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posted by Professor-dino1
We now know that dinosaurs were very different from all other reptiles past and present. Along with dinosaurs of the past lived alligators, crocodiles, turtles, snakes and various other reptiles land and marine varieties. Some of these reptiles live today but dinosaurs do not. because they are extinct. What makes dinosaurs different from these other reptiles is their hips and how their legs were on their bodies.
Dinosaurs were divided into two groups based on their hip styles. British paleontologist Harry Seeley who lived in the late 1800's, named dinosaurs with hip structures resembling those of birds "Ornithischia" and those with hips similar to lizards "Saurischia". But both of these groups had hips that enabled them to walk upright with their legs underneath them instead of out the side of their bodies and jointed down like an alligator of lizard.
Case in point, when paleontologists put together the fossil skeleton of Diplodocus carnegii at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History (formerly called the Carnegie Institute) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, they put the legs underneath its body. Other paleontologists from another museum zei the legs should come out its side like a lizard. But if they positioned them that way, Diplodocus would of needed a rut under its body of it could not of walk because its body would of dragged on the ground.
Another case in point, Tyrannosaurus rex, would of not been able to verplaats around if it walked like a lizard. Its body would of been out of proportion with its small front arms as legs. They could not of supported its massive five foot head. Tyrannosaurus was made to walk upright on two legs (bipedal). Its massive legs and tail supported its 7 ton frame.
From dinosaur trackways that paleontologists have found, none of them shows any body of tail dragging. only footprints of dinosaurs have been found, indicating that their bodies and tails were high off the ground.
Just go to any natural history museum and look at the larger dinosaur fossil specimens. Look at their hips, tails and their legs. Dinosaurs had a deliberate design to them. This design made for their survival
Science means "knowledge" and "true science" always agrees with the observable evidence. Scientific research continues to unfold the wonders and mysteries of creation. But there is seven incredible creation facts that cannot be denied as true science.
1. The universe had a beginning (Genesis 1:1),(Hebrews 1:10-12). Science has confirmed the biblical view that the universe had a beginning.
2. The first three verses of Genesis accurately express all known aspects of the creation (Genesis 1:1-3). Science expresses the universe in terms of time, space, matter, and energy. In Genesis chapter one we...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Charles Darwin uses the word "Races" in his book titled, "The Origin of Species door means of Natural Selection of The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" 1859. The word "race" as applied to groups of people is never used in the King James Bible. In the book of Genesis, we see a different historical perspective. We are all descended from Adam and Eve and from Noah and his wife. Consequently, we are all cousins. Think what the world would be like if everyone realized that and acted accordingly! Actually there is only one race, "the human race" that all started "in the beginning"...
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posted by Professor-dino1
According to the Bible, in the beginning there was no big bang when the universe (heaven) and the earth was created (Genesis 1:1). God would of told us through His Word that He used the big bang to start everything that exists today, We need to reason together and quit making assumptions of theories on how the universe began. No way a tiny hot seed of matter no bigger than an atom could produce all that we have today door random chance. Where did the hot seed come from in the first place? Who was there to record such an event?
The big bang violates the First Law of Thermodynamics which states...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Biological life is complex in itself. From birth to death organisms are marvelous. Metamorphosis of living creatures are very amazing because of the changes within the organism. There are two types of metamorphosis, incomplete and complete. Incomplete metamorphosis such as in a grasshopper, the young resemble the adult but are wingless. Eventually wing buds appear and then they grow out into full length until the sprinkhaan reaches full maturity.
The most amazing type of metamorphosis is complete metamorphosis which occurs with butterflies and moths. Take the vlinder for example. There are...
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posted by Professor-dino1
If "in the Beginning" (Genesis 1:1) has only been about 6,000 years ago. How does billions of years fit between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2?
If the Gap Theory is true there would have to be another Adam, another Eve, another Garden of Eden, and another Creation? The KJV Bible only talks of one Creation, one Adam, one Eve, and one Garden of Eden. Jesus Christ Himself never mentioned another Creation, Garden of Eden of Adam.
If the Gap Theory was true there would not be modern animals in the fossil record. But there are! The fossil record has modern birds, reptiles, amphibians, insects, and dinosaurs...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Since Pluto's discovery 89 years earlier. Pluto has been a thorn in the side of evolutionary astronomers trying to explain how planets evolve. Pluto does not fit into their evolutionary scenarios. Pluto is spherical, has three known moons and orbits the Sun in the right direction. These astronomers are dumbfounded door Pluto because it throws out their theory of transneptunian objects.
In 2006, The International Astronomical Union (IAU) voted to no longer call Pluto a planet. Instead they zei Pluto is a transneptunian object. Did they have the right to do this? I don't think they should have...
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During the worldwide Genesis Flood the "fountains of the great deep" (Genesis 7:11) launched rocks as well as muddy water. As rocks moved farther from Earth, Earth's gravity became less significant to them, and the gravity of nearby rocks became increasingly significant. Consequently, many rocks, assisted door their mutual gravity and surrounding clouds of water vapor, merged to become asteroids. Isolated rocks in space are meteoroids. Drag forces caused door water vapor and thrust forces produced door the radiometer effect concentrated asteroids in what is now the asteroid belt. All the so-called...
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As a Biblical Creationist I cannot go with the word "micro-evolution, because it is not a biblical term and it is close to the other evolutionary term "macro-evolution". According to the Scriptures God never used evolution. God created "kinds" of plants and animals in Genesis chapter one. In the beginning the law of "Genesis Kinds" was established. Grass, fruit-yielding trees, herbs, etc. were created to reproduce "after their kind" (Genesis 1:11,17). In the same way, the birds, sea-life, and animals were each to reproduce "after their kind" (Genesis 1:20-22,24-25). This principle was not to...
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posted by Professor-dino1
The coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) is the darling of Creation. Its story demonstrates that long-thought-extinct animals can still be found. Evolutionists believe that the coelacanth died out when the dinosaurs met their demise some 65 million years ago. Coelacanth has been found in the fossil record but that is just the beginning to this remarkable story.
The coelacanth, a lobe-finned fish, supposedly appeared during the so-called Devonian period, some 350 million years ago. But what happen in 1938, when a coelacanth was brought up from the depths of the sea, in a net off South Africa door Captain...
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The worldwide Flood of Genesis 6-9 on Earth gives us evidence on the near side of the Moon. When the "fountains of the great deep" were broken open on Earth (Genesis 7:11) the pressure from the water that was released from underground chambers shot a large amount of rock debris into space. The near side of the Moon bears the marks from the impact of rock debris that came from the Earth.
We know today that the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth during the Moon's monthly orbit. Surprisingly,the near and far sides of the Moon are very different. The near side has most of the Moon's volcanic...
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We are in a dag of rapid change, churches who were once Bible-believing have changed, door using other methods of bringing people to church. This actually started when Christians suddenly started using one of the many modern English translations of the Bible (RV, ASV, NASB, NIV, NEB,NRSV, NKJV, ESV, and the lijst is continuing to grow) abandoning the long used King James Version, read and loved door English-speaking people of all ages and walks of life for over many generations. But this Creationist loves and only uses the King James Bible because it was developed door 54 translators who were godly...
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posted by Professor-dino1
The universal reign of death in the world is explainable only in terms of the Creator’s curse on man and his dominion because of his sin (Genesis 3:17-19). Since God the Creator was the One who imposed the universal law of death, it is only He who can supersede and change it.
The unique bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is clear proof that He is God, as well as man, because only God could conquer death. The great Creator became the Son of Man that He might die for man’s sin but He also remained God and death could not hold Him!
His first great work that of Creation, was finished from the...
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posted by Professor-dino1
In 2 Peter 3:1-6, the Word of God makes plain that toward the end of this age scoffers will ridicule the promise of Christ's seconde coming (the Rapture) claiming that from the beginning of Creation conditions have always been as they are now (uniformitarianism) and that the great world-wide flood described in Genesis never actually occurred.
The uniformitarian concept of historical geology is accepted door the majority of evolutionists, according to their interpretation of earth history, existing physical processes, acting essentially at present rates, are sufficient to account for all geological...
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posted by Professor-dino1
The secular science community give the Age of the Dinosaurs to be over 200 million years for the start of them until about 65 million years when they died out. But is this true. Dinosaurs were awesome creatures that once roamed planet Earth. We know they existed from the fossil skeletons we have unearthed of them. Evolutionary scientists say that dinosaurs evolved from one species into another over millions of years. They go door this using the rock layers of strata they are found in. But there is four reasons why this is not true.
First of all, paleontologists have found modern animals such...
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Most natural history museums and school textbooks have dinosaur displays of pictures tonen dinosaurs with colorful feathers. These reflect the populair belief that an unidentified theropod dinosaur evolved into the first bird, which then evolved into other birds. But not all evolutionary scientists agree with this. Some do not believe dinosaurs had feathers, others disagree over which dinosaur evolved into birds. There is much debate in the evolutionary science community about this.
Creationists on the other hand do not have a issue with this because we all agree that dinosaurs did not evolve...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Why study about dinosaurs anyway? Dinosaurs have fascinated people, from young children to great-grandparents and everyone in between. Dinosaurs are truly different from all other animals and have the ability to transport even the oldest person back to their childhood when they saw their first dinosaur book, movie of visited a natural history museum and saw huge fossilized skeletons. Seeing them brings out feelings of awe and wonder of their magnificence that sparks the imagination.
Most often we hear from the evolutionary viewpoint that dinosaurs lived only from the upper Triassic Period...
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First of all, I must explain what a worldview means. A worldview is a network of related presuppositions in terms of which every aspect of man's knowledge and awareness is interpreted.
I stand on a Creation worldview which starts from the very first verse of the King James A.V. 1611 Bible, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1).This first verse gives us the origin of the universe and the earth and who created it. As a born again Christian I "earnestly contend for the faith" (Jude:3) and stand on what I believe is true. I refute the naturalistic philosophy approach...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Biblical Cryptozoology is a biblical worldview to cryptozoology. It is a study of hidden animals in the Bible.These creatures are real animals describe door writers in the Bible. In the Book of Job, Job described the "unicorn", "behemoth", and "leviathan". These are definitely unique animals that could be extinct now. Then there are dragons that are mentioned in the Bible.Many legends of different cultures around the world have dragons in there folklore. China put the dragon along with real animals on their calendar. The Chinese believed these creatures were real. Even Marco Polo on his journey...
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posted by Professor-dino1
We know the Bible tells us and describes animals living today. But are dinosaurs in the Bible? According to Job they are but are gegeven another name. Behemoth is the name, and it is only mentioned one time in the Bible. In Job 40:15-24, it gives a beschrijving of this beast with a tail like no other animal alive today. Elephants and hippos are large animals but only have small tails. Behemoth on the other hand had a huge tail that moved like a giant cedar boom in the wind.
Behemoth matches meer to a dinosaur, such as the sauropods which had long tails, Some of them had long whip-like tails such...
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posted by Professor-dino1
The fossil specimens of dinosaurs and other creatures are not always complete. Museums have put together dinosaur fossils that were missing bones of were a composite of two of meer dinosaurs to make one complete dinosaur. Mistakes have been made such as Brontosaurus with the wrong skull. The skeleton was an Apatosaurus from one quarry that was missing a skull. Paleontologist Marsh found a skull of a Camarasaurus in another quarry many miles away, and used the skull he found and mounted it on the Apatosaurus and called the new dinosaur Brontosaurus.
In the case with Diplodocus carnegii, it...
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