Ed & Jessica How do we feel about Ed & Jessica?

ChuckBlairLuvA posted on Dec 02, 2008 at 05:16PM
I really was always holding out for Ed & Leighton, cause CB's amazing chemistry is just sooooo addicting to watch. But Leighton has Sebastian, Penn has Blake and now Ed has Jessica. Are we happy about this? Yes or no? AND WHY!!!!!!!

Ed & Jessica 5 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden ilovelv said…
I really don't know actually cause, like you, I was hoping for Ed & Leighton!!
een jaar geleden pink_martini2 said…
I'm okay with that.

They are cute together. Their real lives are theirs. We have the characters. Isn't that enough?
een jaar geleden ChuckBlairLuvA said…
yes. =)
een jaar geleden amberRocks said…
They are so cute together!!!I love them!!!
een jaar geleden Legendary said…
i love GG couples,in real life!!! but if they break up the GG can be really weird!! i don't wanna this!!
and ,yeah, they're really cute together!!:D