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Source: Where needed
added by Dearheart
Source: Dearheart
added by colouredhazel
added by midnight-stars
I'm not going to tell u my age cause you'll all just say it's good for my age but my age on my fanpop page isn't my real one. I just want your opinion on it.

Maddie kept her eyes shut, she felt sick with horrer and the fear of her friends' lifes was so strong.
"Maddie?" Vita's voice sounded week and unstable as if she had been suffering a terrible attack.
"Vita? Are u ok? Where's the others? Do u have the page?" Maddie's voice was urgent and quick as if she had too much to say and not enough time to say it.

I've got to go now, but is that good =]
added by fatoshleo
added by fatoshleo
added by zanhar1
added by DrDevience
Source: Lori Leidig
added by SwarlsBarkley
There is a book that teaches how to be a bully and it's about to ruin Eric Haskins life. Download The Bully Book on Amazon: link
added by vanillaicecream
posted by tellymaster
Recently, I came across a challenge to see if u could read 50 boeken in a year. The person who came up with the challenge zei that they didn't beat it and ended the jaar with only 30 boeken read. Intrigued, I wondered how many boeken I could read in a year, so on September 29th, 2010, I started. So far, I've read Frankenstein door Mary Shelley which I finished on 9/30/10. I had already started reading it when I began.
I know some people are very active readers and probably have already read 50 boeken in a year. My goal is really to see how dedicated I could be and see how many I read door the end...
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posted by disney505218
This is mostly book characters but a few others are on the honerable mentions.

Honorable Mentions

Shifu (Kung Fu Panda)
Advantages-Awesome little dude. He can do the fighting that u need to be small to do.
Disadvantages-Cranky. Grumpy. Not very confident.

Angel (Angel)
Advantages-Great fighter, great leader, nice person
Disadvantages-Angsty, emotional, broods a lot.

Mal (Firefly)
Advantages-Strong, Good leader, loyal, brave.
Disadvantages-Goes door his own set of rules.

Mr.Eko (Lost)
Advantages-Strong, smart, brave
Disadvantages-Not the nicest guy, with a pretty messy past.

Aragorn (Lord of the...
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added by Eirinaki_b_13
I Am Number Four door Pitticus Lore sequel The Power of Number Six out 6/30/11
i am number four
pitticus lore
Kaisa reviews
the summoning
the awakening
the reckoning
added by DaniKatZ
added by breebree446