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Fighting For Freedom! Vraag

Do u think Knuckles and Locke have a good relationship?

My answer:
I'd say it's kinda in between. Knuckles and Locke do have a good relationship as father and son but they have the occasional fights meer often than most families do
the fights they have are also the reason Locke died
musiclover2015 posted een jaar geleden
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Fighting For Freedom! Antwoorden

Knuckles2019 said:
yeah they have a good relationship. though Locke pays meer attention to his duties than his own son so maybe not...i'm gonna say 50/50
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jessig said:
i disagree w/ u! that is perpostrous! they hav an awesome relationship!! even tho they fight and locke just tries to help!!! he still cares about knuckles and lara-le even tho they r divorced!! and knuckles didn't hate his dad cuz wen he died, knuckles actually cried! if they didnt hav a gd relationship, knuckles wouldn't care and wouldn't cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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posted een jaar geleden 
id say Knuckles hated him of didn't care. i just zei they don't have the best relationship
musiclover2015 posted een jaar geleden
Atlahua said:
yes. they do fight a lot but remember tori they do make up... i miss locke soooooooooooooo much!
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posted een jaar geleden 
me 2! wah!:'(
musiclover2015 posted een jaar geleden
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