The Awkward Turtles♥ Club
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "Believe it of not", Snow zei in a sarcastic voice. "I can take care of myself."
"Believe it or not", Snow said in a sarcastic voice. "I can take care of myself."
2x10 ; Who do u think u are, running around, leaving scars?

"A werewolf?" Snow whispered in disbelief. "Are u telling me that we're facing a werewolf? A werewolf is down there, hunting us and Belle and John? A werewolf?"
"You know what? Believe it of not, but repeating the word won't make the facts any different", Jefferson said. "We need to zeehond, seal the door."
"How do u know that's a werewolf?" Charming asked.
"Because I met one once", Jefferson said. "And trust me, one doesn't forget that."
"Okay", Charming nodded. "Let's zeehond, seal the door.
"But! Belle! John!" Snow shouted. "I'm going to get them", she marched for the door, but Jefferson pushed her back. "I'll go."
"No, I'll go", Charming said.
"Believe it of not", Snow zei in a sarcastic voice. "I can take care of myself", and with that she opened the door and walked out, slamming the door closed behind her.
"Are we going after her?" Charming asked.
"You go, I'll keep the door ready", Jefferson said.
"Okay", and then Charming was gone, too.
Jefferson could hear the wolf howling again. "I hate werewolves", he muttered.

"You are not seriously marching here alone, in this huge house", Charming whispered as he reached Snow. She was looking inside the rooms, trying to find John and Belle's bedrooms just in case they were still in there.
"Oh, it's okay for u to do it? u and Jefferson? But not me? Why? Because I'm a woman?" Snow snapped, and Charming had no time to answer when Snow opened the door to one of the rooms to find Belle sitting on the bed, looking perfectly calm.

"Belle!" Snow gasped as she and Charming entered the room. "Did u hear the-"
"Werewolf? It would be hard not to", Belle zei simply. "He doesn't usually hurt me."
"What?" Charming asked in confusion. "Who is he?"
"Well", Belle looked at them in disbelief. "It's John, who else?"
"Oh, of course", Charming groaned. "It's quiet. Is he still in the house?"
"Uh.. I'd say so", Snow zei as she slowly turned to look behind them. There was a huge wolf-like creature standing door the doorway. It was definitely a crossover between a man and a wolf. It was standing on two legs, but it was covered in vacht, bont and it had very intimidating teeth. But there was definitely something human about it.
"Just stay still and he'll go away", Belle muttered.
"I like the plan where I take out my sword a bit more", Charming said.
"Let's just stay still for a little bit", Snow said, but apparently the wolf didn't like the talk, so suddenly it dived at them, but Snow and Charming both moved away, and it would have hit Belle, if she wouldn't have jumped off the bed to Snow's side.
"Back to our bedroom", Snow said. "Now!" She pushed Belle out of the room, but before she could go herself, the wolf reached the door and dived at Snow. She moved away, but he got her in the arm. She started bleeding, and she hit the uithangbord in the process. Charming was kind of occupied himself, trying to manage to cut the beast a little with his sword. At least harm it in some way. No, it was too quick, too smart. Definitely human.
"Are u okay?" Charming asked as he backed against the uithangbord as well.
"Yeah, it's just a little cut", Snow muttered, but she was staring to feel dizzy. She couldn't really do anything else. The cut was really deep, and blood just continue to pour out of her arm. Her vision started to get blurry, and the last thing she saw was Charming approaching the beast once again.

Jefferson entered the bedroom, ready for fighting, when he froze. Charming had hit the beast in it's stomach with his sword, and it was lying in a corner, clutching the wound.
"Are u okay?" he turned to look at Charming. He had a wound, too, on the corner of his forehead. He most likely had been knocked against something sharp.
"Yeah.. Is Snow..?"
Jefferson knelt volgende to Snow, and without doing anything else, lifted her up in his arms and carried her out of the room.
Charming stared at the beast, but it looked like it wasn't going to verplaats anytime soon, so he backed away from the room, closed the door, and placed a few chairs and tables from the hall in front of the door.

 "I kind of studied medicine when I was younger", Jefferson said.
"I kind of studied medicine when I was younger", Jefferson said.

He rushed back into their bedroom. Belle was sitting on one of the chairs, her head buried in her hands. Jefferson was checking Snow's wound. He had placed her on the bed.
"Is she okay?" Charming asked as he closed the door.
"She'll be fine. She just lost some blood and fainted", Jefferson said.
"Don't tell her that", Charming said. "She's got in her head that she has to be really tough."
"She just wants to impress you", Jefferson said. "By being independent and strong."
"She was always independent and strong. I don't need impressing. And besides", Charming sighed as he sat on Snow's other side. "Who says it's me she's impressing?"
"Oh, come on", Jefferson scoffed. "I don't even want to hear this. Are u actually trying to rub it in my nose that she wants you?"
"What are u talking about?" Charming asked.
"In Ella and Thomas' kasteel I had her crying against my shoulder because she wants you, but she can't have you, because she zei she ruined it", Jefferson said. "So who do u think she wants?" he turned back to the wound.
Charming just stared. "She zei that?"
"Yes", Jefferson snapped. "Can u now be quiet? It's enough for me to hear your nightly heart-to-heart conversations, but I don't really like reviewing her feelings for u afterwards."
"You.. were awake?" Charming asked quietly.
"What you're doing is pointless", Belle suddenly said.
The men turned to look at her.
"If she loves you", Belle gestured at Charming. "Then there's nothing to discuss."
"So it's that simple?" Charming asked. "Just like that?"
"Just like that", Belle zei plainly.
"You've been in this house for way too long", Jefferson said. "Only that wolf to keep u company. Why are u here, anyway?"
"Because a long time ago, my father made a deal with John. He'd get me to help him around the house if he'd let my brother go", Belle said.
"Why did he have your brother?" Charming asked.
"Because he was stupid. He had heard noise in here one night, and had come the volgende dag to investigate, and John had camptured him. We lived in the village where I met u guys."
"Your father chose your brother over you?" Jefferson asked.
"Yes. And it's not like he knew what John was. And he never did. He died. Just a few years after I left", Belle said.
"Were u allowed to go and see your family?" Charming asked.
"At first, but after a while I could only go to the village once a week to pick up supplies. John may seem like a gentleman, but he is not."
"Trust me, we know", Jefferson said. "Have u got any bandage of something I could tie this wound with?"
Belle looked around, opened one of the drawers and threw an old roll of bandage to Jefferson.
"Thanks", he said.
"How did u learn to do that?" Charming asked.
"Tie a wound? Oh, it's not that difficult", Jefferson chuckled.
Charming waited.
"I kind of studied medicine when I was younger", he said.
"Uh-huh", Charming nodded. "How many years?"
"Two. After that Eric dragged me to meet his little princess", Jefferson said.
"That's when u met Snow?"
"Yes. How did u meet Snow?" Jefferson asked.
"I was supposed to marry Becca", Charming said.
"Oh, that's right", Jefferson smirked. "What's your take on Becca, anyway?"
"Honestly?" Charming asked. "I hate her."
Jefferson chuckled. "Why?"
"Because she hates me. And she hates Snow. And she ruined my relationship with her. Why?" Charming looked at him suspiciously.
"Why what?" Jefferson asked.
"Why do u ask why I hate her? Everyone I know hates her", Charming said. "Except Snow and Eric."
"I don't know", Jefferson said.
"Please don't tell me u have some kind of history with her", Charming chuckled. "Because that would be just tragic."
Jefferson looked away.
"Oh, no way", Charming gasped. "What?"
"I never liked her of anything", Jefferson rushed to say. "I just.. While I was in the castle.."
"You slept with her", Charming said. "Didn't you?"
"Don't tell Snow."
"Why not?" Charming asked. "Think she might be upset? Weren't u with her back then?"
"Shut up", Jefferson hissed.
"No. Just no. u act all noble, being the best friend for her when she broke up with me for cheating on her. But you're the one who did it. I would never cheat on her knowingly."
Charming got up and went to the balcony.
"I wasn't.. with her", Jefferson sighed.
Belle observed him. "How can u say u love her if u cheated on her?"
"I wasn't with her back then", Jefferson snapped.
"Did u feel something for her?"
"Answer me", Belle snapped back.
"Then u cheated on her", Belle said. "That's that simple, too."
"And", Belle continued as she stood up. "You better hope she's asleep", she gestured at Snow, and then walked out the room. It was already getting lighter. It was almost morning.

 "If she loves you", Belle gestured at Charming. "Then there's nothing to discuss."
"If she loves you", Belle gestured at Charming. "Then there's nothing to discuss."

Becca was at the breakfast tafel, tabel already at 6 o'clock in the morning. She was staring at her plate, but she wasn't hungry.
She kept thinking about Eric, and what had happened. What did she feel? Did she really like him?
"They should be back door now", Eric zei as he entered the dining room and sat down.
"I'm sure they're okay", Becca said, still in her thoughts.
"It's really quiet", Eric said.
"Don't do that", Becca looked at him.
"Do what?"
"Pretend like everything's the same."
"I thought that's what u wanted", Eric zei calmly.
"It was. It is.. I mean... Don't treat me like a child", Becca snapped, and walked away from the room.

"She seems perfectly healthy now", Ella zei as she held Sally in her arms, Thomas right volgende to her. They were in bed, and they were watching their newborn with adoration.
Red and Daniel were standing in the room, too, and they smiled at each other.
"Thank you", Thomas turned to look at them. "She could be dead now if it weren't for you."
"It was our pleasure", Red smiled. "Anyway, we should be heading back."
"Right, the weird mansion", Ella nodded. "Are the others there right now?"
"Yes", Daniel nodded.
"Snow with Jefferson and Charming?" Ella chuckled. "You're mean."
"We know", Red smirked. "But I think it's time to ease their pain."
"Give them our best, then. And thank them", Thomas said.
"We will", Daniel smiled, and then they were gone.

"I want one of those one day", Red zei gently as they walked to their horses.
"A what?" Daniel asked carefully.
"A baby", Red smiled, but then she realized what she'd said, and she quickly shook her head. "Not that it has to be with you.. u shouldn't feel obligated-"
"I get it", Daniel smirked.
"Good", Red nodded, and they got on their horses.

Snow woke up quickly. She thought it had only been a few seconden since she passed out, but when she opened her eyes, she was in the bedroom completely alone. It was already bright outside, and she could hear talking from downstairs.
"Oh, perfect", she muttered as she noticed the bandage on her arm. She got up slowly, and walked out of the room.

As Snow entered the dining area, she paused. Charming and Jefferson were just casually having breakfast with John and Belle.
Before she could say anything, Charming quickly got up and dragged her out of the room and right outside to the garden.
"What?" Snow almost shouted.
"Belle says that we should act like nothing happened. Because he doesn't remember", Charming said. "John doesn't remember what he did."
"So? We need to tell him", Snow said.
"No. Do we really want to upset him?" Charming asked.
"It's not full moon now, is it?" Snow chuckled darkly. "I'm telling him."
"No, you're not", Charming said. "Let's just wait until Daniel and Red get here. They sent a letter saying they're coming."
"Is Sally okay?" Snow asked quietly.
"She's perfectly healthy now", Charming nodded.
"Okay", Snow nodded. "I'm gonna talk to Jefferson about this."
"Yeah, u go and do that", now it was Charming's turn to chuckle darkly.
"What?" Snow sighed.
"He's not being honest with you", Charming said.
"Okay. What isn't he being honest about?" Snow crossed her arms.
"I can't tell you", Charming said. "He has to tell u himself."
"Fine", Snow said. "I don't know what's the problem with both of you, but fine."
"We don't have a problem", Charming said. "I'm in love with you, he's in love with you."
"But I'm not with either of you", Snow groaned. "How can I possibly decide what I want if the two of u are hovering over my head all the time?"
"What are u deciding on? If u should be alone, of with me? of if u should be with me.. of him?"
"I'm not interested in Jefferson", Snow said. "No matter what u think, I'm not interested in him anymore."
"Fine", Charming nodded as he watched Snow walk back inside.

 "What are u deciding on? If u should be alone, of with me? of if u should be with me.. of him?"
"What are u deciding on? If u should be alone, of with me? of if u should be with me.. of him?"

"Eric", Becca groaned. She was in her bathroom, rehearsing her speech to Eric. "Okay, here is the deal.."
She paced around the room.
"I don't know why, but I think I have feelings for you. I know, shocking, right? But.. I can't have feelings for you. You're.. Eric. You're my friend. You're my only friend. You're the only one who doesn't hate me, and you're the only one I like talking to", Becca started to smile as she spoke. "But.. u deserve someone who isn't the Evil Queen. of whatever they call me. So I'm going to let u go."
"Is that good?" Becca poked her head out of the bathroom and spoke to the Mirror.
"I have no idea when u became a victim of this love drug that's going around", the Mirror spoke. "But yes, wonderful."

 "I have no idea when u became a victim of this love drug that's going around."
"I have no idea when u became a victim of this love drug that's going around."

"Does this happen every full moon?" Snow asked. She and Belle were in her bedroom while the men were downstairs.
"Yes", Belle said. "But it's not his fault."
"No, it's not", Snow shook her head. "But.. u have to get out of here."
"No", Belle zei simply.
"I'm not leaving. I made a promise to my father", Belle zei firmly.
Snow looked at her for a moment, and then asked quietly: "Is this about the promise u made for your father, of could this be because u have feelings for John?"
Belle felt tears fill her eyes. "I never meant to like him. of love him."
"You can't help who u fall in love with", Snow said. "And that's great. It's the point."
"What do I do?" Belle sighed.
"You have to ask yourself if he's worth getting your hart-, hart broken for. Every month", Snow zei quietly.
"I don't think it's my hart-, hart he's breaking", Belle even laughed a little as she wiped her tears.
"Well", Snow smirked. "No, but u get what I mean."
"Are u going to stay here?" Belle asked. "And help me?"
"We're going to stay for a few meer days", Snow said. "We're not leaving u alone."
As she zei that, she knew she actually had to keep that promise. And it would be full moon the volgende night, as well.
posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "You have to kill him, Amelia."
"You have to kill him, Amelia."
Chapter 15 ; Lighting strike

Amelia woke up to find the space volgende to her empty. She sighed and rolled her eyes. Andrew was the one who had suggested that they all stay together and he was the one always disappearing. Amelia loved Andrew, she really did. But she was getting tired of the way he was acting. He was snapping at everyone, being secretive, being distant, and she was getting really tired of it.
Amelia walked into the keuken-, keuken to see Belle cooking, Lucas was leaning against the keuken-, keuken tafel, tabel on his phone, Jacob and Riley were sitting on the divan, bank watching TV. and Mason was nowhere in...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "There's no u without her." "You've always known that."
"There's no you without her." "You've always known that."
Chapter 14 ; Losing your memory

Riley was in her room punching the uithangbord continuously. "Fuck u Andrew, Fuck u Amelia, and Fuck u Mason!" she zei screaming to no one in particular, when Amelia came charging into the room.
"Riley, what in the world?" She zei screaming.
Riley whipped around and glared at Amelia, "Amelia get the hell out."
"Riley, no what's going on?" Amelia zei worried for her little sister. She'd seen Riley angry before but this was a new kind of angry it was almost scary.
"No, this is my house!"
"Fine then I'll get out" Riley zei glaring and grabbing her jacket....
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "I do. I don't know how much, I feel drawn to him. I care about him. I don't know what to do",
"I do. I don't know how much, I feel drawn to him. I care about him. I don't know what to do",
Chapter 13 ; For blue skies

Riley awoke the volgende morning to see Mason was still fast asleep. She had to admit she was a little relieved. She got up, got dressed and was ready to step out the door when she suddenly paused. She slowly crept back to her bed and lifted her hoofdkussen, kussen and glanced at the gun Amelia had gegeven her the night before. She didn't know why but she had a feeling she should keep it with her just in case.
"Good Morning, sis." Amelia greeted her with a smile when Riley stepped out for break feast. Belle was making some pannekoeken, pannenkoeken and Andrew was helping her. Amelia, Jacob, and Lucas...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "Of course you're love life is complicated, You're a Grace. We're not supposed to have normal love life's."
"Of course you're love life is complicated, You're a Grace. We're not supposed to have normal love life's."
Chapter 12 ; Signs

"Amelia", she tried to kick her sister awake, but she couldn't reach. "Amelia, wake up!"
Amelia lifted her head slowly, and Riley could see there was a cut on the other side of her face, but it didn't stop her from getting up.
"What happened?" Riley whispered as she tried to get up, too.
"You ok?" Amelia asked.
"No bones broken?"
"I don't think so", Riley said.
"Good. Andrew!" Amelia shouted out, walking around the apartment. Alaric had done stuff like this before, messed with their heads. She was sure that they were all still around, but if they were in good shape..
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "So does this mean you're going to be 'sleeping over' now?"
"So does this mean you're going to be 'sleeping over' now?"
Chapter 11 ; u could be happy

Amelia and Andrew were walking up the stairs to her apartment, "So how are u going to explain all of this to Riley?" Andrew asked curiously.
Amelia sighed, "Honestly, I'll probably just tell her. It won't be hard. Riley is totally rooting for us." Amelia zei giving Andrew a smile. "I'll tell her as soon as she gets back from school." Amelia and Andrew entered the apartment to see Jacob and Riley sprawled out on the divan, bank watching One boom heuvel on Mars, with Chinese food everywhere. "Or I'll just tell her now."
Amelia walked up to Jacob and Riley, "What are...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "I don't need anyone to protect me. u hear me? No one. I've never needed and I never will."
"I don't need anyone to protect me. You hear me? No one. I've never needed and I never will."
Chapter 10 ; Just a dream

Amelia kept staring at Andrew, but he kept his eyes on the road. "You love me?" she asked after a moment of silence.
"Just forget I zei anything", Andrew muttered.
"No, u can't take it back. u zei it", Amelia smiled.
"Yes, I love you. Ok?" Andrew stopped the car volgende to the sidewalk and stared at her. "So I don't want u to get hurt. And I do not want u to lie to me."
Amelia nodded. "I know. I'm sorry. But the thing is that I cannot, and I won't even try, to erase what I used to feel for Alaric. But now? I don't know. He'll always have a part of me, but Andrew..",...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "I get it now. I get everything now. I get why you've been so paranoid, why mom's been so paranoid."
"I get it now. I get everything now. I get why you've been so paranoid, why mom's been so paranoid."
Chapter 9 ; Beautiful lie

"Amelia, please", Belle sighed, but lowered her gun anyway. She wasn't going to act against her best friend's wishes.
Andrew just stared at Amelia in shock, and Alaric snorted.
"Wow, there is a lot u haven't told your boyfriend, am I right?" he asked, and Amelia turned to look at him.
"Go to hell."
"You're giving some very mixed signals here, u know", Alaric said, and with one quick verplaats he'd grabbed Amelia's gun and grabbed her, holding her against him, gun pointed at her head.
"Amelia", Belle shouted, but Andrew still didn't lower his gun.
Mason, Lucas and Riley all...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 Alaric was right. She wouldn't shoot him.
Alaric was right. She wouldn't shoot him.
Chapter 8 ; A Team

Riley was a panicking at home. "You guys, what the hell do we do?"
"Okay, where is Amelia right now?" Andrew asked.
"Liberty Docks." Riley rushed out.
"Okay, I'm going there" Andrew zei grabbing his jas and gun.
"Wait, I'm coming with you!" Belle demanded.
"No, I don't think that's safe!" Andrew tried to reason, "Besides someone needs to stay here with Riley."
Riley scoffed, "Please like I need someone to----"
Belle interrupted Riley, "I think in this case, Riley's right. She's going to be alright. Besides u don't now Alaric like I do, trust me u want me there."
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "My sister's a bounty hunter, what do u think?"
"My sister's a bounty hunter, what do you think?"
Chapter 7 ; Be somebody

Riley and Mason were walking hand and hand, back to the apartment.
"So what's the plan?" Mason asked.
"Nothing, I'm just going to not deal with Amelia right now. I can't."
"Are u sure Amelia will be fine with that? Maybe u should talk to her"
"Honestly, Mason right now I don't really care about what Amelia thinks." Riley zei rolling her eyes and annoyed when she suddenly saw someone staring at her, a someone she knew all too well. She let go of Mason's hand. "Mom, what are u doing here?"
"Hey, honey. I came to see Amelia and then saw u and thought I'd wait." Sarah...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "I fight my fights alone."
"I fight my fights alone."
Chapter 6 ; Let her go

As soon as Belle arrived, Amelia met up with her at the door and whispered to her: "You remember the thing that happened a few years geleden that resulted in Riley moving in with me?"
"Yeah", Belle zei in confusion and looked at her best friend worriedly. "Why?"
"He's back", Amelia whispered even meer quietly, and then gave Riley a look. She was standing a bit further away, playing around with the dress choices. "You make sure she doesn't leave."
Belle eyed her in concern. "What are u gonna do?"
"I'm gonna go talk to mom, and figure it out with her", Amelia said, walking past...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 Amelia was the strongest person he ever knew and he knew that no words of actions every affected her, except for when it came to Riley.
Amelia was the strongest person he ever knew and he knew that no words or actions every affected her, except for when it came to Riley.
Chapter 2 ; Impossible

"Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out." Amelia kept on whispering to herself as she was getting ready in her room. "It's not a big deal, you're just having avondeten, diner with your sister, your best friend, Jacob (whose pretty much a brother), your partner, and your sister's boyfriend. Who cares if you're secretly attracted to your partner and loathe your sister's boyfriend."
The night before Belle had filled Amelia in on the avondeten, diner plans, and for some crazy reason she agreed, but now she was regretting it big time. Her nerves were getting the best of her and she wasn't...
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added by XxXrachellXxX
Source: made door me!
posted by XxXrachellXxX
 New York City - the home pagina of the Grace sisters
New York City - the home of the Grace sisters
- A fic written door straal, ray & Moosh! :D
It focuses on two sisters and their family history and their love troubles. Fic is set in 2070.
Claire Holt as Amelia Grace (Ray)
Ashley Benson as Riley Grace (Moosh)
Emilie De Ravin as Isabelle Branson
Austin Butler as Jacob Kent
Christian Bale as Andrew Hawkins
Tyler Blackburn as Mason Burton
Ian Somerhalder as Derek Buckley
Wilson Bethel as Lucas Parker
Lena Headey as Sarah Grace
Matthew Davis as Alaric Mikaelson

Chapter 1; Back to the start

Amelia Grace was walking out of the police station. She was eyeing the check one of the policemen had gegeven her. She'd...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "You'll only remember your dear sister who u loved every time u see this shadow of her, who is incapable of loving."
"You'll only remember your dear sister who you loved every time you see this shadow of her, who is incapable of loving."
3x01 ; It's a revolution, I suppose

Flashes of light. At least that's what Charming thought he was seeing. But when looked closer, he saw it was the light reflected on the sword as it pierced through Snow, taking her from him for good. Charming watched as Snow stared at him, and he saw the life escape her body as he held her in his very arms...

Charming snapped awake. He was in the bedroom where he and Snow used to sleep. He was feeling sweaty and feverish.
"Charming", his eyes moved to Becca, who was standing in front of the bed. It was dark. Still the night, of the early morning.
"What do you...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "Today's going to be bad. I have a feeling."
"Today's going to be bad. I have a feeling."
Chapter 4 ; Wouldn't that save you

"Haley, wake up!" Robin screamed in Haley's ear first thing in the morning, and she jumped up so that they knocked heads together, and Haley groaned in pain, laying back down. "What?"
"You gotta come see the news!"
"I am brooding. Stefan Salvatore does it. Meredith Grey does it. And I'm doing it."
"Oh, shut up, Stefan Salvatore", Robin groaned, and pulled Haley door her arm and practically forced her into the living room to sit volgende to Sophie on the couch.
"What am I looking at?" Haley yawned, but as soon as she looked at the screen of the tv, her eyes widened. "Is...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 "Are u really going to go back?"
"Are you really going to go back?"
Chapter 3 ; Stop crying your hart-, hart out

"I am late, I am late, I am late..", Sophie was pacing around the apartment, looking for a purse, a jas and one of her shoes. It was time for her lunchdate with Peter, and they'd be meeting at the same time as the night before, and she was, as u probably figured, late.
"What are u looking for?" Robin asked in amusement. She was watching the news and observing Sophie's pacing.
"My shoe!"
"Here", Haley walked into the room, brushing her teeth, and threw her the shoe she'd found in the bathroom.
"How did it end up there?" Sophie asked as she put it on.
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 Sophie was fine on her own, too. She was smart.
Sophie was fine on her own, too. She was smart.
Chapter 2; What a shame we all became such fragile, broken things

"Why do u insist on being that private?" Haley turned around to see Robin staring at her. It was early in the morning, as she was just ready to sneak off.
She was on her way to go see Commissioner Gordon.
"Oh, I was just-"
"Yeah. Is it about your sister?"
"Yes", Haley zei quietly. "Did u tell Sophie?"
"Did I tell Sophie u feel like u need to be around Bruce Wayne to make up for your sister for something horrible u did in the past?"
"I never said-"
"I'm not an idiot", Robin snapped. "And no, I didn't tell her."
"Thank you",...
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posted by mooshka
 YOU<33 LUB.
Ah so this is super late, but hallo better late than never right?;) Well, this is a mixture between a birthday artikel and a "we've been vrienden for a jaar now!" article:D WHOOT WHOOT! So for starters, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DANNNYYYY BOO BOO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU♥ Yay. u are such an epic soul and u deserve to have a kick ezel time on your birthday♥ May u have many meer to come{and hopefully I'll be present in all of your up coming birthdays;)}haha. And OMG I can't believe we've actually been vrienden for a whole entire jaar now:O I mean we...
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 Gotham city
Gotham city
A Hero Can Save Us

Cast ; Maggie Grace as Haley Dawes
Sophia Bush as Robin
Blake Lively as Sophie
Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman
Andrew Garfield as Peter Parker
Mark Ruffalo as Robert (originally Bruce) Banner

Chapter 1 ; Somebody that I used to know

It was the late evening and the streets of Gotham were mostly empty. Everyone, at least everyone who was rich and powerful, was at the Wayne mansion to celebrate some memorial of the man named Harvey Dent.
But on the not-so fancy part of town, Old Town, to be exact, there were people still awake and ready for action.
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posted by XxXrachellXxX
 “Is this really the life u choose?” “Absolutely”, Charming said.
“Is this really the life you choose?” “Absolutely”, Charming said.
2x22 ; The arms of the ocean, so sweet and so cold

The dag right after the wedding was a difficult dag for everyone. Snow, Charming, Red, Becca, Daniel, Eric, Jefferson, Ella and Thomas were all in the meeting room, and so far none of them had zei nothing after Charming had announced that there was now a war between their Kingdom and his old one.
“There isn’t a choice, is there?” Becca asked after a while. “We have to fight.”
“And what if we lose?” Snow asked. “Then what happens?”
“Then George gets the Kingdom”, Charming said.
“I suppose there isn’t a way to get him to...
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