Hatsune Miku Miku should win best Artist of the world.

CommanderMina posted on Oct 12, 2010 at 06:52AM
My knowledge isnt great about music awards but I've always only just listened to music because it was just there but ever since i heard Hatsune Miku's voice i've been hypnotized by her voice. And if there is any such award as a best artist in the world she should win it hands down cumputer program or not.
 My knowledge isnt great about muziek awards but I've always only just listened to muziek because it was

Hatsune Miku 6 antwoorden

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een jaar geleden Gablogarb said…
For me" she is the most famous and beautiful singer in history, and have the most hypnotizing voice XD of all. I love Miku♥, she breaks the sell record and popularity level!^^
een jaar geleden ExtremeShinobi said…
Could any pls. check out my latest post of Hatsune Miku's Hologram concert captured videos, it's for free to download. Go ahead and try until it's Hot!!!
een jaar geleden HatsuneMiku- said…
Yes hatsune Miku should besides Hatsune Miku is way better than all the realaty singers. I love you forever Hatsune Miku.
een jaar geleden Neko_nyan24 said…
Nope she's not better at all but probably kagamine len or rin,or even megurine luka
NagisaFurukawa- commented…
Shut up. Hatsune Miku is best. That's why she is used meer than thw other Vocaloids. So take that u dumbass hater. :3 een jaar geleden
een jaar geleden NagisaFurukawa- said…
Hatsune Miku is the best. Nobody is better than her. Justin Beiber is a winy baby compared to my love Hatsune Miku. Win it all Hatsune Miku. Your the best,my waifu forever and always. Hatsune Miku in real life is the best ever. Hatsune Miku is my #1 favorite Vocaloid forever and always. :3 <3
 Hatsune Miku is the best. Nobody is better than her. Justin Beiber is a winy baby compared to my love
een jaar geleden simrananime said…
Noooo! She is just a computer programme...nd tbh sometimes her voice is very annoying. Well...it depends on the person who is using Her...Some producers r good at it....but she is definitely not the best. There r soo many other artists in this world who's music style is highly praised nd they deserve it....like Big Bang for example!~
last edited een jaar geleden