Rosalie Cullen Club
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'Carlisle, hurry up!' I cried as I looked at my Emmett who still laid unconscious on the ground. I was cleaning gentle the wound on his cheek with the towel Esme gave me. 'Don't give up,' I sobbed. 'We're a team remember? u and I. Don't leave me like this, I love you. You're strong enough to fight, u can do it. u can.'

'Oh dear!' everyone looked up at Alice who was bouncing up and down while she sobbed an laughed at the same time. 'He's going to be all right!' I gasped. 'Oh dear, oh dear!' Alice gasped. 'He's going to verplaats in five-four-three-two-one... Now!'

I turned my hand as I felt his fingers moving in one of my hands. 'Oh Emmett!' I cried. 'You can do it,' ignoring his smell I moved closer to him and kissed him very, very lightly on his forehead, almost not touching him, knowing that that would be too much for me to handle.

Carlisle sighed relieved as he removed his hand from Emmett's chest. 'Emmett, son? Son, wake up,' he zei as he placed a hand on Emmett's cheek.

'Please, please wake up,' I whispered. 'Please. I love you.'

Few days later

'Emmett, honey, how do u feel?' I asked when I walked into our room. Emmett didn't leave his bed anymore after the fall. The horrible fall. Luckily, Emmett survived it with a concussion and a few wounds. I couldn't but be strong for him, I couldn't let him toon the pain I felt when I saw him that weak. I couldn't tell him that I ran into the woods after the accident and that I started to cry until Jasper finally came to get me. I couldn't tell him how much I wanted him as a vampire again, yes, I really was that selfish. of was it natural?

'Better,' Emmett smiled slightly at me.

I smiled and sat volgende to him on the bed. His smell was still like Heaven to me, but I was getting used to it, and I was proud about it. I took his hand in mine. 'You really scared me,' I told him. 'I thought I lost you... Forever,' I bit my bottom lip; I couldn't let him see me cry. 'I love you, u know.'

'Arilyn,' Emmett suddenly whispered.

I frowned and turned my head irritated at him. 'Arilyn?' I zei bitter. 'I'm declaring my love for u and u think of other women?' I spat, not even trying to hide the jealousy in my voice. Apparently that slaan, smack on his head made him go crazy. Well, I at least hoped that was the solution. I couldn't bare losing Emmett now.

Emmett suddenly burst into laughter.

'I'm sorry if I don't see the humor in it,' I growled.

'No-' breath. 'No-' another breath. 'No-' Emmett gasped for breath as he couldn't stop laughing. In the meantime I waited impatient and angrily for him to finish. 'Arilyn isn't just a woman,' Emmett tried to explain me as he started to laugh again. 'No, Rose, she's an Angel.'

I gasped. 'WHAT?' I screamed as I stood up. The door flew open and the family gathered inside our room but I didn't care. 'I thought that I was your Angel!?' I shouted. 'How could you?' I started to sob. 'How could u do this to me?'

'What's going on in here?' Esme asked worried and concerned as she wrapped her an arm around me. 'Rose, dear, why are u angry at Emmett?' she asked me softly.

Suddenly Edward and Alice burst into laughter too.

'Stop it!' I yelled and sobbed at the same time. 'Emmett is talking about other women,' I spat. 'No, Angels,' I spoke the word Angels sarcastically.

'Rosalie Lillian Hale McCarty Cullen,' I turned shocked around as I saw Emmett frowning at me, his arms crossed against his chest. Emmett never used my whole name. Ever. 'Can u stop acting crazy and listen to me?' I nodded slowly, not knowing where this was going. 'Arilyn,' Emmett started. 'Is my Guardian Angel,' I narrowed my eyes suspicious. 'When I fell from the staircase I...'


'Wow, Emmett,' I breathed when he finally finished his story. 'So beautiful,' I gasped as I pictured it in my mind. A beautiful Angel helping my Emmett to save himself. 'So unreal but wonderful at the same time!' I sat down volgende to Emmett again and grabbed his hand again. 'I'm sorry that I freaked out,' I apologized shyly. 'It's just so stressed for me right now and I just can't bare it anymore and...'

'Sst,' Emmett placed his soft, tinted fingers on my mouth. 'It's okay,' he whispered. 'I understand,' he nodded and leaned back. Suddenly he grinned his childish Emmett grin, tonen me the dimples I adored. 'Besides, if I would declaring my love for u and u will say another male's name I would freak out too,' he winked.

I chuckled and felt the urge to kiss him. Emmett and I shared a very physical relationship, it was hard for us not to touch each other. I felt an awkward, slightly painfully feeling inside me; the need for my soul mate. But I knew I couldn't risk Emmett's life like that. Maybe I wasn't as strong as Edward was with Bella. Still, I couldn't look at his lips without the need to attack them with mine.

I realized that the others left the room and I saw Emmett's tired eyes looking at me. I stood up. 'Go sleep,' I zei softly. 'And don't argue with me,' I warned him when he wanted to say something. 'You're tired and especially with your concussion u should rest and sleep more.'

Emmett smiled and laid down. 'Okay, ma'am,' he said.

I chuckled and turned off the lights. 'Good night,' I murmured. I closed the door softly behind me and walked downstairs to see the whole family sitting in the living room. 'He's sleeping,' I zei when they all looked up at me. I sat down volgende to Jasper and Alice on the couch. 'Can u believe it? That story?' I whispered disbelieved. 'Just like a fairytale!'

'I know,' Bella agreed from the loveseat she was sharing with Edward. 'I almost thought he'd lost his mind with that fall.'

'Me too,' I agreed.

'Children,' we turned our heads to see Carlisle on one of the chairs volgende to Esme. 'Remember that we still have a problem,' Carlisle paused for a moment. 'We have to face the Volturi.'

Damn, I totally forgot about them. I didn't look vooruit, voorwaarts to face them, it would be the most dangerous trip ever for Emmett. A side of me still didn't wanted to go, it still wanted to stay here and wait for a miracle. But I knew that we have to, this isn't a fairytale. door the time we have the solution Emmett would be old and grey. I shuddered at the thought of that. Knowing that I would be eighteen forever. Suddenly a feeling of fear and losing overwhelmed me. What if there was no solution? What if Emmett really will grow up and die like all the humans do? Will Edward, Jasper, Bella and Alice lose a brother? Will Esme and Carlisle lose a son? Or, will I lose my husband? I swallowed nervously.

'I know that this is hard for you, Rosalie,' Carlisle zei understanding. 'But u know that this is the best for Emmett, even if it is dangerous. It's the only chance to change Emmett back into one of us again. I promise you, Rose, we will protect Emmett no matter what. Nothing is going to happen to him.'

'I know that,' I simply answered. 'It's not like I don't trust u all, it's just that I'm worried,' I looked at my family. 'You would be worried to if it was about your mate, wouldn't you?' I couldn't hide the bitterness in my voice. Don't get me wrong, I trusted them and I love them, it was just that without Emmett I felt lost. He was there, but not the way I was used to, and that frustrated me.

'Yes, we would,' Carlisle answered politely. 'Emmett is a very strong man and his condition is fine, well, almost fine, so I suggest we will leave in two days,' he said.
'Two days?' I practically shouted.

Carlisle looked surprised and worried at the same time at me. 'Y... yes,' he answered. 'The faster we act, the bigger chance we'll find out sooner what's wrong with him.'

I swallowed. 'Isn't two days fast? I mean, Emmett probably should rest some more,' I tried, knowing that I already lost this discussion.

'I'm sorry, Rosalie,' Carlisle answered me quietly. 'But I think that this is the best,' he turned to the rest. 'What do u think?'

'Everyone agrees with you,' Edward answered, reading everyone's mind. Edward turned to me. 'I know how u feel,' he zei honestly. 'I felt the same way with Bella when James took her, of when Victoria came back to seek for revenge,' he zei quietly. 'I felt the same way when the Volturi came to see Renesmee, ready to fight.' Everyone winced at the memories. 'My point is, the only thing u can do is be strong and live through it, because that's what I did. From the outside I was strong, but from the inside it was killing me.'

'You never told me that,' Bella whispered to her husband.

'I didn't wanted to worry you, love,' Edward soothed her. 'I knew u were worried and scared, I wanted u to have someone strong besides u who can protect u no matter what, and I was that person. I felt like I was that person. tonen u my true feelings would only made it worse, my love,' Edward leaned in and kissed her soft on her forehead.

I felt a sharp pain going through me when I saw them. I realized that as long Emmett human was we could never be like that. It would be way to dangerous for him. I bit my bottom lip so I wouldn't start sobbing. I couldn't let them see how broken I was without Emmett. Not able to touch Emmett the way I wanted, seeing how weak he is and the pain he was suffering... And now in two days we were planning to meet the Volturi with him, could it be even worse? Oh yeah, he can die from a heart attack.

I felt waved of calmness and love. 'Thanks Jasper,' I zei quietly, scared that if I higher my voice they would hear the vibration in it.
'No problem.'

Carlisle stood up and laid a hand on my shoulder. 'Honey, go tell Emmett about our plans and we will do the rest,' Carlisle sighed. 'I promise you, Rosalie. Emmett will be all right. I promise it.'

Without answering I stood up and walked at slow human pace out of the room. Why was this happening to us? What did we ever do that we deserved this? Why Emmett? He was such a kind, lovely, adorable, beautiful person from the inside and outside. He never meant any harm, he never hurt anyone - unless it's about protecting his family of himself - and yet, yet he had to suffer. He had to face death and fight for his life. He deserved so much better, so damn much better.

I walked quietly into our room.

'Rosalie?' Emmett coughed.

'Yes, it's me,' I answered softly as I sat volgende him on the bed, taking his hand in mine. 'Emmett, u knew we were planning on meeting the Volturi,' I started. I wasn't going to be quiet about it. He deserved to know everything about our plans. 'Well,' I sighed. 'We decided to meet them in two days,' I explained him quietly. 'I know that this is confusing with the fact that u aren't in perfect state, but we will protect u no matter what and nothing is going to happen to you. So don't be afraid I...'

Emmett hushed me with placing his finger on my lips. 'Rose,' he chuckled. 'I'm not afraid, to be honest I think that you're the one who is afraid. Don't worry about me, I'm your monkey man remember,' Emmett winked at me.

I smiled slightly, knowing that he was right. 'You're right, I'm the one who is afraid.'

And it was true, I really was afraid. I looked through the window and saw the moon at the sky, but instead of seeing the light she had I only saw the shadow. And I was afraid, that if we wouldn't fight a solution, I will only see the shadow of the moon. Forever.
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