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posted by fangs286
Jacob part 1

have u ever had a secret? the answer is probably yes. but have u ever had a secret that u could never tell anyone?that if u did, it would effect thousands,billions of people? no. u haven't. that is the weight i carry on my shoulders. it is the weight carried door people. Many people. across the world. i am one of many that are different then other people but yet the same.i wish to be what is around me. only a few are like me. i want to have a friend in this world that is like me. Someone who understands the pain and constant despair, even when i feel happy. u are probably wondering: who are you? well there are many words for what i am. but my kind are usually drawn to a single word that fits us to a "T". A mutant. u are probably saying: what the heck is he talking about? This guy is nuts!. but I'm not. this is where I'm from and what i am, and how i feel.I have to stay hidden in plain sight,blend in. because no one knows that we exist. Well they aren't supposed to, but some mutants have crap for brains and aren't helping to keep our lives a secret. most mutants have at least one mutant parent sometimes two. Unlike me. i was born in Seattle, from two human parents. Which is just cruel. Anyways they are happy with their "perfect" son with great grades, lots of human friends, and does what he is told. well they don't know I'm a mutant which u probably guessed. they don't know that i have the power to transform myself into any mammal of choice(my favorieten to turn into are bears,dogs and wolves). they don't know that i am empty.i am ,to them, a regular 17 jaar old boy in high school searching for the right girl. one who will love me for who will love me and be able to understand how being a mutant is because she is one too. well it is sure going to be hard to find a girl like that in Seattle, where all the people care about i s when the sun is going to come out.


Wow.Seattle. What a great place. Not! How could Lisa and Tod do this to me?! I mean, I guess since they are my adopted parents, they have the right to do tourture me. u have no idea what it's like! Your real parents dead, your family has no isea what happened to you(less care), and u are a cursed mutant. That's right u heard me. u are probably thinking what the heck! This chick is nuts!
Well when i was 5 a "thing" came into my room. It was beautiful but i could still sense danger. It told me that i was way to powerful, having every power know to muthan and man-kind. So, she put a curse on my that is as old as time itself. When i find true love, all my powers will be restored. That's a load of bull.
I want someone who will understand me. Who I could be around and be myself. But when i found out that i was moving to where a mutant would never be, I'm trying not to give up hope, even though it is super hard. I mean really, all the people here prbably care about is 3 things:
One how to say dry, two coffe, and three when the sun is going to come out again!
Well lucky me, when the "thing" took away my powers, it left me with one. the power to be able to control water at any time any where. Truley, i love this power. But i do want the others back.
I mean the curse gave me it's own package deal. When i'm really angrey, my eyes turn blood red. I mean as i get madder and madder it goes from my ussual hazel to blood red. Which ,by the way, the red really flares with my paper skin. I mean really, u hold up my arm to paperand it's alost a perfect match except the paper is almost tanner! Everytime i try to get tan nothing works.
So my white sunglasses are my best friend. The shades are so dark, u can't even see my eye color when i'm wearing them. My locket is the other trinket i never go without. I got it the dag i was born. It contains all my memoreis. Litterally. All i have to say to it when it is open is the paswoord and it shows all the memories that i hold dearest to my heart.

My first dag in my new high school starts tomarrow and these things will be with me. I have everyting ready. Except my confidence. I think i left it in California, of one of the many other places i have lived.

> Jacob

Well here it is. The flu of Monday has hit copper gras high. Everyone looks like zombies. it's the same every week,but yet the teachers still seem surprised. Truley, we only have half a maand of school left and we have a new student today.
She's my age,medium in height, and pretty cute.I have every class with her, even electives. So far she hasn't zei anything really.It's almost lunch and she hasn't even looked at the clock once. Personally i think someone should reach over and talk to her.I looked up at her.
She is probably five- eight. she has blond hair, with natural brown streaks in it,that has little twists at the ends. She looks like paper cause her skin is so white. Seriously the girl should stalk up! It looks like someone put her skin right over the bone! But door far her most beautiful feature is defiantly the eyes. they are a gorgeous hazel,but if u look deep into them u can see that she is hiding something. (i have like a six sense about that stuff.)Maybe my luck has turned. she could be one of us...probably not.
I don't have very good luck but this isn't about me and my luck. this is about her. I just wish that i knew her name so when i went up to talk to her, it would be less embarrassing. If only Mr.Sterling would not just look up and down at the attendance sheet and read it out loud instead like a normal teacher and wait for the student to say here.Well it would help this girl a lot. u know so she can match faces to names. I was about to raise my hand to suggest this but someone was saying it as i was raising my hand.
It was Greg Harrison.who was the total geek of the school. He hit on all the new girls but never got a single look. It was the same now.The girl just kept staring at her lap while twisting her necklace.
"That is a great idea Greg". Mr. Sterling turned his attention toward me. "Jacob do u have something to say?"
"No" I zei as calmly as i could handle. I hated attention.
"But u had your hand up" I could see that Mr.Sterling wasn't going to let this go.
"Yeah. I had up but i was going to say the same thing as Greg said. Sorry"
"That is alright Mr.Dano"
I pulled my eyes away from his to look around the room. No one was looking at me.Except for one.The girl was looking at me. She was giving me the smallest smile i had ever seen. It made her eyes light up.Mr.Sterling called out Logan Lerman who wasn't here.
volgende he called out Roseleah Martella.The girl looked up,raised her hand and called out here. Her voice was kinda soft but yet one that she could make very loud.After he was done with role, Mr.Sterling zei that we were switching seats today. Roseleah smiled that small smile of hers. Mr.Sterling zei as soon as we were done, we could get lunch. So,naturally, we knew we only has six minuten to get this right so we had to go fast.
We moved the desks into rows of two. I was put in the back of the room.Roseleah was the last person to be called and got put volgende to me. I hoped this was my chance to talk to her but Roseleah just sat down quietly,putting her things in her desk.She didn't have much. Just a notebook,a folder and a pencil. Those were all the school items she had with her.Other then that she had giant white sunglasses with extremely dark lenses.
The halsketting, ketting that she had been playing with was a locket that hung on a long goud chain.The rims of the pendant were goud and as was the back.The middle was sliver with a small sliver bloem surrounded door sliver water drops.
I wonder what it has in it? I was about to start talking to her when Mr.Sterling zei "Well those of u who are buying lunch go get it. We will be eating in the classroom today. Roseleah do u need help finding the cafeteria?"
She shook her head.
"alright then." Mr.Sterling zei with a small smile but not as small as Roseleah's smile.
i waited ten minuten for her to come back so i could have someone to talk to. In Mr.Sterling's class,when u eat in the classroom u can only talk to the person volgende to u so they better be someone u like.Five minuten later, Mr.Sterling zei to me:
"Jacob why don't u go find Ms.Martella? I'm sure she is having problems remembering which room we are in."
He sounded positive but his eyes spelt worried.I nodded,got up and walked out of the room. i was worried too. There were these guys at our school who are always hyped up on drugs of bier and smell like smoke and are hitting on all the girls in school. Really its as though the teachers can't see them. As i walked down the hall i heard someone screaming out "Leave me alone" and "I'll hurt you!"
I could tell it was Roseleah door the sound of her kinda soft voice.I ran toward her voice until i could see Roseleah was against the lockers, eyes wide with fear and anger,surrounded door the guys who i was talking about earlier. I ran up behind the biggest one,jumped, and took his head in my hands,spread my legs out,threw myself over his head,seding him to the ground. I did the same thing with all the rest.
Soon there were six guys laying knocked out on the ground. I turned back to Roseleah. She was looking at me with a stunned,anger-filled,confused face
"Are u alright?" the boy said, a worried look plastered on his face,his eyes boring into mine. I was in just so much shock, I couldn't form the word yes of nod my head yet.I was also extremely angry at myself. I could have done exactly what this guy had done but faster. But no! I just stood there,the acid growing in my eyes,trying to reach my sunglasses but couldn't bend to get them.
As i was ranting to myself in my head,( i do that a lot not a thing I'm proud of),his name hit me. This guy was Jacob. Jacob Dano. Jacob was about three inches taller then me. He was totally six foot. He was tan (which is surprising 'cause he lives in Seattle,the place of no sun) with a voice that was deep,with a mix of husky and gruff in it. He had deep chocolate eyes the kind that if u held up a Hershey bar volgende to them, it would be the same.
While i was looking at him,spacing, he had zei "Are u alright, Roseleah?" about six times now.
"Roseleah are u alright? Do u need to go home?"
I finally made my voice work. "No I'm okay. I think I will just go get lunch and go back to class"
"Roseleah the lines are probably closed door now. u can have some of my food. Anyways the food sucks here"
I smiled at him. A real one this time. "I'll take u up on that offer."
Jacob shot me a crooked smile as we walked back to class.
"You know Rosie, u gave the whole class quite a scare there"
I wasn't listening.
"What did u call me?"
"Rosie but if u don't want me to call u that i can call u Roseleah"
I shook my head."That's not it. Everyone, even my uh..parents call me Roseleah. Nothing else. Personally I love my name but i think it's kind of a mouthful."
"Really i didn't think about it i just zei it."
We were walking into class when we were stopped door Mr.Sterling.
"Where were u two?"
I was about to tell him when Jacob beat me to the stempel, punch and was explaining it all. It was nice to have someone to talk to about stuff. I spent the whole dag with Jacob, talking ,laughing. We even walked home pagina together and with a see u tomorrow, he went into house 136 and i went into 134. This was going to be nice to have a friend in this was between mutants and humans and being new.. Lets just hope if he is a real friend ans finds out, he doesn't tell anyone about me, otherwise i will be locked up till the dag i die.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~next chapter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


We only have one dag of school left. Tomorrow i graduate high school.After this, I won't be coming back to Copper gras high. I'll have to say goodbye to all my vrienden 'cause they are all going out of state for college, travailing the world and just having a great time.Except for one.Roseleah. Over the past few weeks, Rosie and i have learned almost everything there is to know about each other.We have talked non-stop from the dag we met up until now.
I know that her full name is Roseleah Keria Martella.
I know that she has moved seven times in the last two years.
I know that she is adopted, with a zoologist for a dad and a home pagina mom.
I've told her almost everything there is to about me. Really i think she is my best friend. I would love to just blurt out "I'm a mutant!" but i can't. I never will unless she is one. I do feel like there is something she is hiding from me. Something big but i understand how that feels. Rose and i have already got back to our houses. When I'm in i walk into the kitchen,dump my bag down on the bench and call "Hey Mom I'm home!"
I heard a loud crash from upstairs and an ouch
"hey honey!How was your day? what did u do?" she called
"Not much! you?"
"No. Well except cleaning out the spare room. I'll be down i n a second!"
"OK!" I zei getting a piece of pie out of the frig.Mom popped into the keuken-, keuken about ten seconden after i started my pie.
"so who was that i saw u with?"
I swallowed hard. Oh no. Now I'll never hear the end of this.
"A friend"
"From school?"
"New kid?
"Well i see u come home pagina with her a lot. Where does she live?"
"134 of volgende door"
"Really? that's great!"
"what's her name?"
"Roseleah Martella"
"uh-huh. how long has-"
I cut her off. Mom thinks every girl I'm with is important.
"Mom! She's just a friend. She came to town about three weeks ago. I was the first and only person to talk to her on her first dag of school and we've been talking ever since"
Mom smiled. "That was nice Jacob"
I nodded. I just put my plate in the dishwasher and hiked upstairs. It looked like something exploded up here. There were boxes everywhere labeled keep of sell all over the hall. It's a good thing my room is to the right and not anywhere near the spare room. I walked right door some of the boxes that were a little farther down the hall and went into my room. On the bed my cellphone was ringing. I closed my door went over and picked it up. It was Roseleah. My hart-, hart started to beat faster. Odd... I picked it up.
"Hey Jacob!"
"Hey Rosie"
"You ready for this?"
"For what?"
Silence for a minute.
"Rose?You still there?"
I heard a rustling on the other line. I spiering, spieringen a delicious smell coming from downstairs. I heard my Mom talking to someone. No way my Dad was home pagina yet. I heard running up the stairs.
"Rose you-"
My door flew open. In it's doorway was an excited Rose. I could feel myself staring at her with wide shocked eyes.
"SURPRISE!" she yelled with little jazz hands
"what are u doing here?"
Her face fell a little
"What? I can't visit my best friend's house with great news?"
I shook my head. "No it's not that, I'm just super surprised. I mean I just saw u what ten minuten ago?"
"Twenty" she said
"What could u have possibly done in twenty minutes?! I mean couldn't u have told me earlier?Outside?"
Her smile turned smug. "You don't want me anywhere near your Mom do you?"
I was getting a little annoyed."NO that's not it!"
She smiled again."Well good because since your my friend i will be over here a lot and i like your Mom. She's super nice! She asked me who I was and I told her and she let me right in and started making our favoriete cookies. Why didn't u tell me chocolate chip is your favorite?"
I rolled my eyes.""Never mind that.You zei u had great news?"
"Oh yeah! u need to come with me."
"Why?" Sheesh,couldn't she just tell me?
"Just come"
"K fine let me get my coat."
We ran back downstairs and I told my Mom we were going out. She shot me a smile which I replied with a eye roll.
"Be back soon Jacob. I'm making cookies. It was nice meeting u Roseleah.
Rose smiled."You too."
Then she was out the door.


This was so cool! I had to pull Jacob out the door,but it was totally worth it. As we walked he got meer impatient.
"Rosie can't u just tell me?"
"No Jake!"
He glared at me and i shot him a smile. I turned back around to face vooruit, voorwaarts and I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back.
"Give it up Jacob. We'll be there soon"
After that he ran up to walk beside me looking around with curious eyes, but zei nothing...Until we started walking into the woods.
"OK Rose if u brought me out here to see a special boom I'm going to stempel, punch you"
I laughed. "No Jacob i didn't bring u here to see a tree. Now stay still!"
Before he could protest i ran up behind him and cupped my hands over his eyes so he couldn't see anything.
"Rose is this really necessary?"
"Yeah it is. Jacob could u please play along? I want this to be a surprise. Just keep walking and I'll guide you"
"Please Jacob! Don't u trust me?"
I sounded upset.My hart-, hart started to beat faster at the thought that he didn't trust me.I was his best friend. He had to trust me. He gently took my hands off his eyes and turned to look at me. His face was full of emotion that i couldn't place. He gripped me door the shoulders hard.
"of course i do Rosie. We know everything about each other there is to know.You are my closet friend. I would trust u with anything."
He put his arms around me and gave me a big hug.I was ready to tell him now. Mutant, curse all of it but i stayed silent. He pulled away his face red and muttered "lets go see this place". I could feel my own face getting hot so i reached up and put my hands on his eyes again.This was going to be good. I just knew he would love it.I directed him the rest of the way. It felt like forever but it was really like only five minutes.
"Okay... stop we're here! u ready Jacob?"
"Yeah my hearts pounding with excitement at this suspense."
His voice was dripping with sarcasm but i ignored it.
"OK fine....now!"
I let go and stepped vooruit, voorwaarts to see his expression.It was carved with pure excitement and aw.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~next chapter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This place was amazing. It was beautiful.It was perfect for someone like me. I could feel Roseleah's smug smile and her eyes filled with satisfaction boring into me but i couldn't teat my eyes away from the field to look at her and tell her how much i loved it. This field was huge. It was wide with large trees off to the side surrounding it but there was a monster boom in the center of the field. If it was sunny it would cast o huge shadow that would stretch across the field. The gras wasn't very high but it was all a perfect green. That was all that was here. All i wanted to do was run. Rose grabbed my hand.I tore my eyes away and looked down at her.
It was drizzling now so her face had drops on it.She looked amazing.My hart-, hart starting thudding harder then it had before. Rose pulled me forward,starting for the tree. We were just walking in complete silence when she turned to me.
"You want to race to that tree?"
"The center one?"
"Yeah! I bet I could beat ya!
Her eyes shined with pure excitement. I was a fast runner and loved to race. Plus I couldn't say no to her.
"I bet u won't!"
"We'll see"
She stood tall and still."We start here"
I nodded
"You ready to get whipped?"
"In your dreams!" I got into a runners start.Rose didn't moved at all.She stayed tall and still her eyes focused on he tree.
"on go"
"Wait! Rose u start running like that!"
"Sure I can and i will.This works for me. Now quit stalling."
"K,I'm ready"
"Ready.... Set..."
I held ready like a spring
I bolted. I could feel the wind whipping through my hair. I took a quick glance behind me. No Rose but when i turned back around she was already done! DANG! That girl is fast!
When i go there she smiled at me.
"What took u so long?"
I looked at her in aw."how did u do that?"
She shrugged. "I don't know. Why? Do u not like that a girl beat you?"
"No way! I'm just asking cause that was fast."
"Okay whatever u say.."
She walked up to the tree.She felt its' bark and looked through the branches.She kicked off her shoes and jumped up to grab the closest branch. She pulled herself up and was about to grab the volgende one when i grabbed her foot.
"Rosie what are u doing?"
"What does it look like?"
I frowned at her."Why are u doing that?"
"Cause it's fun!Plus,when i get to the top, boven I'll be able to see everything!"
"Roseleah stop being stupid. Your gonna get hurt."
She rolled her eyes"I'm so not! I do this all the time! It's easy. u should come up unless your scared that I-"
I cut her off "I'm not afraid! I just...I'm concerned for your safety"
"Whatever!Look I'm going up and u can't stop me! But u can come up."
Even though i was holding on pretty tight,she pulled her foot away and went back to climbing, catching each branch. Man she was fast at that! Every time she moved my hart-, hart stopped at the fear that she was gonna fall.Now she was up so high i couldn't see her anymore.
"Rosie?You okay up there?"
"I'm fine! u gotta check this out!"
I sighed. I grabbed the branch above me . I took a deep breath and tapped into my animal sense. I was up to where she was in about forty-five seconds. We were all the way up in that boom staring at the night of Seattle. All the lights on, car horns,yelling and sirens. Typical night in Seattle if u ask me but yet Rose seemed mesmerized door it all. It was raining hard now so we started to climb down. When we were at the bottom she stopped.
"This is so cool Jacob."
"What do u mean?" i zei taking her hand
"This! i get to live in a place where I Have a great house,parents,school,neighborhood.. and you..." she blushed
I gave her a questioning look.
"I've never had vrienden this fast. It usually takes about a maand for people to talk to me. I can trust u with anything. u get me in everyway. Jacob... I need to thank you."
She was blushing even harder now and i could feel my face warming up.
I have to tell her now. She needs to know. She was totally right. I can trust her.She can trust me. I..... just as vrienden i should be honest with her.Rose looked at me hard.
" I have something to tell u too.but before we do that i think we should start for home."
I nodded. When were toward the edges of the field now when i stopped and turned and Rose ran right into my chest, and looked up at me. I held her close.My hart-, hart was pounding so fast and hard I think it might have burst out of my chest.
Rose was staring at me her eyes full of feeling.
"What is it Jacob?"
I took a deep breath
"I need to tell u something"


OK. This was it. Secret exchange time.Personally I have no idea how to tell me of meer importantly what. I mean this wasn't a casual "hello" of "hey". This was life changing. I could tell he was serious. No fooling. He had this look on his face. It was set and stone. I had to tell him weather i wanted to of not.
Jacob was totally nervous. I could tell because he was clutching my arms so hard that they were going numb,his whole frame was shaking, his hart-, hart was pounding and he was holding me super close. I forced myself to look into his eyes. They were full of compassion,
fear ,strength and determination. It totally was melting my hart-, hart away.
Well i had something to tell him too and i have to admit i wasn't going to tell him everything. Just that I'm a mutant. The rest can come later.
"What is it Jacob?" i asked again my voice shaky but calm.
He stared at me with a huge intensity that made me melt closer to him grasping his shoulders in rain that could cause a flood. I'm sure we looked weird but i didn't care. I never wanted to let go.
"I....Rosie...I" He was stuttered. Now i was getting worried about him. He was shaking even harder now.
"Jacob we need to get u out of this rain."
I tried to pull away but he is really strong!
"No. It's not that Rose. I'm....I'm just nervous."
Alright I had to say it.
"No,really! I had no idea!" I made myself sound super innocent.
He gave me an irritated look. I rolled my eyes.
"Really Jacob u can tell me anything. I won't ever betray you"
He took a deep breath.
"Look Roseleah. u can't ever tell anyone about this. Ever. of I could be in big trouble."
I nodded. "Of course Jacob it's the same for my secret."
He stared at me. The nerves were getting to both of us now. My hart-, hart starting pounding as fast and as hard as his.Another deep breath. Here it comes.
"Roseleah...I'm...I'm a mutant!"
My hart-, hart stopped. OH MY GOD TIMES TEN!!! i could feel relief wash over me and my whole body just relax. I smiled at him. He shut his eyes in pure relief.
'Really Jacob? What did u think I would do? Were u scared that i was gonna call the hunters and run for the hills?"
He gave me a sheepish smile and laughed. God it felt good to hear him laugh.
"Yeah Rose I kinda was."
"Jacob why would i do that? Then I-"
I stopped midsentance. I'm gonna go for a meer suttle approach. Then i would say it unless he didn't get it. Jacob looked so confused that i wanted to laugh but i didn't.
"You what?" His voice zei - what the heck is she talking about?
I took a deep breath and moved my soaking wet hair away from my face. I made a spleet, split decision. I would toon him my power after i told him. All this rain is probably bugging him even though i love it. He might call the hunters cause he will be so scared. And just in case your wondering the hunters are a group of humans that get paid to put mutants in cages,lock them up forever, and keep them barley alive. Then they have these trackers that can find a mutant anywhere. I don't know why they are really called the Phantoms. They are meer like hunters. Alright no meer stalling. I have to tell him.
" u what?" Jacob repeated
"I would be hunted too."
His eyes widened really big with surprise.
"That's right Jacob. I'm a mutant too. Your not that special." I smiled at him.
He gave me a weak smile. I stepped away from him.
"Do u want to know what my uh.. power is Jacob?"
"Yeah!" He looked like a little kid on Christmas morning.
"Alright then."
I stepped at least ten paces away from him. I held my hands out in front of me and turned them up as though I was a waitress holding trays. I curled my fingers a little.The rain around us poured harder. Jacob was twirling around in amazement. I smile. I slowly clenched my hands into fists. The rain then turned to ice. Jacob smacked one out of the air and it hit the ground and was unharmed. Then i made my hands flat. It started pouring again. I raised my hand and I clenched slowly. It stopped raining alltogether. I dropped my hands and it starting raining again. I looked at Jacob. I expected to see fear but all i saw was pure excitment.

I spoke to her calmly. "Rose? Its ok Rosie. Im right here."
Slowly she started to calm down,the screaming stopped and her breating slowed but was still shaky. Then she was up with a lurch, deeply gasping for air again as though the had been underwater for hours. I wonder if she can breathe underwater?

She looked around, unsure of where she was at first, until she saw me.
"Hey Rose whats going on?"
She shrugged. "Oh not much.......How long was i out?"
"A few minutes. Lisa had to run upstairs for a minute....Any crazy dreams?"
"Nope. Just black. Why do u ask?
I stared in disbelief. She couldn't possibly be serious."Well because u were-"
"Roseleah. Tod wants to see u upstairs for a minute." Lisa had apperaed on the stairs.
"Alright Lisa, I'm comin'."
Rose got up and ran up the stirs with a glance back at me.Don't leave yet Jacob. I'm not ready to be yelled at just yet. There it was again. That erie feeling that she could just pop into my head and i could hear her, just like at the field. Before Lisa would notice, Rose disapperard up the twisted stairs and out of sight. I hated to be here alond with her "mother". It just made me feel odd and out of place.
Lisa came over to me. In her hands she held a picture frame, but it was turned from me so i couldn't see it. Lisa caught me looking at it.
"This is what we usually give to her to wake her up. This happens alot."
"She didn't even know what i was talking about though"
"She never does. She has no idea that she screams in her sleep. When she was younger, we tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen. Then she would always say that we were messing with her. So when this happens, we just ask her about what she was dreaming about but she always says nothing, just black."
She handed me the frame. It showed a family in it. Two kids, tow adults.
"This is what the orphanage gave us when we adopted Roseleah. It's all she had, at the time, but they zei when she graduated high school,they would have something for her then. When we asked what it was, at first they zei that we would find out. But we were persistant and when we asked again, they zei it would have something to do with her family. I'm guessing that it has someting to do with the brother she never meet of the house and the things in it. They called every mot, nachtvlinder this jaar and when we told them that Roseleah was graduating, they zei that the house is still untouched, and it is exactly the way it was before."
"So this is Roseleah's family?"
"Yes. Her mother,father and her brother.Her mother is holding her, and if u look close enough, u can see her locket."
Sure enough, when Lisa handed me the frame,I looked at it long and hard, mostly at Roseleah. Her locket was in her tiny fingers.As i looked at her family, only her mother looked like her. Same features all the way down to her tiny frame.It was insanity. But the whole thing was...... What had happened to them that caused their death and to have to leave behind two children?
"Call me Lisa'
"I have to go. Can u tell Rose I'll see her later?"
"Of course"
That's when i left. I had to know more. I had to know meer of Rose was still hiding.Something that she was just not ready to acept. I knew tht if I went back to her house, Lisa would tell me more.
Lisa was the key to Roseleah's past. The only one i knew of any way.
I sat on the bed in Tod's room.I have been watching him pace back and forth for at least 10 minutes. I heard the door close downstairs. I was so bored, I knew Jacob had to be.
"Tod what is this about? Am I just going to sit here and watch u pace around like a nervous puppy?"
"LISA!" Tod screamed so loud that I almost fell backwards.
I heard running up the stairs.
"It's here." Tod handed Lisa an envelope. She went as pale as death.
"Alright i wanna know whats going on right now. Don't even try to lie to me. I'm not stupid ya know."
"young lady u watch your mouth or-"
"Tod. Stop. She should know." Lisa zei in a quiet voice.
"Know what?!" This was so odd. The only time they ever hid anything form me was my birthday. of thats atleast what i thought. I stood up slowly, not taking my eyes off of either one of them.
"Rosleah please sit down."
"NO! Just tell me whats going on!"
Lisa and Tod stared at me. They had never understood my rapid mood swings.
Lisa was the first to speak.
"Roseleah this is yours. It;s from the adoption center. It has something to do with your family."
She held out the envelope to me. I tentavily reached for it like it was a snake. Once i had it in my hands, it felt like a rock. I had no intention of opening it.
"Open it. The sooner u open it the sooner we know what it is."
I tore off the top. Inside was a letter and a very big packet, along with another piece of paper. I started with the letter.

Dear Roseleah,
In this envelope, u will find some of the paper work your parents left for you. Your brother will need to be contacted before u read the will. If u have any questions, u need to speak with them.
From:The West Virginia Adoption Center
I stared at it for a minute, the letter in one hand, the rest in the other. I dropped the letter like i had been burned, causing both my 'parents" to jump. Lisa tried to hold my should but i ran before she could. I wanted to be alone. My room door was already open so i ran inside and slammed it with my "parents" right on my heals.
"Roseleah! Roseleah u open this door! Honey? Are u okay?"
The banging of their hands on the door made me even meer upset. My brother? Heath? the one in the picture? i never thought that i would have to meet him. it never crossed my mind. i looked at the packet still in my hands. i grabbed the thick paper out of it. It was the deed to my house with a note atached. After reading it i felt even meer lost.
"When do i get to go?" I yelled over the banging. it stopped immeadtly.
"What?What do u mean?"
'When do i get to see the house?"
"Tomorrow. We knew when the packet showed up, we would book a plane ticket."
i opened the door. "So thats it?"
"Yes. And someone will go with u of course. So which one of us would u like to go with?
"Jacob." I regretted the words as soon as they were out. But it was true. Right now, i wanted to be as far away from Lisa and Tod as soon i could. And this was my chance.
Tod was as pissed as i had ever seen him. "No way! This is a family matter so u and your mother will leave-"
"Tod. It's fine. I'm sure she wants a close friend to be there and support her." Lisa gave me a sly smile and a wink that Tod missed. My face got hot.
"Lisa its really not what you-"
"Roseleah. I understand. Now your father and I need to discuss some things so why don't u go in your room, call Jacob and explain what's happening and if his parents say yes, u start packing?" I nodded and closed the door. My window was still open, but i didn't bother to close it. I don't really care if any one thinks im extremly clumsy and that it should be closed at all times. Really, I'm not.
I liked the sound of the rain pouring from the sky, hitting the gras and trees, exploding like tiny bombs when in contact with anything. My window zitplaats, stoel was damp when i sat down but who would care at this point? I picked up my phone. No messages yet, but then i remebered. I pulled out the little piece of paper Stevie Rae had gegeven me. Her handwriting was flawless.
Stevie Rae's #
Call me!! TXt me whatever!!
I typed in her number into my Ekzera. I would text her tomorrow if i got the chance,but for now, i had to call Jacob and give him the news. Hopefully, he wouldn't hear my "parents" screaming at each other in the background.
posted by Me_Iz_Here
(Short story I wrote in a few minutes. I have no idea where this came from. ._. And this has no editing of whatever, I just finished it.)

    At first, she would only appear for a spleet, split second. I would see her turn a corner in the hallways of my house and quickly run to see if anyone was there, only to find nothing. I would catch a glimpse of her in a crowded place, standing still and looking at me. I would see her in my dreams, and whenever she turned up in them, they quickly turned to nightmares. No one else ever seemed to notice her, but I always did. I never zei anything...
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posted by PrincessHotEmo
Why should I live,what's with life?He gave me 5 boeken I know them so well I know everyone page I could read it with out actually reading it!!!One dag i awoke with a holy bble on my bed.It was from one of the demon's junior demon wives.It had a tag and a note saying"srry for ur troubles hope u havnt read this before lol".The oldest thing is i knew who she was because she was a human like me before the demon turned her into one of his own.Then i thought wait why havnt i been turnd in to a demon yet?Then it hit me! maybe he needs fresh to keep him alive!
posted by AuthorForPooh
 vrienden stick door u
friends stick by you
The Path
door AuthorForPooh

The bare moment when no one's
there to guide her
feet down the worn path.
She's traveled this path times before,
but u are always there
in her way.

u scare her with your
harsh words and strong hands,
she runs back every time.
u laugh.

What she doesn't realize, is that
we too are on that path.
Her friends.
We pull her to her feet
and push past you.

Because she's never alone.

Im tried of bullying. Its mean. As a friend i will stick door my friends. Help stop bullying!
posted by DarkGirl23
The sound of laughter echoed in my ears, and the darkness enveloped me in it’s grip of represented death. Existing of nothing, I lay there staring into the blackness, what resembled my soul of utter torment and misery.

I liked it here, despite the dark laughter that echoed in my ears, this dream was comforting. It felt like I belonged, even though I felt like I was being strangled door an invisible force.
Maybe that was a sign that everyone, everything, wanted me gone. So gone I shall become.

I took note of my dreaming, and immediately woke up. I looked at my side table, where the mes lay. Gripping...
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posted by snootygirl50701
Fire's Shadow -proluage
" Evergrace,world of belligerence ,we are proud to announce that the queen's child has arrived! Princess Grace! " A tall skinny black suited man shouted over tears from the people screaming of joy.
The man stepped down as king Chase stepped up to the steps ready to speak with his deep voice. His blue eyes splashed across the crowd as his hair slanted to one side.
" with the baby here,I must say God bless to our newcomer. My first child is a beautiful child with weight of 3.31 pounds. She is healthy and...
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Chapter 1
A Tragic Loss

“Bye dad! Bye Jen!”
“You’re not going anywhere mister!” The person yelling was Jennifer Watson, A very kind person. But unfortunately she was also meer than a little vain. Jennifer’s idea of a good time was dependant on how many parties she could visit before being dragged back home. She also happens to be my sister. Well I say sister; she’s actually my adoptive sister. I was adopted when I was 5 years old after my parents died in a skiën accident. “If I have to clean this place up, then u are too!”
“But there’s not much left and u have everything...
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posted by GummyBears_11
 Me & Alyssa three days before she was kidnapped. Alyssa is the one on the bottom.
Me & Alyssa three days before she was kidnapped. Alyssa is the one on the bottom.
When I was 13, I heard the worst news ever.
My best friend had been kid-napped, and murdered.

I couldn't believe it.

As a matter of fact, I didn't.

I yelled and screamed. I kicked. I cried and tried to convince myself that it was all a lie.

I finally cracked and admitted it to myself when the news came on.

And they showed her dead body, lying there.

I missed her.


Two months later...

There was a knock on the door. I got off my bed and went to answer it.
It was the detective.

"Miss Johnson?" "Um.. yes?" "We found out who killed Alyssa." I gasped. "Come in!" He stepped inside. "I am only informing...
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posted by Isabella121797
-Chapter 3-

I was on the marble steps in front of my high school. My vrienden were crowded around me and once again we were crying.
This was my final goodbye, my farewell.
We were all huddeled around each other as we took some final photos.
I knew the time had come when my driver pulled up in the black Mercedes.
They promised me they'd visit and facetime me 24/7.
That was a promise I hoped they kept.

I had the window rolled down the whole time as we drived away. I kept waving till they were out of sight, and thats when the tears really started to pour. I slumped against the back zitplaats, stoel and tried...
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posted by StarsGoBlue
Chapter 4: Side Of A Bullet

Nicole had just woken up, and was still half asleep. Her body was cramped up from her sleeping position. Her arms were thrown above her head and her head was turned to the  crook of her neck.  Nicole rolled her sore body toward her small metal dresser and flung her arms behind her messy head. Nicole made an attempt to roll herself off her bunk, but froze when she heard distant footsteps outside her door. 
"Get up!"
Baird kicked in the door to her room, which caught Nicole off guard. She let out a small yelp and tumbled off her bed. 
"Mornin', Sunshine!  Ready to...
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posted by shenelopefan
Dejé mi corazón abierto. Pero tú no entendiste. No viste lo que en realidad ha sucedido. Quise explicártelo pero sabía que no entenderías. Me considerarías demente, loca, pensarías que he perdido la cabeza. Que la he perdido por ti.

No puedo decir que la perdí completamente, pero puedo contarte lo que he perdido por ti. Ahora soy normal y detesto ser de esta forma. No puedo volar si soy esto, sólo estoy encadenada a ti, por un vínculo que ni tú ni yo hemos podido decidir.

Pero no voy a quejarme de estar ligada a ti. He aprendido a aceptarlo. He aprendido a vivir. Todo gracias a ti....
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posted by shenelopefan
Para todos aquellos que hablen español o lo entiendan, aquí les dejo un poema que escribi hace mucho tiempo ya

Nunca había visto caer la lluvia así

Sólo cae

Mientras tú vuelves a casa

La lluvia cae

Pasaron tres horas sin tu regreso

Aún te espero en la puerta

No busco la lluvia

Espero tu vuelta

Pasaron kweepeer años

Te sigo esperando afuera

Aun contengo tu sonrisa

Esperando que llueva

Pero ahora es muy tarde

La lluvia ha cesado

Y aun espero tu llegada

Sigo esperando tu mirada
posted by Dhampires
I was back at the covent and in Mai's office waiting for her to give me my pay."Like always u gets the job done in no time.I'll have to start giving u a raise my dear.After all I can't afford to lose u can a I?"She prasied me as she went into her veilig retrieving a small sack of goud coins.I smiled and zei "No need to rasie my pay,I make enough and I'll never leave so long as u keep feeding me information like u promised." she sighed and turned with the goud and a package of papers "Of course that's the purpose on why your here." I eyed the papers then shifted my gaze toward her."Yes...
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posted by Kimi4312
Chapter 4: Never Meant To Be.
After Roxana and Abe met once again, Roxana sat in her chair reading a book, until her phone rang, she reached to a tafel, tabel besides her chair and sees it was a unknown number, she answered it "Who's this?" Roxana asked "It's me, the bastard that arrested you" Abe said, Roxana chuckled at Abe's commentaar to her "Well how u got this number then police officer?" Roxana zei with a flirty but playful tone in her voice Abe laughed at the tone of Roxana's voice "Well, I know we don't personally know each other but....I was wondering if u like to go out to town with me...
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posted by Kimi4312
Chapter 2: I'm Breathless.
At night after Roxana was arrested, Abe lays there in his bed, while the moon shines through his large window and onto his bed, he tosses his body from left to right and couldn't sleep, all he had been thinking about was Roxana, about her beautiful seductive but innocent young face and her limoen, kalk green eyes, Abe snatches his head as he tries to sleep but everytime he closes his eyes, all he sees is Roxana's face but then he falls asleep, then he begins dreaming, that he was in Roxana's apartment, he looks around to understand why he is in her house, then he sees Roxana...
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He woke up with a jump.

Dammit. Not again.

He had been dreaming about her. It happened every time he thought he was getting better. It seemed like she didn’t want to be forgotten. She kept finding her way into his mind. He sat up in the dark, shaking. He knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep in the bed for a while again. Too many memories there. Too many thoughts of her wrapped around him under the covers. He couldn’t handle it. Once she got into his head, it took weeks for him to drive her out again.

He went out into the keuken-, keuken and got some water. Then he stared at his reflection in the window...
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posted by animefangirlz
I was 13 when i had my first love.not my first boyfriend but someone i actually loved.
My name is Elisabeth Maddison,but everyone calls me "shinigami" it means " god of death",for my 13th birthday my older cousin Geettto took me to his gig.He plays lead gitaar and vocals for their band. He kept telling me how much they kick butt and all the battle of the bands they won. I just kept walking in the rain as it poured down flooding the sky. We got to the place,it was an old former shed for shipping trucks. The small factory behind it turned into a muziek store.They give local...
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posted by noahnstar1616
-The volgende Day-
I peeked from behind the left corner of the school and saw Cameron carrying Mercury's book towards the school entrance. Perfect. I turned to Zoey and Francine, who were right behind me. "I'm ready. How do I look ?" I had on the outfit Francine picked out for me and the makeup Zoey put on me yesterday. My hair was in a french braid, courtesy of Zoey's mom.

"Beautiful", zei Francine.

"I'm jealous", zei Zoey.

"Thanks." I turned back to look at Cameron, who had probably forgot something because he was walking back to his car. "Wish me luck." I rushed towards Cameron. "Hey."

"Hey." He...
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posted by noahnstar1616
My world was dark.

The only thing I could see was the events that just took place; me running into the road, me seeing the car, the car crashing into me. It was like someone put my mind on replay.

I opened my eyes. Everything was hazy. Something bright shined in my eyes. It stung. I turned my head. There are flashing lights everywhere. My eyes finally come back to focus.

Police cars. An ambulance. The car that hit me. My towns news station.

"She's waking up", I heard a man's voice say.

"Thank God", I heard Cameron say. I turned to look at him. Then it hit me. That was Cameron who hit me.

I tried...
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posted by tbone_21
okay sooo this chapter is very long... I don't think the others will be quite this long but I wanted to get the descriptions of the characters out of the way, enjoy and comment!
The first thing I was aware of was the smell of a fire, I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply, inhaling my new favoriete smell. I was dancing, I could feel the cool grains of sand between my toes and could tell that the sun had long since sunk below the horizon. My vrienden and I were singing loudly to a fast paced song our feet pounding madly against the sand.
I didn’t pay attention to any of these things though I just...
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posted by problematic124
*******First of all before I start I would like to thank u for thanks for the comments. And I forgot to do this for the prologue but this belongs to me it’s my copyrights. Something I came up with. Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Present Time
Chapter 1
New beginnings
"I just don't understand why we didn't stay in Egypt...or England"
"Kyle your stepfather lives here"
"Were meant to live with him"
"Kyle"my mom zei in her warning voice
Exasperated I sighed and held up my hands in surrender.
"Kyle I know it's hard now but you'll get used to it"she zei gently
"Well will u at least let me check out that awesome...
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