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Charlize Theron Charlize Vs Penelope

31 fans picked:
 october_song posted een jaar geleden
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james74 picked Charlize:
she is one if not the most beautiful stars in hollywood hands down and on top of that she can be very hot and sexy when the need arises and down to earth and sweet as well she is #1
posted een jaar geleden.
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snowwhitesilver picked Penelope:
That was a very, VERY hard choice!
posted een jaar geleden.
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QueenofHorror picked Charlize:
I'm sorry but ever since I saw Vicky, Christina, Barcleona, yeah...she looked like a crack addict so sorry Cruz fans she will never be attractive to me again
posted een jaar geleden.
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Claudizzz picked Charlize:
I love Penelope too!
posted een jaar geleden.
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rikku_chan picked Charlize:
i don't even know who Penelope is.
posted een jaar geleden.