Princeton (Mindless Behavior) Club
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posted by princess_pink
I'm thinking of writing a new story called the fame game!!!
I'm not gonna tell u too much about the story but I''ll just give u a taste
Well first Alexis is with her cousin in a recording studio just messing about singing and playing about, then four cute boys walk in and that's where the story really begins...
If u would like to be in my story pls inbox me and I''ll try and add you
3 of u will be main characters and if there's anymore u will be added as much as possible

P.S I'm the writer of My rockstar boyfriend and that story is not finished it is still going on
Hope u enjoy
added by lonelymsdiva
Source: kemora
added by missprincessmb
added by tania2000
 MB outfit for daii
MB outfit for daii

Me: get up of get watered
Jazzy: im up
Tyti: me too
Me: sis
She was knocked out
I went and poured cold water
Sis: Sh_t why yu did tht
Me: thts it im tried of yur dirty mouth come on
I pulled her into the bathroom
Me: soap in yur mouth for 2 minutes
Sis: watt
Me: want to add 2 meer
Sis: noo
She picked up a piece of soap and put it in her mouth
Me: thts called washing a dirty mouth bet yu wont cus no more
She gave me the evil stare
Me: i don't care bout tht look yu made the choice and know yu made the choice yu suffer the consequences
Me: im goin to check outside the door right...
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 My prom outfit
My prom outfit

Me: OK thts enough practice lets get ready
Sis: yea im so excited cant wait to toon off my dress
Us: yessss
Me: i really wanna no wat the surprise is
Sis: i kno right
Jazzy: to bad im not going to be in it
Me: cheer up * hugging her * maybe the surprise isn't ready for yu of yu cant handle yu neva no
Tyti: yea Jazzy its OK * kom bij in the hug *
Sis: aawwww group hug * joining the hug *
Me: its okay yu got the biggest thing life can giv LOVE
Jazzy: thxs yu guys yur the best bestie ever
Us: awwww we love yu
Jazzy: love yu too * hugging each otha*
Me: okay lets get the dresses...
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nyje ran out the room .
princeton tried to calm me down .
the doctor ran into the room .
then a bunch of nurses came in .
i would have been nervous but the pain was unbarable.
i shut my eyes then felt a huge pinch on my arm.
i opened my eyes to see a six foot long needle in my arm!!!!
" ahh!!!" i shouted
then all the pain stoped hurting .
they rapped up my arm.
princeton sat door me .
" are u ok now??? " he asked
i nodded .
the doctor soon left when they saw that the pain was gone.
there was a breeze coming threw the room and since all i had on was the blue japon, jurk i felt breezey in some...
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Anna:prince dont do this
Prince:why not
Anna:please dont do it
He drops the mes but straal, ray got so scared he passed out and fell
Anna:Keke call for help
Anna:ray wake up please

Anna hears sirens
The ambulance came in and brought straal, ray to the hospital

Anna:you see prince this is all your damn fault
Prince:im sorry babe
Anna:im not your babe u gon make him die *she starts crying*
Prince:we need to talk
Anna:i dont wanna talk to you
Prince:i'll do the talkin just come
He brings her into Diggys room
Anna:why are we here
Prince:why wont u forgive me
Anna:cause u really hurt me
Prince:i zei i was sorry...
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Anna stops crying and goes downstairs
There was a knock at the door
Keke opens the door
Keke:diggy how did u know I was here
Keke:so why are u here
Diggy:take some of your things u sleeping with me tonite
Keke:I'm sleeping with diggy tonite
Diggy:sorry u had to see that today
Keke packs a medium sized side bag and she leaves with diggy in his car

That nite

In diggys room

Keke:so why did u bring me here
Diggy:cause I wanted to enjoy being a teen
Keke:oh so u wanna get freaky
Diggy:gurl u know me so well
He starts kissing her...
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posted by Mrz-Princeton1
 The other boiis outfits
The other boiis outfits
In the vorige chapter Jazzy had told me bout JacobL and only me so we went down to the living room


// My POV

Princeton: yall good
Us: yea
Princeton: i told them bout the madea movie night
Me: at least u remembered her name
Princeton: yea * rolls eyes *
Me: ill pop them out
Princeton : * shocked * yu didnt even look at me
Me: im good lik tht
Princeton: ORRRRR yu saw me in the mirror
Me: so i still saw it
RayRay: yo Jazzy yu gud
Jazzy: yea overall
Roc: sure
Jazzy: positive
Me: jazzy yu gotta put this on yu need help doing tht * handing her the medicine *
Jazzy: yea
Prod: allow...
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posted by Princetonlove01
(your at the recording studio)

Mia: Great Job! Now u have a photo-shoot for your album cover

(BTW Mia is mya manager)

M: okay cool ! 1 seconde my phone is ringing (you answer it)
P=Paige M=You Phone convo
P=hey it’s Paige
M=oh hallo whassup ?
P=nun do u wanna come shopping with Lydia jamilah n me ?
M=bummer I got a Photo-shoot
P=Can me n the girls come PLEASEEE?
M: Mia can my vrienden come to the photo-shoot ?
Mia: how many?
M: 3
Mia: okay
M=yeah u guys can come
P=okay meet u at 10
M=at diamonds bye

(END Of Phone Convo)

(at Diamonds)

(mya took about a zillion pictures and...
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(The reason why prince hasn't told leah and dosen't want to)
Prince was rehearsing for the tour then he gets an unknown call from someone, he still answers...
A guy with a very manly voice was on the phone
????: I heard your going on tour lucky boy
prince: Uh yeah who is this
????: Your worst nighmare
????: u haven't told your girlfriend about this yet have you
Prince: No
????: Well don't when u go on tour, i'll make her mine and don't try and stop me, If u do tell leah about the tour of me actually any of this the volgende time she'll see u will be at your funeral
The guy hung...
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Prince:i came to apologize but u seem to not miss me so bye
Aidan:what was that about
Anna:oh nothing
Aidan:so what were u saying bout not liking me that way
Anna:sorry that was an accident
Aidan:dont apologize i kinda like it
Anna:i zei i dont like u that way
Aidan:im hungry what u got ta eat

his cell phone rings

Aidan:wat up
???:the sky
Aidan:not funny
???:ok ill be there in 5

Aidan:shaniah shud be here soon

A Few minuten after........................

there was a knock at the door

Anna:*opens the door*hey girl
Shaniah:hey how r u
Shaniah:i heard something...
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posted by Ilu-princeton
While they were in the backroom, with no one else with them........
Mimi closed the door and lead diggy to the couch. He sat down and she crawled on top, boven of him and zei " i want u now". And he zei "shit, oh. Im yours shawty. They kissed and touched. He held her and rubbed her in the most pleasuring way. It turned her on. And he was just as horny as she was. He picked her up and pinned her on the uithangbord and touched her, her body shivered with excitement and pleasure. She got on the divan, bank and pulled him on top, boven of her. She paused for a seconde and diggy whisperd "u ok bae, wats wrong?. She said...
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And they see a dead body

Prodigy Roc and Ray:woah
Girls except Anna:ewwwwwwwwwww
Anna:wait a minuut that looks like my sister
Princeton:are u sure
Anna:of course I'm sure
Prodigy when was the last time u saw her
Anna:I don't know she went missing a maand ago
Ray Ray:well I guess she's found now*laughing*
Chelsey:dude y u gotta makes joke out of every damn thing that happens
Ray Ray:well I'm sorry I guess
Anna:so how did she get here
Princeton:maybe she killed herself
Anna:but why
Roc:maybe she didn't like her life
Brianna:she had all a girl could ever dream of
Dana:Anna's parents always gave...
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posted by Ilu-princeton
Everyone was sleep. The morning came and everyone woke up. The boys stayed downstairs and played the xbox360. The girls went upstairs and started cleaning up. Someone knocked on the door. It was a mail man with a packge for janae from her dad. She signed the paper and grabbed the box and opened it. Her dad travels the world. He got her this cute out fit and it wasnt even in stores yet. It was too freakin cute. Shes lucky but mimi get the newest clothes too and she even share em' with shay, tookie, d, janae. They always share clothes cause they love eachother like sisters. Janae loved the outfit...
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posted by Ilu-princeton
While everyone was making out, they heard a noise of jingling keys. It sounded like janae's dad was about to walk thhrough the door. Janae zei "oh shit, everybody hide in the basements tv ares downstairs. Everyone ran and janae was ablue to pick up the covers on the floor and mimi helped her clean up the mess. Janae's dad was coming to get his business suitcase for his 4 dag business trip. He zei honey. Where are you. Janae says yes dad. He zei i was just coming to get my business bag and laptop. Im sorry u have to be in the house for four meer days door yourself. He looked around. Why dont...
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posted by Ilu-princeton
While we though everyonelse was sleep, diggy and Janae stayed up talkin allnight. They gave eachother their number, told secrets, asked questions, and then their eyes met. They started kissing uncontrollably and then they stopped. Diggy took off his overhemd, shirt and janae took hers off. Dont worry, she had a tank top, boven on and stuff. They kissed and then he zei " i like u alot and i wanna be with you, will u be my yes! She zei cutting him off. They kissed and fell asleep in eachothers arms. The morning came and everyone was woke except janae and diggy. Mimi looked at them and zei awww, my bestie...
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posted by Ilu-princeton
Remember: Mimi like prince, tookie like roc, shay likeprod, and D like ray. (Nicknames).
Mimi: ray?
Ray: hmmmmmm. Truth.
Mimi: is it true that your fave color is purple?
Ray: yeah.
Ray: shay?
Shay: dirty double freaky sevin minuten in heaven dare. (Shes a freaky lil miss nasty).
Ray: i ..... what u just zei dare u to whisper in prod's ear and make him smile.
shay: alright then.
so she whispered in his ear and at the end, licked his cheek with flirtyness.
prod smiled so freakin hard yo.
It was funny. :)
Shay: D?
D: dare
It got quiet.
Mimi got on her phone and pulled up pandora.
the song bands and make her dance came on.
D zei "oh this my jam" and started twerkin.
mimi paused the phone and D still dancin like she retarted. So we laughin at her and then get back to the game.... meer coming soon....
me and princeton were in our room laying on top, boven of eachother.
" baby i need to go to the store" i said
princeton locked me down on the bed and began kissing me.
" babe.... i ....wanna go to the store" i tried to say. him kissing me drowned out
my talking.
i pulled away.
" jenet i dont want u 2 go to the store!!! i want u 2 stay with me" he zei in a baby voice.
" awww!!! get off of me " i said
he got of the bed and looked at himself in the mirro.
i went to the door.
" ok baby i'll talk to u later!!!" i zei as i was about to leave.
" wait " he called out.
" what????" i asked
princeton took...
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everyone execpt roc,t-t,jenet,sandra,and cookiemonster had gone to the story to koop for the new years eve celebration!!!!

t-t and roc were sitting on the couch.
" jenet could u get the remote???" asked roc

" but its right volgende to u?!!!?" i exclaimed
" i know but my arm-cant reach!!!" he said
" t-t get him the remote" i said
" sorry my arm cant reach!!!" she answered
i gave them the remote.
" y'all some lazy ezel people!!" i mummbled
they looked at me like they were gonna do somethin.
" wat u just say ??! " they asked
" neva mind " i zei as i went upstairs
*pains in the ass!!!* i thought
i go into...
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