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Life After Lies

door Fadingsilverstar16

Chapter 4


"A feeling in the pit of my stomach told me it would only get worse from here."

I violently jabbed the punching bag once more, my bruised and bleeding knuckles throbbing in protest. Beads of sweat streamed down my face as I unleashed my anger on the thing. My hart-, hart slammed into my chest and my mind screamed at me to stop, but I ignored it. Pure adrenaline was the only thing keeping me from passing out. I channeled all of my negative feelings into the workout dummy, and soon it seemed as if it was the manifestation of everything that went wrong in my life. I wanted it to hurt, too.

The inanimate object took my blows silently, my fists leaving nothing but dull gray scratches on the tough blue fabric. After a time, my body couldn't take it anymore, and I felt ready to give up at this useless violence. I paused, my chest heaving, to look at the bag one meer time before quitting. It swung on the hook bolted to the small hinge I'd placed in my living room, taunting me. It knew it would never feel my pain.
With one last burst of energy, I swung, missed, and collapsed. As I faded into the dark, I could've sworn the squeaks of the swinging hook almost sounded like laughter.

I should not have felt this way. I'd known this dag would come. From the first moment, I'd known.
And yet, just looking at the common household utensil in my hand made my insides churn.

It was a simple keuken-, keuken knife, sharp and deadly.The artificial light of my small washok, wasruimte glinted off of its perfect steel blade, one that would soon be tainted with blood.


Sighing, I set it down on the sink before me and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My hair, disheveled and tangled, fell over my face, partially covering my eyes. There was a dried blood stain reaching from my busted lip to my chin. An ugly bruise had formed right door my eye from when I had fallen. The only parts of my face that heavy makeup wouldn't cover were my gray, lifeless eyes.

In short, I looked (and felt) like crap. It didn't seem like there was any humanity left in me.

But there was. How did I know? The sick feeling that rose to my throat whenever I thought about cutting up and innocent person's face. Something in the back of my mind told me that if I didn't exercise some sort of leniency with him, it would eat away at my conscience for the rest of my days.
There was no shooing the guilt away this time. I had to do something.

My thoughts turned to the camera sitting on my nightstand. I had to capture the act on video. I couldn't get past that, but I didn't care. I would find another way to let him know of my decision. My mind was set.

Screw indifference toward all.
I walked down the dungeon hall, ignoring the shouts of "Let me out!" and "I haven't done anything wrong!" coming from all directions. Upon reaching the tiny cell, I stood in front of the metal door, camera in one hand, mes in the other. There was no turning back now.
I went in.

Now, knowing Noah, I should have thought twice about freeing him from the tape wrapped around his mouth. For some reason, though, I undid the gag without thinking before I could even told him what was going on. Staying quiet, he raised an eyebrow at me expectantly. I bit my lip and took a deep breath.

"I've decided to be civil with you, Noah," I started, looking directly at him. "I only ask your cooperation. Give me that, and I'll make sure we'll both...well, you'll go through this with as little pain as possible. Got it?"

No words leaving his mouth, he just sat there, eyes fixed on me, head tilted slightly to the left. His expression was a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

The air grew dense with silence.

Once he seemed to firm a suitable Noah-like response, the prisoner's eyes narrowed in distrust.

"First of all, u look terrible."

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Typical.

"Secondly, why should I trust you, of all people? u don't exactly have a reputation for kindness and honesty, u know." I pursed my lips, the floor suddenly becoming very interesting.

"Good question, and to tell u the truth, I don't really have and answer to that. But," I raised my head and walked to him, "if u don't trust me, you'll go through a lot meer than necessary. If I were you, I would try and take the bare minimum." We glared at each other, faces just millimeters away from touching.

"Explain," he demanded.


Remembering the weapon, I held up the knife.

"We've found a way to contact your father," I said, giving him a serious look. "I don't know exactly what was said, but it's pretty obvious that having u here isn't enough to convince him." His eyes widened to their full capacity, and I nodded slowly, spinning the razor-edged blade through my fingers.

"So, u mean-"

"Yes," I cut him off, trying my hardest to keep an even tone, "I've been ordered to take a video of myself cutting up your face." Feeling slightly nauseous again, I turned away before he could form a reaction, closing my eyes in disgust.

"I can only imagine what they'll do to u if u try going through this with a straight face. They really want u to feel it..." I murmured. "I'm offering u an easier way. Are u in?"

For a few seconds, he looked strangely at me, searching my face for insincerity.

"You're helping me," he finally stated, regarding me incredulously. "Why?"

I exhaled, standing and turning my back to him. I let the arm holding the mes fall limply to my side.

"Because I have enough weighing down on my back. Turning a blind eye to your suffering would just be adding another demon to follow me to the grave," I admitted, and although my eyes weren't on Noah, I could tell he remained unimpressed.

"I don't get you," was his reply.
I chuckled, shaking my head.

"No one does, not even I do. The funny thing about it is that this will probably end up costing me my life, not yours. That's okay though..." I sighed, taking a pause, "...I'm already dead to the rest of the world anyway."
I faced him again.

"So, are u in?"

There was quiet for a few meer ticks of the clock.


Smart boy.

I knelt down to his level, flipping open the camera. He eyed the mes warily.

"Let's get this over with," I sighed again, wiping the mes off with my shirt. "Now, when I start, u have to scream, and u have to scream loudly. If u don't toon your pain, they'll make me hurt u until u do. Brace yourself." He nodded and shut his eyes tightly as I positioned the knife.

"Take a deep breath," I whispered, and so started the torture.

I tried to make the cuts as smooth as possible, but I also had to do it slowly as my hands would not stop trembling. I made the first incision, drops of blood running down my wrist. After a very convincing scream, Noah's face went pale and his eyes glazed over as if he was already dead, breathing labored and shallow. His skin, like mine, shone with sweat, big drops of it rolling down his face and mingling with the blood on his cheek. The seconde slash was made, and I'd successfully completed my transition from an empty soul into a monster.

Thus concluded the torture.

"It's over," I said, meer to myself than to Noah.
I shut off the camera, let the bloodied mes clatter to the metal floor, and leaned back to see exactly what I had done. At least the X was clean and not as jagged as it could have been, but that didn't stop my hart-, hart from wrenching painfully. My entire world spun, and I clutched my breast, trying to get myself back under control.

Reining myself in, I patted the only perfect cheek he had left.

"Noah, breathe," I told him, moving my hand away from his face and placing it firmly on his shoulder. He gave me no response at first, but started to breathe normally after a moment. Once he was taking in air regularly again, I gave his shoulder a squeeze, letting him know that all reality was still intact, and then I stood to leave.

"I'll see about getting u something to eat," I murmured as I walked out, but that never happened.
Instead, I went to the washroom, entered a stall, took one look at my blood stained hand, swallowed the burning tears that threatened to fall, and spilled the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

I'd told him it was over. I'd lied. It wouldn't be over for a long, long time.
Zoey: I'm so glad Sam is gone!
Jake: yeah
*a knock on door*
Zoey: who is it? *opens door*
Jax: Hi do u wanna go on a date?
Zoey: Jax come in.
Jax: what is it?
Zoey: it was just a kiss. Just for acting. just so that we would win. It was not real.
Jax: I know how it felt. and no one can fake a kiss like that
Zoey: trust me!

Zoey's POV: I didn't want to hirt Jax! But he was makeing me mad.

Jax: well i have to go!
Zoey: bye!
Jax: bye!
Rayven: what was that?
Jordan: I thinK it was chris!

Ray: did u guys hear that?
Bridgette: yeah!
Zoey: what was i........................*trips...
continue reading...
Chris:Hi,Chris here for another exciting season of Total Drama!You know Courtney,Noah,Owen,Gwen,Duncan,D.j,Bridgette,Geoff,Trent,Izzy,Tyler,and Heather!But now we have 16 new characters! Bridgette:NO WAY!!! Chris:Shhhhhhhhhhhh!!! We have Emily,Mack,Rikky,Rochelle,Penny,Jake,Sam,Ray,Jake,Phil,Helena,Kylie,Mizzy,Avan,and Jaxon!NOw we are in a rain Forest as u can see sothe teams are...THe killer snakes are:Trent,Izzy,Jaxon,Kylie,Emily,Heather,Avan,Noah,Rochelle,Avan,Bridgette,Geoff,and Helena!THe screaming vis are:Penny,Jake,Owen,Duncan,D.j,Tyler,Ray,Gwen,Mizzy,Mack,Rikky,Faith,and Sam!Now theChallenge is... Part 2 coming soon!!!
Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!

The contestants get off the bus, As Bridgette and Tyler get off the bus, the are followed up door Ezekiel, but before Chris gets to announce him, Izzy jumps on his shoulders and knock him down.
Next Chris introduces Alejandro, who helps Bridgette and Izzy up who are flattered and swooned door him. Tyler reply's to him saying that he likes girls

Alejandro and...
continue reading...
-Courtney's P.O.V-

I slowly made my way upstairs to mine and Justin's bedroom.

I sat down on the bed and pulled a taling, groenblauw coloured box out from under the bed.

It zei on the lid: 'Total Drama Series' Memories...'

I took this off and looked inside; a scrapbook, photo's, friendship bracelets and the most memorable gift; that skull.

I kept it after all these years.

I began to look at the photo's;


Me and Bridgette

Me and Geoff

Me, Geoff, Bridgette and DJ

Me, Bridgette, Geoff, DJ and Duncan

And the last one of me and Duncan, holding hands, looking lovingly into eachothers eye's.

'What went wrong?' i questioned...
continue reading...
posted by KARIxTRENT
chris:last time on total drama dynamite....our contestants had to run against their will,and aydan cheated,and got elimnated..there is 5 contestants left:kari,nicole,megan,kate,and selena...who will avoid elimnation?!find out now on total drama dynamite!
chris approached the contestants:today's challenge....a water gun war!the one hit gets eliminated!
he handed everyone their guns,and kari got hit.
chris:see ya sister!
chris:4 contestants winner..who will win find out volgende time on total drama dynamite!

Momiji: One chocolate please!
Nikole: Vannila.
Tohru: Chocolate!
Nikole: *pays for the icecream* u wanna get one Kate?
Kate: I'll buy my own.
Nikole: Ok, we'll meet u two at the arcade!
Kate: Let's see.... one strawberry.
Icecream man: $3 please.
Kyo: I got it.
Kate: u sure?
Kate: No. and thank you.
Kyo: Don't worry about it...


*Everyone walks in*
Shigure: HIDE ME! *hides behind Yuki*
Yuki: Hiding from your editor agian?
Shigure: YES! Oh hi. I'm shigure! I figure that u two are vrienden of Yuki and the others?
continue reading...
first of all this is not mine is of katie4cheer but I dedicated this post to rubberduck2 and 7thGradeGenius they read all the story that I post this is for you!

The door slams open and reveals a Racketeer gangster carrying Courtney’s limp body in his arms. Bruises spotted her arms, legs, and even her face. Another gangster steps out of the room with a thick, wooden baseball bat in his hands. He swings the baseball bat in large arcs and winks at Duncan. He almost puked due to the queasy feeling in his stomach he got when he thought of what they did to Courtney.

The Racketeer places Courtney...
continue reading...
I read this like I don't know just five minuten geleden to u bigTDIfan!

Justin was really starting to scare me. Obsessive love, Bridgette would probably call it. We both sometimes stayed up for hours into the night talking about how strange the other campers were. We each expected Justin to be the strong, silent type, not an obsessive freak.

He was really strong, I realized. He’d been carrying me for several minuten now. Where we were going, I had no idea. All I knew was that it was deeper and deeper into this forest.

Mental note: Courtney, never come back here. Unless you’re not alone. Wait...
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ok campers 2days challenge will be a sing off, oh and im busting the teams up, its every brat for themselfs-Juno
cuz i zei so-Juno
ur so mean sometimes-Jared
no duh-Juno
ok get to the stage in 5min-Juno

(at the stage)

ok start!
*Andi and Jared walk up*
so r u 2 doing a doet?-Juno
ok go-Juno
*they sing "Bring me to life" door Evanescence*
on a scale of 1-10 i pick a solid 8-Juno
*Keira walks up*
ok great!, now what r u singing-Juno
im gonna sing something i made up-Keira
*sings* purple roses, roze moss, pretty blue sky, and girly things!-Keira
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posted by dxarmy423
Man in the box door Alice in chains

Smooth Criminal door Alien ant farm

Metalingus door Alterbridge

Beast and the harlot door Avenged sevenfold

Iron man door Black Sabbath

All the small things door Blink 182

Dammit door Bling 182

One of a kind door Breaking point

Scream aim brand door Bullet for my valentine

Glass Shatters door Disturbed

Perfect insanity door Disturbed

Down with the sicknees door Disturbed

Now of never door Dope

Were comin down door Dudley Boyz

You Make me sick door Egypt central

This brand burns door Killswitch engage

Cult of personality door Living color

All nightmare long door Metallica

Sad but True door Metallica

Seek and Destroy...
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posted by gwentrentever
ok lets play "Bring me to life" door Evanescence-Jacki
ok what should we do?-Brittani
ok Brittani i want u on the drums and Duncan i need u on the gutar and i also need your help with singing and im gonna play the piano and sing-Jacki
ok sounds good-Duncan

(After they play the song)

ok what next?-Brittani
ok we should play "My Immortal" door Evanescence, Brittani i need u on drums and back up singing and Duncan your on guitar-Jacki

(After the song)

im not really comfortable with the name-Brittani
well any idea's?-Jacki
how bout "Immortal"-Brittani
im bourd-Duncan
well im leaving-Jacki
why do u always leave-Duncan
because i like to be alone-Jacki
were not-Jacki
welcome to the dramatic campfire ceramony-Juno


and the last marshmellow goes to...


YES im safe-Andrea
bye Kaitlan-Katie
Bye well its been fun-Kaitlan


NOTE:Seriously u have to remember to send me a message on who u want to vote off if your team losses u peeps keep forgeting

Thank u and goodbye
posted by chocopockyninja
Part 1
by chocopockyninja

I closed the door of my newly bought smart car and walked up to the Pretty white house where my friend Sofie lived with her boy friend Duncan. I rang the door klok, bell and heard their dog Bonnie bark like crazy. The door open and out walk Duncan in nothing but his boxers.
"What are u doing here?" Asked a very tired Duncan.
"Did u forget the Cedar Point trip is today? Its 9 a.m. and it takes an uur to get there Hurry!!" I zei to Duncan. With out a word he ran up stairs, I hope to get dressed and wake Sofie. While standing out side scratching Bonnie I heard Sofie yell,"Oh...
continue reading...
posted by taytrain97
As u probably don't know, both topez99 and I like Harold. We had a conversation concerning just that, and look how it ended up. xP
Freakin' hilarious, unless you're offended door strippers and people who cosplay Harry Potter. :3
Noah will always be my main boy.
*I wink at Noah, and he just sticks his tongue out at me.*

This is copied word for word xD Enjoy! =3
( oh, and PS: Noah's reaction is at the end, after he reads it xD )


Last time, on TOTAL DRAMA MEEBO (nice name, huh?):

Ava (topez99) and Raynie (taytrain97) had dyed Noah's hair red. They'd been making him and Harold cosplay Harry Potter....
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posted by LeshawnaGirl
Cruella de Heather Cruella De Heather
If She dosent scare no evil thing will
To see her on TDI is to take a sudden chil
Cruella Cruella Du Heather

Cruella Cruella De Heather
The curl of her lips
The ice in her demands
All innocent campers like Lindsay better beware
She is like a competitor waiting for the chance
Look out for Cruella Du Heather

Cruella de Heather Cruella De Heather
If She dosent scare no evil thing will
To see her on TDI is to take a sudden chil
Cruella Cruella Du Heather

This bitchy face
This inhuman fiend
She ought to be locked up bye Chef Hatchet
This toon was such...
continue reading...
" child, wake up!" Heather woke up, in a cemetary. "Oh gracious, my child, you've woken up!".
"wh, who are you?"
"Why my child, I am your great great great great great great grandmother, Beatrice Thorn!".
Heather stared at the woman for minute, like she was crazy.
"Please, my child! Come here, u have been hurt!"
Beatrice tried to grab Heather, but she slipped out of her hands.
"Get away from me, u sleezy hag!"
"Why must u act like this!? So crude,!" Beatrice grabbed Heather and threw her down a hole, a dug grave that was awaiting.

" poor
continue reading...
posted by vamp_grl_123
It’s been boring. Like nothing interesting has happened. So here I am walking down the halls and entering history class. I take my usual zitplaats, stoel in the back corner and take out my book to read until first period starts.

I am completely into my book that I didn’t notice the boy walking up to me. I only realized his existence when he pulled out the chair volgende to me and sat down. I perked up and looked over to find his green eyes string at me.

“May I sit here? of will Terry be mad?” Trent joked with me.

“What’s your problem?” I asked putting my book away. “No one talks to me. I’m...
continue reading...
posted by TDIlover226
possy:JG's possy
Phrase: huh?

John is the oldest person in TDA, being 22, just 2 years older than Chris. He is known not to say much. He is in JG's possy, having the job of driving the possy's red pickup truck (even though Seiamica can drive perfectly). He has a goth appearence and long hair. JG jokes around with him, saying he looks like a chick, he replys door sayig "Thank you" as a joke that never gets old. It was never really known how a 22 jaar old would become vrienden with a couple of 14 and 15 jaar olds, but the best conclusion is that John is just like a big kid. John is...
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added by Frankiestein65
added by drago-flame
Source: drago-flame