Damon & Elena damon & elena links
the most amazing damon & elena fic ever i hope the toon will end like this
7 fans
7 fans
7 fans
My thoughts on "The End of the Affair" and the need for Delena. Basically an unorganized babble of the episode/my hopes/thoughts for upcoming episodes.
7 fans
7 fans
7 fans
[Preview] The redeeming qualities that Damon possesses, we may not see for a while...The vraag is, is there any humanity left in him?
7 fans
[Preview] “Damon still has a long way to go until it will be man enough to deserve Elena."
7 fans
Elena's love for Damon is real
7 fans
Why a "Non-Exsistent couple" like DE can end up together in the end
een jaar geleden
7 fans