Fictional Boyfriends Updates

a comment was made to the fan art: My Fictional Boyfriend een jaar geleden by Bisexualnerd22
a question was toegevoegd: Having more than one FBF een jaar geleden by beautybeastfan2
an answer was added to this question: Where is your fbf from? een jaar geleden by SherlockStark
an answer was added to this question: If you and your fbf are married, what are the in-laws like? een jaar geleden by SherlockStark
a comment was made to the poll: What's your fbf's and his girlfriend's song? een jaar geleden by wanderingchild7
a comment was made to the poll: If your fbf has a girlfriend, do they live "happily ever after"? een jaar geleden by wanderingchild7
a comment was made to the poll: Is this the first time you've had an fbf? een jaar geleden by wanderingchild7
a comment was made to the poll: If u were to think of a fate for your fbf's "girlfriend" what would it be? een jaar geleden by wanderingchild7
a comment was made to the poll: Do u and your fbf have a song? een jaar geleden by wanderingchild7
a comment was made to the photo: Loki and Oc een jaar geleden by fansfunsz
a comment was made to the question: Who is your fictional boyfriend? een jaar geleden by KaulitZfan
a comment was made to the answer: Well, mine is not from a book of movie. He is Dick and hes a vampire. But if I HAVE TO have one from a book... Edward Cullen from the TWILIGHT series. een jaar geleden by KaulitZfan
an answer was added to this question: how many FBFs do u have? een jaar geleden by KaulitZfan
a comment was made to the poll: Rate your fbf's sweetness on a scale of 1-5. een jaar geleden by KaulitZfan
a comment was made to the poll: Where is your fbf from? een jaar geleden by KaulitZfan
a comment was made to the poll: How many fictional boyfriends have u had (or still have)? een jaar geleden by KaulitZfan
a comment was made to the answer: I have 5 Darren: cirque du freak Evra:cirque du freak Percy Jackson: Percy Jackson series and heros of Olympus Nico di Angelo: pj series and HoO... een jaar geleden by bacongirl6112
an answer was added to this question: how many FBFs do u have? een jaar geleden by bacongirl6112
a comment was made to the icon: I'm not talkin' 2 myself i'm talkin' 2 him! een jaar geleden by PonygirlCurtis7
a comment was made to the poll: If u and u fbf had kids, how many would u have? What are their names? een jaar geleden by PonygirlCurtis7
a comment was made to the poll: When did u start to fall for your fbf? een jaar geleden by PonygirlCurtis7
a comment was made to the poll: How long have u had your (current) fbf? een jaar geleden by PonygirlCurtis7
a comment was made to the photo: My Fictional BoyFriend! een jaar geleden by AwesomeFangirl
an answer was added to this question: Who is your fictional boyfriend? een jaar geleden by girsmurf22
an answer was added to this question: Who is your fictional boyfriend? een jaar geleden by PrettyBender
a photo was toegevoegd: my fictional boyfriend <3<3<3 een jaar geleden by girsmurf22
an answer was added to this question: how many FBFs do u have? een jaar geleden by girsmurf22
an answer was added to this question: Who's your fbf, and what do you love about him? een jaar geleden by 11sam1234
an answer was added to this question: Who is your fictional boyfriend? een jaar geleden by KoriAnders
a question was toegevoegd: Who is your fictional boyfriend? een jaar geleden by Jesus-Freak101
an answer was added to this question: If you are a single lady on the 'outside' world, are you okay with the fact that your FBF/s is all you have? een jaar geleden by Lady_Rebel
an answer was added to this question: If you are a single lady on the 'outside' world, are you okay with the fact that your FBF/s is all you have? een jaar geleden by Angerboda
a comment was made to the poll: If your fbf is from a book, u prefer him... een jaar geleden by Angerboda
a comment was made to the poll: What happens when u read about your fbf kissing a girl? een jaar geleden by Angerboda
a comment was made to the link: Find Out What Your FBF's Name Means! een jaar geleden by ladyshela
a question was toegevoegd: If you are a single lady on the 'outside' world, are you okay with the fact that your FBF/s is all you have? een jaar geleden by ladyshela
an answer was added to this question: Put a picture of your cutie, and I'll give you a prop! een jaar geleden by MrsCharliePace
an answer was added to this question: how many FBFs do u have? een jaar geleden by MrsCharliePace
a comment was made to the answer: My fbf is from Gondor. ;) He's Boromir from the Lord of the Rings. een jaar geleden by MrsCharliePace
an answer was added to this question: Where is your fbf from? een jaar geleden by MrsCharliePace
a comment was made to the answer: The Vampire Diaries <3 Damon from the toon though, not the books. een jaar geleden by MrsCharliePace
a comment was made to the poll: What's your favoriete quality about your fbf? een jaar geleden by LunaLovegood123
an answer was added to this question: If you and your fbf are married, what are the in-laws like? een jaar geleden by Jeffersonian
an answer was added to this question: Where is your fbf from? een jaar geleden by Jeffersonian
an answer was added to this question: how many FBFs do u have? een jaar geleden by Jeffersonian
a poll was toegevoegd: me vs u een jaar geleden by lexxia
an icon was toegevoegd: I'm not talkin' 2 myself i'm talkin' 2 him! een jaar geleden by LokiLuver13
a poll was toegevoegd: How many fictional boyfriends have u had (or still have)? een jaar geleden by -Alohomora-
an answer was added to this question: Where is your fbf from? een jaar geleden by hottiecoolcat
an answer was added to this question: Where is your fbf from? een jaar geleden by Lustful