Young Justice OC'S!!! Club
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(The Blade in this fick is Discord's OC blade, just to make Thad clear.)

Just outside small Cafe in Gotham. 19:30 (7:30 PM)
Tess looked at a pickter in her hand, of her target. The Pikter depicted a young woman whit short blond hair, red eyes and fangs.
Tess smiled "this one should be easy to identify.
She walked into the bar and saw the woman cleaning some tables, it seemed the Cafe was empty, tess took a zitplaats, stoel in one of the booths.
The woman Aproiced her. "wat can i get you.?"
"You can get me a coffee beautiful" she siad smiling the waiters, winking at her jus before she want to fetch the coffee.
When the waiters returned whit her coffee tess, smiled at her "Take a zitplaats, stoel beautiful" the waitress hesitated but sat down in the zitplaats, stoel opposite to Tess.
Tess smiled at her "so why is somwan like u working here?"
"wel i need the money" the waitres siad, tess could clearly see the fangs in het mouth nowe, tess took s sip of her coffee.
"i see, wel wat if i take u out fore drinks tonight beautiful, as a tank u fore the greath serves here?"
"I would like thad. My shift is almost over anyway" she siad.
"oke than il just wiat till your done" tess said.

30 Minuts later.
Tess and the woman walked out of the cafe, and Tess got on het boke, patting the place behind her, the woman get the hint and sat down behind Tess.
"hold on tight" tess said, causing the woman to inpakken, wrap her arm around tess waist as the rode away.

The Cat's Tail Stripclub. 20:05 (8:05 PM).
They got of there bike and tess led the blond inside the Cat's tial, she looked around almost in aw.
"We aint drinking here beautiful, i got a room on the first floor"
The woman flowed tess to the first floor, where they entered a room tess closed the door behind them and locked it, after witch the litch switch on.
"good evening blade" A voice siad.
The blond woman/Blade, turned around and saw Twan sitting behind his desk, Borris standing volgende to him on the left side.
'Twan?!" Blade siad in suprise
"The one and only, I see u are already acquainted whit Tess, my daughter" Twan siad whit a grin.
"Your daughter? Wat is going on here"
Tess smiled as she walked out from behind blade, walking to Twan and sitting down on his bureau on the richt side. "we needet to get u here and this seemed the least conspectuses way" Tess siad whit a smile.
'Wel u got me here, wat nowe?" Blade askt slightly angry she had been lied to.
Twan started to explain."A few people died, noting special, Normal i would just send a few guy's to look into it, but this is personal" he looked sligtly angry "sindes one of the guy's killed was one of my men"
Twan looked at her whit piercing eyes as if he was trying to stare through her soul."Wat makes the case strange is thad al the victims have 1 ting in common they got fang marks on there neks, as if a vampire had bitten them"
Blade looked at hin in unbelief "You tink i killed them? u knowe a woudn't do thad"
Twan's face sofent "i don't tink u dit it, otherwise i had send tess to putt a few bullets thruw u instead of bringing u here"
Tess put a new magazine into her pistol and at the moment as to emheside the statesmen.
"However the GCPD micht not believe you, and i need your help to figer out who was it and clear your name. So your coming whit us to find the killer, and to keep the GCPD of your back"
"Howe exacly will folowing u get the GCPD of my back?" Blade askt.
"wel 1 beceas u will clear your name and 2 Gordon wont touch u wel your whit me, he needs me to do wat he and his lawabieding police can't, in rerun he leaves me be, and cuts me some slak. So we got a deal?"
"yea il help u out"Blade replied.
Twan stood up "good then lets start"
The walked out of the room, as the passed the bar Twan turn the the red hiard woman behind the bar "Rose your in chartse until a get back, if anyone gives u any troubel just ask Sergey to trowe then out, im shure he will be glad to help"
"sure will Boss"a larges, mucular man siad from the other side of the bar.

Arkam Asylem 21:00 (9:00 PM)
They enter Arkham and are let to a visitor cell door a guard.
"Howe is she doing Bobby?" Twan askes.
" she is doing well, she has been a model inmate sindes your last visit mister Shepard, wel as long as we keep her out of spotting ranges from the joker anyway, Here we are miss Quinn is waiting inside"
The Guard opens the door fore them and closes it behind them agien when they have enterd the Cell witing outside the door to let them out when they are finisch.
Harley Quinn junks from her seat, when she sees the group entering.
"Aunt Harley"Tess yesl in happiness, as she runs toward harley and hugs her tigt fore a few seconds.
"Hey there Tessy"harley sias whit a simile wel she looks at Tess, before she turns to Twan. "Howe is it going Kiddo"
"It is going wel everything considert"
"Wat is bothering u kiddo?"harley asks whit a worryd look.
"Somwan is killing poepl and leaving there bodys as if they been killed door a vampire, do u knowe anyting thad can help us stop thad?"
Harley tougt fore a second.
"wel gaint Jonny, dit break out last week and he Dit talk about this Red eyed waitres whit fangs before he broke out"
"I geas thad is me" Blade said.
"Geas so, Wel we got to pay jonny a vissed than, Thanks fore the help Haley"
"Anytime Kiddo, u knowe u can tel me anyting"
Tess smiled "than maybe u should talk about howe protective he is volgende time"
Harley Laugft "Oh Tessy we alredy figerd thad one out long ago"
Tess looked suprised "you Talked to aunt Harley about thad"
"Yes i dit, she hapens to be the only Psychologist i actly trust"
Blade looket at him "Realy?"
"Don't look at me like i am crazy, she got a degree in Psychologie, she is just as cwalafied as the srinks here, the main difrance being she doesn't have file on me the GCPD can read wenever they like, and atleast she understand me."
Blade struged "i geas thad is understandably."

In the Car 22:00 (20:00 PM)
Boris was driving wel Tess and Blade were sitting in the back seat, Twan sat in the pasangers zitplaats, stoel and was puncing in a number in his phone.
"Hey Babs it is me"
On the other end Barbra Gordon piked up the phone.
"Hey Twan, would u mind calling back later im in a hurry"
Than smiled "No it can not, why your going a nicht on the town whit bird boy?"
"As a mather of fact i am, so why are u calling?"
"Giant Jonny escaped, i believe he is conected to the resend vampire murders, do u have any idea were he can be?"
Barbra went silend fore a momend before returning "I got somting here, a old warhous door the docks the poliece chuat him last time, maybe he is hiding there agien."
Twan smled "thanks Babs, have a good night, and tell Bird Boy i siad hi"
Barbra smiled "Il tell Dik u siad hi"

Abandoned warehouse. 22:30 (10:30PM)
Twan kicked down the door entering the warehous, closely flowed door Blade,Tess and Boris.
On the other side of the room stood a larg man (about 2 meters), who turned toward the door at the sound of it being kicked in, he tried riasing his gun toward the door, at witch point Blade flew past Twan toward the man, at superhuman speeds, grabbing his arm and trowing him against the wall.
Twan slowly walked up to him, puting a pistol to his forehead. "Hello Jonny, its been a long time"
Jonny looked at Twan "Shepard, should have known it was you"
Twan smiled "Yeah i dont enjoy people trying to frame my vrienden fore there murders" He siad wel pointing to Blade whit his them, pressing the pistol harder agiesnt Jonnys forehead.
Jonny sichted "Fine, then end it u bastard"
Twan smiled widly from ear to ear, as he pulled back the pistol "I won't kill you, youl go back to arkham, but this time your gonna be the one fearing fore his live instead of me"
Jonny laugft "And why is thad kid?"
Twan smiled, hitting Jonny whit the back of his pistol once "Beceas i but have to snap my fingers, and they will kill you, there are a lot of people in arkahm Thad would be meer than happy to do me thad Small favor"
"I geas thad is taken care of"Tess siad.
Twan turned to Tess wel she spoke, during witch Jonny got back up trying to hit Twan, Sudenly they heard a loud sound as jonny fel to the floor, as the turnd back to were jonny had been they saw Harley Quinn Standing over Jonne holding a metal candy cone collard baseball bat in her hands. "thought u might wanted some help kiddo"
Twan smiled "Thanks Harley, would u mind bringing him back to arkham?"
"Ofchous not kiddo, i got to get back anyway." Harley siad, walking Jonny our of the building.
"Are u sure Thad is wise, wat is stopping here from just running away?" Blade askst?
Twan Smiled "Harley has never let me down before, she will bring him back"
"You shure u can thrust her?"
"I never told u why i trust Harley as mutch as i do, dit i?"
"No u didnt"
"Wel it is a long story, but i geas we got time anof.
Wel this is the story." Twan took a deep breath before telling the story.
"It al started years ago, when i arrived at Arkham i was terribly scared, i had heard the story's of all the violence, i kept looking over my my shoulders.
I was in Arkham fore about a week, and i was not looking were i was walking beceas i was looking around to mutch. So i bumpt into Jonny, as u can imagine he had a anger problem and tryd beating me to death fore it. When i finally escaped from his grasp, i crawled away from him hiding behind some woman's legs. I was sure Jonny would drag me from there and kille me, but when i looked up it turnd out i was hiding behind Harley Quinn, and she was yelling at Jonny to leave and let me be. Jonny the guy i had been so afraid of, was shaking on his legs when Harley talked to him.
After he left Harley knelt down and siad to me: Don't worry Kiddo, he won't hurt u il make sure of thad.
Afther thad i mostly hang around whit Harley, folowing her around, she made shure nowan dared rias a finger to me, beceas they knew Harley would hurt them badly if they dit.
Afther 2 weeks i asked her if she could train me, So i could defend myself.
The volgende few months she trained me, teaching me everything i needed to knowe to survive, in arkham and Gotham in general.
volgende time i bumpt into Jonny, i had the coincidence to take him on, beceas i knew Harley was watching, i knew thad even if i coudn't beat him, she would make shure he woudn't be able to hurt me to badly.
And thad turnd out to be al i needed to beat him.
And afther we escaped from Arkham Harley continued to take care of me fore years, no mather the uur of howe badly i was woundet, she was always willing to patch me up and nurse me back to health, I could always tell her everything, watever it was thad was bothering me.
Thad is why i trust Harley and am gratfull to her, Beceas she took care of me and cared fore me when nowane els would." Twan smiled "Honestly she stil does thad to this day, if i ask her too, toug thad is rare nowe a days, But i never forget wat she has done fore me, it is beceas of here thad i am alive today."
Blade looked at Twan suprised door wat he had just told her "wel i geas thad explains it"
Twan smiled "It does, But we got something to celebrate so lets head back to the Cat's Tial"
 Halrey Quinn
Halrey Quinn
The following excerpt contains major spoilers for the finale of Divided We Fall. If u wish to read the book with no spoilers, please exit this page. u have been warned.

New York City
June 18, 08:09 EST
Sam groaned and rolled over. He didn’t find Holly. Sam slowly sat up, looking around for his girlfriend. This was strange, hulst, holly never got up before him. Sam rolled out of bed and tried to flatten his hair before pulling on a gewaad, kleed and walking into the living room. He was about to start worrying...
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posted by Mclovin_69
She placed a warm towell on the little girls forehead and sat on the coffee tafel, tabel across from the divan, bank staring at her sadly, " Sil maybe u should go relax..." he said, she turned to Bentley and sighed " what if she doesnt wake up..what if she doesnt have parents...." she muttered out. Bentley looked at Aryess and sighed " go relax please....we'll figure this out.. " he muttered, she let out a shaken breath and stood up walking over to him " if i couldnt relax last night what makes u think i can now... " Aryess gazed up at him with tired eyes. Bentley sighed and looked at her not knowing...
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A sharp knocking came at the door. Artemis jerked awake from Wally’s shoulder and looked up. “I’ll get it babe.”

The blonde stood up and slid on the gewaad, kleed she had laying over the back of the couch. Artemis walked out of the bedroom and through the living room before opening the door. A man in Bermuda shorts and a hawaiin overhemd, shirt stood outside the door. A low straw hat hid his features, but he was deathly pale.

“Hello,” Artemis said, somewhat nervously.
“Hello, Miss Grant.” The almost sinister voice came.

“This is Miss West.” Artemis replied.

A small chuckle. “I’m looking...
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A sharp knocking came at the door. Artemis jerked awake from Wally’s shoulder and looked up. “I’ll get it babe.”

The blonde stood up and slid on the gewaad, kleed she had laying over the back of the couch. Artemis walked out of the bedroom and through the living room before opening the door. A man in Bermuda shorts and a hawaiin overhemd, shirt stood outside the door. A low straw hat hid his features, but he was deathly pale.

“Hello,” Artemis said, somewhat nervously.

“Hello, Miss Grant.” The almost sinister voice came.

“This is Miss West.” Artemis replied.

A small chuckle. “I’m looking...
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posted by Robin_Love
Her hart-, hart froze as she recognized the two males coming towards her. Just perfect! I don't want this. Not now; not ever! She turned on her heels and headed quickly in the other direction. She could feel them, their eyes on her, their mouths probably drooling. She shuddered and headed down an alley, knowing they would follow her. And when they rounded the corner, she pointed her guns at their heads.
“Speak fast. Silver bullets. Now.”
One of them smiled while the other answered.
“We were sent to find you. He need of your presence.”
“Tell him I want no part of it.”
“He suspected...
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 Goodnight Moon is Really a book XDD This is the Cover! u might remember it from your childhood!
Goodnight Moon is Really a book XDD This is the Cover! You might remember it from your childhood!
Goodnight Moon.. :)

He set up the mic, played a small tune on his piano and cleared his throat. Becca had gone to sleep and he wrote a song for her, yet he had no nerve to tell her about it meer of less sing it to her.

Closing his eyes he flipped the light switch so he was in utter darkness and set his fingers on the piano. One door one they began playing a tune, no sooner he began singing.

"And don't go to bed yet, love,
I think it's early,
And we just need a little time to ourselves.

If my uithangbord clock tells me that it's four
In the morning,
I'll give it hell.

'Cause I've been trying way too long,...
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posted by ArtemisYJ
I have a VERY trustworthy bron and gathered up as much information about what is going on.

~Rumor: The reason they cancelled Young Justice on Saturday was due to the fact Stephanie Brown made an apperence and they didn't have legal copyright stuff.
THIS RUMOR IS FALSE^ It's not true.

~: iTunes has removed both new episodes of Young Justice and Green Lantern: The Animated Series.

~There has been rumor that Young Justice and GLTAS will be done after this season but new information is arising that when the new Batman and Teen Titans series is coming a full out DC night will come out including the...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Step one u say we need to talk
He walks u say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and u stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
And u begin to wonder why u came

"Sit down. We need to talk." I demanded. Ciel started to walk the other way. I stood up.
"Ciel!" I yelled. He turned and smiled. He sat on the chair across from me. I sat down at stared at him. I didnt know him anymore....

Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with...
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posted by Mclovin_69
She smiled leaning in the doorway " ready to go? ", " in just a minuut " he muttered standing in the bathroom mirror playing with his hair, she smiled still letting out a giggle and walked in and stepped infront of him brushing the hair out of his face, he flicked his hair back and it fell back in his face. " Bentley! " she whined out pouting playfully, he let out a giggle as she reached for his hair again as he tried blocking her with his arms. She sighed droppping her arms and put a hand at her hip and gave him a playful look " i cant quite understand u Thompson " she said. Bentley smiled...
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I feel the rush of the wind, my panting breath, the cold stone of the tall glass fortress underneath my boots. I see the grand city as I stand in my red armor. In a sudden verplaats I launch a rope from a small metal device and I’m flying through the air, like my name sake a robin. I’m a bird flying through the air, my duty to protect the city is strong in my heart. I-
“Prince Richard! Prince Richard!” I sigh as I tear my eyes away from the skyline from the kasteel windows.
“Yes, Wallace?” I ask, as I look at the fastest messenger in the kingdom, his face was roze from the cold winds and...
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"Declan, are u ready yet?" Aryess peered into the mirror, trying to fit in the back to her silver dangly earring.
"Almost," the 21-year-old called from the other room. "Why do I have to go to this thing again?"
"Because I want to be there when Jasper makes the big announcement."
"Again, why do I have to go?" Declan walked into the foyer wearing a navy three-piece suit. His fair hair was spiked in the front casually, somehow boyishly mature.
"To toon support for our friends!" she said. "Where's Riley?"
"Tada!" the four-year-old exclaimed as he jumped up from behind the couch. His bright-blue eyes...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Okay, spoilers for Darkest (if u haven't seen it u have no life). Otherwise, and comment? pwEASE.

I used to rule the world
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to rule

Kyra passed door the remnants of the cave, and glanced back at Demon, who was fingering the blade of her katana. “You can’t be serious.”
“I’m dead serious.”
“But the cave was our home!”
“Then u can remain here and make sure it’s real. But I’m not joking with you. This is what happens to you-- to us all in a couple years.”
She walked straight...
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Don't worry, this isn't a whole new series.. I kinda got carried away, so it’s probably gonna be at least 3 parts (would that be a three-shot of a series?? lol). BTWs this takes place when Aisling’s 8 so that’d, u do the math.
His eyes widened as he stepped into the alley, wrinkling his nose at the stench that wafted toward him in thick clouds. He had to walk on his tiptoes to avoid the piles of filth and unidentifiable substances, and he grimaced at the squelching noises his combat boots made on the ground. Pinching his nose shut, he scanned the alley, praying that no one...
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posted by Robin_Love
I had to write this!!! It's just....Oh you'll have to read it! Enjoy!!!!

The smell wafted through the base. It was warm, comforting. Trevor, Zero, and Todd looked up from where they were playing cards in the living room. Zeth stood at the counter, piling chocolate chip koekjes, cookies onto a plate. Terror ventured out of his room, eyebrows raised.
“You know Zero doesn't like this,” he said.
“Screw that.”
Terror watched Zeth place a fan door the cookies, aimed at the vent.
“There are reasons it's not allowed,” Trevor chimed in.
“I know. Couldn't help it.”
“What are u talking about?” Todd...
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For Silverwing's challenge. Crap-ass title. Fin's... 3 years younger, I think.. not sure... *shrug*

“Chelsea!” came a high-pitched young squeal of a voice that set the teen’s nerves on edge. The kid was ten, and already she was bugging the hell out of her. The 15-year old focused on the girl who was practically bouncing with happiness. “What?” she managed to ask, attempting to keep any venom out of her voice. Mr. Wilson had told her to be somewhat nice to the brat.
“Slade promised that you’d train me today!” Infinity screeched, jumping out of practically nowhere, which was probably...
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posted by CoaxochYJ
Just cuz I was borrrrrred.

This one~shot has no moral, its just stuff to read if your bored.

I woke up, covered in soft, warm blankets. I groaned and rolled over, not wanting to verplaats from my nest of blankets.
"Come we go..." Ciel zei as he picked me up.
"Good morning." I said, groggily, and cheerfully.
"Morning sleepy feathers." He said, throwing me over his shoulder. I rubbed my eyes and felt the inconsistencies as he walked down the stairs. I felt like a lump of potatos. My legs thumped against Ciel's chest with every step he took. Ciel walked into the kitchen, pulled me off his shoulder,...
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posted by MercyYJ

She stared at the faintly glowing symbol on her wrist, the pain slowly increasing along with the visibility of the mark.
"Only Maura, Karas, Carter, Kyle, and Gavin?"
"The only ones we're missing, yeah."
"Well, how much longer?"

Boulder, Colorado:

She snuck up behind him, the smallest smirk plastered on her face. "Got you!" She squealed and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders.
He laughed, tilting his head up to allow her to peck lovingly at his forehead. There were 3 of 4 meer seconden of giggles before there was a small tap on the window in front of them, causing...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Earlier that week everything had been perfectly normal. Fin, Delta, and Robin were relaxing on the couch, flipping through channels (Connor was not pleased that they’d fixed the static--he’d disappeared into his room some time geleden complaining about his favoriete show.) M’gann was in the kitchen, Artemis was sitting on the counter. Wally was eating the burnt koekjes, cookies that M’gann had pulled out some time ago, and Kaldur was sparring with Nathan in the main room.
Fin’s hand began to go even faster, smoke coming off the remote as she sped up to a Wally-like pace. The T.V. couldn’t keep...
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posted by Hot_ShotYJ
 Image credit: Adonihs
Image credit: Adonihs
Name: Sebastienne Bellerose Moran

Alias: Hot Shot

Occupation: Assassin, professional sniper, black riem martial artist.

Appearance: Long and light brown hair but sometimes dyes it black for disguises, icy blue eyes, tall.

Personality: Loud, out going, kind, serious, can be aggressive very easily, caring, loyal.

Power: She heals but not rapidly, it is possible for her to die (obviously), and she age like normal people (also obviously) . She can also heal others as well but can’t bring them back to life.

Weapons: Rifle, two hand guns, knives, explosives.

Hero outfit: Black T shirt, black or...
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posted by MidnightYJ
((Too involved in RP to change accounts))

She adjusted the small tafel, tabel mirror, watching her reflected fingers braid her hair. She wasn't really paying attention to anything, just relaxed.
“Stop worrying, will ya? You're gorgeous.”
She jumped at the voice and turned to see the fifteen-year-old soldier sitting on her window sill.
“You scared me! I didn't know u were here.”
The young warrior shrugged.
“I have that affect on people.”
“Not all people.”
She shrugged again, her foot hanging out the window, swinging against the sheer cliff drop the little house was located by.
“What are...
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