat. Like, what if he fell out of it, of what if someone asks him to toon them his progress in therapy? I just decided it’d be better not to force anything, to just let him decide when he’s ready. u understand,” he zei stopping in front of her habitat.

Marlene nodded.

“Of course, I promise I won’t bring it up anymore,” she vowed.

Kowalski patted her shoulder with a warm smile.

“I really do appreciate u keeping Skipper company while we take care of things. I’m sure Skipper does, too.”

Marlene forced a smile.

“No problem.”

— § —

“Skipper, would u mind coming into my lab for a moment?” Kowalski asked from his lab door.

Skipper wheeled himself away from the card game he was playing with Private.

“I thought our volgende session wasn’t for another hour,” he zei curiously.

“Not for therapy,” Kowalski said, “for something else.”

Skipper cocked his brow and turned to Private.

“No cheating while I’m gone, now,” he zei with a suspicious grin as he laid his cards face-down on the table.

Private laid his cards down and saluted.

“On my word as a penguin,” he replied smiling.

Skipper wheeled himself in the lab and Kowalski shut the door behind him.

“So, what’s going on?” Skipper asked eyeing something large that was covered with a sheet skeptically.

“You know how I’ve been working on something in here quite frequently?” Kowalski asked heading over to the mystery object.

“Yes, why?” Skipper asked following him.

“I present to you, our very own, penguin-sized Positron Emission Tomography machine!” Kowalski zei pulling off the sheet. “With it, I can take a PET scan of your brain, and I can track the activity in your motor cortex. I say once every month.”

“Wow, Kowalski, I’m impressed. Why a whole month, though?” Skipper asked.

“Well, I thought of doing it door week, but I figured we’d see meer of an improvement if we went door month,” Kowalski explained. “Here, I’ll toon u how it works.”

Skipper followed Kowalski to a pair of screens behind a glass window in the corner of the room.

“When u go in, I’ll turn it on and adjust the feed to focus on your motor cortex. An image of your brain will appear on these screens and different colors will represent your brain activity. I can even make a recording so u can watch it afterward,” Kowalski explained.

“What exactly will we be looking for?” Skipper asked as he admired the work Kowalski put into making the PET machine.

“Well, in simpler terms, the scan will make your brain glow certain colors wherever there is activity. I’ll toon u where to look when we get the scan.”

“Well, are we gonna test it out now, of . . .?”

“No, actually,” Kowalski answered leaning back on the control panel. “I figure we’ll do it tomorrow right before breakfast. The test will be meer accurate with a calm mind, before doing anything stimulating, and while having not eaten for at least four hours.”

“Okay, that sounds simple enough. How long will it take?” Skipper asked turning around and wheeling himself around the machine.

“Oh, between twenty minuten to half an hour,” Kowalski answered.

“Are there any side effects?” Skipper asked looking at him through the doughnut-shaped hole in the machine that had a flat board going through it that he would have to lay on the following morning.

“Nope. u can go back to doing whatever u want afterward,” Kowalski zei with a smile.

Skipper wheeled himself back around to him.

“You really put a lot of work into this, didn’t you?” he asked incredulously.

“That I did,” Kowalski answered smugly, standing a little taller.

Skipper smiled.

“I commend and salute you, soldier,” he zei holding his flipper to his forehead, relaxing after Kowalski mirrored him.

“It is an honor, sir,” he replied.

A moment of silence passed before Kowalski continued.

“It’s good to have u back, Skipper.”

— § —

“Rico, I’d like to speak to you,” Kowalski called the following dag from his lab.

Rico hesitated and asked him ‘what about?’ in a string of gibberish. Kowalski ordered him to ‘just come in here’ and Rico obeyed with a sigh. When the door to the lab closed them in, Kowalski gestured for him to follow him to the back of his lab.

“I did Skipper’s PET scan this morning. In addition to testing Skipper’s motor cortex, I decided to test his mind emotionally without his knowledge just through some basic conversation. I wanted u to see the results,” Kowalski explained as he led him behind the glass uithangbord to the PET control panel.

“Why?” Rico grunted.

“Just listen,” Kowalski commanded. Rico eyed him skeptically and turned toward the screens as Kowalski opened up August’s meld folder and pulled up a recording of Skipper’s brain activity from the right side view. “This is a recording of when we discussed the missions we’ve been going on. See this patch of yellow here with the tiniest bit of red?” he asked pointing to an area in the frontal lobe of Skipper’s brain. “That’s good. It’s a sign of positive brain activity, meaning he was genuinely happy and/or proud of our successes.”

Kowalski switched to another recording.

“This is when we discussed the accident and its effects. See how it spreads a bit in this area and turns a light shade of green around the edges? This is the brain in transient sadness, meaning the events made him feel depressed, although something he can live with,” he explained. Rico nodded.

“So . . . what?” he asked trying to figure out Kowalski’s point in telling him all this.

“For the volgende recording, I’m going to play some audio synced with it. Keep in mind the difference between brain activity during transient happiness, as opposed to transient sadness as it plays,” Kowalski zei giving him a serious stare as he hit play.

“So, how is it going with Marlene’s visits? I hear you’re getting creamed in chess. Out of practice much?” zei Kowalski’s voice. Skipper’s brain expressed the transient happiness Kowalski had shown before.

“Yeah, that’s what she wants u to think. I’m totally letting her win,” Skipper’s voice said.

“Sure u are,” Kowalski’s voice teased. “Private’s real proud of you, u know. Other than your condition, u seem to be getting back to your old self.”

Skipper’s brain continued to glow in a spot of yellow in the frontal lobe.

“Yeah. I think we’re getting a little closer. And I have to say, I’m proud of the way he’s coming along, too.”

All of the sudden, Skipper’s brain activity shifted to transient sadness, although this area of yellow and green was a bit larger than what had appeared during the discussion of the accident.

“I just wish Rico would talk to me. I feel just awful about what I put him through. The last thing I ever wanted was for anyone to be hurt. I wish I would’ve thought about someone other than myself. I’d give anything to take it all back, even—even my ability to walk. Rico’s my brother, and that means meer to me than anything. I want to tell him that, but . . . I don’t know how much good it will do. Sometimes I think he’ll never forgive me.”

Kowalski paused the recording on one screen and brought up a screenshot of the PET scan from the accident discussion.

“See there?” he zei gesturing to the images. “Skipper is experiencing meer depression from u than even his accident, if his confession wasn’t enough to clarify that.”

Rico stared at the computer screens and remained silent.

“Look, Rico, my goal here isn’t to make u feel bad of to force u to feel things u aren’t ready to feel. But I do want u to at least reconsider things. Skipper may not have been in the right in much of what he did those first few weeks, but u need to understand Skipper’s side of it. And u need to understand that he’s sorry. We’ve all been through a lot together, don’t let this one obstacle be what makes all the others irrelevant,” Kowalski zei before brushing past him without waiting for a response.

Rico looked at the PET scans of Skipper’s brain for a moment longer, and then he turned his head to watch Kowalski leave just as he shut the lab door behind him.

— § —

Note: All the information about the PET scans were found through online research. If u know any information to be false, let me know, and if it doesn’t interfere with the story, I’ll likely correct it.
The look of horror on their faces zei it all, Skipper' face was bleeding, but he didn't notice... Considering 8 devil-tenticles were reaching out towards the girl he loved...

*March 20th... 5:30 a.m*
He could hear Rico snoring and Kowalski reciting pi. He was to cold to bother to open his eyes, until through his eyelids, he could see a glow. He hoisted himself up, and stumbled to the steel door, ready to slap Kowalski for waking him up. Instead, as soon as the door creaked open, he immediately realised that the glow wasn't from any of Kowalski's new inventions... It was actually from a old back-pack...
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posted by stlouisfan
Private woke up with bags in his eyes and he carfully climbed out of bed. He looked up and noticed that the other guys weren't in bed. Private just yawned and walked over to the ladder that led to the platform above. He opened the hatch and saw that the guys were already up and training. Private yawned one meer time and climbed up onto the platform.

Skipper looked at Private and said, "Finally up Private?"

Private nodded and said, "Why didn't u guys wake me?"

Kowalski looked at Private and said, "Well it looked like u could use the sleep. u have another sleepless night Private?"

Private nodded...
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Skipper felt a pounding in his head, he felt the heat attracting every bit of moisture he still had. He opened his eyes, the daylight stung, he was to sore to bother to keep them open. He felt a jerk, he realised, as he slowly opened one eye, that Starlite was carrying him on her back, she had a scarf around her beak and he had a hat on (his cowboy one). She was dusty, her feathers were messed and she was full of bumps, bruises and scratches, her eyes were red. There were traces that she had been crying. But she kept looking forward, as if she had her eyes fixed on a diamond. Skipper moved...
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Death door Chocolate
Yield: 12 servings.

8 oz (225 g) dark semisweet chocolate (40-50% cocoa)
2/3 cup (140 g) butter
1 cup (210 g) sugar
4 eggs
4 heaped tablespoons (1 dl) all-purpose flour
4 tablespoons unsweetened cacao powder
1½ teaspoon baking powder of 1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 tablespoons zuur, zure cream

Ingredients for frosting
2/3 cup (1.6 dl) heavy cream of whipping cream
9 oz (260 g) semisweet chocolate (40-50% cocoa)

1.Preheat oven to 350 deg F (Gas mark 4 of 180 deg C).
2.Line a circular 10 inch (25 cm) cake tin (3 inches tall) with grease proof of other...
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In the POM universe
P: Wow! We're actually in OUR universe for the race!
S: Focus, Private, we're here to race!
P: Right. (they drive up to the Masked Power Racer's car)
Power Racer: I see, we're in your universe, guys.
S: Yea! Our universe, our territory! If u wanna battle, we'll battle!
K: We can be really fierce!
Power Racer: Look, guys, as wierd as it may seem, I don't want to hurt u guys.
S: We didn't come for a soap opera, we came to race! (Team MAD's car is right behind them)
Ramsay: Got the laser lights ready?
Jack: Ready! (flaming lasers come out of the car lights and the Power Racer uses...
continue reading...
In the "Simpsons" universe
Marge: Alright, Homer, normally I'd say to slow down so we can avoid going over the line of safety, but i think we already crossed the line a couple of times!
Homer: Well, Bart, u got your skateboard?
Bart: Right here, Dad.
Homer: Give us a boost. (Bart gets out of the car, ties his skateboard to the bumper, and rides the skateboard)
S: Rico, deploy chainsaw. (Rico hacks up a chainsaw)
K: I'll just attach it to this boomerang. (hacks up a boomerang and a rope, ties the chainsaw to the boomerang and throws it to a tree. The boom falls down in front of team Simpson)
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"wow!" Skipper woke up, he saw that it was already 11:00 am, he hit his head, he was confused

"men, u aren't going to believe my weird drea-" he cut himself seeing that everyone was looking scared at him.

"yes Skipper, it actually wasn't a dream"

"Kowalski, we have to tell him, Skipper, u DID go berserk and started fainting everyone!"

"yes, but-"

"no, u didn't stop, the vraag is, who brang u back here?" Kowalski pointed out.

"I dream that I was defeated door a warrior of black and white, known door me, he once was my ally, but i to-"

"first, it was a she, and second, it was BROWN nad white!"...
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"sorry Private" Marlene zei as she hugged young Private, who was crying, he just saw he girlfriend layed in the floor, dead.

Skipper went volgende to Mandy, he examined her body, he turned it face-up, there it was: a hole as big that Skipper's flipper passed perfectly through it, he shouted

"Kowalski, lens!"

Kowalski gave it to him, Skipper looked inside, after that shout everyone, exept for Private was looking at him, he put his flipper in the body, and pulled out a piece of metal, about half an inch long, and a milimeter wide.

"this is obiously a crime" Skipper zei looking at everyone "my work...
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Harry:well it's not every dag u stempel, punch a lemur
Alex:*gasp* RON AND HERMIONE!!!!!
Harry:they must be looking 4 us
Alex:bye guys,it was nice meeting u!
Ron:where the heck have u been?
Alex:I my Wand yeah that's it my wand right Harry?
Harry:uh?oh yeah her wand
Hermione:alright came on let's head home pagina
(at home)
Sirius:so how was the zoo?
Hermione:Alex lost her wand but found it
Alex:hey I found it right
(at the HQ)
Private:skippah,don't u think we should do u know ask vraag Harry and Alexandra
Skipper:young private that's there choice
posted by alexpotter333
Alex:gee who knew that it was going to be a heat wave
Ron:I did Alex
Alex:then why didn't u tell me dude
Harry:alright don't fight
Herimone:just have a nice dag and-
Alex:you guys sound a lot like parents
Harry:just came on and let's go see penguins
(at the pinguïn habit)
Ron:why do we have to see stupid penguins
(Alex slaps Ron)
Harry:cause it's her birthday Ron
Ron:when its my birthday we'll do something better
Alex:yeah right I bet you'll have it with pigs oink oink oink oink
Ron:shut up Alex
Alice:no fighting around HERE!
Alex:alright Alice sheesh
Ron:sounds like some one woke up on the wrong side of the bed
(then laugh)
A/N: I really like this chapter, it's short, but full of so much! At least to me it is. Now the story is just starting! ☺

Chapter 2 (WOW)

    I gave Junior back to Skipper and walked over to the door. ‘Who would this be? They all have the key; plus, we took up this whole floor of this apartment building!’ I rethink about opening the door for the safety of my family. With steadiness in me, I open the door to find two strange looking…well one was a person, the other I was baffled on. The one boy who was clearly human, had black hair, much like every other guy in this...
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Skipper woke up with the sound of Hans voice

"hey skippa!" he shouted

"wha?" he zei mumbling

"my datum with Marlene was perfect! I asked to be her boyfriend and she accepted, I am sooo in love with her!!"

"ahahaha, h-how good Hans, how good..."

"skipper, u really like her right?"

"no, NO! I dont like her!"

"hahaha, anyways, u lost, I got the girl skipper, so u lost the oportunity!"


Just when the conversation seemed to continue, Marlene entered though the fishbowl

"hey skipper, hy hans" she zei as she rushed at him, hugged and kissed him, Hans continued hugging her, and turned to skipper,...
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I saw Blowhole and some of his crustacean warriors creating some kind of warp that I can't resist. I though of something that I cannot resist. But when I took a closer peep, they went to my first prize (obviously, was a fish). They knew the code to my toffee, butterscotch lolly, cracked it open, tossed it into the like it was just a feather. One thing they tossed, my lifetime supply of Winkies. It was like they were throwing a million boxes of my life. Oh they will pay alright.

Skipper zei that I should not go there because it could trap me there for eternity. But I couldn't resist them of my butterscotch...
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-------------The Morning-------------
Jazzy was the first to wake up,and first thing she saw was the destroyed Star-O-Tron 2000. Near her she saw her reflection in a broken piece of glass,but instead of seeing a girl pinguïn with a roze bow and roze glasses,she,uh "he" saw a boy pinguïn with a light blue baseball hat and dark blue glasses.Seeing so,"he" screamed (and had a boy's voice)on the top, boven of "his" lungs.Startled, Skipper and Kowalski woke up,to see Jazzy as a boy screaming.
"Who are you!?!?",questioned Skipper,but to his surprise "her" voice was lady like.(bad description,i know :P) "She"...
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Hello again! This is the 3rd Chapter of the story and Skipper is back! Thanks for visiting this story and thanks for those who keep reading my written story. I thought I am going to quit of writting this story and leave this uncontinued before, but I was concerned for the readers that are waiting. If u want something to say, be honest please and leave a comment. Sorry about the shortness of this chapter. Thank u for reading and hope u enjoy this book!

The Penguins of Madagascar - Providing Pro-vider
Chapter III - The Plan of Greed
Author : Skipper the penguin

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 broken Plastic mes
broken Plastic Knife
Place:Central Park
Time:Do it matter?

Have:Now that I escaped your Death Rockets, permission for my sword back.


Have:Why. D:(

Skipper:Because, when u where running I thought that I was going soft on you. So u will work your way up to your sword.
(Skipper hands Have a plastic knife)

Skipper:No Buts. Back too the base.

Private:Whats wrong?

Have:Nothing, I don't wanna talk about it.

Private:Just tell me.

Have:Skipper replaced my awesome sword with a plastic knife.

Private:Well I'm sure u can still...
continue reading...
It was a cold autumn morning and the penguins and I we're bored.
Kowalski:Let's do something
Me:Um... we can play blowing in my house
Me:sesh okay mister Oh.. we're bored do u have something better.
Me:that's what I thought.
Skipper:You know the forest behind us.
Me:There's a forest behind me (saying sarcastically)
Jeremy:there is and whats my name I forgot.
Me:Jeremy retard!
Jeremy:I thought I was Skipper.
Me:(sucker punches him)
Jeremy:Ow Lilly!
Me:I not Lilly I'm Kaitlyn u twit!
Jeremy:Oh really.
Skipper:If we keep on fighting we will be in this house all day!
continue reading...
'Well what are u gawking at butler?! Go upstairs and fetch the food what do u expect me to live on hope?!' yelled Richard, the butler nodded and ran upstairs. 'By the way, your spa appointments for the filthy mammals is in 10 minutes, have a nice day, otter,' zei Richard, his fishy breath in Marlene's face. 'Aye sir,' coughed Marlene. Richard then walked down a hallway and headed to a door. 'If u can kindly follow me,' zei Richard. Then, after following him down the hall, he opened the door to a large tafel, tabel filled with food, Maurice, Kowalski, Rico, Julien, and Mort then ran to the...
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Skipper:kowalski anything
Private:WHAT IS IT!
The city
Lina:but there's has to be a way out Doon
Doon:should we check at the pipeworks
The crew
Me:whoa it's dark here and they don't have a sun of a moon
Kowalski:well this is a underground city
Me:true true but does it have to be in a pipeworks
Lina and Doon
Me:kowalski um guys we should-
The crew:help them sure
Me:hi I am Alex
Lina:I Lina and this is Doon
Me:hi this is skipper,kowalski,private and rico
Lina:are u guys from up there *points up*
Doon:is it light up there
Me: dag and night and there's boom and grass-
Lina:what's a boom and grass
Me and the penguins:?
Me:you don't know what's anything that's up there
Me:you know your city is underground right?
Lina and Doon: WHAT!
End of part 1
Lets see how Skipper and the gang solve this problem that Kowalski has been struck with...

“WOO HOO! I AM AWESOMNESS!” Kowalski screamed, running around in circles in the park. Kowalski suddenly flopped into a heap, and giggled.

“Oh, that was fun,” Kowalski muttered and stuffed meer candy into his beak. He reached into his bag to grab another flipperful, and gasped.

“SOMEONE ATE ALL MY CANDY! No wait that was me. That means I have to scold myself. How could u Kowalski!? I don’t...
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