Edward Scissorhands Club
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added by TheCountess
Source: TheCountess
added by eternaldelirium
added by shenelopefan
added by kevinitoiz
added by Tmac1971
Emotional video arranged, performed, directed, and edited door indie artist IDGAF OG, expressing an emotional past, cutting ties on old friendships and relationships. The art of cutting people off
edward scissorhands
johnny depp
tim burton
muziek video
dany elfman
added by Haley-Lautner
added by misanthrope86
Source: 20th Century vos, fox / made door me
added by TheCountess
Source: TheCountess
added by TheCountess
Source: Twentieth Century vos, fox Film Corp.
added by shenelopefan
added by janulinecka
added by MrOrange16
added by Linalie
added by ozchickwa
added by Juhcy
Source: nix916 (deviantart)
added by ozchickwa
added by Haley-Lautner
added by janulinecka
added by Tmac1971