drewjoana <3 Club
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posted by drewjoana
The First toon I ever watched: Allo Allo!
Most recent One I Watched (and loved): Teen Wolf
My favoriete Type Of Shows: Drama Ones, I admire powerful and well written Dramas.
films I recall to watch the most as a Kid: E.T. and Jurassic Park.
Most recent One I Watched (and loved): The Hurt Locker
My First Celebrity Teen Crush: Devon Sawa
My Other Teen Crushes: Kevin spek and Nicolas Cage.
My favoriete muziek Band as a Teen: Savage Garden.
My favoriete Classic TV Shows: Beverly Hills 90210, Cheers, Alf and Quantum Leap.

to be continued...
posted by rakshasa
Season 2 Episode 12: "Donnie of Marie"

Holder: Minimum wage ain't worth fighting the popo.

Jamie: Now if that's it, "bro," I've got a campaign to resuscitate.

Holder: No late fees on those DVDs, right?

Season 2 Episode 8: "Off the Reservation"

Jack: Why can't u come with me?

Holder: Just got to row with the flow, like my man Bruce Lee.

Carlson: Nothing personal detective, but I don't like you.

Season 2 Episode 7: "Keylela"

Holder: Damn, now I know what that guy meant when he zei the casino is business in the front and party in the back.

Holder: Easy there Thunderheart, we don't got a safety...
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posted by drewjoana
Name: Joana

Age: 28

Country: Portugal

Favorite TV Shows: Homeland, Castle, NCIS, Rectify, One boom Hill, Doctor Who, New Girl, Teen Wolf, Girls, Misfits and tones Of Uk Comedy Series like Coupling, Absoultely Fabulous, Extras and The IT Crowd.

OTP Shippings: Carrie & Brody// Homeland and kasteel & Beckett// Castle

Other Shipping that I also Adore: Tony & Ziva// NCIS, Jim & Callie// The Glades, Booth & Bones// Bones, Derek & Jennifer// Teen Wolf, Hal & Alex// Being Human, Grayson & Jane// Drop Dead Diva, Branson & Sybil// Downton Abbey, Holder & Linden// The...
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posted by HaleyDewit
This is my first rap song. It's about my co-worker. It's not very nice. Also, somewhere there's the line 'i don't mind being the hottest chick around' I usually don't say those kinds of things. She just really pissed me off.

Talking shit like a twit
That’s all u can do
But when it comes down to it
Nothing gets through to you
You’re all big talk
But u got no game
And this poor me crap
Is really fucking lame
Who the hell are you
To play victimized
We’ve all got issues, bitch
But I guess yours are worse than mine
If you’d be the honest person
You claim to be
You wouldn’t talk third
person singular...
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