house of wax Club
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Q: Congratulations, u had a pretty big weekend last weekend. [He got married]

A wonderful weekend, thank you. It was phenomenal, the best dag of my life.

Q: How did u get involved with this – did u audition of did they come to u and say, ‘You’re our hero?’

Joel came to me and said, ‘You’ve been doing such a great job with everything else, I’d really love to have u as a part of this film.’ I always thought in the back of my head, can I do a horror, and I thought, ‘Hell, man, I can’t wait to give it a shot.’ And it was fun; it was a great time.

Q: Do u like horror...
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Q: Did u take any of the wax complimenten home pagina with you?

I don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but actual wax doesn't look like actual wax screen I guess. So it was a food preservative. So I took a lot of food preservative home pagina with me. It was a food filler with sort of a gelei substance -- and if u can imagine like curdled melk with a hair gel kind of thing. And that sort of had a good consistency that showed up on camera and was easier to maneuver than actual wax. And I guess if wax was liquid, it was going to be too hot.

So lucky me, the first thing that happened when I got there, I walk...
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Question: What appealed to u about the character of Carly?

Elisha Cuthbert: The character was most appealing at first because I was coming off of “The Girl volgende Door,” which sort of was a great first film for me, but I wanted to do something extremely different.

And when Joel brought me “House of Wax,” I thought this is perfect because the genre is different, the idea is different, and the character is nothing like Danielle in “The Girl volgende Door.” We kind of created Carly in the sense that she was a lot meer tomboyish, not so particularly pretty – but pretty in her own way -...
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Q: Good morning, Elisha. I think it's appropriate to say that u clean up nice. This shoot must have been grueling.

You not only go into the road kill pit, but the other things u go through. I think I went through the most…not prosthetics, but gore, blood, goo u know, everything. Green finger, the whole thing. We were strategically putting white dots on a green tip so we could digitally remove the finger. So it was like, don't touch the finger. Don't touch the finger. We have special dots on the finger. Also throughout the course of the film always bandaging the finger up and remembering...
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