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posted by nocofangirl218
Heres episode 9!!!!!!!!! Wow, I can't believe I had time to write this during school. ^^' Anyway, thanks to all u readers, and I hope u enjoy this part! :D


*at elimination ceromoney*

Chris: *walks up to podeum* So, Team Explosion, looks like your back on your losing streak...agian!

Noah: Well, if ster hadn't told DJ bunny was here we probably would've won.

DJ: *through sobs* Why bunny?! Why's u have to go, and leave me like this?! *starts crying really hard.

Star: *gets a beyond guilty look*

Chris: Okay, moving on. So, the first three people veilig are...DJ, Gladys, Owen and *throws the three popcorn bags* *Star gets a nervouse look*

*everyone gets a popcorn bag except for ster and Cody*

Chris Alright, Star, Cody, there are two of u and only one popcorn bag left. That means, one of u will be going home...tonight. *Star and Cody exchange a quick glance* The last person veilig is..............................Star. *throws ster a popcorn bag*

Noah: What?! But...but ster made us lose! How on earth could u vote for Cody?!

Cody:'s okay. Money isn't everything.

Noah: Cody.........just so u know....................I voted for Star. Even if u had been acting like a total jerk....I still would've voted for Star.

Star: *gasps*

Cody: *smiles a but, and hugs Noah* Thanks Noah, your an awesome friend. I hope u win dude! *realeses Noah, and goes willingly to the cab of shame. He gets into the cab, and it quickly drives off*

Chris: Well....that was interesting. So, I'll just see u all here again tommorow night!

-the volgende morning-


Heather: Wondering why Star's still here after she threw a challenge? We'll, let's just say I have my ways. Besides, I give back to those who give to me. That is...until she officially becomes worthless, then she'll be gone in a heart-beat. >:)

**end of confessionals**

*in craft servieces*

Kate: *walks in*

Duncan: Wow. Is it time for our daily torture already?

Kate: Nope, not yet. :P I was just coming door to tell u all that you'll be having a temporay sub-host.

Griffen: What happened to Crystal?! Is she severly injured?!

Kate: No, of course not! She just got a small case of the flu, and couldn't host today. She should just snazzy tommorow, because Jake is talking care if her.

Griffon: Oh...


Griffon: This isn't good! Not only is Crystal sick, but...Jake is taking care of her! *groans* Why do I always go for the chick someone else wants?!

**end of confessionals**

Duncan: will be hosting today then?

Kate: No again. Crystal already had a back-up host before I was made co-host. He should be here in hour. So, please just chat here untill then, and I'll see u all later. *stars to leave*

Destery Wait! Since Crystal of the back-up person isn't here, u need to do the re-cap!

Kate: *cames back* Oh....okay then. So, uh.....last time on Total Drama Rama, the teams played a game of tug-of-war. There was mud, ropes, and, uh....tugging. In the end, Team spek Hawks won. So.....thats all I kinda know at this moment. Was it snazzy enough Destery?

Destery: *sigh* Yeah, u did fine,'s just not the same as when Crystal had done it. :'(

Kate: Oh....sorry about that. *leaves with a sad expression*

-with Team spek Hawks-

Rayla: YAAAHHHOO! We're back on our winning streak baby!

Destery: Yep, and I have a feeling one of the Team spek Hawks members are gonna go all the way and win the season! *high-fives Rayla*

Alejandro: *turns to Mirra* Hey, Mirra, I just wanted to tell u that u did great in the last challenge. Who did u get so good at tug-of-war?

Mirra: *blushes, and smiles* Thanks Alejandor! I just was born to tug I guess. :)


Mirra: OMG! Alejandro is finally noticing me! It's like I've always dreampt of...but way better! *squeals in delight*

**end of confessionals**

Justin: *takes a zitplaats, stoel to Melody* So, did u sleep well?

Melody: Actually, I slept very - HEY! Don't try to make small talk with me pretty boy! I know the games your kind plays! *pokes his stomach as she's speaking*

Justin: Gez Melody, I was only asking how u slept. Paranoid much, are we?

Melody: *blushes* *trys to speak, but only stutters* *after a minte of two of this, she scoffs and turns away blushig*


Melody: if I hate Justin, then why is he so friggin' sexy?!

Justin: Yeah, I know she wants me. All I have to do is sit back, and wait for her to come cuddling up to me. *leans back in seat* It's all good, bros. It's all good.

**end of confessionals**

Rae: So....Heather, who'd u sleep? *noties Heather's gone* Hey, did anyone see where Heather went to?

Team spek Hawks: Nope.

-with Team Explosion-

Ezekiel: I can't believe we last again, eh.

Izzy: Oh cheer up Zeke! Hey, at least u made it past the first episode this season! I mean, that has to ba a good sign!

Ezekiel: *smiles* Yeah I guess it is, eh.


Izzy: I'm SO glad Zeke is here this season! I mean, he never really got a chance the last couple of seasons! Now, though, I think he could go all the way! With a little help from Izzy of course! *starts howling wildly*

**end of confessionals**

Star: So...Noah, did u sleep -

Noah: *cuts her off* Look, I'm not in the mood to talk right now. Please just leave me be, okay Star?!

Star: Oh...alright then. *gets a sad look, and looks at feet*

Heather: *hiding behind her regular plant* *groans and face-palms hersel* *gestures for ster to come over*

Star: *looks around, and sneaks off - when she thinks no one is looking*

Alex: *sees ster sneak off. He looks in the direction she's heading in, and sees Heather hiding behind a plant. He then raises an eye brow*


Alex: Okay....what was ster talking to Heather? I mean, there on different teams for christ sakes! There's no reason for them to talk....unless......*gasp* Star's in an alliance with Heather! Maybe I'm over-reacting, but if I find out what I think is true....then their both gonna go down!

**end of confessionals**

Star: *gets tp where Heather is* So....what do u want Heather?

Heather: Okay, I thought I already told to start talking to Noah more! If u just sit there, twidling your thumbs, he will nevver fall for you!

Star: Well.....Noah zei he didn't want to talk right now. Besides, I don't really think that....your advise is working for me. Plus....I don't wanna throw anymore challenges for our alliance.

Heather: *glares* So, what your basically saying is, u want out of the alliance?

Star: NO! Well.......maybe. I don't know!

Heather: *scoffs* Well, I'm suprised at u Star! thought u would be a little nicer to the person who saved your butt from elimination!

Star: *gets wide eyed* fixed the stemmen so Cody would be voted off instead of me!

Heather: Of course, what else are vrienden for. >:) So, since I've done something for you, u need to do a little something for me.

Star: But...but I zei I didn't want to throw another challenge!

Heather: u won't have to! *groans slightly* Look, all I'm asking u to do is that, if I drop out of the volgende challenge, u drop out with me! That way our team's can't blame us when one of them loses!

Star: Well....I guess I could do that.

Heather: *smiles/smirks* Good! Let's shake on it then! *extends her arm*

Star: *looks at Heather's hand blankley for a moment, but then then smiles and shakes it* *the two then go their seperate ways*


Heather: Like taking candy from a baby. >:)

Star: So, I was getting a little spectical about my alliance at Heather for awhile, but...what she did for me restored my faith in her completley! :D

**end of confessionals**

Alex: *sees ster had rejoined them* So, Star, what were u and Heather talking about?

Star: *gets wide eyed* W-what?! I so wasn't talking to Heather! I passed her, but....we didn't say anything to eachother!

Alex: *narows his eyes* Are u sure about that?

Star: *gulps* O-of course! *fakes a smile*

Alex: *gives her a distrusting look, but soon just shrugs and goes back to what he was doing before*


Alex: Okay...I'm believing her for now. But, if I found out she was lieing, then I personally assure u she'll be voted off in a heart-beat! If theres one thing I can't stand, it's a filthy little lier!

**end of confessionals**

-1 uur later-

*everyone is eating and chatting happily untill a pale-skinned boy with red hair, a long-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and glasses walkes into the tent*

Duncan: Wow! Who's the nerd that remindes me of Harold and Ron from Harry Potter mixed together?

Boy: Actually, my names-

Duncan: *cuts him off* Seriously, are u related to one of them?! Becouse if u are, u definanty have their looks!

Boy: My name is-

Duncan: Hey, I bet giving this nerd a wedggie would be just like giving Harold a wedggie! *runs over to the boy, and gives him a major wedggie*

Boy: *yelps in pain*

Destery: *while laughing* Sweet dude! Hey, give him an atomic wedggie Duncan! It'll be epic!

Duncan: Great idea! *pulls the boy's underwear over his head, and everyone - except DJ and Katie - bursts out laughing*

Kate: *walks in, and gets wide eyed* What are u doing?!

Duncan: Giving this nerd an atomic wedggie. Why, u want in?

Kate: NO! And thats just not any nerd! His names Demetry.....your sub-host until Crystal gets over the flu!

All: *gasp*

Duncan: *gets the underwear off from Demetry's head* todays challenge there nerdy?

Demetry: *gets blank expression* Well...I was planning on a free day. *everyone cheers, but Demetry then gets a mad face* Of course....since u did what u did - and without appologizing! - I'm kinda pissed off! Plus, non of u bothered to help me! So, I think a meer punishing challenge is in order! Alright, all of you, follow me! *stomp out of the tent - waddling slightly*

Kate: Well....I'd sure hate to be u guys about now.

All: *gulp and follow Demetry* *they follow him to the main clearing when Demetry turn around and smirks*

Demetry: So, since the free days been canceled, I'm gonna make u all sing the worst songs in the history of the musical world!

All: *start to complain*

Demetry: Hey, u brought it upon yourselves! So, the rules are simple: if u can't stand the song, your out. If u don't sing at all, your out. If I catch u lip-singing, guess what. Your out! If your out, u have to come stand behind me, and wait till someone wins. Anyway, the last person standing takes victory for their team. Okay, the first sing your gonna be fourced to sing is....Friday door Rebecca Black!

Gwen, Duncan, and Destery: I'm out. *goes and stands behind Demetry*

Demetry: Wow! We already have some outs! Anyway, the rest of you, get singing! Wait, *puts ear plugs in* now go!

All but Gwen, Duncan, and Destery: Yeah, Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ah-Ark
Oo-ooh-ooh, hoo yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Izzy: Seven a.m., waking up in the morning
Mirra: Gotta be fresh, gotta go downstairs
Noah: Gotta have my bowl, gotta have cereal
Alejandro: Seein' everything, the time is goin'
Phoebe: Tickin' on and on, everybody's rushin'
Star: Gotta get down to the bus stop
Griffon: Gotta catch my bus, I see my vrienden (My friends)

Justin: Kickin' in the front seat
Katie: Sittin' in the back seat
DJ: Gotta make my mind up
PTB: Which zitplaats, stoel can I take?

All but Gwen, Destery, and Duncan: It's Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin' down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend
Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend

Owen: 7:45, we're drivin' on the highway
Rayla: Cruisin' so fast, I want time to fly
Izzy: Fun, fun, think about fun
Gladys: u know what it is
Phoebe: I got this, u got this
Alejandro: My friend is door my right, ay
Justin: I got this, u got this
Melody: Now u know it

Alex: Kickin' in the front seat
Riley: Sittin' in the back seat
Heather: Gotta make my mind up
Star: Which zitplaats, stoel can I take?

All but Gwen, Destery, and Duncan: It's Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin' down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend
Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend

Griffon: Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday
Izzy: Today i-is Friday, Friday (Partyin')
Noah: We-we-we so excited
Rae: We so excited
Heather: We gonna have a ball today
Phoebe: Tomorrow is Saturday
Mirra: And Sunday comes after ... wards
Alex: I don't want this weekend to end

All but Gwen, Duncan, and Destery: It's Friday, Friday
Gotta get down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend, weekend
Friday, Friday
Gettin' down on Friday
Everybody's lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend
Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
Partyin', partyin' (Yeah)
Fun, fun, fun, fun
Lookin' vooruit, voorwaarts to the weekend

Demetry: That was terrible! song your gonna sing is Baby door the very hated Justin Beiber!

Heather: I'm NOT singing that! I'm out! *glances at Star*

Star: Uh...So am I! *both go and stand behind Demetry*

Alex: *raises an eye brow*

Demetry: Anyone else? *Rikki, Melody, Justin, and Rayla raise their hands* Okay, then u four are also out. *all four go to stand behnd Demetry* Okay, lets here the rest of you! *puts the ear-plugs back in*

Alejandro: u know u love me, I know u care
Mirra: Just shout whenever, and I'll be there
Noah: u are my love, u are my heart
Katie: And we will never, ever, ever be apart
DJ: Are we an item? Girl, quit playin'
Rae: "We're just friends," what are u sayin'?
Owen: zei "there's another," and looked right in my eyes
Gladys: My first love broke my hart-, hart for the first time

All but put people: And I was like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

Alex: For you, I would have done whatever
Riley: And I just can't believe we're here together
Izzy: And I wanna play it cool, but I'm losin' you
PTB: I'll buy u anything, I'll buy u any ring
Griffon: And I'm in pieces, baby fix me
Katie: And just shake me 'til u wake me from this bad dream
DJ: I'm goin' down, down, down, down
Noah: And I just can't believe my first love won't be around

All but ou people: And I'm like baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

DJ: When I was 13, I had my first love
Owen: There was nobody that compared to my baby
Noah: And nobody came between us who could ever come above
Alex: She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck
PTB: She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks
Griffon: She made my hart-, hart pound
DJ: I skip a beat when I see her in the street
Owen: And at school on the playground
Noah: But I really wanna see her on a weekend
Alex: She know she got me dazin' 'cause she was so amazin'
PTB: And now my hart-, hart is breakin' but I just keep on sayin'

All but out people: Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine
Baby, baby, baby, oh
Like baby, baby, baby, no
Like baby, baby, baby, oh
I thought you'd always be mine, mine

NoahI'm all gone
All but out people: Yeah, yeah, yeah (x2)
Katie: Now I'm all gone (x2)
All but out people: I'm gone

Demetry: Wow...I think that was worse than Rebecca Black. *shudders* Anyway...does anyone want out? *no one raises their hand* Well then, looks like we're gonna get to the really terrible songs then!

-many bad songs later-

Demetry: Alright, we're down to the final two! We have Alex from Team Explosion and Riley fron Team spek Hawks!

Riley: Oh, your so going down!

Alex: In your dreams!

Demetry: Alright, and the last song we'll be singing this evening is....Canibal door Kesha! Man, I feel sorry for u guys. *chuckles darkly* Anyway, start....*puts ear-plugs back in* NOW!

Riley: I have a hart-, hart
I swear I do
Alex: : But just not baby
When it comes to u
Riley: I get so hungry when u say u love me
Hush if u know what's good for u
Alex: *looks at Gladys* I think you're hot
I think you're cool
Riley: *looks at Duncan* You're the kind of guy I'd stalk in school
But now that I'm famous
Alex: You're up my anus
Now I'm gonna eat u fool

Riley: I eat boys up
Breakfast and lunch
Alex: Then when I'm thirsty
I drink their blood
Riley: Carnivore, Animal
I am a Cannibal
I eat boys up
Alex: u better run

Both: I am Cannibal (Cannibal) (Cannibal) I am
I am Cannibal (Cannibal)
I'l eat u up (I am)
I am Cannibal (Cannibal) (Cannibal) I am
I am Cannibal (Cannibal)
I'll eat u up

Riley: Whenever u tell me that I'm pretty
That's when the hunger really hits me
Alex: Your little hart-, hart goes pitter-patter
I want your liver on a schotel
Riley: Use your finger to stir my thee
And for dessert I'll suck your teeth
Alex: Be too sweet and you'll be a goner
Yep! I'll pull a Jeffrey Dahmer

Riley: I eat boys up
Breakfast and lunch
Alex: Then when I'm thirsty
I drink their blood
Riley: Carnivore, Animal
I am a Cannibal
I eat boys up
Alex: u better run

Both: I am Cannibal (Cannibal) (Cannibal) I am
I am Cannibal (Cannibal)
I'l eat u up (I am)
I am Cannibal (Cannibal) (Cannibal) I am
I am Cannibal (Cannibal)
I'll eat u up

Ohhhh (x7)

Both: I am Cannibal (Cannibal) (Cannibal) I am
I am Cannibal (Cannibal) I"ll eat u up (I am)
I am Cannibal (Cannibal) (Cannibal) I am
I am Cannibal (Cannibal) I"ll eat u up

Riley: I love u
Alex: I warned you

Riley: AAAAHHHH! Make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!! *starts running around in circules*

Demetry: Well....I guess we have an obvious winner. So, the win goes to....Team Explosion! That means....TWO people from Team spek Hawks will be going home pagina tonight! Also...Team Explosion get pie and none of Team spek Hawks gets any! In u face Duncan!

Team Explosion: *cheers*

Duncan: u little twerp! >:(

Rayla: u evil, EVIl little man!

Demetry: Wow. I'm so offended. *rolls his eyes* Anyway...I guess I'll do the questions! So, will Crystal be hosting again volgende episode? Will Alex ever fid out Star's secret? And....will I ever get an apology for that atomi wedggie?! >3< These antwoorden and more, will be answered in the order recieved volgende time on....Total Drama Rama!


So, how was it?

Wow....this is probably the fastest I've ever updated something! =^^= Anyway, please vote off two peeps from Team spek Hawks! If u forgot, heres a little list! >w<

Team spek Hawks:
Riley, Rayla, Destery, Heather, Alejandro, Mirra, Rikki, Melody, Justin, Phoebe, Rae, Gwen, and Duncan.
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added by Duncan_Courtney
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