Hi everyone! Just reminding all Fantage fans that it is Premium member weekend and if you're not a member u get all member items FOR FREE just this weekend SO LOGIN! u are a premium member for this weekend only!
geplaatst een jaar geleden
Yah this is really good news. I gotta start playing Fantage again like i used to.MyFantage gebruikersnaam is Tk_Wolf. of Tk_Patamon. It's been a while since i played Fantage. :3een jaar geleden
Fantage is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! My gebruikersnaam is amethyst201 if ya meets meez on peer, pear papegaai of yellow yeti server, i will be ur friend i am a memba for ur infowmationz
geplaatst een jaar geleden
I hav over 20,000 stars!! I did all those mini quest things. they get u a TON of money! I'm trying not to waist all of it though. I'm waiting for something I REALLY want. I've already gotten a overhemd, shirt and some furnature!!!! See u around fantage!!
geplaatst een jaar geleden
OMG!!!! I just bought a moonstone, diamond, and smaragd, emerald and got the leapord dress!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
geplaatst een jaar geleden
I enjoy Fantage but I hate the war between mems and nons. I dont get how this even got started!!! nons are the some as mems, jst with less clothes!!! Mems need to b nicer and nons need to stop thinking we r all jerks.
geplaatst een jaar geleden
I got on Fantage and it totally rocks!!! I have been a member for 4 months!!!! Before I got o Fantage, I was a member on Club Penguin. Fantage is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better than Club Penguin!!!!
geplaatst een jaar geleden
OMG!!!!!!!!!!! I jst got on fanpop! I have been a member on Fantage for months! It is totally great. that means i have been on Fantage for about 6 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!een jaar geleden
i tend to agree with hunterwms and michelle. no one will spend money on a random person. if they offer it, dont take it cuz the person is probably a hakereen jaar geleden
I know im sooo old(13), but I LOVE Fantage! i mean the characters are so kute! plus u will be able to make a "mate" LOL! i cheated on SOO many of them! i am still a premium member! I love it still!!! add me whenever u can spot me! the name is "jazzy29399" plus the website got good reviews.... ;)
geplaatst een jaar geleden
my name is awesomme1!!!!!!!!!!! My sister is 13 and she created an account cuz i kinda forced her to!! she hasnt gotton on scince. but personaly, i think u ca b 30 yrs old and still play on fantage!!!!!!! LOL!!!een jaar geleden
wow i remmeber this site good times good times ;') hahhahaha i used to have it when i was like 14 of somthin i was premuim member xD but now its for kids i think......
geplaatst een jaar geleden
I found out a new cheat myself: how to make a clone of yourself. Go to hidden meadow. say YES u wanna play then quickly go to the forest. It will have a morphed version of u until u refresh. It won't stay forever.
geplaatst een jaar geleden