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posted by StarPotterRings
Hows it going do u think?

Our story begins with an elf gliding through the trees. His lean body let him jump from boom to boom as if he were flying.
It was spring, his favoriete time of the year. The daffodils and forsythia were in bloom, and the trees were once again turning green. He stopped on a particularly large branch and looked up into the clear sky. His dark blue eyes without the memories of the horrors of war, his skin without the scars of the torture it brings. For he was yet young, and all the time he has been alive has been peaceful.
He flew once meer through the trees. He loved the wind in his dark brown hair and the feel of the wood on his bare feet.
He was so caught up in his joy that he almost fell out of the boom when he heard someone with a soft, stern voice say loudly. "Quiet all of you. Let him speak."
Milgas knew the voice. It was of Rama, his forests' chief. Rama was the oldest elf Milgas knew of. He had grey hair and a rigid face, with pale skin and eyes. Milgas' curiosity got the better of him so he jumped out the boom and landed softly on the ground. He searched for where Rama's voice had come from, and he found a group of elves standing in the middle of a small green field.
"Well as I was saying, men have come back to this land." zei a slithery voice from the opposite side of Rama. "They gave us the ships they sailed on as a peace offering, so we let them pass. From what our scouts have gathered, they have ventured southeast to the Laios river. They now have a few settlements there."
"Is that all the news u bring?" asked a rough sorrowful voice.
"No, after they left meer ships arrived." zei the slithery voice with pain. "But this time it wasn't men. They were filled with foul green creatures bearing swords, and axes, and weapons of torture. Our people fought back as they got off their black ships, but we were overpowered. And they fled into Postestas.
"Do u have any idea of their purpose?" asked Rama
"No, but one thing is certain. They will toon no mercy to anyone in their way." He paused as though contemplating something and finally zei "I believe we should make an alliance with them, to spare our people."
Elves joining with these foul creatures? Milgas thought with disgust. No the council will not allow it.
"Have u lost your mind, Quana? zei Rama, his voice rising slightly. He tilted slightly, and Milgas could see Quana. He had brown hair and green eyes. He never stood still, always moving his head of his hands.
"No." he zei firmly. "It is our only hope.
A few other chiefs murmured in agreement, and Milgas could take no more. He burst out of the struik, bush he was hiding in and yelled. "But we can fight!"
A few chiefs stepped back in shock. But Rama without turning said. "Ah Milgas, eavesdropping are we?"
"I'm sorry sir, but we can fight these creatures."
"With what do u presume we fight with? A few hundred elves against thousands of those creatures? zei Quana coolly, as he stepped back into his place.
"We can call for aid." replied Milgas, he was starting to dislike Quana.
"And who will come? Will vis sprout legs and attack the enemy with shells?" asked Quana mockingly.
"Our neighboring races will come." replied Milgas.
"Oh u mean the greedy dwarves, of the lazy dondurs? of maybe even men, who brought this plague upon us!" exclaimed Quana
"They will come! I know they will!" zei Milgas angrily.
"And what makes u so sure that they will fight with us?" asked the sorrowful voice Milgas had heard earlier.
"They will come because this is their home pagina too." zei Milgas desperately.
"Enough of this nonsense, go back to your home pagina and leave us to our meeting." zei Quana harshly.
Milgas opened his mouth to speak, But Rama zei "No Milgas don't, please go home." So Milgas, always having respected Rama turned to leave through the bushes.
"What a young fool he is." he heard Quana say
We cannot kom bij with these foul creatures, thought Milgas, as he walked past the edge of the field. What can I do to convince them? He passed a fallen tree. It looked small against the ones that had survived the winter storms. Why would they listen to us anyway? They would probably laugh and toss us out. Milgas was starting to believe he was a fool when a small voice in the back of his head said. No u must try! Milgas tried to push back the voice but it grew stronger. u must try! Eventually Milgas gave in and ran back towards the field.
He passed the fallen tree, then the large branch, and finally made it to the struik, bush he hid in. He burst right into the field and yelled. "I will go even if u do not rule it! We cannot kom bij with these foul creatures! Do not forsake our honor! We will get them to fight with us, I know it!
He let his words sink in. All the chiefs stood in shock except for Rama. Milgas could've sworn he saw the corners of his mouth twitch
"I thought this conversation was over. We had agreed that joining with them would be our best hope." zei Quana exasperated.
"Actually we were still debating on that matter. We were about to vote. Let us continue." zei Rama. "All in favor of uniting the races raise their hand."
Two of the chiefs raised their hand. It was Rama and a surly looking elf in a red cloak, the color of the Theas forest. Milgas tried to remember the name, but couldn't.
"All in favor of joining with the creatures." Rama said.
Three of the chiefs raised their hands. They were Quana, the elf with the sorrowful voice, and a elf with a purple cloak.
"So the vote is me and Taruck versus Quana, Barnal, and Rimard." zei Rama dryly.
Quana gave a triumphant smile. "See? This is our only hope."
"No! u have to give me a chance!" yelled Milgas.
"A chance to what? Embarrass yourself in front of all the races of Puleaveh?" asked Quana
"No I know I can convince them! Just give me a chance I beg of you! zei Milgas desperately.
Taruck spoke up. "Maybe we should give him a chance." his voice was surprisingly deep and smooth.
"I believe that would be a good idea." zei Rama.
Quana made an exasperated sound. "Do u really think this child can help us?"
"What can we lose from trying?" asked Taruck.
"Okay it is settled to a vote, all in favor of letting Milgas go on his quest raise their hand." zei Rama
Three elves raised their hands. It was Taruck, Rama, and Rimard.
"All opposed."
Quana and Barnal raised their hands.
"It is settled, Milgas will journey out in a week. He will be provided with supplies and provisions. If we learn he has succeeded, we will proceed with making plans. If we learn otherwise." Rama faltered. "Well, I guess we'll just wait and see."
With that Milgas' plan was set, and he would venture out into the world beyond. Not knowing what lay past the boundaries of Ralgoth. of whether of not he would return.

Please give me feedback.