Invader Zim Club
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added by Wicked-Invasion
added by misanthrope86
Source: Nickelodeon / Netflix
added by InvaderCynder
this is sort of my Theme Song when I'm around people that make fun of me. i just prey to anything that's powerful to take me away from this horrible planet. take me away to somewhere much better. not made door me.
invader zim
jhonen vasquez
posted by pumpkinqueen
Chapter Five, The Krazy Taco

We walk back to my house and go to my ship. "Ladies First" I say as I open the door for Jen to get in. Blushing slightly she smiles and jumps in. I jump in behide her, start the ship, and we qucikly fly off. Jen presses her face against the window "Wow, this is amazing! u can see everything from up here!" I chuckle "Yes, it's a much better way to travel. Much better then that horrble bus." We both start laughing, then Gir jumps out of his set and points to the fual meter "Master look, it's flashing red! I LIKE RED!" I look at it and he was right, it was flashing...
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added by misanthrope86
Source: edited door me
added by Ikuto_is_hot021
added by zagrfreak94
added by SweetSponge
Source: sum perzon on deviantart
added by SweetSponge
Source: me(Invader Sasha)
added by misanthrope86
Source: Nickelodeon
added by dragonrider
video made door SepirothBeatbyparrot on Youtube
video made door IrkenInvaderMiz on Youtube
invader zim
added by zagrfreak94
added by odd909
Source: me
posted by EmoCupCake
Heh please don't hate me this is my first IZ fic ^^;

Zim could only hold his curiosity for so long. Gir was continuously throwing himself at the floor, pounding his tiny fists into it,and yelling,
before standing up and repeating the process. It looked like he was having a tantrum.

"GIR! What are u doing?"

"SHH!" The robot put a finger to his metal lips before hitting the ground again. "I'm attacking the floor! It won't make me a sammich!"

Zims eyes narrowed as he took in what his slave had said. He quickly ignored his S.I.R units actions and began talking....
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added by girlover100
Source: girlover100
added by misanthrope86
Source: Nickelodeon / made door me
added by misanthrope86
Source: Nickelodeon / made door me
added by misanthrope86
Source: Nickelodeon / made door me