powerpuff girls Z Club
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posted by cboy123

This story is purely fan-made and for entertainment purposes only. I do not own the anime 'PPGZ of known as Powerpuff Girls Z'. All copyrights go to their respective owners. The storyline of this story does not reflect that of the original story's. If u want to watch the original anime, buy the original DVD. I only own the Element Warriors' Characters, ok?

=Episode 1=

=Episode 1-The First Meet Part 1=

10,000 years ago. (8,000 B.C.)

Inside the cave of darkness where evil originated, Wind Freeze with his face in black holds Fiery brand in the image of Momoko. It seems that Fiery has a deep wound in her heart. It was very deep that she cannot say a little word. "Fiery hold just a little bit more. I going to let us out of here." Wind Freeze zei "I..cannot ho…ld much lon…ger Wind. E…ven you'll get us…out of…here, I..'ll sur…ely die." Fiery brand zei coughing. "No, Fiery Fire. Don't say that. You'll live. I'm sure you'll…" Wind Freeze said, but Fiery breathes her last breath and she lost her conscious. Then, Wind Freeze shouts "Fiiiiieeerrrryyyy!" It is very loud that the entrance to the cave is cover door rocks. "It is my…fault. This is the worst fault…I…I ever made. I even lost my lover. Fiery…Fiery…You already lost u but I know that…that we meet again. In another world, in another world Fiery." Wind Freeze zei to himself as he prepares his spell to cover the cave in ice. "Until the volgende life. Until the volgende world. Fieeeerrrryyyy!" "Icus, Prisones, Timus" then an ice formation begins. There is a very noisy cracking sound the mostly cover the core with ice and Wind Freeze says his "last and final" words. "Until the dag we'll meet a…gain, Fiery, Un…til We'll meet again"

Opening Song Jig-The-Upper

Present day. (One maand after Him's defeat)

"Momoko, wake up. It's already late. Why are u still sleepy now?" Momoko's sister says as she's waking Momoko up. "Right, Right, I'm going up now." Momoko says as she is waking up, and her sister left her saying to Momoko "Hope u won't stay long because our breakfast is served. u don't want to make your meal cold." "Yeah, yeah, I'm going there now." Momoko says. "It is five times in a row. But, what it is mean? About that boy and his vrienden but why I am in their team?" Momoko asking herself. "Momoko are u coming of what?" her sister says. Then Momoko goes to her bathroom and takes a bath. After that, she dresses herself up and rushes to their avondeten, diner room and fastly eats her breakfast. But something is bothering her mind while she is eating. "Who is that boy? Why I am dreaming of this, 5 days in a row?" She keeps asking herself. Then she rushes to her school after she completely eats her breakfast. At the fences of the campus, she meets with Miyako and Kaoru. "Good morning, Miyako, and Kaoru. How's your night?" Momoko asks them. "Not really good Momoko. With Mojo is in the way I cannot sleep very much. I'll gonna send him to the other side of the world!" Kaoru antwoorden Momoko with a little loudly tone. "Relax, Kaoru." Miyako says to Kaoru. "Yeah yeah. But I cannot stand it." Karou says in a soft tone. "Kill Kang Koll Kang" the klok, bell echoes to the campus' area. "Oh no we're gonna be too late." Momoko says and they begin to rush to their classroom.

Somewhere in downtown:

In a very old garbage dump, lies a boy with a mask that is half broken. "It's been nearly an Earth year. I wonder if this is the world where I can find her." The boy says. Then a very bluish aurora fills the skies. "Hmmp. I think this is the world. Then the time is right. Time to go back to our old form. RAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaawwwwwrrr" he says and he suddenly shouts and the aurora is change into a fog of dark aura.

In the laboratory:

"Wan?" perzik is in shock. "Peach, what it is?" Prof. Utonium asks perzik what he detects "Professor, I detected a powerful black straal, ray activity in the downtown. I never ever detected it. My data banks are getting berserk." perzik says as he falls down and when unconscious. "Peach! Wake up Peach." Ken shouts as he tries to wake up Peach. "He is just unconscious. Let him rest now, Ken." The professor says. "Let's call the girls ourselves" he continues. "Yes, Papa…I mean Professor" Ken replies. As he calls the girls, something is bothering the mind of Professor.

Back to the school:

The girls are listening in the middle of the class when their belts are glowing and create a tone. "Teacher!" they shout. "My head is aching" Momoko says "My arms are hurting me" Miyako says "My body is killing me" Kaoru says "Go to the infirmary" Their teacher says. Then they go out their classroom and head to the rooftop. After that, they transform to Powerpuff Girls Z! Then Blossom gets her riem compact and opens it. "What it is Ken?" Blossom asks Ken. "I don't know guys, but perzik has detected a powerful black straal, ray activity in the downtown. But, sadly, Peach' data banks went berserk and he is unconscious now. Now, go to downtown and find the bron and girls, be careful because perzik zei this is the most powerful he detected" Ken says "Don't worry Ken. We will be careful." Blossom says and she closes her compact and put it to her belt. "Let's go girls. We got to finish this so that we can catch up to the test." Blossom tells Bubbles and Buttercup. "Roger. Blossom" Buttercup and Bubbles say and they fly off the roof and go to downtown.

When they see the downtown, it is already covered in black aura. "Who could do such thing?" Bubbles ask herself "This is even powerful than Him's." Buttercup says "Yeah, that's why we need to be careful on this. Let's spleet, split out and when one of us finds the source, call the others and we'll going for you." Blossom orders "Nice idea Blossom. Then let's go." Buttercup says and they fly to the downtown area. Back in the garbage dump, the boy senses that there is white straal, ray activity. "Hhhmmmm. This is interesting. How could somebody know how to control my white lights" the boy says. "Well, this night, I will reveal myself" he continues. Then, he laughs and as he is laughing, the broken parts of the mask are repairing itself and it is covered with dark auras and the boy says "I'm back". "Not here" "Not over here" "Not here too." The girls say and after a moment perzik wakes up but never detected the treat. "Girls, u can go back now. For now, perzik has lost it." Professor says "Ok, Professor" the girls zei and they go back to school. At the laboratory, Ken notices Prof. Utonium worried. "Professor…I mean Papa what's wrong?" Ken asks his father. "Could this be Him's doing? Is he unsealed?" Professor Utonium antwoorden "That couldn't happen Papa, I mean his body is in Mojo's hands and his particles doesn't come back yet." Ken says "I hope that won't happen, I hope"

The end of the episode 1 part 1

=Episode 1.5 -The First Meet Part 2=

Time: At Night about 8:00pm

"Hmm, I think it time to attack Tokyo again" A voice echoes inside an old house inside Tokyo. "Mojo Robo!" It is Mojo! "I will take over Tokyo City and I can take over and rule the world mojo." He zei as he enters he Mojo Robo. "Now time to make that plan a reality mojo." He continues then he goes to the center of Tokyo and attacks buildings near him. There are lots of destruction, noise, and screams. "I am going to be the ruler of the world mojo." Mojo says as he laughs. Momoko is studying for their test tomorrow when her riem compact glows and buzzes. "Hmmmp" Then Momoko transforms into Hyper Blossom and as she flies towards the area she says "This is much better than Himeko's problem, but somebody broke my concentration to my study. It will pay." Blossom says annoyed, and angry. Miyako was making her assignment when her riem compact glows and buzzes. "What" Then Miyako transforms into Rolling Bubbles and as she flies towards the area she says "I am making my assignment" Bubbles says annoyed. Kaoru was watching her favoriete soccer match when her riem compact glows and buzzes. "Raaaawwwrrr" Then Kaoru transforms into Powered Buttercup and as she flies towards the area she says very annoyed and very angry. "I am missing the goal." And they flew towards where Mojo attacks. But before they reach the area, perzik is detecting that powerful black aura. "Professor, Ken, I am sensing it again,…That powerful dark aura that I detected earlier. But this time, I feel it is weaker than earlier and that means I can stand this aura and the bron is near to where Mojo attacks." perzik says "Good to know, but I think we should contact the girls and tell them to be careful." Professor Utonium says "Yeah, good idea Papa…I mean Professor" Ken says to his father. "Girls listen, be careful. I think that when u come to the area, u will find who is the bron of what perzik detected earlier." Professor Utonium tells them. "Yes, Professor we will be careful" Blossom replies. Then at where Mojo attacks, Mojo is still attacking the city. "Mojo, Rules, Mojo, Rules, mojo" he sings as he destroys a buildings near him door using his Mojo Robo that punches the building. Then a boy in a mask appears, flying around Mojo. "Who are u mojo?" Mojo asks him but before the boy antwoorden he disappears in his position where he is in the back of Mojo and appears in front of Mojo. But Mojo receives nothing and the boy's weapons are glowing in red. "What is that, Mojo?" Mojo asks the boy and the boys gets his weapons from his back and charges towards Mojo. Then, when the boy reaches Mojo, he delivers slashing attacks to Mojo's Robo and the attack delivers a lot of damage to it and it explodes. "Another enemy, Mooojjjooo?" Mojo says as he when flying to air. Then the right arm of the boy turns into a demonic right arm and summons a spiritual arm (which is bigger than his demonic right arm. This demonic arm is like Nero's Devil Bringer. But to tell u the truth, I added this power to Wind Freeze 2 years before the release of DMC4 and obviously this is not copied from any action games.) and aims for Mojo to catch him and says "Come back to me, my power!" . But the explosion was too powerful that Mojo was fastly flies to air and the boy's demonic arm cannot reach it. Then the girls arrive to the seen, seeing Mojo Robo was broken and Mojo is in the air and the boy who flies who has a white aura in his left side of his body and a black aura in his right side of his body. "Who is that boy?" Bubbles asks Blossom and Buttercup. "I don't know him Bubbles." Buttercup antwoorden but Blossom remains silence. "I know him, he is the boy from my dream!" She says to herself and when the boy notices Blossom, he never let his eyesight away from Blossom. "Why is he staring at u Blossom?" Buttercup asks Blossom. "I don't know but I think he is connected to my dream" Blossom antwoorden "What dream?" Bubbles and Buttercup ask Blossom but before Blossom can answer the boy asks Blossom "Fiery, is that you?". But Buttercup interferes. "Stop asking question, where the ones who asks here." "You want to know my name? Well, I give u my name. This is my name" he antwoorden and his right arm is covered door dark aura. "Buttercup do not ask vraag first. You're getting us to trouble." Bubbles says to Buttercup. Then the boy's right arm aims towards Buttercup and attacks her with his spiritual arm. As he orders his spirit arm to stempel, punch Buttercup he says "Freezing Punch". Buttercup bangs to a nearer building and falls down towards the ground floor and she is covered with ice. "Buttercup" Blossom and Bubbles said. But the boy attacks Bubbles with his swords and says "Freezing Slash" and he charges towards Bubbles, but Bubbles tries to block his attack with "Bubble Popper" but it failed and she receive a lot of damage and falls down to the ground floor that create a crater in the impact area and she is covered with ice too. "Bubbles" Blossom shouts and in a blink of an eye, the boy was in front of Blossom and chokes Blossom's neck softly. "Wha…Wha…What do u want" Blossom asks him shaking. "I only want u Fiery and I know u return. Don't u remember me? I am Wind Freeze?" Wind Freeze antwoorden Blossom and Blossom's vision in her dream are appearing and a moment later. "I am not Fiery Fire, and I don't remember you." Blossom says "Huh?" Wind Freeze surprise. Then Bubbles and Buttercup regains their energy back and crack out of the ice and go to save Blossom "Bubble Champagne, schommel, swing Sonic" Bubbles and Buttercup make a joint attack to beat him but Wind Freeze dodges Bubbles' attack door diving down and blocks Buttercup's attack door using his left demonic arm and it was covered in white aura. "You use my white aura well friends. But for now take a rest, I'm going back to finish what I have started and Wind Freeze flies away the area even he has the advantage and has a greater chance to beat the girls. "That was some tough monster, but he got white aura too." Buttercup says exhausted. "Yeah, Buttercup, he is so strong. But why he just flew away and we already know that he can beat us." Bubbles says "I don't know Bubbles but we need to prepare ourselves for our volgende meet with him." Blossom says and they go to the laboratory for the analysis of the boy. As they go to the laboratory, Blossom asks herself. "Who is Fiery Fire, Who is that boy, and importantly, what does he want with me?"

The end of the episode 1 part 2

Ending Song: Mayonaka no Door

volgende time on PPGZ-E:

Buttercup: Who is that boy?

Blossom: I don't know. But he is so cute.

Bubbles: But he too clumsy u know.

Blossom: I take what I just zei earlier

Buttercup: The Mask of Wind Freeze has returned what shall we do?

Bubbles: I think he wants to be vrienden with us. Come on let's transform

Blossom: Oh no. That boy knows our secret.

Buttercup and Bubbles: What?

volgende Time of PPGZ-E: Secrets Reveal Part 1 and 2

Super secret Japan. We'll make u happy and smile.

=Author's Chatty=

Cboy123: Damm it, I lost my USB. I wanted to post the link of the video of what my mates have finished. :sob:

Cboy123's Brain: Sorry guys, but my body is so clumsy enough that he lost his USB. Bye Bye.

For all episodes check:
posted by KaoruBlackstone
Miyako, Minoru, Makoto, Katsou, and I went to my house to talk. We told him that he mustn't tell anybody that Miyako, Momoko, and I are the PPGZ.
"You got the memo? If someone found out, it wouldn't be good. And what would your dad think?"
Makoto said, "Yeah, but that means that..." I got what what he was going to say, so I spoke up.
"Miyako and I both know that u three are the Rowdyruff Boys, Makoto. Remember Bones and Boo? They are us girls. I designed compact bracelets that transform us into a dark looking version."
"How long did u two know who my brothers are? And when are u going...
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Source: Miyako door....
added by Miyako88
Source: Miyako Hello.!!
posted by KaoruBlackstone
School today was okay. Momoko was sick today, so that left me and Miyako to save the dag if something goes out of hand of anything. Hopefully, nothing happens!
"Kaoru, don't u think that the new boys are the nicest?!" Miyako shrieked.
"Miyako, plenty of boys are nice to you. Don't even ask me how they could fit all of those gifts in your locker! What's different about him?"
"Well, he doesn't keep on asking me out, is nice, and he acts like he is a sweet and polite version of Boomer." Her voice sounded like she knew it was Boomer. Why do I keep on noticing things like that?!
"Something in...
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posted by KaoruBlackstone
Today is the dag I feared. I didn't tell Miyako, Minoru, Momoko, nor Makoto that Katsou and I had to go together. Good thing I sorta prepared for this, though. All I just have to do is say that everybody forced us to go together, but I zei to them that we'd only go as friends. For some reason, I got a strange feeling whenever I thought about what happened on Monday. Well, to get back on track, it was last period, about two minuten till the klok, bell was going to ring. I sat patently till it did, walked slowly to get home, and went to my room to get ready for the dance. After I was done, I was...
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chapter 1

New townsville home pagina to the lengendry Powerpuff girls z!But today new townsville is going to meet
a broading school,with three girls whos futures of going to change completly.

MS.CLAIR:The tower we are passing door kids is the majors office.
BONNET:(whispering to herself)Does he really need a tower that huge?
MS.CLAIR:Now children we are passing door new townsville labatory,which is also the headquaters of the Powerpuff Girls
BALLOON:The Powerpuff what?
BRIZ:The Powerpuff Girls Z are the protecters of new townsville,they protect the city from monsters.
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posted by Puncky_Girl
(in townsville wuz happening a torrible things: the monsters were distroing houses, vilians were killing peopple, itr wuz raining... at this time the ppgs shows up)
buttercup:my head.... again!
blossom:hmm... is that townsvile?
bubbles:um girls
(the monster beat them up. they fall in brand and then get out)
buttercup:oh whats tha heck why we'r staing here?
blossom:come on!
(blossom wuz beating vilians, buttercup wuz beating the monsters and bubbles wuz saving the peopple. later they fall)
(at the ppgz house)
miyako:i don't think they'r ok...
momoko:can u toon us professor?
professor:of course (pushs...
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added by SerenOpps
Source: door Serenity G.
posted by KaoruBlackstone
I think that yesterday was the most humiliating dag of my life. As soon as I told them what Him said, I ran home pagina and hidden in my bedroom crying. Today is school, but before I go, I think I will take a little visit to see if my vrienden hate me.
I went to Miyako's house. As soon as I got there, she was about to leave.
"Hello, Miyako. I'm sorry that I didn't tell u what happened until yesterday! I was afraid that u and Momoko would hate me if I told you!"
"Kaoru, I don't hate you. u are my friend. Plus, u just learned this! It's not your fault for who your uncles are."
Momoko came running towards us."Hey Miyako and freak." After she zei that, I got angry. I hate it when people call me that. Luckily, I've got Miyako on my side.
"Momoko, that was rude! How do think Kaoru feels?"
"I don't care about how she feels! She is the niece of a freak!"