Colin morgan When Merlin Ends:(

luv4ColinMorgan posted on Mar 18, 2012 at 05:59AM
i don't know what i will do when that happens!

Colin morgan 2 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden heartmerlin2 said…
Keep on rewatching the episodes I guess. Fall in love with the show more, keep watching the actors in their new roles... and do your best to keep all the fansites running.
goldensage06 commented…
@heartmerlin2 lol that's what i did now every time i even get close to the end of even like season 2 i start to cry because i love it so much! i got so obsessed and now it just keeps getting worse i feel like they should have a doctor who episode where they go back to merlin and arthur times and have colin and bradley play merlin and arthur i seriously thin that would be fan-freaking0tastic! IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!! een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden goldensage06 said…
@heartmerlin2 lol that's what i did now every time i even get close to the end of even like season 2 i start to cry because i love it so much! i got so obsessed and now it just keeps getting worse i feel like they should have a doctor who episode where they go back to merlin and arthur times and have colin and bradley play merlin and arthur i seriously thin that would be fan-freaking0tastic! IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!