Damon Salvatore Quotes [1x01]Which quote?

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12 fans picked:
Hello brother!
Stefan: Stay away from Elena. Damon: I take that as an invitation.
Thank god! Couldn't take another dag of the 90's.
Stefan: What are u doing here? Damon: I missed my little brother
Your hairs different, I like it!
Damon: I promised u an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word.
Damon: I was impressed. I'll give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly s
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 TeFi posted een jaar geleden
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TeFi picked Stefan: Stay away from Elena. Damon: I take that as an invitation.:
5.Damon: I was impressed. I'll give it a six. Missing style, but I was pleasantly surprised. Very good with the whole face thing, it was good.
posted een jaar geleden.
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house_of_nightx picked Hello brother!:
i ove it wen damon says hello brother its a classic from the book!
posted een jaar geleden.