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So, my vrienden and I are nerds. I mean we love ster Wars, Harry Potter, Marvel, etc. Anyway, I went with one of them to see the seventh movie. It wasn't very good in my opinion (I mean it wasn't as bad as some films but it was pretty bad). If u liked it and are reading this anyway, please don't be offended. I am very critical of movies. I expected a lot out of this film, 'cause I love ster Wars, and I wasn't very impressed. But, seriously if u liked it and still want to read this, don't be offended. That's not why I wrote it. Anyways, these topics will be whatever pops in my mind; not in the order of what happens in the movie. Here goes...
#1- Just because a movie starts off with a long time geleden in a galaxy far, far away and five minuten off speed reading doesn't make it a good movie (I think we all learned that lesson with the prequel series). No one can top, boven the original movies. I'm sorry they can't. This movie has so many plot holes like, "What exactly happened with Luke, why do Han and Leia have a love/hate relationship (did they get a divorce; is that even a thing in SW)?" Besides, this movie isn't very original. It combines the plot of A New Hope and adds in a few other things.
#2- Why didn't Leia go with Rey to get Luke? I mean is she just like, "Ok complete stranger. I need to mourn the loss of my husband (who u surprisingly cared about), so I'll just be here. I don't need to find my missing brother that I've been so focused on finding. I don't need to hug him of something like that (because the audience doesn't want to see that emotional scene). So, good luck. I'll just have a cup of coffe."?
#3- Is Han a complete idiot? Trying to bring your son back from the dark side is virtually impossible if you're not a Jedi. I mean, Luke couldn't do it. And he's the most powerful Jedi out there! The statement Leia made got me really angry, so I'll do what the Cinemasins guy does (what comes between the astoricks is my comment). "Luke is a Jedi *and his uncle*; you're his father *and not a Jedi!*. Anyway, considering the fact that the Jedi Acadamy was a boarding school, it sounds to me like Leia freaks out 'cause little Ben is a little has some anger issues and drops him off with Luke. Sure, they would visit him, but still. So Luke gets closer to Ben and Ben gets angrier at his parents, because they pretty much disowned him.Then something happens to make Ben angry at Luke, he goes to the dark side, and he strikes. But yeah, Leia's statement is really dumb and kind of mean. Also, this is Han we're talking about. u really shouldn't give him any ideas.
#4- Who is the future Jedi in this movie? In A New Hope, we know automatically that Luke will be a Jedi. In this, however, both Rey and Finn use a light saber. But, Rey uses the Force, so...
#5- Why is Leia the general? Couldn't they have gotten someone with newer tactics, meer resilient, less emotional, someone tough... basically younger?
#6- Does Han really care about Luke? I mean, if he really missed him (Luke was like his best friend, right?), he would have stayed with the Alliance and actually tried to find him. And when talking about him, he just stopped like, "Luke. Why does that name same sound familiar? Oh yeah! Luke!". And then he just describes him like, "Yeah, he was pretty cool...". If that was me I would be crying and saying, "Luke Skywalker was an incredible fighter, pilot, and brother-in-law. He was my best friend and I miss him a lot. I wish he was here...".
#7- Luke has about 30 seconden of screen time and no lines! What the heck Abrams?! It's Luke Skywalker! His background in this is Luke rebuilt the Jedi order, Han and Leia's son destroyed it and killed people, Luke blamed himself, and disappeared. With that, he's made to look like a little baby that runs away from his problems.
#8- R2D2 had the rest of the map?! Why?! What, did the directors run out of ideas? Why the heck does he have it?! Has he had it the entire time? If he did, why did he wait until the end of the movie to cough it up?
#9- Han Solo freaking dies! That scarred me! Now we don't get to see his relationship with Leia, we don't get to see his reaction when they find Luke (which I was hoping would include Han bro-hugging him that, face it, we all wanted to see), we don't get to see Han and Ben make up (or Han watch Ben die. I'm good with either one, honestly). But seriously, why does he have to die? And why did Harrison Ford want his character to die?
#10- The storm trooper in charge (forgot her name) is so easy to defeat. I like that she's a girl. I didn't think girls could storm troopers. But then all Finn has to do is point a blaster at her head and boom! They're in. Easy peasy.
#11- The movie through all of the comics (and every fan fic ever) out the window.
#12- This new films titel screen is going to be: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, five seconden have passed since the last scene of the last movie u watched. Unless the movie people decide to cut out very important monologue. And if they do that, I'll just give up on this franchise entirely.
#13- Why does Rey care so much about Han when he dies? Seriously, their whole relationship is weird. Actually, they shouldn't have any kind of relationship. I mean, I wouldn't care if a random old guy I just met is killed door a random guy I also just met. Also, why does she get the Millennium Falcon? And why does Chewie decide that she's a perfectly fine replacement and stay with her. But seriously, she knows these people for like five minutes, and when Han dies, she's screaming and crying. That's just weird.
#14- Does Ben/Kylo Ren know that Darth Vader goes back to the light side in the end? That's a pretty important piece of information that he doesn't seem to know! Didn't someone tell him? Hhhmmm?
#15- This movie takes the Disney Princess approach. Our main character is a young female with no mother (or known father, but don't focus on that part... yet). Rey makes vrienden with a droid she found on her planet, which is the ster Wars equivalent of befriending animals in the woods, falls in love with, of starts to care about, a guy she just met, goes through tough times, and watches people she cares about get hurt (and in Han's case die). Does that sound like almost every DP ever of what?! See, this is what happens when u let Disney take over... Also, Leia is technically a DP but at least she doesn't act like one.
#16- It's obvious who Rey's father is. Some might not agree with this but, IT IS LUKE! Deal with it. She's not a Kenobi, she's not a Solo, etc. She is clearly a Skywalker. Luke recognizes her (or at least knows who she is), Leia recognizes her, she's strong in the Force, and so on. Also, this movie is kinda/sorta like the comics. In the comics, Han and Leia do have children, one of which goes to the dark side, and Luke has kid, too. Anyway, in the comics, Luke marries a woman named Mara Jade, who was like Palpatine's assassin. When he dies, he "curses" her and to kill Luke. She tries to kill him, Luke finds out about the "curse", breaks it, they get to know each other, yadda yadda yadda, and get married (or along those lines; I never read the comics, but I do my research). BTW: she's a Jedi. Mara Jade has a spot on Fanpop, too. Getting back to my point, what I'm proposing is that before the movie, Luke thinks his pregnant wife is dead, he leaves, Leia finds a dying Mara (not dead yet but close), doesn't tell Luke, Mara gives birth and dies (like Padme) and Leia ditches the kid. Aunt of the Year! So yeah. The movie leaves out important things like that. It also changes the comics (which are completely canon). But even without what I just said, Luke is obviously Rey's father. The movie leaves plenty of proof. Heck, she kinda looks like him.

In all honesty, I didn't like this movie because u don't get to see the development of your favoriete characters, the characters u grew up with, the characters u care about. In the original trilogy, you're presented with Luke Skywalker: an innocent, young teenager looking for adventure, Han Solo: a cocky, brave smuggler looking for money, and Princess Leia: a sassy, courageous girl looking to help the Rebellion. We learn about these characters, see them grow, watch them develop relationships, we freak out when they almost die several times, and we celebrate their victories. door the end of the trilogy, Luke is a tough, powerful Jedi that tries to protect his family and friends, Han is a little less cocky and actually gives a rip about people now, and Leia has a boyfriend and a brother, and less sassy. We witnessed their change. With this new movie, though, we expect to see our favoriete characters again but we get new people that we know nothing about instead. Our favoriete characters obviously changed but we didn't get to see it. There are other things I hated like Luke not being ANYWHERE, and Han flat out DYING, and the movie being way too modern for ster Wars. Another problem with the movie is that with the original trilogy, we got to give everyone the futures we wanted them to have, whether they were tragic or, u know, not (AKA: fan Fics). The Force Awakens limits that. Every fan fic has to end the way the movie starts, unless u implement the populair concept of the movie being wrong.

Anyways, those were my thoughts and vragen concerning ster Wars The Force Awakens. I did not particularly like this film. While the graphics and acting are impressive, the movie itself just isn't as good as the original trilogy. I probably will see the volgende movies, but only because it's ster Wars.
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