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This is a pretty long one...regardless, I hope u love it as much as the other 5. Chapter 7 is in the making!!!!!!!!!

My night was almost sleepless. Ever since I found out that I loved Jacob, all I could do was think about him, preventing me to sleep. Once of twice I swear I saw him looking through my window, but that was probably just my imagination running wild.
After giving up on sleep, I got up early, dressing in faded blue jeans and an old top. It would kill Aunt Alice, but I was going to be covered in paint soon anyways. I didn't have to be at the meeting room until four, so I was free to enjoy my Saturday. of try to, at least.
Aunt Alice had called last night to check up on me. I spilled everything to her, and she was sympathetic and understood. I told her I was coming home pagina (all I wanted to do was be in Jacob's arms, finally veilig and happy), but she zei he was out of town. I tried to be cheerful, but I was crashing down inside. I wondered where he went, and if it was because of me; was he running away again? I had seen in Mom's thoughts how he had left once, because of her. She had caused him endless pain and I didn't want to do that to Jake if I could help it.
I tried to call Jacob a few times, but he didn't answer. Was his phone dead? Was he ignoring me? Was he hurt? vragen like these stung my head over and over, like angry hornets.
The dag dragged on longer and longer. I tried to do something progressive, but everything reminded me of Jacob and brought my pointless thoughts back to him. I tried to do my Mythology homework, only to realize too late that we were studying werewolves (I found this hilarious and desperately tried to call Jacob over and over again to tell him). The shadows in the dorm room's corners started to take on the form of Jacob.
Finally it was acceptable to start heading over to the meeting room. It was a long walk, so I started a little early, hoping to clear my head with the fresh air. I was almost positive I saw Jacob peeking out from behind the trees every so often. I shook my head. I was going crazy.
I passed many romantic couples on my way to the meeting room. There were several bloem stands around, each selling fragrent flowers of many colors. Boys were bringing girls chocolates, couples were kissing on the benches, almost everyone was holding hands...
Ugh. I tried to keep walking with my eyes closed to shut out all of the romance.
I opened my eyes and Ryan, a boy from my Latin class, was standing in front of me.
"Oh. Hey, Ryan."
"Hi. Um..." he looked really nervous, standing there, holding a bouquet of roses.
"Something wrong?"
"No, no. It's a little late to ask but...will u go to the dance with me tonight?" he shyly held out the bouquet of roses.
Ryan was cute, I supposed, but pale skinned and freckled with shaggy black hair. Nothing like Jacob.
"It's nice of u to ask, but I have to decorate, anyways. I have nothing to wear..."
"You look nice now."
I smiled, pleased door his admirance. It would be even meer wonderful if someone else was giving me compliments...
Ryan's face fell a little. "I understand. Take the roses anyway, though."
"Thanks." I smelled them appreciativlely. Ryan really was a nice boy, and I hoped that he would find someone to go to the dance with tonight.
I continued to walk towards the meeting room, pretending that Jacob had gegeven me the roses.
I got there at a few minuten to four. I was the first one there, besides Mrs. Malagwa.
"Renesmee, hello!" she exclaimed, coming over to me.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Malagwa. Anything I can help with?" Anything that will get my mind off this horrible Valentine's Day?
"Yes, in fact. u can paint some posters. If u start on them now, they should be dry door the time the dance starts. After you're done with that, u can hang some of this garland."
I got to work on the posters, painting big letters that read WELCOME TO THE VALENTINE'S dag DANCE! and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! and HAVE FUN DANCING! I decorated them with hearts and glitter, and pretty soon I was so depressed that I could hardly move. I wanted to curl up in my bed and wallow.
I hurried to hang up the garland with Mrs. Malagwa, making small talk about how Valentine's dag was 'so wonderful!' and 'my favoriete holiday, too!' Ew.
To my relief, it was five'o'clock door the time we were done hanging the garland, and couples were arriving. Mrs. Malagwa thanked me fervantly, and I rushed out of there.
A big, huge frame blocked the door. I didn't bother to see who it was, I just pushed past them.
"Wait!" A hand grabbed mine.
A soft hand. A burning hand.
I turned slowly, not believing my eyes. I had been seeing things all day; how did I know this wasn't a hallucination?
"Jacob?" I whispered. I was frozen, unable to blink.
A wide grin spread across his face, making his white-white teeth stand out. "Hi, Ness."
"Jacob!" I shrieked. I threw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his waist. I was crying out of joy.
He hugged me back tightly, and yet it wasn't tight enough for me. I looked up, my eyes streaming.
"I love you," I whispered.
His grin grew wider. "Me, too, Ness. With all my heart."
"I tried to come back last night, but Aunt Alice zei u were out of town..."
"On my way here, actually," he said. He could not keep that darn grin off his face! "She had a vision that u were in love with me, and I didn't think; just acted. I flew here. I've been here since three a.m...spying on you." he didn't seem ashamed, though.
So I wasn't crazy. Hm.
"What took u so long, Nessie?" he teased. "I've loved u since u were born, did u know that? What took u so long to love me back? I've been waiting and waiting!"
I grinned. "I'm slow. But I know now. That has to count for something, right?"
He smiled and I knew it was a 'yes.' He removed his hand from mine, and wrapped two around my waist instead, spinning me gracefully onto the dancing floor so we melted in with the other couples. Some people stared, but it was as if they didn't exist. I was on wolk nine!
I finally tore my eyes away from his face to evaluate his appearance. I touched the buttons on his fresh shirt. "You look nice," I said.
Jacob laughed. "Alice called me only about twenty times to make sure I had something nice to wear. Shopping with that was even meer frusterating than waiting for you!" he joked. "You look nice, too."
Typical boy. I rolled my eyes. "Please--I'm covered in paint and glitter!" Glitter fell from my clothes as I spoke, and Jacob plucked a paper hart-, hart from my hair. I blushed a little.
"You always look good," he insisted. His hands were still on my waist, and I was getting goosebumps from where he was touching me. I was purely happy.
We had melted in with the other couples now. I caught Libby and Ashlie's eye as we danced past them. They glanced at me curiously. "Jacob," I mouthed. I had told them about him yesterday night. I needed to tell somebody. They grinned at me, knowing I was happy. I smiled back at them, trying to picture what my face looked like to them. It was probably leaking happiness.
I turned my attention back to him as quickly as possible, unwilling to let any moment go to waste.
"This is really amazing, Jake. How did u decide to do this? And what do u mean, you've loved me since birth? u didn't even know me. In fact, I think u wanted to kill me." Yes, I remembered those dim memories. Jacob's face, dead from all emotion, but also fierce, violent, drawing nearer and nearer to attack me in Aunt Rosalie's arms. Then a sudden jerk, a look into my eyes, and he was holding me.
He laughed. "I did want to kill you," he agreed. "But only because I thought u had killed your mom. Then, right as I was about to spring, u looked into my eyes. They were beautiful, beautiful eyes, like chocolate." He looked into them now, stroking my face. "It's called imprinting. You've seen Sam and Emily, the special bond they share. It's true love only stronger. Think of your parents. Think of Emmett and Rosalie. Then multiply that door one thousand. That's how much I love you." I was stunned.
"Imprinting?" I could only whisper like an idiot.
"It's a wolf thing. When u find your other true half, that is, the one you're destined to be with, the entire universe just falls into place. You'd do anything for that person. Die, even, to keep them safe. Sam, Jared, Paul, Quil and I have all imprinted so far. The others might, too, eventually."
I couldn't speak. It was mind blowing to me that anyone could be in love meer than Mom of Dad of Emmett of Rosalie. But we were. I tried to grasp it all.
"It's a little confusing, isn't it?" Jacob laughed.
"Yeah, it is," I had to admit.
"Are u done dancing?"
"Yes I am." Mrs. Malagwa was giving me a creepy look from across the room, particularly eyeing Jacob up and down in approval. Ew.
"Let's go somewhere, then." He grabbed my hand as if he would never let go--and that was fine with me--and we headed out the door.
The blaring muziek of the meeting room was fading behind us as we walked across the campus. It was a clear, warm night. The stars and moon were shining brightly, casting silver glows on everything. Jacob led us to an old tree, just out of sight of the dance.
We sat down and I shivered, even though it was warm out. He put his arm around my shoulder, tucking me into his side.
I looked up at his face, and he was looking back. We stared into each other's eyes in wonder.
"How did I not know?" I whispered, still looking into his black eyes. "How could I have known u for all these years and yet not know I loved you?"
"You're slow," he reminded me, chuckling. I had to laugh along.
"Well I know now..." The moment was perfect; everything silver, the trees above us creating a canopy of leaves. I think he knew what I wanted.
He leaned towards me, still watching my expression--I hope it reassured him--and pressed his warm lips to mine.
It felt like the world had gone up in flames, but I knew it was just Jacob's close proximety that made it seem so fiery. And it was nice, not too hot at all. My fingers twisted around his hair to hold him to me, and he pulled me onto his lap, so we were even closer.
After a long moment, we each broke away to breathe, panting heavily. I nestled my head under his neck and he kissed my glittery hair and put his chin on top, boven of my head. We looked out at the silvery world, each of us finally complete.
posted by vampiress015
I just have to say that this isn't really Twilight fan-fiction, nor Harry Potter for that matter. It's a mix. I noticed on that loads of people were writing them, so I thought I'd give it a go myself. So, anyway, here it is:

Chapter One- The Essence of a Fan

'Edward, we love you!'
'No, I love him more'
'I swear on Jacob's life that I love Edward meer than you'
'How does that work? u don't even like Jacob'
'Do too, I'm on Team Switzerland'
'Then u can't love Edward more- u love them both'
'Edward come back!'
Harry jumped out the way as two screaming girls flew past. His...
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Ch 7
A/N: I own no characters. Plz R&R!

I climbed out of my rusty truck and stared into the eyes of 7 people. Laurn, Angela, Ben, Mike, Jessica, Eric, and Tyler.

"Bella!" cryed Angela, as she flung herself at me. "Sorry, u probaly don't remember me....I'm..."

"Angela!" I gave her a hug back. "I remember, all of you. Wow. News travels fast in this town, doesn't it."

"Yeah, that's the perks of livin' in a small town." Mike cheered. What was he so happy about?

The klok, bell rang.

"Well, I see u guys later." I hollered. They were already leaving for class.

"Later." they replied.

"Um...."I called...
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If you're wondering about the quote in "Twilight" from Montague Summers I can explain.

Montague Summers was a 19th century British clergyman and writer. Most of his boeken were nonfiction works about witches and vampires.

The quote in "Twilight" is taken from the introduction to the book "The Vampire:His Kith And Kin". A volume that covers vampire legends from around the world. Along with familiar Europeon vampires that most are familiar with the book also covers vampire legends from Africa, Asia and other parts of the world.

This an excellent work about vampire legends that is worth seeking out.
Twilight's going to keep a lot of people up all night.

Across the country, meer than 1,100 midnight Friday screenings were reported sold out. In Los Angeles, pairs of tickets were hawked for upwards of $50 on Craigslist. On Facebook, members were planning their opening-night wardrobe.

Suffice to say, Team Edward T-shirts—and the fans wearing them—will be out in force.

"I think the opening dag is going to be huge," says Bruce Nash of the box-office data site, the Numbers.

But how huge? That's a trickier answer.

"There are certain films that are hard to gauge," says box-office analyst Paul Dergarabedian...
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The news is enough to make Brad Pitt anemic: He's not the sexiest bloodsucker to hit the big screen. According to a new enquête from the U.S.-based theatre information website Moviefone, Pitt placed seconde to Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson in a public vote that asked respondents to name the sexiest male and female vampires of all time.

Pitt fell far behind Pattinson's 112,794 stemmen for sexiest pale male with a mere 96,307 votes, while Salma Hayek, who appeared in Robert Rodriguez's kitschy From Dusk Till Dawn, pulled in 264,718 stemmen to edge out number two gal Kate Beckinsale (Underworld),...
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LOS ANGELES -- The screaming was enough to wake the dead. of the undead.

And receiving the brunt of it? Angular, immaculately-coifed Brit Robert Pattinson, on stage in front of thousands of shrieking females at this past July's Comic-Con in San Diego.

Yes, his fellow Twilight cast members were there too, but it was the 22-year-old who had the throngs swooning. After all, for devotees of Stephenie Meyer's novels, Pattinson is Edward Cullen sprung to life.

Edward who? Don't worry. Even if u don't know him, u probably know a 'tweener of teenager who squeals at the mention of the virtuous vampire's...
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LOS ANGELES (AP) - Girl-meets-boy stories are not the usual stuff of Hollywood blockbusters, even when it's girl-meets-vampire.

Neither are stories created door women, with a predominantly female audience, shot on a bargain budget with a cast of relative unknowns and released door an independent distributor trying to establish a niche among Hollywood's half-dozen studio behemoths.

Yet Summit Entertainment has good reason to believe "Twilight" will have meer box-office bite than your typical teen soap about an awkward high school babe and her cool new mystery beau.

"Twilight" has a few stunts and clever...
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posted by vampiress015
So, the other dag I dug out my old CD's and found 'The Feelings Twelve Stops and Home', which I must confess has kind of been rejected since their latest album came out. So anyway, I thought 'why not put it on?'. So I did, only to realise that loads of the songs relate to the Twilight saga in their own little ways. However there was one song that was perfect, I even found a hidden track! And oh look at that, this album is now at the top, boven of my CD pile again. Here's the song lyrics I metioned below, I've also included a link to a video on Youtube. Enjoy!

The Feeling- Blue Picadilly
I think this...
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posted by ilurvedward
i know this has already been posted.... but i am so moved that i have to put my two cents.

first off, i have to say that i am extreemly disappionted at whoever did this. the person that leaked the draft was trusted enough door Stephenie to even HVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! if stephenie trusted that one dip---t enough to entrust them the draft, they shouldv'e respected her and the millions of twilighters out there and kept it to themselves.

now, the true fans, the ones who didn't give in to temptation and read the leaked draft, can maybe never get the satisfaction of seeing our Edward's book bound...
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I might be generalizing when I say this, but this fandom is none too friendly. I am willingly to bet my life that there /are/ level-minded people here, who love the series for what it is, a great epic story-one that we all adore.

But I think it must be my fault that I can't get to these people. There is an army of irrational fangirls that stand between me and some relaxed chats with some admirable fans.

I thought maybe after the initial "outrage" of Eclipse then people will chill out. But I was wrong.

With all the Anti-Jacob Black groups that spans all the way to Deviantart to fanpop, I can't...
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posted by kctjohnson
I thought I'd post this poem and try to get constructive feedback ;)


To Know Her

She is who I see and all that I see.
Every minuut with her is a minuut to know her.
What does she like? What makes her angry?
What makes her laugh like no other?

I watch her verplaats and learn her moods.
Her needs, I read like a book unbound.
I study her eyes as they speak to me
When words aren’t enough, when they can’t be found.

Her joy is mine, her emotions verplaats me.
To be what she wants is no arduous task.
To protect her and know her – that’s what I do
So I find it amusing when she would ask:

“How is it that u know me so well?
Sometimes it seems u can read my mind.”
“Nah,” I smile. “I just pay attention.”
I become what she wants and needs, door design.
added by aprildawn73
added by nessie-eska
Source: Summit Entertainment + nessie-eska
added by gbyaln
added by t_cullen17
added by sunrise_90
added by sinai114
Source: sinai114
added by izzzolda
added by t_cullen17