Embry Call Updates

a poll was toegevoegd: do u think that embry should've imprinted on angela at the graduation party at the cullens? een jaar geleden by TWILIGHT365
a comment was made to the poll: Hottest Were-wolf? Oh and just to point out I hate Jacob and labled his pic stupidmut on my computor een jaar geleden by ToxicShock
a screencap was toegevoegd: Into the darkness een jaar geleden by LadyA00
a photo was toegevoegd: Kiowa een jaar geleden by LadyA00
fan art was toegevoegd: funny een jaar geleden by LadyA00
an answer was added to this question: Do you think that Embry needs a bigger part in the movies?? I mean he definitely has a sence of humor!!! een jaar geleden by angelfw
an answer was added to this question: Do you think that Embry needs a bigger part in the movies?? I mean he definitely has a sence of humor!!! een jaar geleden by misstyger
a comment was made to the photo: embry een jaar geleden by teamseth234
a comment was made to the photo: Embry Call promo een jaar geleden by teamseth234
a comment was made to the photo: Embry Call promo een jaar geleden by teamseth234
an answer was added to this question: Do you think that Embry needs a bigger part in the movies?? I mean he definitely has a sence of humor!!! een jaar geleden by kenzichu
a comment was made to the poll: do u Love Embry (Krys Hyatt) and why? een jaar geleden by CodyVenusTrent
a comment was made to the poll: Do u think that Krys Hyatt (Embry) Shold hve a better Role in The Twilight saga (All book + Movies)??? een jaar geleden by CodyVenusTrent
a question was toegevoegd: Do you think that Embry needs a bigger part in the movies?? I mean he definitely has a sence of humor!!! een jaar geleden by Crazyforwolves