Arthur Club
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added by JohnnyD
added by hornean
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by snakes627
Source: My Arthur Cast Meme
added by carol1022
added by ilovearthur
Source: me
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by snakes627
Source: Arthur and his vrienden watch
added by FanFic_Girl_26
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007
posted by Courtneyfan6
D.W.: (after Arthur realizes that D.W. has accidentally broken his plane) If it could break the sound barrier, falling out of a window shouldn't be able to break it.
Arthur: (angrily) I told u not to touch it.
D.W.: u built it all wrong! Did u even read the directions?
(Arthur furiously gets on his feet and grits his teeth, but D.W. is too busy talking to be afraid.)
D.W.: It didn't fly for one second! It's not my fault if u made a plane that can't fly.
Arthur: (lividly) I told you... NOT TO TOUCH IT!!!!!!
(He punches D.W., and she hits the ground; D.W. wails in agony as she heads back inside.)...
continue reading...
added by ToonBoyDan
Source: D.W., Vicita and Madison tonen 1 another their bellybuttons in Miss Morgan's class
added by carol1022
added by MJ_Fan_4Life007