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posted by sahil7459
The first time I saw you
I just can’t take my eyes off of u
I don’t know what to do
I think I’m in love with u .

I know this isn’t a good thing
For I am only just dreaming
Dreaming , that I can be with u
That’s all I can do .

If only you’ll noticed me
If only you’ll see me
You’ll know you’re worth everything to me
But still , u didn’t see me .

Is it always be like this ?
Always hoping that someday somehow
You’ll be able to look at me dearly
Like , how I see u perfectly .

Everything is impossible
Way too far from being possible
I don’t know how to stop my feelings for u
For I am already falling for u .

It’s silly for me to feel this way
When I know u will never feel the same way
I’m always be a stranger to u
How can I hear u say “ I love u ?”.

First of all I'm not the author, i'm just posting on someone's behalf

I want to hear from u people, how much u liked it :)

I'll toon the responses to the real auteur :)
posted by Nocturnalchild
* Tick tick tick tick tick*

That sound...where have I heard it before?

* Tick tick tick tick tick*

That sound.....it sounds so fimliar...where have I heard it before?

My hart-, hart stops as I remember......

That the sound of my memories fading into nothing...but vague dreams.

Vague dreams that I do not want to remember....but have to...or everything will stop.

*Tick tick tick tick*

How much time left...until it all disappears?....

* tick....tick...tick...*

Ah, there it goes...the memories I had of you...of them.

They are starting to leave ...to fade.


Haha, there....it's done.


Remember Forever....nothing ever really disappears ....
I will never involve myself
in any-thing that isn't estranged
from me being inside your hart-, hart
and soul that u expose only
to me.

As u find an impylse to
any-kind of reason that will
imply me being amazed by
what u do with your life as
it comes to you.

inside your hart-, hart and
your soul, lies a man
that cannot stand on
his own two feet alone,
as he looks for ways to
escape the terrifying
out-look on the life that
he wants and needs to
leave out now.

But u carry the weight
of love on your shoulders
as u give away your delayed
response to the vragen that
seem to be playing around inside
your mind as of right now.
posted by psychmacgyver
Their body, glistening in the moonlight
Their hooves going
"Clippity clop, clippity clop"
Running faster than the wind
Its mane flowing in the air
Around and around the track it goes
Not stopping
Faster and faster the hart-, hart is pumping
Heaving, breath after breath
One hoof goes over the other
Nostrils flaring
Its green eyes lighting up
The bit squeezes the jaw
The whip thundering down onto the horse
Crossing the finish line
Being rewarded with glory
And back into it's lonely stable it goes
posted by Attirox
Your words trasform me
And douche upon me like a water fall
Your touch so calm as the sea
Makes me come alive
Only to be turned off when u leave
The thought of u helps me to survive
I stare at u from affar
Waiting for u to notice me
My love for u slowly burning out like a ster
And finnaly dying out
With no feelings left at all

Why do I feel this way
Like I want to scream
Like my mouths on mute and I have nothing to say
Do I need u to be my cruch
When I'm hurt
Do I rely on u depend on u and such
And why do I dream of u every night
And think of u everyday
Even though your out of my eyesight
posted by stickymonkey
Love is enough: though the world be a-waning,
And the woods have no voice but the voice of complaining,
Though the skies be too dark for dim eyes to discover
The gold-cups and daisies fair blooming thereunder,
Though the hills be held shadows, and the sea a dark wonder,
And this dag draw a veil over all deeds passed over,
Yet their hands shall not tremble, their feet shall not falter:
The void shall not weary, the fear shall not alter
These lips and these eyes of the loved and the lover.
posted by stickymonkey
Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes cirkel moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now; put out every one,
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun,
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the woods;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
posted by irena83
I want u to know one thing.

You know how this is:
if I look at the crystal moon,
at the red branch of the slow autumn at my window, if I touch near the brand the impalpable ash of the wrinkled body of the log,
everything carries me to you,
as if everything that exists,
aromas, light, metals, were little boats that sail toward those isles of yours that wait for me.

Well, now, if little door little u stop loving me I shall stop loving u little door little.

If suddenly u forget me do not look for me,
for I shall already have forgotten you.

If u think it long and mad, the wind of banners...
continue reading...
What if Life Happens
Life dose happen
What if i Cant Take it
ill Take it
What if.....,
u say ur nothing
i know ur Everything
Cover ur hart-, hart With my Soul
I Hate u
Tonite stay with me
Close ur Eyes And Let the Heavans dream
Tomorrow Love me say my name
Your Voice like Angels
u are
i am
We are
never leave me
I Never Hurt
Come to me i will love u in a world That has Forgotton
I Rember
I Rember ur Name Frome the first time we met
I Rember
Sadness Tell me You
u Cant Tell a Sad Story To hart-, hart Thats Been Torn
u Can Tell me cuz my Torn hart-, hart Just Morns
Groken peises Falling Down
We Are
I am
Coming to an End
Never Fix me
Never love Me
never HURT me
posted by Sasunaru120
There are times
when I feel your presence
at my side

There are times
when I hear u say
it will be alright

There are times
when I see
your face in a crowd
and I turn around

There are times
when I miss you
and my hart-, hart begins to ache
and I smile through the pain

But then there are times
when I realize
this is just the way
it has to be
there’s no u and me
This poems (not written door me) are dedicared to my best vrienden who I missed very badly.

There are times when
I feel strong
and I know that I
can finally verplaats on

There are times when
my mind is at ease
and I can enjoy life
and all it can bring

There are times when
I miss you
and times when I’m okay
it’s getting better everyday

No matter how much time
there is in this life
I’ll think of you
from time to time
and remember u with a smile.
posted by irena83
In this night
composed of beads sprinkled
of the memories and remembrance of
the days that sill live in the hearts of sorrow.

In this night
I zoek for one soul
who can understand my thoughts,
in this night I whisper...

Your name like a blessing,
your hug like a consolation.

In this night,
magic is real,
weakness of the past has been stopped
door this moment of fidelity,
this moment belongs to us.

Make my demons go away,
I know,you're the only one,
the only one who can stop the pain.

Beads are sprinkled all over,
this beads of past,
rolling to the floor to my foot
just to remind me,
just to punish me
for the days when my strength
was gone,
when I was gone,
burried door the thoughts of darkness and grief.

But this night belongs to magic,
the magic of your presence,
this night will forgive my weakness,
so I shall forgive,
I will pick these beads and I will be free,
fear won't find me,
the night will forgive me.
posted by chattycatty
this uithangbord saves me
this uithangbord helps me
this uithangbord is bad for me

i cant see any light
no sun not a crack
i dont dare to brake it

for all the times ive cried a brick is built to the uithangbord
i cant see anyone nothing at all its all pitch black its a dark hole
it threatins the light out of everything im like a rag doll thrown around.
i built the uithangbord door my self now door myself i will tear it down

maybe not today of tomorrow but someday this uithangbord will tumble down.
i hope and pray that the uithangbord will go away but it grows and grows and grows.
i have built it so high that the pain inside i cannot feel my

friends are...
continue reading...
posted by irena83
In the silence of
your thoughts
u hear the wind of

Wind of memories,
wind that whispers
the most powerful words
that are locked inside your heart.

In the silence of
your words,
u feel the strength
of the things that have never
been revealed,
the unspoken words that
are hidden in your heart.

In the silence of
your dark
u see these memories
that are never going to fade.

In the silence of
your heart
u hear the calling,
u hear the whisper of
the wind which is sent
door the dearest one,
the one that has a special
place in your heart.

That's the silence
of your heart.
O ends of autumn, winters, springtimes drenched with mud,
Seasons that lull to sleep! I love you, I praise you
For enfolding my hart-, hart and mind thus
In a misty shroud and a filmy tomb.

On that vast plain where the cold south wind plays,
Where in the long, dark nights the weather-cock grows hoarse,
My soul spreads wide its raven wings
More easily than in the warm springtide.

Nothing is sweeter to a gloomy heart
On which the hoar-frost has long been falling,
Than the permanent aspect of your pale shadows,

O wan seasons, queens of our clime
— Unless it be to deaden suffering, side door side
In a casual bed,...
continue reading...
posted by stickymonkey
I wandered lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced, but they
Out-did the sparkling leaves in glee;
A poet could not be but gay,
In such a jocund company!
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the toon to me had brought:

For oft, when on my divan, bank I lie
In vacant of in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my hart-, hart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.
this is my favourite love poem, please read, it's beautiful ...

Love's Philosophy

The fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean;
The winds of heaven mix forever,
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things door a law divine
In one another's being mingle;--
Why not I with thine?
See! the mountains kiss high heaven,
And the waves clasp one another;
No sister bloem would be forgiven,
If it disdained it's brother;
And the sunlight clasps the earth,
And the moonbeams kiss the sea;--
What are all these kissings worth,
If thou kiss not me?

Percy Bysshe Shelley
posted by stellie
My name is hurt,
I make u feel bad,
I was created by
Someone u know.

I make u feel very bad,
I'm an emotion
U can't c me,
Because I'm inside u.

I make u feel sad,
I make u cry
About the stupidest things
And I give u the tears in ur eyes.

Someone created me
door something they did,
Then they put me inside u
2 haunt u forever.

I haunt u every day,
I'm like an itch u can't scratch,
U think of me,
Beautifully bad I am.

I may b
Young of very old,
I won't dissappear,
U have 2 deside when I should die.

I'm really bad,
No good inside,
Though people always say
I learnt something.

I don't help a lot
Mostly I destroy u
From the inside out,
I'm not easy 2 stop.

I create the bad times u have,
I make the desitions,
I'm bad
And my name is hurt.
posted by cuteypuffgirl
Tears rolling down my cheek,
eyes red fighting to breathe.
Alone in a room,
dark and sound.
In despair for a long time.
Something u can't escape,
some unbearable
Words seem to slip,
body feels so weak
Windows down, curtains closed
Dark thoughts race
Memories fly
In despair for a long time
Eyes closed
Skin cold, ready to walk away
Have the freedom to make choices
Forget despair
Ignore everyone who ignores you
It hurts to think
about despair
Complications, frustrations,
leave them behind.
posted by kyvo2697
 hand in hand
hand in hand
Your here door my side!
Although both trapped and tied.
both confused.
Your laying with me,
out in the dark,
Stars still blinding
sirens still chiming.
At least we are together
but why can't u see
why your really here
right beside me.
your adding to the problem
but yet u heal.
your like a drug
that makes me feel
like the pain is gone.
I need you
want u
love u
A word to strong
for u to bare
so u act if
u don't even care.
But deep inside
Inside your heart
u know I was yours
right from the start.
Although the pain that is causes
to have to wait
for u to realize
your certain fate.
It's well worth it
in the end
when your spending eternity with me
hand in hand
posted by KerryL1986
I feel like I've waited for you
all of my life
waited to hear your voice
to feel your arms around me
I've waited for you
to touch your lips to mine
to run your fingers through my hair
I feel like I've waited for you
to whisper in my ear
to tell me u love me
I feel like I've waited for you
to make me feel whole
to help me feel anything
to toon me love
but then I found you
fear rans through me
was I enough for you
was I good for you
then you'd touch me
my fears would melt away
my pulse would quicken
my body burned
but these feelings that I felt
they didn't last
you keet pulling away
taking my hart-, hart with you
soon you'll...
continue reading...
posted by r260897
now standing on last dag of jaar
i look back and see smiles and tears
somedays it was new too
somedays our mailboxes were filled with greetings
greetings of arrival of 01/01/2011
dag door dag we got used to
night door night we got close
so many starts so many ends
so many left so many got friends
learnt so much taught so much
learnt to smile learnt to give
learnt to die learnt to live
with loads of hugs and kisses
bye bye 2011
volgende time we'll say
"damn our hart-, hart still misses
THE 2011"
.they wanted a longer artikel :P