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posted by Professor-dino1
According to the Bible, in the beginning there was no big bang when the universe (heaven) and the earth was created (Genesis 1:1). God would of told us through His Word that He used the big bang to start everything that exists today, We need to reason together and quit making assumptions of theories on how the universe began. No way a tiny hot seed of matter no bigger than an atom could produce all that we have today door random chance. Where did the hot seed come from in the first place? Who was there to record such an event?
The big bang violates the First Law of Thermodynamics which states that matter/energy cannot make itself of eliminate itself, only an outside agency of power can make of destroy it. Therefore it would be impossible for the big bang to suddenly produce this energy/matter.
According to the Big Bang Theory, in the beginning, there was no matter, just nothingness. Then this nothingness condensed door gravity into a single, tiny spot; and it decided to explode. This explosion produced protons, neutrons, and electrons which flowed outward at incredible speed throughout empty space; for there was no other matter in the universe. As these protons, neutrons, and electrons hurled themselves outward at supersonic speed, they are zei to have formed themselves into typical atomic structures of mutually orbiting hydrogen and helium atoms.Gradually, the outward-racing atoms are zei to have begun circling one another, producing gas clouds which then pushed together into stars. Sounds like a good science fiction novel. But is it the Big Bang Theory workable of full of hot air (no pun intended).
Here are five reasons why the Big Bang Theory is unscientific and unworkable :
1. Nothingness cannot pack together. How can blank emptiness push itself into a pile of tiny hot seed of matter?
2. A vacuum has no density. It is zei door theorist who were not there that nothingness got very dense and that's why it exploded. But we know that a total vacuum is opposite of total density.
3. There would be no ignition to explode nothingness. No brand and no match. It could not be a nuclear explosion, for there was no atoms!
4. There was no way to expand it. How can u expand what is not there? Even if the gravity that was not there could somehow pull-the vacuum together, it would keep it from expanding.
5. Nothingness cannot produce heat. The intense heat caused door exploding nothingness is zei to have changed the nothingness into protons, neutrons, and electrons. First of all, an empty vacuum in the extreme cold of outer space cannot get hot door itself. Secondly, an empty void cannot change itself into matter. Thirdly, u cannot have heat without an energy bron which there was none.
Conclusion of the whole matter (no pun intended): The Big Bang Theory looks good on paper with its mathematical calculations, but it would be volgende to impossible to achieve. But God who was in the beginning and cannot lie tells us exactly how the universe began. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Genesis 1:1).
Science means "knowledge" and "true science" always agrees with the observable evidence. Scientific research continues to unfold the wonders and mysteries of creation. But there is seven incredible creation facts that cannot be denied as true science.
1. The universe had a beginning (Genesis 1:1),(Hebrews 1:10-12). Science has confirmed the biblical view that the universe had a beginning.
2. The first three verses of Genesis accurately express all known aspects of the creation (Genesis 1:1-3). Science expresses the universe in terms of time, space, matter, and energy. In Genesis chapter one we...
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posted by Professor-dino1
Charles Darwin uses the word "Races" in his book titled, "The Origin of Species door means of Natural Selection of The Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" 1859. The word "race" as applied to groups of people is never used in the King James Bible. In the book of Genesis, we see a different historical perspective. We are all descended from Adam and Eve and from Noah and his wife. Consequently, we are all cousins. Think what the world would be like if everyone realized that and acted accordingly! Actually there is only one race, "the human race" that all started "in the beginning"...
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