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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
If the foorball terms are wrong, I am sorry! I stink at football!

We had the ball first. damon was the quarter back and I was the receiver.
Hut hut hike. Damon yelled.
I took off running as far as I thought he could throw. He threw the and I caught it.
Uh where's the touch done zone? I asked.
You're standing on it. Jake laughed.
oh, that was too easy. I smiled.
I marked an "x" in the sand so I wouldn't forget.
Damon was blocking Jeremy, Alex had Jake, and I had Tom. This wasn't a fair game. I was the smallest and was getting the third biggest person.

We got done playing and my team had won. I told Jeremy bye and I would see him at school. It had been a pretty good dag until I got home.
Mom and James made me sit down with them and talk.
Talk. I demanded.
We are going to move, we want u to come and help us pick out the house. Mom said.
Alex should be done here with us. I said.
No he is going to be staying with a friend and will finish his senior year. Mom said.
Okay so what does this have to do with me? I asked.
Well u will help us pick out the house. James said.
Wait, I won't get to see Alex during the week? I asked.
He will/might come home pagina on the weekend. Mom said.
How come I don't get to stay with him? I asked.
We thought that it would be better if u switched school and help us. James said.
Oh, so when do we go? I asked stunned.
I wouldn't get to see Alex at all, I doubt he would come home pagina that much.
Tomorrow at eight. Mom said.
In the morning? I asked.
Of course. James said.
Okay, I will go. I said.
It would be kind of fun to go look at home. Hopefully I could find the perfect bedroom. Somewhere that I could do my homework, watch tv, and have a bigger bed than a twin bed. I might be able to get my own bathroom. Was Kyle going to come with us of was he staying at a vrienden house too? The only reason why I was going with Mom and James was probably cause I didn't have any vrienden that I could stay with. I have, friends, just none that are close enough to stay with.
i jumped in the shower. I wasn't in there for 2 minuten and Alex was telling me to hurry up.
I just got in here. I said.
I would have been out door now, Alex said.
I have twice as much hair on my head as u do. I said.
That shouldn't matter. Alex said.
I stuck my head out of the shower.
Stop getting mad at me for not being girly enough that being girly and taking a long time in the shower. I said.
Just finish your shower. Alex siad.
I hurried up and got out.
I stuck my head in Alex's room, in nothing but a towel, and Jake Damon, Kyle, and Tom were sitting there.
Uh The douche is open. I said.
Thanks. ALex said.
Surprisingly none of the guys zei anything. Kyle better get u to me being in a towel when I get out of the shower.
I went to my bedroom and closed the bathroom door that was connectede with my room. I was wanting to lock it it from the inside but the u can only lock it from the bathroom. I quickly put on some clothes and dried my hair. I wasn't sure if I should put on any make up but I figured I could. What could it hurt? I am a girl, it's not unusual to wear make up, unless you're me. I decided that fun make up would be cool. Some color eye liner, some eye shadow and than mascra.
I went down and told James I was ready.
What would be the chances of me getting my own bathroom? I asked curious.
Why? James asked.
Because Alec needed the douche and I walked in his room to tell him I was out. I was in a twel and all the guys were his room. I didn't realxe ther were here, I would have never gone in there. I said.
If I was going to be stuck with James and we were going to move, Why not get anything I could get?
Maybe at this new school I can have vrienden (that are close) and have spend the night parties of go out to a party. Maybe this verplaats wouldn't be so bad and it will be better in the end. I feel bad for not telling Jeremy that I was leaving but than again I only had a week at the most.
All the guys came down in their soccer uniforms. I thought that they only had practice but I guess I was wrong.
Who's ready to kick butt tonight? Damon half shouted.
We are! They all said.
Ther were trying to get themselves siked for the game tonight.
Okay let's go! Alex shouted.
I got u and was almost out the door when Mom stopped me.
What's wrong? I asked.
Your riding with James and I. Mom said.
Why? Can't I squeeze in with the guys? I asked.
No, u don't need to ride with the [i]guys[/u]. Mom said.
Fine. I groaned.
I passed Alex's jeep and got in Mom's car.
Mom why can't I ride with the guys? I asked.
u don't need to hang out with them, u need some girl-friends, and there is not enough room. Mom said.
How come Kyle gets my spot in ALes's car? I asked.
Because he's a guy. Mom said.
This is why I don't have friends. I said.
Mom looked over at James. She was debating on wether of not to let go ride with the guys.
Don't give in. James mouthed.
I forgot something. u both go to school without me I said.
Okay, the key is under the mat. Mom said.
Thanks. I said.
I bolted to the front door and got the key. I looked over my shoulder and Mom and James were pulling out of the drive way. I went in and searched through the house to find my mountain board. It wasn't under any of the bed of closets. I didn't know any where else to look. I was looking all over Alex's room. In the closet, under the bed, and even in the dirty pile of clothes. The one place I didn't look, was on top, boven of his head board. It fit perfect and it was enough out in the open that I would miss it. It was mostly down heuvel so it would be easy to ride. I grabbed it and left.
posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Thirty Six
I woke up in the hospital. I knew I would be in the hospital after all that happened. But my eyes were crusted with sleepy, I must have been out for a while. All I could remember was Jake slapping my face and and strangling me. But I felt too sore for that just to happen. My head, stomach, arms, practically my whole body was hurting.
I looked around the room and didn't see anyone in here. I wondered where they could be. I noticed I was connected to all sorts of machine. I had stuff taped to my arms, head, and chest. It was very odd.
Jasper walked in the room....
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Ten
After getting in the car with the cop, it was clear that we were not going back to the orphanage. We were headed somewhere else. Some part of town that was probably not a good place to be in. I looked over at Lola who was still sulking in her spot. She had not even noticed where we were headed.
"Lola," I whispered, "where are we going?"
"What in the world," she zei as she looked out the window, "where are we going?"
"Ahh, now u too speak up," the 'cop' laughed, "the where abouts is a secret but we are meeting some people that u will know, Lola!"
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A Strange Way to Fall in Love Chapter Eight
Kyle's POV
I cannot even describe what happen. It was all a blur. I just acted on that moment and did not think about anything else. Before I could realize it the cops had surrounded the whole place and Lola was laying on the floor. I had no idea how she had gotten there and why she was conscious.
"Lola, it is over," I said, "you can wake up!"
I saw Horatio and he had his gun pointed at one guy while a cop was putting handcuffs on him.
"Horatio, Lola is not waking up," I said.
I listened as Horatio spouted out directions for everything.
"I am fine," Lola...
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A Strange Way of Falling in Love Chapter Four
After sobering up I found out that I was going to have to go to court on two different counts. I had already told them about being blacked mailed to kidnap that woman. I also told them why I had stal the boot and who was on there. They had no idea that Lola was on the boat. It had been hours since I had been arrested. She was still in the koeler, koelwagen and still drunk as ever. I have never seen someone hold so much alcohol! Needless to say Horatio Caine was very upset with her. She was in one of the glass rooms with him and a cop. u could actually hear...
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A Strange Way of Falling in Love Chapter Three
I hopped onto a random yacht. I had to run; it was only a matter of time before I got caught. First, I disobeyed door parole officer, second, I am being blackmailed to kidnap some woman, and third, I was going to still a yacht. I am not scared of the law, I know the limits of it. I took a swig of whiskey and then started untying the yacht from the dock. All the sudden I heard the yacht motor being cranked up. It was way to late to jump.
I grabbed the bottle of whiskey and quietly snuck to kitchen. I grabbed a mes and made my way to the captain's...
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A Strange Way of Falling in Love Chapter Two
I got up the volgende morning and went down stairs. Everyone was gone except for Lola who was sitting at the keuken-, keuken tafel, tabel with a number of boeken in front of her.
"What are u doing," I asked curiously.
"School," she stated simply.
"Usually u do school at school. So, why are u not there," I asked confused.
"I home pagina school, u idiot," she said.
"Well, I did not know," I stated clearly.
"Whatever," she zei as she rolled her eyes.
"Your eyes must hurt," I said.
"Why," Lola asked very confused.
"Because u roll your eyes, a lot," I zei laughing a little bit....
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Twenty Six
I was trying to stay out of the house as much as possible. But I had to invite Jasper over to be nice. Although Jake and his crew were there it was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. But than again I had to tell them not to be so loud. I guess they were watching football of something and decided to be extra loud. Along with extra annoying.
"I am really sorry about the noise," I zei as I apologized to Jasper yet again, "Jake just hates me of something."
"It is okay," he laughed, "it is easy to ignore!"
"Are u sure," I asked, "I could get Billy to make...
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A Strange Way of Falling in Love Chapter OneN2P?
Kyle's POV
I did not understand why I was being sent away from my mom. She was the only family I have and will ever have. All I knew is that I was being sent to some foster care place. I was going to live with other kids; but some how that did not help the situation. It all sounded dumb to me anyways. I did not want to be here. Not at all.
"Hi Kyle," someone zei as they came up to me, "I am taking u to your foster home. Everything is going to be fine, there is nothing to worry about."
I gave him the dumbest look and followed him. I had already...
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I Just Might Be volgende Chapter Seventy Eight 
Seth's POV
I found my dream house with my dream about-to-be-wife. The wedding was just in a few hours. Jake, Sam, Quill, Paul, Jared, Embry, and the rest of the gang and I went out for my bachelor party. Sam had all ready told Jared and Paul that is was going to be as clean as possible because he is the sister of the bride. Quill and Embry were really disappointed. So instead we went to the local diner and ate.
"Hey Sam, u remember those time when Mattie got drunk," Jared laughed, "that was so funny!"
"Whoa, hold up," I said, "Mattie got drunk?"
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I Just Might Be volgende Chapter Seventy Seven
In just a couple of days I will be getting married! I could not believe in just a matter of hours that I would be Mrs. Seth Clearwater. It seemed as if it would never come and now it is here. 
"Mattie, I cannot believe u are getting married tomorrow afternoon," Sam exclaimed, "my little girl is growing up!"
Sam seemed to be somewhat upset.
"Awe Sam, I have been grown up," I joked.
"It is just, u are getting married," he zei stunned.
"Before you," I stated.
"Oh, ouch," he laughed, "hey now, I am being nice. Besides, u should be nice to me; I am walking...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Nineteen
Jasper's POV
I could not get Lila out of my head. Her name was beautiful, her smile was beautiful, and she was beautiful. Everything about her was beautiful. Not to even mention her voice, it is so soft and sweet. She is amazing. I had only talked to her a little bit but I wanted to know everything about her. She amazes me.
I got to school early today. I wanted to see. I wanted to talk to her but I was to shy too. It may seem odd that I am shy. I am usually never shy. But there is something that makes me just look at her and study her. Lila is hard to read. I...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Fifteen
Jake's POV
Lila sat on the divan, bank and listened to dad. Did not say a word just sat there and would either look at the floor of into space. She would not look directly at dad. Lila made it throughout the whole entire conversation without disrupting him of anything.
"Good night." She mumbled once dad had stopped yelling at her.
"Do u not think u were a little harsh?" I asked. 
"No, not at all!" Dad stated. "She does not need to be going off door herself."
"Dad, she is only doing that because I go off on my own. of well, at least she thinks that I do. But Lola is just...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter ThirteenN2P
My summer vacation was completely over. This sadden me a lot but now I have somewhere to be where Billy will not scold me every minuut while I am awake.
School was tomorrow. Just a few hours away. I did not really want to go back. I did not like school, except for kindergarten when we took naps.
"Lila do u have everything ready for school tomorrow?" Hake asked as he interrupted my thoughts.
"Yep." I zei sadly. "What about you?"
"Umm, about that." He stumbled with his words. "I am not going to school, I am dropping out."
"What?" I asked as I got up and went...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter ElevenN2P
Lila's POV
Billy is worried, about me? That is a first in a long time. Why is he worried about me? He should be worried about Jacob, sneaking out at night with Jared. What was Jacob even thinking?!
"Jake, u found her!" Billy zei as we got onto the porch. "Lila, why would u go off into the middle of the night?!"
"I only went because Jared and Jacob were going somewhere but they left me behind!" I zei as I looked over at Jake. "But I am home! There is nothing in La Push that could ever hurt me. This is the safest place it the world!"
"It is not!" Billy said...
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I Just Might Be volgende Chapter Sixty NineN2P
Edward's POV
We arrived early at were we going fight the Volturi. It was scary for all of us. Except Mattie, she was just as calm as could be! It was like it was a walk in the park for her; like she does this everyday.
I could not help but notice the huge smiles on Mattie's and Seth's face. Seth had proposed to Mattie. I had to admit they were a adorable couple. Alice, Esme, and Bella was flooding poor Mattie with so many questions. Mattie was doing her beat to answer all of them. Alice was all ready begging to plan their wedding. Mattie just sat there...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter TenN2P
It was midnight and I was still laying bed. My stomach was growling since I had not eaten since lunchtime. I quietly got up and went to the kitchen. Jake's door and Billy's door were both closed. I heard a faint snore from living room. I guess Jared stayed the nigh too. I did not dare turn on a light. I did not want to wake them up, especially Jacob and Jared!
I sat at the keuken-, keuken tafel, tabel in the dark, eating my cereal quietly as possible. I heard Jake's bedroom door squeak open. I sat there still eating my cereal.
"Where do u think u are going?" I asked in a...
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I Just Might Be volgende Chapter Sixty SevenN2P
Mattie's POV
I woke up to Nessie giggling and Seth tickling her. Nessie loved to be tickled even when she would say stop. If u stopped she would ask "why did u stop? I didn't mean it!". I continued to watch Seth play with Nessie. If we ever got married and had kids, he would be the greatest father ever.
"Hey Nessie, look who is awake!" Seth zei as they looked over. "Let's go get her!"
Seth and Nessie ran over to me. I hated being tickled and Seth knew that. I have never liked being tickled. I squealed very loudly as Seth jumped on me. He grabbed...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It's Complicated Chapter Seven
I started down the long drive way and had to stop to let several really nice cars in. I let several go door and thought it was the end when the coolest motorcycle I had ever seen came spending in. I watched as he passed me and park his bike up the drive way. He took off his helm and he was the cutesy guy I'd ever seen. But I was meer memorized door his bike then actually him. I realized I had been staring to long because of the look on his face. I decided to sped off because it was embarrassing to sit there and stare at him. New people, they will be the talk of the...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
It was a tradition to go and eat at a little restruant in Forks. Billy, Jake, and I all ways went for my birthday. It was my favoriete part of the day. Today was my day, my borthday. I was finally sixteen! I woke up early and got ready. Billy had not even gotten up yet. I was excited about today, it felt like today was going to be great.
I sat in my room putting on make up.
"Lila." Jake whispered. "Birthday girl, u are all ready a wake?"
"Yep!" I chirped happily. "I am so excited! I could barley go to bed last night!"
"Why are u putting on make up?" Jake sighed in disappointment. "You know are...
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I Just Might Be volgende Chapter Sixty Three

Mattie's POV (she is not counting the days)

Seth and I walked to school in silence. It was really weird, we have not walked to school in silence for a very long time.
My head was clear of fog, pain, and visions of vampires. It was so refreshing! I felt enthusiastic about today and the rest of my life. The. I remember that I would have to go back to the Cullens' after football practice. It made my stomach churn.
"Mattie?" Seth asked after some time passed. "Why are u feeling so much better all the sudden?"
"I am not sure. It felt like a light switch had...
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