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You're The Worst - Review: "Reevaluation All Around"

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called You're The Worst - The Inherent, Unsullied Qualitative Value of Anything - Review: "Reevaluation All Around"
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
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You\'re The Worst - The Inherent, Unsullied Qualitative Value of Anything - Review: "Reevaluation All Around"
"I swear I wish I\'d never mention Dead Poet\'s Society in front of you. You literally just did the standing on the desk thing, but higher."
So this is the last episode before the double season finale and things are not looking great, this episode left the same bitter taste in my mouth the last one did, because it doesn\'t look like things are going to get better anytime soon. The truth is this time is the first time, in spite of all the previous drama, that I\'m truly afraid for Gretchen and Jimmy\'s relationship, and I really don\'t like that feeling, no matter how much fun every other character is, it\'s their chemistry that truly drives the show and I just don\'t want to see it go on without it.
Gretchen wakes up to a mess Jimmy made in the process of reevaluating his life since he has deemed Ronny\'s no longer a force in his life so he will evaluate everything in his life to deem if its existence is due to him being Ronny\'s son or if he truly needs it. So, to determine the inherent, unsullied qualitative Value of Anything, he has decided to make a pros and cons list of every single thing in his life, including Gretchen, who is terrified fo his scrutiny and what it could mean for their relationship. She regrets mentioning Dead Poet\'s Society and we see her constantly be afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing.
Now, the rest of the episode will be set in Dale (Shitstain) and Jaclyn\'s elopement party. It\'s filmed as a series of long un-cut shots following a group of waiters at the wedding who snort cocaine as they lead us around the party and the different characters. There we find out Lindsay hasn\'t told Paul yet about the abortion and is waiting to be settled in before she leaves the comfort of their house to receive "monthly cheks from the prenup".
Lindsay: Yeah, Paul was like "Oh honey, we don\'t need one", but uh-uh, I didn\'t fall for that sh*t. So, like a boss, I made him.
Gretchen: Lindsay, you ding-dong. A prenup protects the wealthier person, him, in a divorce from giving his money to the poorer person, you.
Lindsay: Are you goddamn kidding me? And you let me get an abortion?! I had a ticket for 18 years of dough and you let me flush my ticket?
So, we knew this already but for the record I have to say it again, Lindsay is the worst person ever. She realizes she will need a job now and starts trying to figure out what the people at the party do, first she follows the waiters until she finds Priscilla, a stylist who likes Lindsay\'s fashion hacks and offers her a job as an assistant, but she tells her there will be travel required. Lindsay is very excited but Paul, oblivious, wants her to disclose her pregnancy, Lindsay refuses so he takes matters into his own hands until she blurts out the truth. Priscilla gives her a card and leaves them to it. But Paul doesn\'t say a thing, first he stands there distraught and then he storms out. I\'m really hoping Priscilla takes Lindsay away so we don\'t have to see her destroy anyone else\'s life, or at least some french dude we don\'t care about.
Jimmy is not being very balanced with his reevaluation of things, he has no clothes and shows up to the party in Edgar\'s clothes. Speaking of Edgar, he gets a text from Doug Benson asking him for las minute sketch ideas, which makes Dorothy mad, not only because he will be working and leaving her alone but because it stirs up the lack of success in her own career, especially when Edgar hits it off with Brian Posehn.
Sam is freaking out because this wedding will change the band\'s life-style and career but Gretchen gives him a pep-talk to stop wallowing in his problems. So he confronts Jaclyn who seems to want nothing with their life-style after the wedding but comforts hi anyways, Sam tries to kiss her and she goes running off to tell Dale. So Sam tries to explain how afraid he is.
Sam: I\'m sorry! I\'m just highly upset! This is all happening so fast. First, you settling down. And as soon as someone agrees to go on a date with Zachary, you know he gonna grab on tight and never let go.
Zachary excited for the idea that someone had actually express interest in him to Sam was just so funny. Dale told him they\'s always be friends and as Sam and Zachary go prepare their speech Jaclyn makes sure Dale understands he won\'t remain friends with Sam, which he has no problem agreeing to.
Gretchen, following her own advice and trying to take some charge of her future, decides to make a pros and cons list of Jimmy, when he finds out they decide to read one item of each other\'s list out loud, and we all know this won\'t end well. The first thing he reads, I don\'t know why, is that he doesn\'t see himself having children with her. She is utterly hurt and surprised so, instead of reading the dumb things she\'d written she decides to say she\'s afraid he\'ll never be successful.
The episode ends with a parallel of when they first met, standing outside a wedding, smoking, but this time they\'re not talking nad they leave in separate cars. I really don\'t know if there\'s any way to fix it but I really hope they do.
What did you guys think of this episode? Where do you think this is going? What do you think Paul will do? I\'d love to read your thoughts.
Note: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes.
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