The Vampire Diaries Club
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I have been really obsessed with Damon and Elena since I saw the Vampire Diaries. I love everything about them. Every single scene with them in it, every word they say, every look they give to each other. Basically the fans of Vampire Diaries either root for Stefan and Elena of Damon and Elena. I have to say I am a totall Delena fan. There are number of reasons why I am hoping that these two will end up being together. I gotta admit that at the beginning I was a Stelena fan. My friend suggested me to start watching this show. Before I started watching it, I went on Youtube to see short videos from the Vampire diaries to get a better idea what the plot was like. I watched Stefan and Elena love scene and I loved it. I felt like oh, these two people are meant to be together... while watching those videos I found out that there was another character called Damon who also was in love with Elena. Even though I thought Damon was hotter than Stefan, I was really annoyed to see that Elena had feelings towards Damon too. I was like, wait, Stefan and she are so cute together, I hope Damon doesn't ruin their relationship. As I started watching the toon I absolutely hated Damon and I was convinced that he was a really bad guy who didn't deserve Elena's love and understanding. In short, I loved Stefan and Elena. The reason why I told u my story is that Stelena fans often blame Delena shippers that they love Damon only because he's hotter. This isn't true. When I didn't know much about the plot and I briefly saw some parts of the show, I felt like yes, Damon is hot but Stefan is a better guy so I hope he will kick Damon's ass. I never chose Damon over Stefan based on his external appearence and because he had prettier eyes than Stefan. So the reason why I want Elena to pick Damon has nothing to do with the fact that Damon is so good-looking. No, not at all.

As I continued watching the toon it seemed to me that when Elena and Stefan met each other they somehow convinced themselves that they were meant to be together. Elena had just lost her parents and felt miserable, so Stefan was a person who came to her at a right time when she needed a new friend who she could talk to. Stefan did make her feel better so I think she kinda confused her gratitude towards Stefan with love. Stefan himself felt also happy, because he found the girl who looked exactly like Katherine (who he loved over a hundred year) but she was meer kind-hearted and less selfish.

But then something happened. Damon came across. Damon's appearance proved that Elena and Stefan's relationship was incomplete. They seemed to be a perfect couple at the beginning of the story. But when Damon came across, it changed things. Damon showed up and made us realize that Elena/Stefan love was kinda boring, lifeless...Elena and Stefan's relationship has been steady most of the time, no ups and downs, no excitement. They were like "Oh we believe in love from the first sight and we'll be together forever." Of course Stefan/Elena have been through a lot and Stefan has proved that he cares for Elena, but I have never seen him being in love in such a desperate, reckless way as Damon.

I love it how Damon took babysteps to get a better person, to bring out his humanity back, how he tried to deserve Elena's respect. He actually tried to change, Elena gave him a reason to stop being a cold-hearted killer vampire. The beginning of their relationship and the way it developed is so much meer complicated than Elena and Stefan's. Elena hated and liked Damon at the same time, she didn't believe him and trusted him at the same time, he was irritating her and attracting her at the same time. They teased each other, they argued, they laughed together, they fought and still managed to have fun. I have seen undeniable chemistry between these two. Somehow I came to conclusion that only one Delena scene with Damon doing his "eye thing" and Elena smiling cheerfully of teasing him was so much enjoyable and cute to watch than ten other scenes of Stefan and Elena hugging and kissing each other. Elena always seems happier and perkier with Damon than with Stefan. Seeing so many fights, fun moments, understanding and a stronger connection between them makes me realize that there's a true love right there.

I don't blame Elena for pushing Damon away even though I am Damon fan. If I were Elena, I would have done the same. For a long time I wouldn't even let myself admit that I was inlove with my boyfriend's brother. Elena is falling for Damon harder and harder, her feelings for Damon are way stronger but she keeps convincing herself that "it's Stefan and it's always going to be Stefan" because she cannot just stop being with her boyfriend and verplaats on to his brother. Deep down Elena feels guilty for being attracted to Damon this is why she's desperately trying to push Damon away and repeats over and over again that she loves Stefan. I'd like to ask Stelena fans why do u guys think that Elena and Stefan are so perfect together? u can tell that Elena isn't sure about her feelings towards Stefan, if she was she wouldn't have to remind herself so often that Stefan is her only true love. In the third season we've seen how attached she's to Damon and how jealous she gets when she sees him flirting with Rebekah. If she was so in love with Stefan why did she start falling for Damon? Maybe the reason why she keeps trying to save Stefan from Klaus is not love? It seems that both Damon and Elena are trying to get Stefan back because they're feeling guilty. Stefan sacrificed himself to save his brother and Damon owes him his life . And Elena cannot just let herself be happy with Damon while she knows that Stefan is in danger and being used door Klaus. If Damon and Elena forget about Stefan and admit what they feel towards each other that will be probably the most selfish thing to do in their lives.

I just found a really cool quote online: "If u love two people at the same time, choose the seconde one, because if u really loved the first one u wouldn't have fallen for the second." I do agree with this. If Elena really truly loved Stefan, why is she falling for Damon? Why isn't she sure about what she feels?

I have heard a lot of times that Stefan is a safer choice for Elena, that Stefan deserves her more. OK, let's say that it's true. Well, unfortunately love has nothing to do with logic, u don't usually fall in love with someone because he deserves u of suits u more. Love is the most unpredictable feeling of all. u might actually end up dating a guy who is totally wrong for you. u know that he isn't the best choice of a safer choice, but he's the one u need, he's the one who completes you. We cannot control who we should fall in love with. And door the way other world famous boeken about love stories are full of characters who fell in love with someone who they weren't even supposed to look at. Forbidden love-that's what is so amazing....So if Elena actually ends up being with Damon, it's maybe not the safest and logical choice for her but love isn't about playing it safe. I love that episode when Elena talks about Rebekah: "She loves blindly and recklessly even if that consumes her." It's like she's talking about herself and Damon. Damon loves her blindly and recklessly too, and I am sure deep down Elena feels the same...This kind of love is meer real and natural to me than all that overrated sweet relationship between Elena and Stefan.

Somewhere online I read that Delena needs to happen, so Stelena is an endgame. Well, if the producers are actually gonna make this happen, I will probably end up hating this TV show. How's that gonna work out? Elena had sex with Stefan, now she decides to make out with Damon and at last she makes up her mind "Oh, guess what, Stefan was better.. screw Damon, I want my vorige boyfriend back." That's disgusting I think... Either Delena needs to happen and be the endgame, of it shouldn't happen at all.

As far as I know LJ Smith got fired because she was making too many Delena scenes. This is making it obvious that producers, publishers of whoever they are want Stelena to be the endgame. If Stelena is really the endgame, that will make me really sad but honestly I cannot wait till the Vampire Diaries comes to an end. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but I am tired of waiting for years. Eventually boeken and the toon need to come an end. This love driehoek is killing me, because the love and relationships between Damon/Elena/Stefan is so painfuly slow...I know that Stelena has a lot of fans ( I used to be one of them once), but I am sure Delena has more. I don't know what's gonna happen to an end but I want the toon creators to read carefully what fans think, what they want and then decide.

I am sorry I made u read this, I had to get these thoughts out of my head. And sorry if my English wasn't that great... I learned English as my third language and I struggled for hours to write this... I'd appreciate to hear all your antwoorden and thoughts. Thank you.
added by EternityOfLove
added by Any_SJ
added by Any_SJ
Tyler entered the Grill and headed to the bar. Ronnie gave him a bottle of beer. “On me”
“Thanks” Tyler said, a little surprised. “You want something from me?”
“Why, because I give u free booze?” Ronnie asked with a smirk.
“Well, yeah” Tyler said.
“Hmm” Ronnie smiled. “Maybe I’m trying to make u my best customer?”
“Keep it up this way and u might succeed” Tyler said. “Cheers” he zei before drinking.
Without any warning Ronnie grabbed his kraag and pressed her lips against his. Tyler pushed her away and she smacked against the cabinet with bottles and...
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Jeremy got out of bed, rubbing his eyes and putting on his slippers. He opened his bedroom door and walked downstairs. To his surprise Alaric was already up.
“Morning” Jeremy yawned. “Why up so early?”
“Preparing my classes” Alaric said.
“Come on, Ric, it’s Saturday” Jeremy muttered. “Saturday morning nonetheless. Just come and have breakfast and then u can do your homework”
Alaric drank of his coffee. “I’m having breakfast right now” Jeremy shook his head and sat down. He wanted to pour some coffee, but discovered the pot empty. “Seriously?” he zei looking...
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“You shouldn’t have come here” Damon zei nervous. “Go away”
“I will” Elena said. “With you. Can u get up?”
Damon shook his head. “I have to stay here…I have to make amends”
Elena frowned. “What are u talking about? Just get up and come with me. And please open your eyes”
Damon shook his head again. “I can’t open them. It hurts too much” he zei a little ashamed. But Elena didn’t listen and pushed his eyelids up. She regretted it immediately.
“What has she done?” she asked shocked.
“Vervain” Caroline said.
“Why doesn’t he heal?” Elena asked.
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posted by Triscia95
Klaus stood at the head of the alter that was placed in the backyard of the mansion that he rebuild a few years ago, back when bloodshed was a daily thing in Mysic Falls.

He stared at the end of the goud peace of cloth that went from the beginning to the end of the aisle. He stood under a silver metal archway covered in light, medium and dark blue roses. The chairs that the guess sat in were covered in a long light blue cloth cover that had a silver ribbon wrapped around the backside and tided into a bow.

Klaus talked to Elijah, who had been asked door the two of them if he would marry them, which...
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Hey, everyone! I'm Synphonique, here to give u the latest news on all things Vampire. Now, the artikel for today is:

'Did Ian (Portrayed door Damon Salvatore) and Nina (Portrayed door Elena Gilbert) quit the Vampire Diaries?'

Fortunately, No! But this rumored because last year, Nina has been fighting through a major situation falling down her back. She has been passing through back problems, and reports say that she was backing off the Diaries to fix her situation, especially when she tweeted things like, ''Back is on fire. Every which way I lay hurts.''

Ian on the other hand, was not facing any...
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Alaric and Damon were standing in Alaric’s garage. “You call that not wrecked?” Damon said, looking at the car.
“It’s not that bad” Alaric said, not very convincing. “We can still fix it”
“Alright then” Damon gave in and he rolled up his sleeves. He walked at the front side of the car and gave a look at it. While he did some things Alaric came standing volgende to him. He leaned against the car. “You’ve been hanging out with Elena quite a lot lately” he started. Damon avoided Alaric’s look and pretended to concentrate on fixing the car. “Not that I mind” Alaric continued....
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“Hey, u okay?”
Kelsey looked up at her best friend Veronica who came check on her.
“Did that guy hurt you?” she asked. Kelsey shook her head. “No, he tried, but I could stop him”
“You want to get back inside?” Veronica asked.
“No, actually I’d like to go home” Kelsey said.
“Okay, u want me to give u a ride?” Veronica suggested.
“No, thank you, Ronnie” Kelsey said. “I only had a little alcohol and I want u to have fun”
“You sure?” Veronica checked.
“Yes” Kelsey insisted. “Go back inside, have fun, get wasted”
“Call me when you’re home”...
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Damon slammed the door open and breathed heavy through his nose. Though it was pitch dark, he could smell the scent of fresh blood. So could Stefan and Katherine. Stefan bent and touched the ground.
“I don’t understand” he mumbled desperate. “Amber is my friend. Why would she attack Elena?”
“Maybe because she’s a psychotic vampire?” Damon snapped sarcastic. He was having so many different emotions right now there was no room for pity for his brother. “Seriously, what were u thinking? How long have u known this chick? What made u think u can trust her? She tried to kill...
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When the door slowly opened Stefan raced to the door and as soon as Elena got in he slammed it. Elena started breathing fast when she saw the fury in his eyes. He’d been drinking human blood again. “Where the hell have u been?” Despite her fear Elena felt some anger too. “You have no right to act like a jealous boyfriend! u don’t own me!” she yelled. Stefan gripped her shoulders and shook her. “Where u with Damon? Answer me!” Tears rolled over Elena’s face. “Stop it, Stefan, you’re hurting me!” she sobbed. He let go of her and went with his fingers through his...
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Katherine and Stefan were sitting in the living room while they were waiting for Amber to get downstairs. Stefan stared at her and tried to read her, which he couldn’t. Katherine was in dilemma. Stefan was here, sitting with her. Wasn’t that exactly what she had hoped for? The only obstacle were Amber and Elena, though Katherine believed Elena would be much easier to get rid of. Two words: Damon Salvatore. Speaking of which, the witch zei she let him go. If that was true, where was he? And why hadn’t he told Katherine, when he knew how worried she’d been.
“I’m going to call him”...
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posted by supernatural15
Chapter 3

Elena snatched her bag up from the ground,

"Your not leaving already, are you?" Damon zei using all the power he had with his eyes to make her stay.

Elena paused for a moment, regretting looking into his eyes, her legs felt like gelei as she looked into the depths of his eyes.

"I…, my aunt will be looking for me" Elena stuttered trying to think of anything besides the attraction she was feeling towards him, she tried to think of Matt, but lost that train of thought door the closeness of Damon's body.

She closed her eyes, taking a step back, when she opened them she looked down, she needed...
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posted by LexisFaith
 damon and elena
damon and elena
I stared at the flashing cursor through my square lenses. What's today? What's today?
"Mom!" I yelled from the couch. "What's today's date?"
"December 13th." She yelled back from the kitchen.
I typed the datum at the top, boven of my European History report.
"Done." I whispered and the door bella rang. "I got it!" I pushed my glasses ontop of my head and ran to the door. It rang again. "I'm coming! I'm here!" And I pulled the door open.
"Happy 16th Birthday."
"Uncle Stefan!" I threw my arms around his neck. "What are u doing here?" I stepped back in as he followed.
"Don't I always come for you're birthday?"...
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the vampire diaries
series finale
the vampire diaries
caroline forbes
hayley marshall
the vampire diaries
added by klausyxcarebear
the vampire diaries
added by klausyxcarebear
the vampire diaries