Childhood Animated Movie Villains Who's your favoriete non-Disney villain?

Pick one:
Hexxus (ferngully)
Mr. mol (thumbilia)
Mr. Beattle (thumbliia
Grundel (thumbilia)
Mrs. Toad (thumbilia)
Rothbart (swan princess)
Rasputin (anastasia)
ZigZag (thief &the cobbler)
Ruber (quest for camlot)
Lord Farquaad (shrek)
Fairy Godmother (sherk 2)
Prince Charming (shrek 2,3)
Rumpelstiltskin (shrek 4)
Eris (sinbad legend of the 7 seas)
Tzekel Kan (road to el dorado)
Napoleon (animal farm)
Added by Pyjamarama
Tai Lung (Kung Fu Panda
Added by Tripod75
The Joker ( Batman The Animated Series )
Added by rzenteno
Mrs. Melisha Tweedy (Chicken Run, 2000, Aardman)
Added by 99148770
is the choice you want missing? go ahead and add it!
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